A SEO Copywriter’s Guide To Link Building

Every SEO copywriter needs to know how to get inbound links. A good link profile can be the difference between getting your site crawled and indexed by Google, and not getting it crawled and indexed. 

If you want search engines to find your site, you need to understand what kind of content they like, how they evaluate websites for ranking purposes, and how they judge which sites are authoritative enough to link out to other content creators’ websites. 

In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about inbound links so that you can start improving your own website’s performance on search engine results pages (SERPs).

A Complete Guide To SEO Copywriting: How To Get More Traffic
1. Effective link building is crucial for SEO success.
2. SEO copywriting plays a vital role in link building.
3. Follow easy SEO copywriting tips for link building.
4. Create content that attracts quality backlinks.
5. Stay updated with the latest link building techniques.

How To Get Inbound Links Part 1: Defining Inbound Links

An inbound link is a hyperlink (a visible, usually blue, underlined word or phrase) that connects to another website. When someone clicks on it, they will be taken to the destination site.

Link building is the act of creating links from one website to another. It can be done by using social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to gain likes or followers who then link back to your website. 

Or it can be done by writing blog posts and submitting them to directories like Reddit and StumbleUpon that regularly approve submissions from authors who link back after publishing their content pieces on those sites.

A link-building strategy outlines how you plan on building links over time so you don’t go overboard with one activity before moving on to another one (which could harm your efforts). 

For example: if all you did was email every blogger asking them if they’d like free stuff from your company without doing any research into which ones might use/review said products firsthand based upon what type of audience they already have following them right now.

Then this would not work out well for either party involved because there’s no way for anyone else besides yourself to know whether or not these bloggers had any interest whatsoever in promoting products from companies like yours! 

A solid plan would include things like researching which blogs might be interested in hearing about new offerings from yours so that only makes sense – but even then.

Building high-quality backlinks is crucial for SEO success. Check out our guide on 15 Ridiculous SEO Writing Rules You Should Never Follow to learn how to avoid common mistakes and boost your website’s ranking.

What Are Inbound Links?

An inbound link is a hyperlink that points to your website.

Inbound links can be any of the following:

  • Links from other websites to your website
  • Links from other websites to specific pages on your website, like this one
  • Links from other websites that pass on some of their authority (i.e., they’re “do follow”)

What Do You Get From Inbound Links?

Inbound links are one of the most important factors in search engine rankings. They’re also a signal to Google that your site is relevant and trustworthy, which can help boost your rankings even more.

Here’s how we define inbound links:

Link juice: The value given to each link as a result of its popularity, trustworthiness, and other factors. Link juice flows through your website via hyperlinks.

Link authority: The power of a web page’s links to influence its position in search results (in other words, the ability to rank). A link from Forbes has more authority than one from a personal blog or forum post because it was written by someone with more experience and credibility who has earned respect within their field. 

The higher quality these people are considered by Google and other search engines, the stronger their backlinks will be considered when ranking websites on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Link popularity: How many people have followed/clicked through to another site after seeing yours? 

This metric indicates whether or not there is interest in what you publish (and therefore whether or not it makes sense for them) based on how many users like what they see at first glance when visiting pages containing links leading back into yours from theirs – an indicator which helps determine whether or not visitors’ interests align with those served up.

Via content shared onto social media profiles/pages/groups where conversations might take place around topics relevant enough upon being published there could lead others interested enough about the same thing(s) 

Covered therein would then share them accordingly across various platforms including Facebook groups dedicated solely towards those interested specifically within a particular niche(s).”

Want to write SEO content like a pro? Learn the best practices in our comprehensive guide: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Like an SEO Wizard. Enhance your writing skills and make your content stand out in search engines.

Why Are Inbound Links So Important?

Inbound links are the most important part of SEO. They’re also the most important part of link building and, arguably, the most important element in all SEO copywriting.

Inbound links help search engines such as Google determine what your page is about and how relevant it is to a particular query. If you have a lot of quality inbound links pointing at your site or page, this signals that there are lots of pages out there that agree with what you have to say (or at least think it’s worth sharing). 

It’s like when people share your article on social media: some will be legitimately interested in what you wrote; others might just be trying to get approval from their friends by saying something nice about them on Facebook, but at least they’re reading!

If someone wants their website to rank well in Google searches, they need high-quality backlinks pointing at their site. 

And while many companies offer these services for hire (and there are some great ones), many organizations also struggle with how best to approach link acquisition before bringing an agency onboard, especially because finding these opportunities can take up valuable time away from other efforts like content creation and outreach campaigns.

How To Get Inbound Links Part 2: Creating A Strategy

In Part 2 of this series, it’s time to put the theory into practice.

Before you start looking for links, you need to develop a strategy for link building. This will help ensure that you’re making the most of your time and potential reach by focusing on the right opportunities.

How do you create a link-building strategy? Start by asking yourself these questions:

  • What is my goal with this page?
  • What is my target audience like?
  • Who are my competitors in this space?
  • How can I position myself as an authority in this space?

Link building is a critical aspect of SEO strategy. Discover the secrets of successful link building with our detailed SEO Writing Guide to Rocking Google. Start improving your website’s authority and search rankings today.

The Three Main Ways To Get An Inbound Link

The best way to get an inbound link is to create content that people want to share. This can be done by crafting pieces on topics you’re genuinely interested in and providing useful information, or by writing viral articles that are popular among readers and have the potential to go viral (if they haven’t already).

With this approach, you will find that most of your links come from other websites, as well as from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

The Golden Rule Of Link Building For Seo Copywriters

The golden rule of link building is to never, ever, ever buy links. Just don’t do it. Don’t build them either, but especially don’t pay for them!

The reason you shouldn’t buy links is that they’re bad for your business. You’ll get a penalty from Google and they won’t be as useful as natural backlinks (which are sometimes called “earned” links). You could also get fined or sued by the FTC if you’re caught buying them or selling them (which isn’t something that happens very often). So just don’t do it!

The Best Linking Content Of Your Site For Seo Copywriters To Focus On

The best link-building content for your site is the kind that:

Is unique, original, and compelling. Copying other people’s writing is a surefire way to get penalized by Google. If you can’t come up with new ideas on your own, then hire an SEO copywriter who can.

Is relevant to your target audience. If you want links from Reddit and Quora, write about topics that those communities are interested in reading about and talking about. If you want links from industry or trade publications, write about industry trends or trade issues but make sure it’s always relevant to whatever niche audience they serve!

Is regularly updated with fresh content (and not just once every few months). This will help keep potential linkers coming back for more when they see that there has been activity on the page recently (and thus give them confidence that the page isn’t dead). 

It also shows search engines that this page still has value because its owner is taking time out of his/her day/week/month/year etc.

Which Sites Can You Expect To Find These Pages?

Now that you know what links to look for, here are some places where you can expect to find them.

  • Your site
  • Your competitors’ sites
  • The niche forums and communities you belong to (like Reddit, Quora, or Facebook groups)
  • Industry-specific sites like news sites and blogs or industry-specific directories like Business 2 Community or Small Business Trends

Improve your website’s traffic and visibility with effective SEO copywriting. Learn the do’s and don’ts in our comprehensive guide: SEO Copywriting: Do’s and Don’ts for Boosting Traffic. Follow these tips to create compelling content that attracts readers and search engines alike.

Two Other Factors That Make A Link Worth Getting

Now that you know what makes a link worth getting, let’s talk about some of the factors that go into determining whether or not a site will give you one.

Links from sites with high authority.

This is probably the most important factor. The more authoritative a website is, the more likely it is to have a reputation that can be leveraged for your benefit. It also improves your chances of earning links from other high-authority sites in general (more on that below).

Links from sites with high page rank or domain ranking (DR).

In addition to authority, page rank and domain ranking are also used by search engines as indicators of quality content because they indicate how popular a site’s pages are with human readers. 

Therefore whether those pages might be relevant and useful when found via search queries; will increase both relevance and popularity metrics for each URL referenced in those incoming links as well.* Links from DR/Page Rank 10+ websites require an established track record at generating traffic online, so don’t expect these right off the bat!

How To Get An Excellent Seo Copywriting Link Profile

There are a lot of factors that go into building an excellent link profile. However, there is a perfect formula for how to do it right:

  • Find sites that have high authority in your niche and get links from them.
  • Get links from sites that are relevant to your niche.
  • Get links on pages with high rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Get links on sites with lots of content, as these tend to be more authoritative than thin ones.

Sites with many backlinks are more likely to rank well in Google because they’re seen as being trusted by other sources within the industry, so try getting some too!

How To Get Inbound Links Part 3: Making Friends And Influencing People (In Search)

In addition to making friends and influencing people, it’s important to build relationships with other businesses. You can do this in a variety of ways:

Become part of a local business group. Find out what groups are available in your area, attend events, and meet new people. Get involved!

Start a blog about your industry or niche. Read other blogs in your industry and comment on them regularly; once you’ve established yourself as an active contributor, reach out to the bloggers you’ve been reading and ask if they’re open to guest posting on their sites (or vice versa). This gives them more content while helping you build relationships with influencers.

Join forums related to your industry or niche by commenting on posts often enough that people begin recognizing who you are (and hopefully accepting your comments without moderation). 

Then start promoting yourself as an expert in the field this way when someone searches for information about whatever subject matter interests them most at any given time, they’ll come across something written by you first instead of someone else’s work because yours has been getting more visibility (and thus ranking higher) 

Due to traffic driven from social media platforms like Facebook where everyone can easily share links without having any technical knowledge whatsoever (which means even if all their friends aren’t tech savvy either they’ll still pass along those links).

Contacting Other Bloggers And Webmasters For Joint Link Opportunities

How do you find bloggers and webmasters?

Google is a great place to start. There are tons of blog directories out there, but my favorite is BlogCatalog (https://www.blogcatalog.com/). Here you can search through thousands of blogs by keyword or category (e.g., “food” or “recipes”) and filter your results based on things like Alexa rating, number of social media followers, etc. 

You can also see which bloggers have linked back to other sites in their posts because that makes it easy for you to reach out if they seem relevant enough to your niche or industry (e.g., if they write about fitness and nutrition).

Another way to find relevant sites is through social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn where people often post links when they publish something new on their site(s). 

Facebook is also useful for this type of research since companies often post announcements about new hires or partners that might be worth contacting as well you never know who might share the same interests as yours!

Using Social Media Sites For Seo Copywriting And Link Building Purposes

Social media sites are a great place to build links.

You can use social media to get links to your site and also get links from other sites.

Not only will this help your SEO copywriting, but it’ll also help you make new friends in the industry!

Using Forums And Writing Guest Posts For Seo Copywriting And Link Building Purposes

Forums are some of the best places to find out what people are talking about. You can do this by asking them questions and reading their responses, or you can just read the threads yourself.

You’ll also be able to find out who the important people on a forum are by looking at how often they’re mentioned, how many comments they get, and so on.

For example, if someone mentions you in an article (especially if it’s a big enough site) then that’s going to help your SEO copywriting efforts but only if people see it! So make sure that when you write guest posts on these sites, make sure there’s no reason why someone would ever visit your blog instead of theirs!

Writing SEO-friendly articles is essential for online success. Check out our guide on How to Write an SEO-Friendly Article in Under 48 Hours to learn valuable strategies for crafting content that ranks well and drives organic traffic to your website.

How To Get Inbound Links Part 4 – Keeping Track Of Progress And Results

Keeping track of your progress is important. It’s also a great way to ensure that you’re headed in the right direction.

Here are some tips for tracking your results:

Track the number of inbound links you have and how many are from different sites. You can use tools like Ahrefs or Open Site Explorer to do this easily, but even just taking note of it will help you see which sources work best for getting backlinks (and which ones don’t).

Keep track of when new links are coming in and when they’re going out. For example, if you publish a blog post once every two weeks and each post gets 10-20 backlinks.

Then after 6 months, there should be 200 total backlinks pointing towards your website but if there were only 160 after three months then something went wrong somewhere along the line so go figure out where!

If You Master These Link Building Skills Your Search Engine Rankings Will Go Up

Learning how to build links is an essential part of SEO.

Link building isn’t just about getting links, it’s also about getting quality ones.

It’s important to understand that link building is an ongoing process that never really stops. You can have high-quality, authoritative links pointing directly at your website but if you stop adding new content and updating old pages, those links will quickly become dated and less valuable over time as search engines crawl and index fresh content more often than older content.


Hopefully, this guide has given you a better understanding of link building as an SEO copywriter. It’s an important skill to master, but also one that can be tricky. 

Don’t worry if it takes some time for things to start working you may need some time to build up your online presence before getting those inbound links! Just keep practicing and eventually, you will see results from all the hard work that went into building up those profiles and making friends at other sites.

Further Reading

10 Super Easy SEO Copywriting Tips for Link BuildingLearn ten simple and effective SEO copywriting tips to improve your link building efforts and boost your website’s search rankings.

SEO Copywriting: The Ultimate GuideDive into the ultimate guide on SEO copywriting, packed with valuable insights and strategies to create content that ranks high and attracts quality backlinks.

Link Building Guide: How to Get Powerful Backlinks in 2023Stay up-to-date with the latest link building techniques and discover how to acquire powerful backlinks to enhance your website’s authority and visibility.


What are some easy SEO copywriting tips for link building?

Get valuable insights into ten super easy SEO copywriting tips that can significantly improve your link building efforts and boost search rankings.

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Learn how SEO copywriting techniques can be applied to create content that attracts quality backlinks and improves your website’s search engine rankings.

Where can I find an ultimate guide to SEO copywriting?

Explore the ultimate guide to SEO copywriting, which provides comprehensive strategies and insights to optimize your content for search engines and link building.

How do I get powerful backlinks in 2023?

Stay updated with the latest link building strategies and tactics in this comprehensive guide for acquiring powerful backlinks to boost your website’s authority.

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Understand the significance of link building in SEO and how it influences your website’s search engine rankings and overall online visibility.