What’s Your Biggest Fear About Starting A Freelance Copywriting Business

I’ve been a freelance writer for over a decade now, and I’ve learned a lot about the business. One of my favorite aspects is that it’s never boring! Every day feels like something new and exciting, and I’m always learning new things. 

While working as a freelancer is obviously not without its challenges (like every job!), it’s also one of the most rewarding careers out there. But before you can start your own freelance copywriting business or even think about it you need to ask yourself some questions first. Let me guess: You’d love to find out what they are. Well then, here they are:

HOW TO: Start a Copywriting Business – YouTube
Overcoming fears is crucial for starting a freelance copywriting business.
Identifying your specific fears and addressing them directly can boost your confidence.
Research and preparation can help alleviate common startup anxieties.
Seeking advice from experienced copywriters can provide valuable insights.
Embracing challenges and viewing them as opportunities for growth is essential.

How Will I Find Copywriting Clients?

As a newbie freelancer, you may be wondering how in the world you’re going to find clients. It can feel like there are so many other copywriters out there and that it’s impossible for a newbie to compete with them.

That’s true! There are A LOT of freelance writers out there and more coming every day. However, if you learn how to market yourself effectively, you’ll be able to stand out from the crowd. In this article, we’ll go over some ways to make sure that happens:

Find your niche: You need a specialty before anything else because finding clients is all about being specific and focused on what makes your services unique or special. 

For example, if you love writing content for small businesses but have no experience in B2B sales collateral or creative writing projects such as blogs or eBooks; consider specializing in these areas instead by networking with other professionals who specialize in those fields (like publicists). 

The upside? This will allow you access to client networks where other freelancers might not have access themselves!

Be able to market yourself: Marketing isn’t just about making brochures or posting ads online it’s also about networking with people who influence within their respective industries/community groups so they spread word-of-mouth recommendations via social media channels like Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups; Meetups, etc., which means everyone benefits!

Building a successful freelance copywriting career requires dedication and the right strategies. Learn why copywriting is the only way to find success and discover how to navigate the competitive world of writing for a living.

What If I Don’t Have Any Copywriting Experience?

The good news is that you don’t need to have any copywriting experience to start your freelance copywriting business.

You can learn on the job by reading books and watching videos, taking courses, asking questions, and talking to people who already do what you want to do.

And if you’ve never worked as a freelance writer before, that’s okay too! You can read up on how others have started their freelance businesses and get some inspiration from them; this will help give you ideas about what your business will look like when it’s off the ground.

What If My Copywriting Skills Aren’t Great Enough Yet?

The good news is that copywriting is a skill that can be learned. While some people are born with an innate talent for writing (and others are not), most of us have to work at it and learn from trial and error.

Interested in becoming a copywriter and achieving financial independence? Our guide on how to become a copywriter and earn six figures in the next 12 months provides actionable insights and step-by-step advice to jumpstart your copywriting journey.

Here’s How You Can Learn The Skills You Need To Become A Great Copywriter

Read books on writing and marketing. There are lots of courses available online, as well as books on the subject matter.

Get feedback from other copywriters – get in touch with some local freelancers who might be willing to help you out! This is also a great way to make friends in your industry so keep this in mind when contacting them 🙂

How Do I Know If I Should Choose A Niche Or Work On Projects For Anyone Who Asks?

When you start a freelance copywriting business, it’s important to decide whether you want to be known as the go-to person for a niche or if you want to be open to any job that comes your way.

It’s totally fine if your goal is to work in many different niches and charge lower fees than other writers who are specialized in one area. However, if this is what you’re planning on doing then keep in mind that it may take longer for people to recognize how awesome your work is and why they should hire you instead of someone else.

It can also be difficult building up a reputation as an expert when there are so many other options out there competing with yours.

And while charging less might make sense financially at first, remember that clients prefer working with professionals who charge higher rates because they know they’re getting better quality services from them (not just because they have more experience). It also shows confidence in oneself!

How Do I Know What To Charge For My Services?

You’re not alone. As a freelance copywriter, it can be hard to figure out how much you should charge for your services. It’s a complex question since there are so many factors to consider.

First, what is the value of your skills? If you have writing skills and experience, this will make the process easier for clients because they know they’re getting someone who knows what they’re doing. The same goes for graphic design skills or any other specialized skills that might be part of your business plan.

Next, what is the value of your time? If you’re billing by the hour or day (as opposed to the per project), then this becomes an important factor in determining what kind of pay rate makes sense for both parties involved (you and the client). 

For example: if I’m only going to work on one project at a time instead of multiple projects at once (which would require more hours). 

It could take longer than expected depending on how complicated each piece gets and therefore potentially needing more time from me as well as paying me more money overall due solely based on quantity rather than quality being produced within those given deadlines/deadlines being met/etcetera.

Crafting compelling copy is an art that involves understanding what good copywriting looks like. Dive into our analysis of what good copywriting looks like and learn from real-world examples that showcase effective writing techniques.

Is It Even Possible To Make Enough Money As A Freelance Writer?

Yes, you can make a lot of money as a freelance writer. You might even make more than you ever did in your office job. But it depends on how many hours you’re willing to work and what kind of client/project mix you have going on.

The first thing to know is that while some companies pay writers per word (e.g., $0.05 per word), most companies pay writers by the hour or project instead of by the piece (e.g., $50/hour). 

This is because if they paid per piece, then they would have no control over how long it takes for those pieces to be written! 

The second thing is that most businesses have budgets for hiring freelancers and so they need to ensure their budget doesn’t get out of hand by paying higher rates than expected.

Spending too much time vetting candidates with low-quality work samples before deciding who gets hired as an employee instead versus being hired as an independent contractor within their own company’s payroll system.*

The question then becomes: How do we know if there will be enough work available at any given time? And does this mean there will always be enough opportunities available?

Will People Hate My Work And Make Me Feel Bad About Myself?

If you’re wondering how to deal with your fear of people hating your work, the best thing you can do is to be confident in your abilities. When you first start, this might be difficult because there is so much for you to learn about copywriting and business in general, but it will get easier as time goes on.

Your job as a freelancer will be made easier if have confidence in yourself and know that no one expects perfection from the outset (and neither should they). You’ll get better with experience—and yes, even after fifteen years of writing professionally at times I still don’t feel completely comfortable with some aspects of my craft! 

This means that even though there are plenty of things I know how to do well (keyword research being one), there are other areas where I need a little help from time to time. So don’t worry: everyone has their weaknesses.

It’s those little flaws that make us human! When someone sees them instead of just focusing on our strengths and good points we can sometimes feel insecure or defensive when all we need is some reassurance from others who aren’t afraid either way whether or not our work is any good.

Mastery in copywriting doesn’t always require perfection. Explore why you still don’t need to be a copywriting master to create impactful content that resonates with your audience and achieves your communication goals.

What Happens When No One Responds To The Copywriting Pitches I Send Out?

I’m sure that you have heard this before, but it bears repeating:

Keep Sending Out Pitches Until Someone Response

Don’t give up on your first try or two. That might not be the best time for a potential client to reach out to you, and there’s no way of knowing how many times they went through their list before they found yours. Don’t worry about the first few people who don’t respond. 

You can always send them another pitch in a few months when things are busier for them and/or when your business has grown more established (and hopefully more credible).

How Do I Write That Perfect Pitch Letter That Gets Me Hired On The Spot, Every Time?

A pitch letter is a sales letter. You’ve probably heard that before, but it’s important to keep this in mind as you write your pitch. You want to be clear and concise, with a call-to-action at the end (more on that below).

A pitch letter can be used as marketing material for your business. Think of it like an ad or commercial on TV it should have enough information that people will know who you are and what you do, without going into too much detail about the exact services you offer.

A pitch letter is an opportunity to showcase your skills and expertise in the field of copywriting, which means it’s also an opportunity to show off why they should hire YOU instead of someone else!

What If I Can’t Handle Financially Living Week-To-Week While I Build My Copywriting Business?

The main thing to remember is that you have to live frugally. This means that you should be willing to take on smaller jobs and be okay with making less money per hour than you would if you were working at an agency or larger company. It also means that you should be willing to take on jobs that pay more, but require more work and time spent writing copy.

It’s all about finding the balance between what makes sense for your business, and what works for your lifestyle. You may decide that it’s better for yourself, your family, or other responsibilities if you only accept clients with larger budgets, or who offer better rates per word than others do it’s completely up to you!

Starting a freelance copywriting business might come with fears and uncertainties. Discover insights and tips to overcome these challenges in our article about addressing fears when starting a freelance copywriting business, and empower yourself to take the leap into the world of independent writing.


We know it can be scary to think about starting a freelance copywriting business, but it’s also exciting! The good news is that there are plenty of resources out there for you to help you succeed. 

We’ve put together as many tips and tricks as we could think of in this post all in one place that will help make your journey into self-employment easier. If you want more info on how to get started, check out our guide on how to start a freelance writing business or read up on some other resources we’ve written about (like this one).

Further Reading

Explore more resources on overcoming fears and challenges in the world of freelancing:

Facing Your Freelancing Fears: A Guide Short Description: Discover common fears faced by freelancers and learn strategies to overcome them in this insightful guide.

Conquering Freelance Writing Fears on the Path to Success Short Description: Uncover practical tips and advice for freelance writers to conquer their fears and achieve success in their writing careers.

Five Frequent Fears of Freelancers and Clients – and How to Overcome Them Short Description: Explore the most common fears experienced by both freelancers and clients and find effective strategies to overcome these challenges.


What are the typical fears freelancers face?

Freelancers often fear inconsistent income, client dissatisfaction, and job instability.

How can freelancers overcome the fear of inconsistent work?

Freelancers can mitigate this fear by diversifying their client base, creating a strong online presence, and setting up an emergency fund.

What strategies help freelance writers succeed despite their fears?

Successful freelance writers focus on building a portfolio, networking, continuous skill improvement, and setting realistic goals.

How can freelancers manage the fear of client rejection?

Freelancers can manage client rejection by maintaining a positive attitude, seeking constructive feedback, and using rejections as learning opportunities.

What steps can freelancers take to address the fear of failure?

Freelancers can tackle the fear of failure by setting achievable goals, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and learning from mistakes to improve over time.