How To Do Keyword Research For Long-Tail Keywords

The first thing you need to do when preparing for an SEO campaign is keyword research. This will give you a comprehensive list of relevant keywords to target, as well as insights into your competition and what people are searching for on Google.

How to Choose Long Tail Keywords For Explosive Search Traffic
Keyword research is crucial for long-tail keyword optimization.
Using appropriate tools can streamline the keyword research process.
Understanding user intent is essential to find relevant long-tail keywords.
Long-tail keywords often have lower competition and higher conversion rates.
Incorporating long-tail keywords can enhance your website’s SEO performance.

1. Self-Assessment

The first step to keyword research, and any type of marketing, is self-assessment. You need to know your strengths and weaknesses before you can make the most of your efforts.

Achieving high rankings for your blog’s target keyword is every content creator’s dream. Learn the essential techniques for optimizing your blog in our guide on how to rank your blog for your target keyword and watch your content soar to the top!

Know Your Business Goals

What are your business goals? Do they include attracting new customers who are actively searching for a solution to their problem or just keeping existing customers happy? Do you want more people to visit your website or do you want them to convert once they get there?

These types of questions will help inform which keywords would work best for your business model. They also help determine whether it should be SEO, PPC, or Social Media ads that drive traffic instead of organic search results (e.g., Google Search).

2. Choose Your Target Audience

Now that you know what long-tail keywords are, how to find them and why they’re important, it’s time to pick your target audience. A target audience is the group of people you want to reach with your content. The best way to define a target audience is by their interests, demographics (age range and location), and personal preferences instead of their personal preferences.

A good way to start defining a target audience is by using Google AdWords’ interest targeting tool as a guide. The tool will show which keywords your potential customers are searching for frequently using Google Ads campaigns related to your business or industry. 

Try searching terms related to the products or services you offer to get inspiration on what keywords would be relevant for your business or industry.

3. Narrow Down Your Topic List

Now that you have a list of potential long-tail keywords, it’s time to narrow them down.

Don’t be afraid to be specific with your keyword research and add more detail to the topics. Vague keywords are too broad to rank easily on search engine results pages (SERPs). But don’t get carried away either; make sure there is still room for other people to compete with you in those SERPs by making sure your keywords aren’t so niche that only you could rank for them.

Don’t be afraid of going broad or deep when choosing which long-tail keywords you want to target. 

If a basic keyword has thousands of monthly searches but doesn’t provide much value beyond its surface meaning. 

then it doesn’t make sense for your business goals or customer base unless the company already has an established brand presence online that can benefit from showing up first whenever someone searches for those terms online and even then it may not work out well because the search volume isn’t high enough yet!

Are you passionate about writing and want to turn it into a profitable venture? Discover the secrets to building an effective and lucrative SEO writing business in our comprehensive guide on how to build an effective, profitable SEO writing business. Get started on your journey to success today!

4. Know Your Competition

Knowing your competitors is crucial in any field, and SEO is no different. You should know who they are, how well they’re doing, and what they’re doing that you can learn from. Knowing this information will give you an edge over your competition as it allows you to differentiate yourself while also being able to identify keywords that they may not be targeting.

For example, let’s say that a competitor of yours has a blog post with the following title: “

How To Do Keyword Research For Long-Tail Keywords.” It’s clear that keyword research for long-tail keywords is something this person knows a lot about (they’ve probably done their research), but if we look at their website homepage, there’s no mention of long-tail keywords at all! What gives?

Well after doing some digging around on Google Analytics (or whatever analytics software /service your site uses) 

I found out that this competitor was getting most of their traffic from Google searches like “how do I find long tail keywords” or “what are some examples of long-tail keywords,” which means these people were looking for short-tail versions of these topics instead! 

That means our competitor has missed out on thousands upon thousands of potential visitors by not having one single article targeting those terms!

5. Compile Your Short List Of Keywords

It’s time to compile a short list of keywords. You can do this by using any one of the following tools:

A keyword suggestion tool. These are usually free and will give you a long list of ideas, but they’ll often include irrelevant terms or ones that aren’t as popular as they could be.

A keyword research tool. These are paid services that provide in-depth information about how competitive a specific term is, along with related terms and suggestions for other words to use in your content when writing blog posts or product descriptions.

A keyword generator. These allow you to enter keywords and phrases into one field, then generate dozens or even hundreds at once based on what types of results were found during the search process (usually including some duplicates). 

With these tools, it’s important not only to consider whether each word is relevant for what you’re writing about but also whether any terms are too similar; if so, remove them from both lists before moving forward with compiling your final list!

Want your web content to rank higher in search engines? Master the art of SEO writing with our practical tips and techniques. Check out our guide on how to write SEO web content that ranks in search engines and boost your online visibility now!

How To Do Keyword Research Like A Pro

Keyword research is a powerful tool for learning about your audience, their needs and interests, and generating ideas for new content. You can do keyword research in many different ways, but there are a few simple steps that will help you to ensure you’re getting the most out of the process:

Use the Google Keyword Planner’s Search Volume Tool to find out how many people are searching for your selected keywords on Google. This data is based on actual searches made by people using Google (rather than estimated numbers), so it gives an accurate picture of how many viewers might be interested in what you’re offering.

Use the Google Keyword Planner’s Advertiser Competition Tool to find out how difficult it would be to rank well against other companies who want that same space in search results. 

This tool helps identify which keywords will have more competition (because more advertisers are bidding on them) and which ones will have less competition (meaning there’s less chance of someone else beating you to that spot). 

Again, this information comes directly from actual data about what people searched for when looking for products similar to yours so it’s much more accurate than estimates based on guesswork or assumptions about consumer behavior patterns!

6. Create A Buyer Persona

Your buyer persona is a fictional representation of your target audience, complete with the information you would need to create content that will resonate with them. 

This can help you identify their pain points and interests, which are valuable tools in your content marketing strategy. To make this process easier, try using free tools like Google Analytics Audience reports or Facebook Audience Insights.

You may not want to spend too much time on this step it’s not necessary for every website but it can be incredibly helpful if you plan on investing more time in building relationships with potential customers through marketing efforts.

7. Use The Google Keyword Planner’s Search Volume Tool

The search volume tool is a great way to find low-competition keywords. That’s because the low competition doesn’t necessarily mean high search volume or vice versa. It depends on the type of keyword you’re looking for and how many people are searching for it.

If you’re going after long tail keywords that aren’t being searched by many people, use this tool to find them! This will give you more insight into how many people are searching for those terms and whether they’re even worth pursuing as potential keywords.

8. Use The Google Keyword Planner’s Advertiser Competition Tool

The Google Keyword Planner’s Advertiser Competition tool lets you find keywords with low competition and high volume. This is a great way to target your ads, as well as make sure you’re using keywords with enough searches to be worthwhile.

You can also use this tool to find alternative keywords that have a lot of searches, but less competition for your ads. For example, if the competition for a keyword is high, it might be worth trying out some related keywords instead (when possible). This will give your ad more visibility without having to compete against so many other advertisers.

Finally, if you see a keyword that has low competition and high volume but isn’t relevant or fits into what you’re trying to achieve in terms of branding strategy or message tone don’t hesitate! Add it right away because there are plenty more fish in the sea when it comes down to long-tail keyword research:

Curious about how to embark on a career in SEO writing? Learn from the experiences of others in our insightful article on how I learned SEO writing & how you can too. Discover valuable tips and advice to kickstart your journey into the world of SEO content creation.

9. Use The Google Keyword Planner’s Ad Group Ideas Tool

The Google Keyword Planner’s Ad Group Ideas tool is a great way to find keywords that have the potential to bring in traffic and convert.

Simply enter in your seed keyword and it will return related keywords with their monthly search volume, competition level, suggested bid price, and a few other factors (like if there’s a low click-through rate).

This is useful because you can use these numbers as an indicator of whether or not the keyword will be worth targeting. For example, if a particular keyword has high search volume but low average CPCs, it might be worth prioritizing for your business.

10. Identify And Group Related Keywords Together Under Common Subtopics Or Phrases (Silo Structure)

Identify and Group Related Keywords Together Under Common Subtopics or Phrases (Silo Structure)

This is the last step of your keyword research. It will help you to structure your content in a logical and easy-to-follow manner that makes sense for both humans and search engines.

The simplest way to do this is by creating an outline for your website, based on the keywords you’ve determined are most relevant for it. This will allow visitors to easily navigate through all of your content, as well as find what they’re looking for with ease.

11. Identify Your High-Volume Primary Keywords And Secondary Long-Tail Variations That Fit Together Accordingly (Latent Semantic Indexing)

Now it’s time to take the long-tail keywords you’ve identified and identify their high-volume primary keyword counterparts. The goal here is to find out how your audience talks about your product, service, or industry in general. This will help you create more effective content by allowing you to connect with users at a more personal level.

To do this, you can use one of two tools: Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs Keywords Explorer. Both offer an easy way to see which long-tail keywords are most popular among your target audience and what the top 10 related searches are for each term (which we’ll use later). 

Just enter that term into either tool and select “Top Searches.” You should now see something like this:

12. Identify The Theme Or Core Topic Each Page Will Cover 

Then organize it into headings that include the primary and secondary long-tail variations you identified above (theme modeling)

The first step to creating a page around a theme is identifying what the theme of that page will be. This can sometimes be easy, but sometimes it takes some digging.

Typically what we’ll do here is look at the top pages for our primary keywords and try to see if there are any commonalities among them. What are they talking about? How have they structured their content? 

Are there any common themes that emerge from these pages? Hopefully, when you look through your research, you’ll start noticing patterns and similarities between similar pages that suggest a core topic or main message that each one covers in its way.

13. Use Your Primary And Secondary Long-Tail Keywords To Inform How You Structure Each Page (On-Page Optimization)

Use your primary long-tail keyword in the page title and as a subheading.

Use your secondary long-tail keywords as subheadings throughout the content of your page.

Add one to three relevant keywords to each image alt text attribute, if possible.

Add one or two relevant keywords to the URL of each page, if possible. This is especially true for landing pages that are specifically targeting a specific search term (e.g., [Your Brand Name] + “Online Marketing” = https://www.yourdomainname/online-marketing). 

If you’re not able to include an exact match keyword in the URL itself, consider using it 2-3 times within the text of your meta description tag (which will display above all other elements on Google’s search results page), but be sure to stay focused on one specific topic and avoid overoptimizing–otherwise, you risk being penalized by Google’s algorithm!

Enhance your blog’s SEO performance with these 16 simple yet effective writing strategies. Our guide on 16 simple ways to write better SEO content for your blog will equip you with the tools to create engaging content that captivates both readers and search engines.


If you’re just starting with SEO, keyword research can be a daunting task. It’s tempting to try to find the “perfect” keyword that will magically skyrocket your website up the ranks and make you rich overnight. But, the truth is that there is no such thing as a perfect keyword at least not in marketing today. 

Many different factors go into choosing an SEO keyword: competition level, search volume, the relevance of the topic, etc. 

So don’t get too hung up on finding one single word or phrase that perfectly describes everything about what people want when they type in “buy shoes online” because it doesn’t exist! Instead of focusing on how many times per month people search for specific keywords (or how often they click on ads), use this guide by Moz Academy instructor Neil Patel.

Further Reading

Best Tools to Find Long-Tail Keywords: Explore a comprehensive list of top-notch tools that will aid you in discovering long-tail keywords to enhance your SEO strategy.

How to Choose Long-Tail Keywords: Learn the step-by-step process of selecting the most relevant and effective long-tail keywords for your content and website optimization.

Mastering Long-Tail Keywords: A Guide: Delve into the world of long-tail keywords with this in-depth guide, which explains how these targeted phrases can improve your search engine rankings and drive traffic.


What are long-tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords are highly specific and longer keyword phrases that typically have lower search volumes but higher conversion rates.

How do long-tail keywords impact SEO?

Long-tail keywords can improve SEO by attracting more targeted traffic, reducing competition, and enhancing the chances of ranking higher in search results.

How can I find relevant long-tail keywords for my website?

You can use various keyword research tools and methods to identify relevant long-tail keywords based on your niche and target audience.

Should I prioritize long-tail keywords over short-tail keywords?

Both types of keywords serve different purposes, but integrating a mix of both can create a well-rounded SEO strategy that targets different stages of the buyer’s journey.

Can long-tail keywords improve my content’s relevance?

Yes, incorporating long-tail keywords into your content can make it more relevant and tailored to specific user intents, leading to better engagement and user satisfaction.