What Good Copywriting Looks Like

Writing is a very subjective thing. Some people love the way that Hemingway writes, while others find it boring and confusing. The same goes for copywriting. Some people like the way I write on my blog, while others find it too wordy and want me to cut down on my word count.

So what makes good copywriting? Is there such a thing? And if so, how do you know if your copy is any good or not? Well, let’s explore this question by looking at some examples of good (and bad) writing:

Complete Copywriting Tutorial – Examples, Tips and Formulas
1. Clear and Compelling Headlines
2. Audience-Centric Approach
3. Engaging and Persuasive Content
4. Strong Call to Action
5. Authentic and Consistent Brand Voice
6. Effective Use of Storytelling
7. Addressing Pain Points and Needs
8. Building Emotional Connection with Readers
9. Crafting Concise and Impactful Messaging
10. Adaptation to Different Marketing Channels

Your Words Should Be Confident, Clear, And Concise

Your words should be confident. Confidence is key to any good copywriter. You have to believe in your product, and you have to know that what you’re writing is true and helpful for the reader. But it goes deeper than that you also have to understand how people think and what they want from a piece of content, because if you don’t, then no one else will either.

If we look at the first example again: “I write copy like magic!” Well…you do? I mean, it sounds pretty magical! It’s almost like someone went into Harry Potter world and stole one of Dumbledore’s wands or something. But let’s retake a look at this sentence: “I write copy like magic!” 

Whoa! What does this even mean? And why would anyone want me to write their copy like magic?! Is there some sort of wizardry involved here? How exactly does one go about writing code with spells instead of just using their fingers? This doesn’t make any sense at all!

Enhancing your legal documents through meticulous editing is crucial. Learn valuable techniques from our guide on copyediting for lawyers to ensure your legal writing is polished and effective.

Your Words Should Be Clear And Concise

Good copywriting is clear and concise.

Here are some tips: Use short sentences. Shorter sentences are easier to read and understand than long ones, which can make it hard for people to follow your writing. It’s fine to use a few complex or compound sentences now and then just don’t overdo it!

Use simple words. The best way to do this is by using active voice instead of passive voice whenever possible; active language tends to be more direct and concise than passive language, which often uses longer words in place of shorter ones (such as “it” instead of “I”). 

You’ll also want to make sure that you’re using the right word at the right time; if you don’t know what that means exactly, here’s where Google comes in handy! 

There are plenty of online dictionaries out there that can help us find the right word with which we can express ourselves clearly and accurately while still sounding natural when spoken aloud – so go ahead: give them a try 🙂

Your Language Should Speak Directly To Your Audience

The language you use in your copy should reflect the language your audience is likely to use when talking about the problem you are solving. If they talk about “insurance,” you should be talking about “insurance.” If they talk about “retirement savings,” you should be talking about “retirement savings.”

It’s important not only that your language reflects what people will say but also that it reflects what they understand, and find appealing and helpful. Consider this example: “If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 800-555-1234.” 

This would likely be considered by most people as an acceptable way to end a sales letter. However, if we change it slightly so that it reads: “For more information on any of these topics please call us at 800-555-1234.” 

This version still contains all of the necessary information (contact information), but it seems more friendly and personal because we address them by name (“anyone”). And because there are no other options given here – whether someone has a question or concern – using this form makes sure people don’t feel like their opinion doesn’t matter as much as others.

In the legal field, the power of persuasion is paramount. Explore our comprehensive guide on writing to persuade to discover strategies that can help you craft compelling arguments that resonate with your audience.

Your Copy Should Answer Questions

Your copy should be clear and concise. If you’re using words that are too complicated for your audience, you’re doing it wrong. You want to communicate with confidence, so avoid using jargon or industry-specific terms unless they’re relevant to the reader. 

You don’t even need to write “you” when giving instructions or advice; just tell them what they should do, and let them know why it’s important for them to take action now (or soon).

Your copy should also have personality. People love getting inside jokes from time to time and if you can make them laugh while educating them? Well played!

You should use social proof whenever possible as well this means mentioning statistics or citing industry research to show your reader that what you’re saying is true and accurate.

Your Copy Should Be Free Of Mistakes

There’s nothing more frustrating than a typo, so it’s important to make sure that your copy is free of mistakes. If you’re not a native English speaker and are still learning the language, ask someone to proofread your work before it goes out into the world.

Not only will this ensure that there are no spelling or grammar mistakes in your copy, but it can also help you spot any word order issues (this is something I’m always guilty of). 

It’s easy to assume that everyone knows what “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” means when they read it, but if you’re reading it out loud or writing on paper instead of a screen as was once common it might be unclear who the subject is. The same goes for punctuation: some commas are necessary while others aren’t used as often as we think they should be.

Finally, make sure that every word choice makes sense in context! This includes using words correctly (e.g., “further” versus “farther”) and avoiding slang unless necessary (e.g., “yup” instead of “yes”).

Your Copy Should Have Personality

Let’s start with the basics. When it comes to writing a compelling piece of copy, many people make the mistake of trying to sound formal and professional at all times. This can come off as dry and uninteresting. 

Instead, you should write in the first person and use a conversational tone throughout your writing. By doing this, you’ll be able to create a sense of familiarity with your reader that makes them feel like they’re having a conversation with another human being not reading an ad!

We’ve all seen those ads where no one ever talks about anything other than what they’re selling (you know which ones we’re talking about). While these ads may work for some products or services, most consumers are looking for something more personal and engaging than just another sales pitch disguised as text on their computer screen.

While there are certain things you want to avoid when crafting your communication strategy (like using jargon), there are also several things that should always be included:

Humor – Humor is one way we connect with others because it helps break down barriers by making us all feel comfortable around each other. It also gives us insight into someone’s personality traits so that if we see something funny about them then we know whether or not they might fit into our circle well or not (and what kind). 

If someone doesn’t find humor important then this could indicate some serious problems down the road when trying to build rapport between coworkers or teammates who joke around together regularly.”

Providing effective legal guidance demands more than just knowledge of the law. Our article on 17 hints for effective legal guidance outlines practical tips to ensure your legal advice is clear, concise, and impactful.

You Should Communicate A Sense Of Urgency

Whether you’re writing copy for a website, marketing materials, social media posts, or emails, there is always an opportunity to use urgency. Urgency is an important part of all marketing and sales strategies because it adds a sense of urgency to your offer.

Here Are Some Different Ways You Can Create A Sense Of Urgency

Use deadlines  Adding deadlines to your offers help convince customers that they need to act quickly to get the best deal on something. For example, if you have a limited time offer for one day only!

Offer limited availability  If there are only 10 or 20 units available at a special price for today only?

Use scarcity-Scarcity plays into our instincts as humans by making us want something, even more, when we think it might be gone soon

You Should Use Social Proof Whenever Possible

Social proof is a very powerful tool. It makes people believe that something is good because other people have already tried it and liked it. Social proof is used in movies, commercials, and even on websites to convince you that the product or service being offered will work for you as well.

If you can show your potential clients that others have been successful using your services or products then this will increase their confidence in making a decision. They’ll feel more confident in buying from you because they won’t be worried about wasting their money if others have been happy with their purchases.

You Should Always Avoid Jargon Or At Least Minimize It

Jargon is a word or phrase that is used by a particular group of people but is not understood by people outside that group. It can be used to make you sound more technical and knowledgeable about something in your area of expertise (or just to sound cool). But most often, it’s just an annoying way of talking like no one else understands your world and they probably don’t.

Examples of jargon include: “blue sky thinking,” “bandwidth,” and “upsell.”

Communicating professionally with judges is an essential skill for legal professionals. Dive into our insights on writing the perfect email to a judge to grasp the nuances of composing emails that convey respect and clarity.

You Should Always Use Active Voice As Much As Possible

Write in an active voice as much as possible.

Active voice makes your copy clear, concise, persuasive, credible, interesting, and memorable. It also makes it conversational. When you use passive voice instead of active voice (as most beginners do), you need extra words to express the same idea: “It was discovered that this product is superior.

But when you write in an active voice: “We discovered that this product is superior,” you’re able to express the same idea without adding unnecessary words. That’s why we say: Write ce as much as possible in an active voice!

You Should Write In Second Person As Much As Possible

Writing in the second person is more engaging, less formal, less likely to offend, and more likely to be read, remembered, and shared. You should write in the second person as much as possible.

This is especially true for business writing that needs to keep readers interested from start to finish. Writing in the first person (“I”) can make your audience feel like they are being lectured by a know-it-all colleague who thinks they have all the answers. 

Writing directly at an audience using “you” or “your” will immediately put them on the defensive especially if you use it multiple times in a piece of text.*

Everything You Write Is Clear, Concise, And Well-Structured

Good copywriting is clear, concise, and well-structured. It’s easy to read and understand because it uses short sentences and paragraphs, has plenty of white space, and is organized logically. Good copywriters also use lots of bullets, lists, tables, and other visual aids to break up long blocks of text.

Good Copy Is Clear

You want your readers to be able to understand what you mean and quickly! That means writing in a way that’s easy for them to follow: no jargon; no complicated sentence structures or syntaxes; no overcomplicated words or phrases (“subconscious” instead of “unconscious”; “receive” instead of “accept”). Your goal should always be clarity first.*

Crafting persuasive legal briefs requires a mastery of language and structure. Learn valuable techniques from our guide on writing legal briefs that rule to ensure your arguments are compelling and your points are effectively communicated.

Good Copy Is Concise

If you have important information that needs saying then say it but don’t stop there! Cut out everything else so that your message will get through clearly without any extra words getting in the way.* If someone can’t figure out what’s going on with just one paragraph then maybe they shouldn’t be reading your material at all!


I hope this gives you a good foundation for knowing what good copywriting looks like. It’s not just about writing well it also means being able to communicate effectively with your audience and tell stories that resonate. 

The more you know about how your audience thinks and feels, the better you’ll be able to write for them. And if you can do all of these things consistently in every piece of writing, then trust me when I say: You will be one helluva writer!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further enhance your understanding of copywriting examples:

Drip: Copywriting Examples: Explore real-world copywriting examples that demonstrate effective techniques for engaging and persuading your audience.

Creative Copywriter: Copywriting Samples: Dive into a collection of copywriting samples that showcase the art of crafting compelling and impactful content.

ActiveCampaign: Copywriting Examples: Discover a range of copywriting examples and insights to elevate your communication strategies and connect with your target audience.


What are the key elements of a successful copywriting example?

A successful copywriting example typically includes a clear and attention-grabbing headline, engaging content that resonates with the target audience, a compelling call to action, and a tone that aligns with the brand’s voice.

How can I use copywriting examples to improve my own writing?

Studying copywriting examples allows you to analyze effective techniques, such as persuasive language, storytelling, and addressing pain points. By applying these insights to your writing, you can create more compelling and impactful content.

Where can I find copywriting samples for different industries?

You can find copywriting samples for various industries on websites, blogs, and portfolios of professional copywriters. Additionally, marketing and content creation platforms often share case studies and success stories that include copywriting examples.

What role does storytelling play in copywriting examples?

Storytelling is a powerful tool in copywriting as it helps create an emotional connection with the audience. Incorporating relatable stories into your copy can capture attention, evoke emotions, and make your message more memorable.

How do copywriting examples differ in various marketing channels?

Copywriting examples may vary depending on the marketing channel. For instance, social media copywriting might focus on brevity and impactful messaging, while email copywriting could emphasize personalization and addressing pain points. It’s essential to adapt your approach to suit the channel’s unique characteristics.