Writing well is hard. It takes a lot of time and dedication to get the words right, and even then, it’s not always easy. But if you’re starting in copywriting or have been working on improving your craft for a while, here’s a little secret: You don’t need to be a perfect writer.
I’m sure there will still be times when your writing isn’t up to scratch and that’s fine! Because there are many other ways we can write better than being perfect: We can learn from our mistakes.
we can read great examples of good writing by other people in our field, and we can keep practicing until eventually what used to feel like an insurmountable mountain becomes second nature (which sounds better than saying “it gets easier with practice” because who wants their job to get easier?).
Takeaways |
– Copywriting mastery isn’t the sole path to success. |
– Focus on improving your writing gradually. |
– Effective communication matters more than perfection. |
– Authenticity and understanding your audience are key. |
– Constant learning and growth are valuable in copywriting. |
1. Bluntness Can Be Brilliant
We all know that the most effective way to get your point across is to be blunt. But there’s a difference between being blunt, and just being mean. In copywriting, this means you should try to say what you mean, and avoid jargon. It also means being direct and honest with your audience.
If people don’t understand what you’re saying, they won’t buy from you—and if they feel like they’re being lied to or tricked into buying something else (like a free trial), then they might even sue!
Building a successful online presence requires mastering the art of copywriting. If you’re wondering why copywriting is so crucial, our article on Why Copywriting Is the Only Way to Find Success will provide you with valuable insights into this indispensable skill.
2. Tell Your Story
If you’re like most businesses, there are a lot of things that can make your business special to potential customers and they don’t all have to be related to the products or services you provide. Take time to think about what makes you different from other companies and express that in your copywriting. For example:
Use specific details (e.g., names of your products) instead of generalizations (e.g., “our products”).
Explain why people should buy from you over anyone else (e.g., “because we offer the best service in town”).
3. Be A Little Different From Everyone Else
This is an essential part of becoming a master copywriter. You must be able to think outside the box and do something different than what everyone else is doing. The key here is not to become too unique or different, but rather just enough so that you stand out from the rest.
Being different doesn’t mean being weird or strange, it simply means being yourself and creating your style. This can include using words you wouldn’t expect in a certain context, using slang instead of formal language, or even writing in a way that’s just plain fun!
Enhancing your writing skills can have a positive impact on various aspects of your career. Check out our list of Top 11 Things That Will Make You a Better Legal Writer for practical tips that can help you excel not only in legal writing but also in the world of copywriting.
4. Respect The Reader’s Intelligence
When you write copy, you are writing for your customers. Your job is to help them make an informed decision about their purchase and then to follow up with a quality product or service that meets their expectations.
If you treat people like idiots, they will treat you like an idiot and then they won’t buy anything from you again! When I’m looking at buying something new, the first thing I do is check out reviews of whatever company made it (both good and bad).
If there are too many negative ones or if there are enough mentions of poor customer service or lack of responsiveness on social media platforms, I immediately look elsewhere because those companies aren’t respecting me as a consumer and don’t deserve my business anymore either!
5. Don’t Try To Be Everything To Everybody
When you’re first starting, it can feel like you need to do everything to succeed: write your copy, design your ads, manage the social media accounts for your brand…the list goes on and on. And there are plenty of brands out there that are doing just that.
But if you limit yourself from being unique by trying to do all of this at once (and especially if your competitors are doing it), then how will anyone know what sets YOU apart from them? The key is finding a way of standing out from the crowd without sacrificing quality or experience; I call this being “differently familiar”.
Partnering with the right copywriting company can significantly influence the effectiveness of your content. To ensure you make an informed decision, refer to our guide on Questions You Should Ask Before Partnering with a Copywriting Company and get insights into factors to consider when selecting a partner.
6. Don’t Make It About You
It’s not about you. It’s not about me, either. The copywriter is essentially a ghost in the machine; they are there to take your words and make them even better, but they don’t need to be in the spotlight.
Doesn’t matter if it’s an email or a blog post or an ad it should focus on what that product does for people, how it makes them feel, and how it helps them achieve their goals. The more personal you can get, the better off your readers will be!
7. Keep It Brief
It’s all about efficiency.
If you’re trying to convince someone of something, it’s best to do so as quickly and succinctly as possible. That means cutting out any extra information that doesn’t provide value for your readers.
Don’t use filler words like “the” or “and”; don’t be afraid of bulleted lists; keep everything clear, brief and precise. When copywriting for clients, I often write things multiple ways sometimes writing out the same sentence three times with different wordings until we decide which one is best!
8. Cut Out The Cliches
You know how it goes: “Never say never,” “The best things in life are free,” and “Out of sight, out of mind.” You’ve probably heard these phrases so many times that they’ve lost their meaning altogether. And that’s too bad because they’re quite useful and can be just the thing to help your copywriting shine.
However, if you don’t want to sound like every other writer online (or offline), then do yourself a favor and avoid using cliches when crafting your next piece of content. Here are five reasons why:
They’re boring. We’ve all heard them before, so why would we want to read about them again? A good rule of thumb is this:
If most people will recognize what you’re saying as a cliche immediately after reading it for the first time even if it was written originally then chances are high that the information conveyed isn’t going to mean anything special or different from what everyone else has already said about the topic at hand.
It might even end up sounding condescending! Better leave this one out altogether rather than risk being seen as silly or unoriginal by using something that’s been done hundreds of times before without adding anything new or valuable into the mix itself (I’m looking at you here).
Crafting persuasive copy that resonates with your audience requires finesse and strategy. Discover the techniques to write copy that drives action without being pushy in our article on How to Write Copy That Makes People Take Action Without Being Pushy and harness the power of compelling communication.
9. Look For Inspiration In Unusual Places
If you’re struggling for inspiration, don’t worry. The world is full of things that inspire us and we can find them in all sorts of places.
You can look at the things that make you laugh, cry, or anything in between. You could take a look at your favorite TV shows and movies to see how they use words to tell their story. Or maybe check out what other people are doing on social media who give you goosebumps when they write.
10. Use The Subheadings To Break Up Your Copy And Make It Easy To Read Online
As a writer, you know how important it is to keep your readers engaged. For that to happen, you need to make sure that each paragraph is engaging and easy to comprehend. And what better way to ensure that than with subheadings?
Subheadings break up your copy into easily digestible chunks, making it easier for readers to skim through the document or find what they’re looking for. They also help them focus on the most important parts of the article, which will make them less likely to lose interest in your writing altogether.
11. Share Stuff That Might Not Be Relevant To Your Business, Service
The next time you find an interesting article or video, share it on social media with your followers and include a link back to your brand. This will increase the chances of people visiting your site because they want more information about what you shared.
If someone follows you because of those shares, there’s a good chance they’ll take a look at what else is going on in their feed and eventually notice other posts that could be relevant to them but aren’t directly related to the core business model (in other words, not all content has to be focused around selling stuff).
12. Use The Active Voice More Than The Passive Voice; It’s More Direct And More Compelling
It’s a common mistake to think that the passive voice is always better, but in reality, it can make your copy sound less direct and less compelling.
For example:
“It was decided that this task would be accomplished by me.”
There’s nothing wrong with this sentence, but you could make it more compelling by using active voice instead: “I will accomplish this task.”
Copywriting isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor, and challenges are part of the journey. If you’re exploring different aspects of copywriting and the reasons behind not thriving, our piece on 10 Types of People You Can’t Blame for Not Thriving in Copywriting sheds light on the diverse paths to success in this field.
13. Keep Your Paragraphs Short (A Maximum Of 150 Words) And Your Sentences Shorter Than That
A short paragraph is easier to read, easier to digest and remember, easier to share and skim. The shorter your paragraphs are the more likely you are to have a reader finish one before they stop reading. Readers can find it harder to stay engaged when they’re faced with long paragraphs that take up most of the page.
A longer-than-recommended sentence length might make your message hard to process – especially if you’re trying something elaborate like “alliteration.”
You risk losing readers at this point if they get bogged down in the details or can’t understand them quickly enough and give up on you altogether, so if your sentences are longer than what’s recommended above – consider breaking them into two separate ones instead!
Write Well, Write Honestly, Use Great Words And Respect Your Readers
When you write, you should be writing with honesty and integrity. You must write with passion and enthusiasm. Your writing should be clear and concise, but also with a narrative voice that respects your readers.
This is the type of copywriting we practice at CMI Copywriting – because it’s what works!
Our clients see higher conversion rates and increased sales when they work with us to create content for their websites or marketing campaigns because our team has mastered the art of communicating clearly in a way that leaves no doubt about what needs to be done next: call us now!
We hope that this post has given you some valuable insights into how to be a better writer. If we could leave with one piece of advice, it would be this: keep it simple. Aim for clarity and brevity over all else, and your readers will thank (and convert) you for it.
Further Reading
Check out these additional resources to delve deeper into the world of copywriting:
5 Reasons Why Copywriting Is the Best Job in the World: Explore the compelling reasons why copywriting is considered a rewarding and fulfilling profession.
Copywriting Skills to Succeed in Marketing: Discover essential copywriting skills that can lead to success in the dynamic field of marketing.
To Hire or Not to Hire: What Does a Copywriter Do and Do You Need One?: Understand the role of a copywriter, the value they bring, and when it’s beneficial to collaborate with one.
Here are answers to common questions about copywriting:
What is copywriting?
Copywriting is the art of crafting written content with the goal of persuading, informing, or engaging readers to take a specific action.
What skills do successful copywriters possess?
Successful copywriters possess strong writing skills, a deep understanding of target audiences, the ability to create persuasive narratives, and a knack for adapting their style to various mediums.
How does copywriting differ from content writing?
While content writing focuses on providing valuable information, copywriting is centered around influencing reader behavior, often with the aim of driving conversions or sales.
Can copywriting benefit my business?
Absolutely. Effective copywriting can enhance your brand’s messaging, improve customer engagement, and ultimately boost your business’s bottom line.
Do I need to hire a professional copywriter?
Hiring a professional copywriter can be beneficial, especially if you want to ensure high-quality, impactful content that resonates with your audience and achieves your business objectives.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.