11 Search Engine Optimization Tips For The Beginning Writer

So, you’ve decided to start a blog or website. Good for you! The world needs more writers. But if you want people to read what you write, then you need to find ways to get your content in front of them. 

That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play. In this post, I’ll give some tips that will help your readers find your content via search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc

SEO For Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization
1. Understand the basics of SEO writing.
2. Conduct thorough keyword research.
3. Use relevant keywords strategically in your content.
4. Optimize meta tags for better search engine visibility.
5. Write high-quality and valuable content.
6. Focus on user experience and readability.
7. Use heading tags (H1, H2, etc.) effectively.
8. Create engaging and shareable content.
9. Optimize page load speed for better user experience.
10. Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.
11. Stay updated with SEO trends and best practices.

1. Decide On A Solid Keyword Strategy

Keyword research, analysis, and selection are the first steps to optimizing your content for search engines. You’ll have to analyze your target audience and their interests to select relevant keywords for both your SEO strategy and blog post topics (the two are not mutually exclusive). 

Also, think about the page titles and meta descriptions that you will use for each page so you can include them in those text boxes when creating or editing posts. This is important because readers won’t be able to see those words unless they click through from Google Search results pages (SERPs).

Writing SEO-friendly content is essential for success. Learn how to become an SEO writer on the side with our comprehensive guide to becoming an SEO writer on the side. Enhance your writing skills and boost your online presence!

2. Write Awesome Content That Your Audience Is Interested In And Wants To Read

Writing awesome content is the foundation of SEO. If your writing isn’t good, no one will care about what you have to say and won’t share it with their friends. 

The easiest way to write awesome content is to write about things that interest you and that others are interested in too. This doesn’t mean that you need to be an expert on every subject you write about, but having some knowledge of a topic helps immensely!

The best way for me personally is to find topics where I have a lot of interest in learning more about them or already know something about them; this makes it easier for me when researching because it’s not a completely foreign territory (yet). Some examples of topics I’ve written my articles on include:

How To Get A Job When You’re In College

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You can also look at what other people are doing (and how they’re doing it) by checking out sites like BuzzSumo or Ahrefs which analyze trending articles across thousands upon thousands of websites every day so they can tell us exactly what’s hot right now!

Many SEO writing rules can be counterproductive. Avoid the pitfalls by checking out our article on 15 ridiculous SEO writing rules you should never follow. Learn to focus on strategies that actually work.

3. Write For Your Audience, Not For The Search Engines

The search engines are smart, but they aren’t that smart. The algorithms used to determine where your article will rank in Google were created by humans, and they can only do so much. You need to help them out as much as possible.

If you write articles with the sole purpose of ranking highly on the first page of Google, it’s going to come off as unnatural and unappealing to readers and you’ll probably rank lower than your competitors who are writing great content for people instead of algorithms.

A good way to keep this in mind when writing is by using a keyword phrase once per paragraph or so; if the phrase is relevant then use it more than once per paragraph if needed.

4. Research Keywords Related To Your Topic And Integrate Them Into Your Work

Keywords are the most important part of SEO. They are the words that people type into search engines to find information, and they should be relevant to your content, audience, and niche. 

Researching keywords related to your topic can help you identify what people are looking for when they use a search engine, which is useful information for developing a content strategy. When writing your article or blog post:

Use Google’s keyword tool (https://adwords.google.com/o/Targeting/Explorer?KeywordPlanner) for suggestions in different countries

Look at other websites about similar topics as yours and see what keywords they’re using

5. Choose A Simple And Easy-To-Remember Domain Name

What is a domain name?

A domain name is the web address for your website. For example, this blog post’s URL (or “domain name”) is www.hubspot.com/blog/seo-beginner/tips-for-the-beginning-writer/. When you type this in your browser’s address bar and hit enter, you’ll be brought here! 

If you’re trying to find this page on another site by clicking on a link or an ad from elsewhere online, it might not be as easy: 

The words “Hubspot” and “blog” may sound familiar but unless you’re already familiar with HubSpot or our blog specifically (and even then), there are no guarantees how long it will take for someone else who wasn’t involved in creating this content to find the right place using only those terms as clues.

To avoid having potential readers click around aimlessly looking for what they came here for (and potentially lose interest), make sure that your chosen domain name includes words that are easy enough to remember without being too specific or general; choose something simple yet memorable so people can get back here easily again later if needed.”

Want to write like an SEO wizard? Our ultimate guide to writing like an SEO wizard has got you covered! Master the art of SEO writing and watch your content rank higher.

6. Make A List Of Related Keywords You Can Include In Your Article, Post, Or Page Title

Another thing you can do to boost your SEO is to make a list of related keywords and include them in the title tag and meta description. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about how to use semicolons properly, then you could include keywords like “categories,” “lists,” and “grammar” in your title tag.

When writing titles, think of it as an opportunity to tell Google whether or not this post will be interesting for them (and their readers). You mustn’t try too hard don’t use any word or phrase more than once unless it’s necessary (e.g., if one of these words is part of the topic being discussed).

7. Choose The Best Of These Keywords For The Title Of Each Article, Post, Or Page You Create (Within Reason)

Choosing the best of these keywords for the title of each article, post, or page you create (within reason) can help you get more traffic to your site. Here are some tips on how to choose keywords:

Use keywords that are relevant to your article. If you write about a certain topic and want people who search for that topic in particular, then make sure they see it in your title!

Use keywords that are relevant to your audience. The people reading what you write may be interested in something different than what they’re searching for so make sure they know what exactly. 

It is that will appeal most to them right away by using their terms throughout the page’s content instead of just sticking with “keyword stuffing” techniques like repeating an exact phrase over and over again without any context behind why said word choice makes sense at all times during reading but hey! 

That’s just me talking here 😉 It might work out better for some writers than others depending on their style preferences; this technique works best when used sparingly enough so as not to overwhelm readers but still give them enough info about topics discussed within each piece clearly explained without needing further explanation from elsewhere (e..g., other sources).

8. Make Sure That Your Keywords Are Placed Appropriately Throughout The Body Of Your Article, Post, Or Page Content (Don’t Overdo It)

It is important to develop a keyword strategy for your website. One thing that you want to watch out for when developing your keyword strategy is over-optimization. You don’t want the search engines to think you’re trying too hard so they drop your rankings or view them as spammy.

Use keywords in the first paragraph, last paragraph, and the first sentence of each paragraph on your page. This will help provide context around the subject matter at hand. Also, be sure to use keywords in the first and last sentences of every section on your page (headers).

Time is of the essence when it comes to SEO-friendly articles. Discover how to write an SEO-friendly article in under 48 hours without compromising on quality. Don’t let deadlines hold you back!

9. Include At Least One Image On Every Article, Post, Or Page You Create; Use Relevant Keywords In The Image File Name And Alt Tags As Well As In The Caption Or Description (If There Is One)

Images are a great way to break up the text and give your readers something visually interesting to look at. If you want, you can also include an image with a keyword-rich alt tag, file name, and caption or description.

The image should be relevant to what’s being discussed in the article; as such, if it has nothing to do with the topic of your post (for example, if you’re writing about how to grow tomatoes but have an image of a dog), then users will be confused when they see the juxtaposition.

10. Use Social Sharing Buttons On Every Article, post

Or the page you create so that people can easily share what they like directly with their own social media connections via their social media accounts (for instance Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.)

The social media buttons should be placed in a place where it doesn’t distract from the content of the article. The best places to put them are at the end of an article, on top of each page, or at least in the header section so that people can find them easily.

There are many social sharing buttons available so you might want to consider using more than one type. 

11. Add Appropriate Internal Links To Other Articles You Have Already Published On The Same Topic Across Your Blog 

Or website (but only when this makes sense within the context of your content).

Internal links are links that you add to your content. If a blog post includes a link to another blog post on the same topic, it’s an internal link. Internal links help readers find related content within your site and can also increase the authority of your website by increasing the number of backlinks pointing towards it.

Including relevant keywords in these internal links is important because they help search engines understand what your page is about (which helps them determine its relevancy). As long as adding relevant keywords makes sense within the context of your content, many SEO experts recommend adding them to all links throughout your site (both internal and external).

Boost your blog’s visibility by learning how to rank your blog for your target keyword. Our tips and tricks will help you climb the search engine ranks and reach a wider audience.


Google Authorship is a great way to get your name and face in front of potential readers. It can also help you improve your ranking in search results because it shows the author’s authority on the topic, which improves their ability to rank well in Google’s algorithm. 

Use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn as part of your strategy for sharing content online; these sites have millions of users worldwide who are interested in reading what they have to say!  

You should also be active on sites like Reddit so that other users will find what you write relevant enough that they’ll share it too: this helps with traffic numbers but also lends credibility towards establishing yourself as an expert on topics related to what your blog or website covers.”

Further Reading

SEO Content Writing Tips for Beginners: Learn essential tips to improve your SEO content writing skills and boost organic traffic to your website.

A Complete Guide to SEO Content, Including 12 SEO Writing Tips: Dive deep into the world of SEO content with this comprehensive guide, featuring 12 actionable writing tips.

A Beginner’s Guide to SEO and Content Writing: New to SEO and content writing? This guide will walk you through the basics and help you get started on the right foot.


What is SEO content writing?

SEO content writing is the practice of creating written content that is optimized for search engines, with the goal of ranking higher in search results and attracting more organic traffic to a website.

How can I improve my SEO content writing skills?

Improving your SEO content writing skills involves understanding keyword research, using relevant keywords strategically, optimizing meta tags, writing high-quality and valuable content, and ensuring proper formatting and structure.

What are some common SEO writing mistakes to avoid?

Common SEO writing mistakes include keyword stuffing, neglecting user experience for search engine optimization, ignoring meta descriptions, and writing thin or low-quality content.

How important is content quality for SEO?

Content quality is crucial for SEO success. Search engines prioritize valuable, relevant, and well-written content that meets users’ needs. High-quality content also encourages user engagement and increases the likelihood of backlinks from other reputable websites.

Is it necessary to hire a professional SEO content writer?

While hiring a professional SEO content writer can be beneficial, it is not always necessary. With the right knowledge and guidance, you can improve your SEO writing skills and create effective content that ranks well in search engines.