9 SEO Copywriting Tips For A Healthier Backlink Portfolio

You’ve probably heard the saying, “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” It’s true for SEO copywriting, too. One error can throw off an entire backlink campaign and cause the rest of your efforts to fall flat. 

If you’ve been working hard on your content but aren’t seeing results yet or even worse, if you’re getting penalized by Google it might be because of one small mistake in how you write it! We’ve put together this list of tips to help ensure your SEO copywriting stays healthy and effective.

SEO Backlink Tips For Beginners – YouTube
1. Conduct thorough keyword research for targeted backlinks.
2. Write compelling and optimized meta descriptions.
3. Use relevant and descriptive anchor text for backlinks.
4. Create high-quality, valuable, and shareable content.
5. Optimize on-page elements like headers and image alt tags.
6. Build a diverse and natural backlink profile.
7. Leverage social media to promote and distribute content.
8. Monitor and analyze backlink performance and adjust tactics.
9. Stay updated on SEO trends and adapt strategies accordingly.

1. Write Content That People Want To Link To

To start, you need to write content that people want to link to. The more your article provides value in the eyes of the reader and relation to other article topics, the more likely it is that they will want to share it with their friends or colleagues. 

This can be done by adding some unique takeaways or insights to your content (such as “10 tips for marketing a product on social media”) so that readers are left feeling like they learned something new after reading your article. Once you have created this type of content worth sharing you’ll be well on your way!

If someone decides not only do they love what you’ve written about but also mentions specifically how valuable it was for them (by linking back), then this increases trustworthiness and search engine optimization (SEO) benefits when other people see those links within their searches online.

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2. Don’t Fear The Nofollow Tag

The nofollow tag is a bit of HTML code that tells search engines that any link found within it should not be followed. This is helpful for sites that rely on ads or affiliate links since it helps to keep the user experience free of distractions and focused on the core content of your site. 

There’s no reason to fear the nofollow tag; in fact, you should embrace it! It’s not a penalty from Google (or any other search engine) and isn’t some kind of secret code for bad backlinks.

In fact, by using this little bit of code correctly, you can let Google know which links are important and which aren’t and make sure your website doesn’t suffer from penalties due to too many low-quality links!

3. Create Compelling Infographics And Videos

Infographics and videos are great ways to explain the benefits of your products, features, and history. They can also be used to demonstrate how to use a product or service. If you have the resources available, consider creating a video that explains how your business works or what sets it apart from its competitors (e.g., “How We Built Our Startup”).

If you’re not sure where to start with these types of content creation, look for inspiration on sites like Upworthy or Buzzfeed these two sites have mastered this kind of content marketing over many years.

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4. Improve Your Site’s Performance On Mobile

This one is pretty obvious, but it’s worth noting that Google and other search engines are becoming increasingly mobile-friendly. Make sure your content is being optimized for mobile devices as well as desktop ones and that the website itself loads quickly on both platforms (especially when users are using a slow data connection). 

Ensure your site is responsive to different screen sizes users shouldn’t have to zoom in or out when they visit a page on their phone or tablet. 

Make sure the navigation is easy to use regardless of whether they’re using their fingers or a mouse/trackpad, too! Finally, make sure your text is easy to read without having to pinch-zoom; there are plenty of resources online about optimizing font size for various devices just do some research before jumping in!

5. Conduct Keyword Research And Incorporate It Into Your Content Strategies

This is a great tip for anyone who wants to create content that’s more relevant and useful.

Keyword research is an important part of SEO copywriting because it helps you understand the needs of your audience, how your competitors are performing, and what types of phrases customers are using when searching for information on the web.

Conducting keyword research combined with other basic SEO best practices can help you create high-quality content that will resonate with readers, improve user experience on your website, and increase traffic coming from search engines like Google.

6. Do Something Different Than Competitors Are Doing With Their Content Marketing Strategies

  • Use unique content. Content that’s different from what other people are doing will stand out and get more attention.
  • Use a unique angle. You can always find another way to look at something, so use it!

Use a unique tone. The tone is the attitude you take when writing your copy, so make sure it’s yours alone by being lighthearted or serious when appropriate don’t feel like you need to keep up with everyone else just because they’re using humor in their blogs (unless it’s working for them).

Use a unique style. Styles include sentence length and structure, vocabulary choices, punctuation usage, etc, and all of these things should be tailored specifically towards your audience so they can feel like they’re getting something new every time they visit your site or blog post!

7. Make Sure That Your Website Loads Quickly On Mobile And Desktop Devices

Test your site in different browsers, and on different devices like smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. Find out how long it takes for a page to load. If it takes more than three seconds to load a page, then you need to make some changes!

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8. Ensure That Your Titles, URLs, Meta Descriptions

Titles. Your title is critical to the success of your content, so don’t just throw keywords into a blender and expect them to turn into an SEO-friendly masterpiece.

URLs. The URL can be used as a way to help you target specific keywords, but it also needs to make sense to users, so don’t go overboard with keyword stuffing or make the URL very long.

Meta descriptions are important for increasing click-through from search engines and social media platforms (like Facebook). You should aim for about 160 characters or less here; if it’s not clear enough for SEO purposes, then the user experience will suffer as well.

Other on-page elements: alt tags (for images), image descriptions (for images), and video length limitations.

If you’re considering freelancing as a side gig or already pursuing it, understanding its unique nature is crucial. Dive into our article on Why Freelancing Isn’t a Side Gig and What You Need to Know If It Is Your to explore the challenges, benefits, and strategies for making freelancing a fulfilling full-time endeavor.

9. Re-Evaluate Keywords You’re Targeting On An Ongoing Basis

This is one of the most important SEO tips to keep in mind: keywords can change. The keyword research you do today may not be relevant tomorrow, and vice versa.

The best thing you can do is to revisit your keyword strategy regularly because a lot of things are constantly changing. For example, seasonal trends and weather patterns (like rain) will impact the way people search for information online. 

And as different time zones emerge around the world with more places staying awake late at night than ever before you’ll have different audiences searching for new content during those hours.

Contrary to popular belief, freelancing can be a rewarding and enjoyable career path. Discover the moment when freelancing becomes a breeze in our article on The Moment When Freelancing Isn’t Hard at All, and gain inspiration and insights into how to thrive in the freelance world.


By following these SEO copywriting tips, you can optimize your content and increase the likelihood of acquiring more backlinks. Remember that it takes time to build a strong portfolio of links, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. 

The best way to measure success is by looking at the long-term goals of each project and continually improving upon them over time.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further enhance your understanding of SEO copywriting:

SEO Copywriting: How to Write Content That Ranks: This article provides valuable insights into writing SEO-friendly content that can improve your search engine rankings.

SEO for Photographers: The Complete Guide: If you’re a photographer looking to optimize your website for search engines, this comprehensive guide covers SEO strategies specifically tailored for photographers.

SEO Tips for Beginners: This resource offers practical tips and advice for beginners who are just starting their SEO journey. It covers the fundamentals of SEO and provides actionable tips to improve your website’s visibility.


Here are some frequently asked questions about SEO copywriting:

What is SEO copywriting?

SEO copywriting is the practice of writing website content that is optimized for search engines while still being engaging and relevant to human readers. It involves incorporating target keywords, improving readability, and structuring the content in a way that aligns with SEO best practices.

How does SEO copywriting affect search engine rankings?

Effective SEO copywriting can positively impact search engine rankings by optimizing content for relevant keywords, improving user experience, and increasing the overall quality and relevance of the content. It helps search engines understand the context and relevance of a webpage, which can lead to higher rankings in search results.

What are some key elements of SEO copywriting?

Key elements of SEO copywriting include keyword research and integration, writing compelling titles and meta descriptions, using header tags appropriately, incorporating relevant internal and external links, optimizing images with alt tags, and ensuring the content is valuable, informative, and engaging for the target audience.

How can I optimize my website’s copy for SEO?

To optimize your website’s copy for SEO, you can start by conducting keyword research to identify relevant and high-performing keywords. Then, incorporate these keywords naturally throughout your content, including in headings, subheadings, and body text. Focus on creating valuable and engaging content that answers users’ queries and satisfies their search intent.

Is SEO copywriting only about keyword optimization?

No, SEO copywriting goes beyond keyword optimization. While keywords are important, it’s equally crucial to create high-quality, relevant, and valuable content that meets the needs of your target audience. The focus should be on providing a great user experience, addressing user intent, and delivering content that resonates with readers. Keyword optimization is just one aspect of SEO copywriting, but the overall quality and relevance of the content matter just as much.