16 Simple Ways To Write Better SEO Content For Your Blog

SEO content is the foundation of any website. It’s what your readers will see and interact with most often, so you must make sure it’s good. However, writing SEO-friendly content isn’t always easy and can be hard to get right. Luckily though there are some simple things you can do to ensure your posts are ready for search engines:

Use These Blog Post Templates to Write Better SEO Content
1. Focus on keyword research to target relevant topics.
2. Create valuable, informative, and shareable content.
3. Use headings and subheadings to organize your content.
4. Optimize meta titles and descriptions for search engines.
5. Incorporate relevant internal and external links.
6. Write compelling and attention-grabbing introductions.
7. Make use of bullet points and lists for readability.
8. Use descriptive alt text for images and multimedia.
9. Pay attention to on-page SEO elements, such as URLs.
10. Keep your content updated and fresh.
11. Utilize social media to promote your blog posts.
12. Engage with your audience through comments and feedback.
13. Monitor and analyze your blog’s performance.
14. Aim for longer, comprehensive blog posts when suitable.
15. Stay consistent with your blogging schedule.
16. Focus on providing value and solving your readers’ needs.

Start With The Headline

Start with a good headline.

  • Use a keyword.
  • Use a question.
  • Use a statistic.
  • Use a quote.

Use an image or video clip from your site, if it’s relevant to the topic of your post and you have the right to use it in your content (don’t forget to include attribution). This will help increase engagement and user experience, which can lead to more organic traffic via social media platforms like Pinterest or Facebook! 

This can also boost SEO because Google rewards sites that load quickly by ranking them higher in search results so having images embedded directly into your blog posts makes them easier for Google’s bots to crawl and index faster than if they had been hosted elsewhere on the web (e.g., YouTube) 

Instead of linked directly within each blog post itself – thereby giving Google more opportunity over time

Writing for magazines opens up exciting opportunities for aspiring writers. If you’re wondering how to break into this field, our comprehensive guide on becoming a magazine writer can help you get started on your writing journey.

Use Correct Grammar And Use Strong Verbs

Grammar is important. Always use strong verbs, active voice, and correct punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.

If you’re not sure what any of this means, don’t worry we’ll get into the details later in this article. For now just know that if you want to write good SEO content for your blog or website and make the most out of your time spent writing it, then grammar is an absolute must!

So let’s learn how to do it right!

Use SEO Friendly Content Like Images And Videos

Using images and videos is one of the best ways to improve your SEO content.

It’s easy to do and can make all the difference in how well you rank on Google.

Use images to break up the text – If you are writing a blog post that goes into great detail about something, consider using an image or diagram in between paragraphs or sections of text. 

It will enhance readability, allowing readers to stop and digest each idea before moving on to the next. This will also help with SEO because if users don’t finish reading any paragraph they’ll still see it at a glance when they scroll down through their browser window (or whatever device they’re using).

Use videos where appropriate – Videos are another way of breaking up the text on your blog posts without making them harder for people who haven’t finished reading everything yet! 

You could use videos that explain more complex concepts than what could be done through text alone (like showing how something works) or even just showing examples of how something works so readers can visualize rather than imagine what you’re describing in words only

Mastering the art of SEO writing can boost your content’s visibility and reach. Dive into our comprehensive guide, The Ultimate Guide to Writing Like an SEO Wizard, and learn the best practices to enhance your SEO writing skills.

Put A User-Friendly Url In The Title

When you’re writing the title, be sure to include a user-friendly URL. A good rule of thumb is to use a short, descriptive URL that includes keywords. For example, if your article is about SEO copywriting and it’s on your blog at blog.yourdomainname.com, the title should look like this:

Google does not favor keyword stuffing in URLs but it does favor using hyphens between words and numbers or letters (e.g., “1-year-old-baby”) instead of underscores (_). 

Use hyphens only when necessary for example, if you want to include an internal link within the same post or another one that’s part of your site architecture (for instance, maybe there are three different pages about child safety). 

If you can’t avoid using underscores in the URL string because of technical limitations with WordPress or another platform then try adding them as close as possible to each other — preferably right after each other.”

Include Keyword Tags At The Beginning Of The Post Or In The Title

Use keyword tags to optimize your content.

This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your website’s SEO. While some people think that keywords are just something Google looks at, they’re great for readers as well! 

You can use keywords in your post titles, in the first paragraph of your post, and even throughout the entire article (but don’t go overboard). Including them will help you rank higher in search engines and makes it easier for people who find your website via search engines to find exactly what they’re looking for on your site. 

Plus, if you’ve used a tag correctly and not just slapped it on there haphazardly then each time someone clicks on those tags when searching Google or another search engine (like Bing), then it’ll take them directly back to a relevant article about that topic instead of sending them somewhere else entirely unrelated!

Use tags for social media sharing purposes too!

When creating an infographic or video from one of our posts we also include “tags” which allow us access to specific groups where people interested in these topics already congregate online so we can share with them directly rather than hoping someone finds us through generic searches like “Infographics” 

Or whatever other category might exist out there today…and tomorrow too!

Time is of the essence when it comes to SEO-friendly content creation. Learn how to craft compelling articles that rank high in search engines with our guide on writing an SEO-friendly article in under 48 hours.

Put Keywords In Your Paragraphs And Use Them Throughout

When writing your content, make sure to use keywords in the first paragraph, last paragraph, and subheadings. The first sentence of a paragraph should also contain one or more keywords. 

When writing the last sentence in each paragraph, you should use a variation of your keyword from earlier on in this section (and maybe even earlier in the post) – this gives Google something to talk about when it ranks your page:

Also, remember that you should be using some variation of those words throughout all sections of your text as well – never forget that SEO isn’t just about having one word appear in an article once or twice!

Write Keyword-Rich Titles And Meta Descriptions

When writing SEO content for your blog, use keywords in the title, meta description, and meta tags. It’s a no-brainer that to rank well in search engines, you need to include the right words and phrases in the right places—and your article titles are one of the most important places to do that.

Include keywords within the first paragraph of the article. It’s also important not just to use keywords when you write them but how you write them too: make sure they’re used naturally as part of sentences or phrases instead of just being thrown in there with no purpose or relevance to what you’re talking about about about at all. 

We’ve seen this happen before on our site people make lists with titles like “How To Write Better Content” which then actually tells us nothing about how we should go about doing this! That doesn’t seem very helpful, does it? 

No one wants advice from someone who knows nothing about what they’re supposed to be teaching us! In short: don’t fall into these traps; keep things relevant and useful for readers by including key points throughout each paragraph (while still sticking with one topic).

Use keywords again within the last paragraph-And finally; once again I’ll return here tomorrow at 5 AM sharp so please make sure all doors are unlocked etcetera if possible thanks bye now

Don’t Be Afraid To Add Links To Related Articles In Your Posts

If you already have some content on your website, link to it! This is a great way to keep readers informed of related information and help them understand how that information fits into the bigger picture.

You can also link to external sources within your content. There are endless ways that you can do this: links within quotes footnotes at the bottom of posts or pages (use a plugin like WP-Footnotes), or even just adding a few sentences explaining where you got your quote from.

Finally, don’t be afraid to add links to other websites and resources that support what you’re saying in your writing. You don’t have to worry about competition from these types of sites; they will only serve as further proof of why someone should read more about whatever topic they’re interested in reading more about!

If you’re just starting with SEO writing, it’s essential to learn the fundamentals. Check out our article on 11 Search Engine Optimization Tips for the Beginning Writer to kickstart your journey and avoid common pitfalls.

Link To Other Related Websites And Resources Within Your Post, As Well As External Sources Such As Wikipedia Articles

You should also link to other related articles in your post, including your own. You can also link to external sources such as Wikipedia articles, and finally, internal sources (links that are already on the page you’re writing).

If you’re writing a blog post about cats, for example, it would be helpful if you linked back to a previous article that talks about all the different cats in the world and what they look like. 

If people are interested in learning more about a particular type of cat or want more information on how to take care of them properly, they’ll be able to find that easily by clicking through your links throughout your post.

Don’t Forget To Include Anchor Text As Hyperlinks On Other Pages

You’re probably familiar with anchor text, but if not, it’s the text that appears in a hyperlink when you click on it. 

For example, if you were to type “This is an awesome SEO article!” and then add [click here] as your link, the text “Click Here” would appear when someone clicks on it. You should use this tactic sparingly because there are only so many times people want to see that same phrase before they start getting annoyed. 

However, if you use different variations of your keyword phrases throughout the content on your site (see point #10), then adding it into some areas makes sense because Google knows what these words mean!

Write Well-Researched, Useful Content That Will Attract Readers

When it comes to writing useful, well-researched content, the first thing you’ll want to do is make sure your topic is clearly defined. Writing something vague or overly broad will make it hard for your readers to find what they are looking for and may cause them to give up on your site altogether.

Once you have a topic in mind, start by doing a bit of research to see if anyone has already tackled this subject before you. If so, take note of what works well in those articles and use that as inspiration for your piece of writing. If there are no articles on the topic yet (or none that stand out), then go ahead with yours!

Effective SEO writing doesn’t mean following every rule blindly. Explore our insights on 15 Ridiculous SEO Writing Rules You Should Never Follow to understand the nuances and make your content stand out with smart strategies.


So there you have it, 16 simple ways to write better SEO content for your blog. We hope this article has given you some useful tips on writing better and more effective SEO content. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below in the comment section!

Further Reading

Optimize Blog Posts for SEO Visibility: Learn valuable tips and tricks to enhance your blog posts’ visibility and search engine rankings.

How to Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts: Discover the best practices for crafting blog posts that are optimized for search engines and appeal to your target audience.

Blogging for SEO: A Comprehensive Guide: Dive into the world of blogging for SEO and explore strategies to maximize your blog’s impact on search engine results.


How to optimize blog posts for SEO visibility?

To optimize blog posts for SEO visibility, focus on keyword research, use relevant headings, and create high-quality, shareable content.

What are the key elements of SEO-friendly blog posts?

SEO-friendly blog posts should include well-researched keywords, engaging content, proper formatting, and relevant internal and external links.

How can blogging improve my website’s search engine ranking?

Blogging consistently can lead to fresh, valuable content that attracts search engine crawlers and improves your website’s authority and ranking.

What is the ideal blog post length for SEO?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, but blog posts around 1,500 to 2,000 words tend to perform well in search engine rankings.

Can I use images and multimedia in SEO-friendly blog posts?

Yes, including relevant images, videos, and other multimedia elements can enhance user engagement and improve your blog’s SEO performance.