You know what I mean. You’re a copywriter working on a project with another writer, and you’re both trying to write your content at the same time. But one of you refuses to move forward until every little detail is nailed down perfectly.
And then, when everything’s ready to go, that perfectionist has second thoughts about how perfect it all is and wants to start over from scratch again. Meanwhile, the other writer in the room just wants to get this thing done so they can move on to the next project and neither of them is getting anything done!
Takeaways |
1. Newcomers to the Field: Starting in copywriting can be challenging, especially for beginners. |
2. Non-Native English Speakers: Language barriers can hinder copywriting success for those not fluent in English. |
3. Lack of Training: Without proper training, it’s difficult to excel in copywriting techniques. |
4. Limited Creativity: Some individuals struggle to generate creative ideas necessary for compelling copy. |
5. Technical Writers: While skilled in technical topics, transitioning to persuasive copywriting can pose difficulties. |
6. Perfectionists: Overly critical individuals may struggle with the iterative nature of copywriting. |
7. Time Constraints: Lack of time can hinder the creation of high-quality copy. |
8. Inadequate Research: Without thorough research, copy may lack credibility and relevance. |
9. Fear of Rejection: The fear of rejection can deter individuals from fully engaging in copywriting efforts. |
10. Unsuitable Mindset: A negative or impatient mindset can impede the learning and growth needed for successful copywriting. |
1. The Perfectionist
There’s a difference between perfectionism and procrastination. You can indeed be a perfectionist, yet still, procrastinate on your work. And there are many other ways to be a perfectionist that doesn’t directly involve writing copy at all (e.g., spending hours looking up grammar rules while ignoring the fact that you need to finish editing this blog post.)
However, even if you spend too much time perfecting your work, it’s not necessarily bad. When it comes down to it: the perfect is the enemy of the good enough! So if you find yourself holding back because something isn’t quite right enough yet… well, maybe just let go?
Crafting clear and concise legal documents is essential in the field. Dive into our comprehensive guide on copyediting for lawyers to enhance your legal writing skills and ensure precision in your work.
2. The Unfiltered Idea-Generator
If you’re an idea-generator, you have a lot of great ideas and can think of them faster than anyone else. The problem is that not all of your ideas will be great and some aren’t even good.
Idea-generators are great at thinking up new ways to solve old problems or create something new, but they don’t always know which idea is best or how to write it down so someone else can understand it.
They often jump from one idea to the next without giving enough time in between for their mind to process what came before (and realize how wrong some previous thought was).
3. The Big Thinker
If you’re a big thinker and a writer, then copywriting is going to be your dream job. If you’re not one but want to be the other, then it may take some time for you to get there.
You can think of a big thinker as someone who has lots of great ideas and often comes up with them quickly, but they are also known for being bad at communicating those ideas. This could mean that they ramble on in meetings or emails because they’re used to having people understand them based on their personality alone (and not by what they say).
In addition, since big thinkers tend to approach things from an outside-in perspective rather than an inside-out perspective (which is what effective communication requires), it’s easy for them to miss key details about their work that others might find important when reviewing their work later on down the road (such as whether or not something sounds like gibberish).
Effective persuasion is a cornerstone of legal writing. Learn invaluable techniques from our guide on persuasive writing for lawyers to help you make compelling arguments and win cases.
4. The People Pleaser
The people pleaser is a bit of a catch-all category. This type of person is afraid of conflict, and they can’t stand the idea of upsetting anyone. They are also afraid that if they don’t agree with someone else’s opinion or choice, it will make other people dislike them.
This is why people who thrive in copywriting are not likely to be people pleasers: they want to do what they think is right for their clients–and that means sometimes saying no (or yes) when it’s necessary.
The fix? Practice saying no until you get used to it! Try using phrases like “I wish I could help more but…” Or “No thank you; I have other plans.” The more you say these phrases out loud, the easier it’ll be for you to stick with your instinctual response instead of caving in at the first hint of criticism or conflict
5. The Lone Wolf
There are two types of lone wolves in the world: those who are comfortable with working alone, and those who aren’t. The latter will have a harder time thriving in copywriting because they have a hard time taking direction from others and communicating their ideas.
If you’re not one for collaboration and communication, consider other roles that may suit your personality better, like being an entrepreneur or doing freelance work on the side.
You can become more comfortable with being part of a team by starting small—maybe this means asking for feedback on some ideas before sending them out into the world. Or maybe it means joining a local meetup group so you can get to know people outside of work before taking on bigger tasks together (like a writing copy).
6. The Eternal Optimist Or The Eternal Pessimist (Or Both)
The eternal optimist and the eternal pessimist are, in many ways, two sides of the same coin. They both have the same problem: they never see that things can be better than they are right now. They both have the same solution: reject this thought, and focus on positive outcomes. And they both have their own goals to succeed at what they do and to succeed in life itself.
But while these goals are similar, their results are not: one will thrive in copywriting while the other struggles; one will live a full life while another dies young; one will take risks while another only takes orders from others…
Proper legal research is fundamental for any student attorney. Explore our collection of legal research guides to equip yourself with the skills needed to excel in your studies and future practice.
7. The Dreamer And The Doer Rolled Into One
Some people are dreamers who want to live their dreams. Some people are doers who want to make their dreams come true. And some people are both, but they’re not sure what they should be doing first.
If you’re the dreaming type, you may have a hard time sitting down and writing something that people will read. If you’re the doer type, then it’s possible that once you get started on writing copy, it’s hard for you to put your computer down until every word has been finished.
The best way through this conundrum is self-awareness: do some soul searching about whether or not being able to do both (or neither) is working for or against your goals as a writer.
8. The Over-Researcher And Over-Thinker Who Can’t Move Past The Analysis Phase To Actually Write Anything Down On Paper (Or In Google Docs)
You know this person. They are the one who has done a ton of research and found out that there’s no such thing as a perfect first draft. Or, they’ve learned that every writer has their system, and they want to try theirs out before they write anything down.
This is where things get tricky: Researching and learning about how to write doesn’t hurt anyone (unless you do it too much). The problem comes when you start over-thinking every word and sentence of your copy, trying to find a way to make them just perfect so that everyone will love it.
The solution for this type of writer is simple: Just start writing! The more you write even if it’s not great the better writer you’ll become at writing quickly and getting through your thoughts onto paper/screen as quickly as possible.
9. The Quiet One Who’s Just Not Sure If Their Voice Is Worth Hearing
The quiet one who’s just not sure if their voice is worth hearing.
If you’re like me, you’ve been there. You may even be there right now. I was terrified of speaking up for years because I was afraid of being wrong, being judged, and sounding stupid in front of other people. It wasn’t until I realized the importance of having a strong voice that I decided to take a deeper dive into what it was that kept me from speaking up more often: fear!
But wait why would anyone be afraid of having a voice? Well, we all want our voices heard and appreciated by others. And before we know it, we’ve got so much anxiety about whether or not someone will listen to us or care about what we have to say that we keep our mouths shut out of fear…and then nothing gets done!
Mastering the art of writing legal memoranda is crucial for conveying complex legal issues clearly. Follow our step-by-step guide on writing a legal memorandum to ensure your legal arguments are well-structured and convincing.
10. The Grammar Savant
Grammar is important, and it can be embarrassing to make a mistake. A typo or misused apostrophe can make you look unprofessional and make your copy look sloppy. It’s also a common source of embarrassment for writers who have never been formally educated in writing, so it may be easy for them to feel insecure about their ability to write well.
If you’re not sure how much of an impact grammar mistakes can have on your business, just think about how many times you’ve seen a sign in the window of a coffee shop with “FREE WI-FI” spelled incorrectly as “FREE WIFI.”
All joking aside though: this might seem like an insignificant detail but imagine if every single customer came away from that shop thinking that they’d been served by an idiot? Even worse what if some customers felt unsafe because of these signs? Imagine if the safety precautions put up by businesses were written by someone who didn’t know any better!
Ultimately, most people have no time for grammatically incorrect content and even those who do won’t bother reading anything long enough for it matters!
Incorporating anecdotes can add depth and engagement to your writing. Discover how to skillfully use anecdotes in your legal work by reading our insights in writing anecdotes and improve your overall writing prowess.
So, we’re not saying that these are all bad things. And we aren’t saying that you should feel sorry for anyone who falls into one of these categories.
The point here is to understand that there are a lot of reasons why people don’t thrive in copywriting and other creative professions, and it’s important to know what those reasons may be so we can have compassion for those who are struggling.
Further Reading
15 B2B Copywriting Rejects: Learn from Real-Life Examples Explore real-life B2B copywriting rejection cases to understand common pitfalls and improve your copywriting strategy.
10x Freelancer: Unlocking Freelance Copywriting Success Discover effective strategies to elevate your freelance copywriting career and achieve remarkable success.
Customer-Repellent Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid Learn about copywriting mistakes that can drive customers away and gain insights into creating more engaging content.
What are some common mistakes to avoid in B2B copywriting?
In B2B copywriting, it’s important to avoid jargon-heavy language and focus on clear, value-driven communication that addresses the needs of your target audience.
How can I enhance my freelance copywriting business?
To excel as a freelance copywriter, you can optimize your client acquisition strategies, refine your copywriting skills, and build a strong online presence through effective marketing.
What are customer-repellent copywriting mistakes?
Customer-repellent copywriting mistakes include using overly complex language, not addressing customer pain points, and failing to provide clear solutions to their problems.
How can I improve the effectiveness of my copywriting?
To improve the effectiveness of your copywriting, focus on crafting compelling headlines, using persuasive language, and ensuring your content is well-structured and engaging.
What is the significance of learning from rejected copywriting examples?
Studying rejected copywriting examples can provide valuable insights into common errors and help you refine your writing approach to create more impactful and successful copy.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.