How To Write SEO Web Content That Ranks In Search Engines

If you’re writing content for your website or blog the first thing to do is write an incredibly detailed outline of what you want to say. Next, write your article and make sure it flows smoothly while answering questions directly and fully. 

Once that’s done, go back through each section and add in relevant keywords where appropriate so that search engines can find your content when people search for specific topics or terms.

How to Create Content that Ranks in Google – YouTube
1. Understand the importance of SEO in content writing
2. Conduct thorough keyword research
3. Create valuable and informative content
4. Optimize meta tags and descriptions
5. Build quality backlinks to improve rankings
6. Stay updated with search engine algorithms
7. Focus on user experience and readability
8. Monitor and analyze performance with tools
9. Use relevant internal and external linking
10. Implement structured data for enhanced visibility

Focus On Search Intent To Answer Audience’s Questions

The most important thing to do is focus on search intent. You can’t write for your audience if you don’t know what their needs are.

Search query: “How to get rid of a cold”

Search intent: “I want to find the best way to get rid of my cold.”

This means that someone searching for how to get rid of a cold wants information that will help them solve this problem, not just learn something new.

Writing content that ranks in search engines requires honing your skills as an SEO copywriter. Check out our comprehensive guide on becoming an SEO copywriter to master the art of crafting search engine-friendly content.

Know Exactly What Keywords You Want To Target Before You Write

So how do you know what keywords to target?

Well, first of all, it’s important to understand that keywords are used by people searching for a certain product or service on Google search engines. For example, if you’re an SEO writer looking for the best SEO content writing tools, then your keyword would be “SEO writing tools”. 

So when someone searches for that term on the Google search engine results page (SERP), your website will show up in the top 10 results and get more traffic from people who are looking for those types of services or products.

To find out which keywords are popular among users:

Go to and enter your topic or industry into their search bar at the top left corner. Then select “Get ideas” under Broad match type below Keyword ideas table header as shown below:

The resulting list will show all relevant suggestions based on popularity and volume data within this region based upon real-world usage patterns detected over time by Google systems analyzing billions of queries entered into their various platforms every day across many regions around the globe throughout history,

Thus far until now with no sign yet of any slowdown being noticed. even though they have been doing this since 2001 so obviously there is still plenty more data available although not all of it may be publicly available due to privacy concerns etcetera…

Want your blog to appear at the top of search results? Learn the best strategies to rank your blog for your target keyword and drive more organic traffic to your website.

Write Naturally, Like You’re Speaking To Someone

Writing for the internet is a lot like writing for a printed page. Content should be written in a way that is most natural to you, as though you were speaking to someone in person. 

Avoid overly complicated words, sentences, and paragraphs; resist the urge to use big words just for the sake of showing off your vocabulary it can hurt readership and comprehension levels. 

And remember: don’t get carried away by having too much content on one page this can lead to a bad user experience and it will be difficult (if not impossible) for search engines to crawl your site properly.

Make Headlines Interesting, Not Just Keyword Stuffed

When writing headlines and subheadings, make sure you’re including keywords that are important to the topic. Keywords should be used in the first sentence or paragraph, and they should also appear in the last sentence or paragraph.

The goal is to get your content ranked as highly as possible for certain search terms, so when you write your headline, make sure it includes phrases that people might type into Google or Bing! to find something similar to what you have written about.

You can even use keywords at an even larger scale: throughout your entire article rather than just at the beginning or end of paragraphs or sections.

Research And Write A List Of Long Tail Keywords To Use In Your Content

This is a step that can be skipped if you’re writing an informational article or blog post, but it’s important for the top 10 results on the first page of Google. Long tail keywords are phrases that consist of 3-5 words and are less competitive than broad terms.

If you want to rank in search engines, you need long-tail keywords. These are search terms that have a small number of monthly searches compared to broad terms like “orange juice.” 

Long tail keywords typically receive fewer searches per month than their broad counterparts because they’re more specific; people who are looking for “orange juice” may not realize they need something like “organic orange juice” or “orange juice with pulp.”

Because these phrases aren’t as popular as their broader counterparts, they won’t come up in every Google search query and that’s great news for your rankings!

Boosting traffic through SEO copywriting involves following best practices and avoiding pitfalls. Dive into our expert tips on SEO copywriting do’s and don’ts to create compelling content that captivates both readers and search engines.

Use Headings And Sub Headings With Keywords And Variations

Headings and sub-headings help people scan the content. They help provide structure, which is useful for both readers and search engines.

Headings and sub-headings help people find the information they need. They make your site more navigable and make it easier for people to skip over unimportant or unnecessary parts of your website.

Headings and sub-headings help people understand the content. Headers direct readers’ attention throughout a document, while subheaders break up text into separate sections so it can be easily skimmed or read in order (and not miss any important details).

Heading tags also convey priority to Google’s algorithm, which is why they’re so important in SEO web copywriting!

Write An Introduction That Outlines The Entire Post Or Article

Your introduction should be short and to the point. It should not be hidden somewhere within your post or article, but rather it should be at the beginning of the page. While you could just write a few sentences describing your post, there are better ways to do this that will get you more clicks and result in more traffic.

First of all, include keywords that are relevant to your topic in your introduction. This is essential for SEO purposes since search engines will pick up on those terms and give them a higher ranking on their results pages. 

You also want to make sure that readers click on one of Google’s ads (the ones with an ad above or below) at least once by showing off a benefit for them in this area if possible! If someone doesn’t find what they need from reading about it here though then maybe try searching again later when there might be another article about something else too!

Include Links Out To Other Quality, Relevant Sites And Pages

The most effective way to rank in search engines is to have links pointing toward your site.

  • Include links out to other quality, relevant sites, and pages.
  • Internal links to other relevant posts and pages on your site are another great way to get more traffic from search engines.

Including internal links as well as external ones helps you build authority with Google, which is extremely important for SEO!

Include Internal Links To Other Relevant Posts And Pages

Include internal links to other relevant posts and pages.

Internal links are the most important part of your post because they help search engines better understand the context of your content. They also:

  • Help users find related content.
  • Rank you for more keywords (link building).
  • Rank you for more long tail keywords (link building).

Crafting engaging content that feels natural to readers is essential for SEO success. Explore our guide on becoming a more natural content writer to discover techniques that will enhance your writing style and resonate with your audience.

Answer Questions Directly, Clearly, And Fully

Write in a conversational tone.

Content that is written in a conversational tone is more likely to be read than content that’s written for the web. It should feel like you are talking to the reader, rather than writing it down to them. 

This means you can use short sentences and paragraphs, as well as plenty of white space between sentences and paragraphs. If it feels right to write something like “I had a great time at work yesterday”, then do so!

Keep it simple by using bullet points, headings, and sub-headings throughout your content. Bullet points break up long blocks of text into bite-sized chunks that readers find easy to digest, while headings and sub-headings make important information stand out from less important details (you know like all those boring details they skipped over).

Use Images And Videos, But Optimize Them For Seo First

Images and videos are a great way to engage readers, but they can also help you rank in search engines. Google has said that it gives content with an image or video a ranking boost over the same content without one. 

It makes sense, too if someone is looking for information on a topic, they’re likely going to click on something that looks like it will answer their questions. So how do you know what kind of images or videos to use?

First off, make sure your images/videos are optimized for SEO (search engine optimization). This means things like using relevant keywords within the image file name and alt tag (the text description of the image) as well as including those keywords within the descriptive text for each post where an image appears. 

You may also want to include captions underneath these photos so users can get quick context about what they’re seeing at first glance without having read any other text on your site yet this can improve engagement if done correctly! 

Mobile-friendly versions of these same photos could also give some extra SEO juice since mobile users tend not to visit websites unless they see something interesting right off the bat so make sure everything looks good when viewed through smaller screens!

Build Backlinks By Getting Links From Other Reputable Sites (Aka Link Building)

Link building is a way to build up a website’s reputation and authority. When you earn backlinks from other sites, it tells Google that your site is relevant and trustworthy, which helps your rankings.

The best way to get backlinks for your content is by writing guest posts for reputable websites that are related to yours, commenting on other blogs in the same niche, or getting links from other reputable sites (for example, by using HARO).

If you’re not sure where to start with link building, here are some ways:

Write Guest Posts – This will help establish yourself as an expert in the field of SEO. You can also reach out to influencers who have large followings on Twitter or Facebook and ask them if they’d be willing to share one of your articles! It doesn’t hurt anything at all if they say no either 🙂

Comment On Other Blogs – Commenting on different blogs will allow readers who visit those sites to see what kind of value we offer through our writing style/content ideas etcetera. 

This will create opportunities where people want us around because we add value rather than just taking what others do without giving anything back! You also might find some new connections this way too (which could lead further down the line).

Turn your passion for SEO writing into a profitable business venture. Our detailed guide on building an effective, profitable SEO writing business provides valuable insights and strategies to help you thrive in the competitive world of content creation.

To Get Better Seo Rankings Use Seo Keywords In Your Content

To get better SEO rankings use SEO keywords in your content. This is important because search engines use keywords to determine what websites are relevant to the topic that a user is searching for.

Here’s how you can use keywords in your content:

Use keywords in titles. Titles are what people see when they visit your page, so make sure they’re catchy and informative while also containing some of the keywords you’re trying to rank for.

Use keywords in headings/subheadings/paragraphs/links/etc. Make sure each section or paragraph has at least one instance of a keyword so that Google knows which words are most important on the page; don’t just put it at the beginning!

Use internal links pointing back toward other pages with similar content (as well as any other pages on your site) instead of just linking outwards towards other sites all day long! 

Internal linking helps increase both trustworthiness and authority by showing off related topics which could be helpful to anyone looking for something specific like maybe something written about “how” something works instead!”


The more you write, the better it gets. The more you read and learn about SEO, the better your writing will be. The more you share your content with others who can share it with even more people, the faster people will find it. 

The most important thing is that when someone reads your content they should feel like they have gotten value from reading it and not just been distracted by something else.

Further Reading

SEO Content Writing by Nutshell Learn effective techniques and strategies for writing SEO content that drives organic traffic to your website.

Write SEO Content That Ranks by ContentStudio Discover the key elements of SEO content writing that can help your content rank higher in search engine results.

How to Write Website Content That Ranks According to Google by Exposure A comprehensive guide on writing website content that aligns with Google’s ranking factors for better visibility.


What are the essential elements of SEO content writing?

SEO content writing involves incorporating relevant keywords, providing valuable information, and optimizing meta tags to improve search engine rankings.

How can I write SEO content that ranks higher in search engines?

To boost your content’s ranking, focus on keyword research, create high-quality, shareable content, and build backlinks from authoritative sources.

Is it necessary to follow Google’s guidelines for content ranking?

Yes, adhering to Google’s guidelines ensures your content is search engine-friendly and has a better chance of ranking higher in search results.

How do I optimize my website content for Google’s algorithms?

Optimization involves using relevant keywords, improving page load speed, creating mobile-friendly content, and optimizing meta descriptions.

Can SEO content writing improve my website’s organic traffic?

Yes, well-optimized SEO content can attract more organic traffic to your website, leading to increased visibility and potential customers.