How To Get A Job Writing SEO Content

Writing SEO content is a great way to earn money online, but it’s also a very competitive field. If you want to succeed as an SEO writer, there are some things that you need to keep in mind when writing your articles. So let’s dive right in and get into all the details!

How to Create Content that Ranks in Google – YouTube
1. Understand SEO Fundamentals: Learn the basics of search engine optimization to create content that ranks well in search results.
2. Showcase Writing Samples: Build a portfolio showcasing your best SEO-focused writing samples to impress potential employers.
3. Network with Industry Professionals: Connect with SEO experts and content marketers to gain insights and increase job opportunities.
4. Master Keyword Research: Develop expertise in keyword research to target relevant and high-traffic search terms in your writing.
5. Demonstrate Adaptability: Be willing to adapt your writing style and content to meet the specific needs of different clients and industries.
6. Stay Updated on SEO Trends: Stay informed about the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes to produce effective and up-to-date content.
7. Emphasize Quality and Value: Focus on creating valuable and informative content that not only satisfies SEO requirements but also engages readers.
8. Develop Time Management Skills: Efficiently manage your time to meet deadlines and handle multiple writing projects simultaneously.
9. Leverage Social Media: Utilize social media platforms to showcase your writing skills and attract potential employers and clients.
10. Be Persistent and Resilient: Pursue job opportunities consistently, and don’t be discouraged by rejections. Stay persistent and keep improving your craft.

Try To Write For Yourself, Not The Client

You may be wondering how to write SEO-friendly content without being influenced by your clients and their wishes. The simple answer is that you can’t, but there are ways to make things less awkward.

The first thing you should keep in mind is that even if the client has a great idea and wants something really specific, it’s probably not going to work out in the end. It doesn’t matter how good their idea is: they aren’t writing the copy and they don’t have access to all of the information needed for writing. 

They don’t know what keywords are going to perform well in search results, or how Google will treat them differently from one another. In fact, most clients won’t even understand why certain words need more emphasis than others, and trust me when I say this isn’t because they’re stupid; it’s just because most people aren’t familiar with SEO practices!

Are you passionate about writing and dream of becoming a magazine writer? Embrace your aspirations and start your journey by exploring our comprehensive guide on how to become a magazine writer. Unleash your creativity and make your mark in the world of magazine writing!

Your Writing Should Be Scannable

For your writing to be scannable, you need to make sure it’s clear and easy on the eyes. This means using short paragraphs, lists, bullet points, and headings. 

You should also use bolding and italicizing important points in the text so that they stand out from the rest of the content. You can also use bolding to highlight keywords or links within your article so that users will know which parts are most relevant to them.

Make Sure Your Writing Is Easy To Understand

It’s important to pay attention to the way you’re writing. It should be easy for a reader to understand what you’re saying, and that means using simple language.

Make sure your writing is easy to understand by using:

  • Short sentences and paragraphs
  • Active voice instead of passive voice (see the next section for more details)
  • Bullet points and lists where appropriate (these are great ways to break up text into smaller pieces that are easier for readers’ eyes)

Are you looking to venture into the world of SEO writing while maintaining your current job? Check out our practical guide to becoming an SEO writer on the side and discover how you can skillfully balance your passion for writing and SEO expertise.

Use Relevant Keywords In Your Content

You should use relevant keywords in your title, headers, and first sentence. The main goal of most SEO content is to rank high on search engines. To accomplish this, you need to write for the keyword and then use it throughout your article. If you want people to find your article on Google or Bing, include the keyword in:

  • Your titles
  • The first sentences of paragraphs
  • Each paragraph’s first sentence (for articles longer than 500 words)

For example: “How To Write SEO Content” implies that writing about how to write SEO content would be helpful for people who don’t know how yet and that’s exactly what this post does!

Use Multimedia In Your Articles (Images Etc)

Multimedia can help you break up your text and make it more scannable for readers. It’s also a great way to illustrate your points with photos or other graphics, increasing engagement with the article.

Multimedia such as images may increase conversions on your website, which is great if you’re trying to sell something.

Write Original, Insightful Information

Write original, insightful information. If you’re going to write for someone else, at least make sure it’s something that no one else has done before. 

This can be difficult if there are so many people doing the same thing as you on the Internet, but there is still always room for originality and quality in this field and it’s what your employers want to see. 

They don’t want regurgitations of other people’s content; they want something new and insightful from you!

  • Use your own words instead of copying and pasting text from another site or source:
  • Don’t use “recycled” content unless necessary (and even then, keep it short). It shows laziness on your part.
  • And if you do have to plagiarize some content to get started as an SEO writer (or any kind of writer), make sure that the last sentence is true when I read through yours!

As a beginning writer, you may feel overwhelmed by SEO requirements. Fear not! We’ve got you covered with our collection of 11 search engine optimization tips designed to support and enhance your writing journey.

Add More Html Content To Your Posts

You have a choice with the content you create: whether you’ll use plain text, or rich text (including HTML). Rich content is more likely to be found by search engines, linked to other websites, shared on social media, bookmarked, and clicked on.

Make Things Look Pretty

Use images. Fancy pictures are a great way to break up text and make your content more visually appealing. They can also help you tell stories in other ways, like showing the process of something happening or what a product looks like when it is used by someone.

Use a table of contents instead of just one big block of text. If you want people to read your blog posts, then you need to make them easy on the eyes (and brain). A table of contents makes it easy for readers to quickly skim through your entire post and jump right into the part they’re most interested in reading about at that moment (which is usually near the top).

Don’t Use Passive Voice

Do you ever have trouble focusing on what you’re reading? Does it feel like the writer is talking around the point, or maybe even avoiding it entirely? You might be trying to read someone who writes in passive voice.

Passive voice is a type of verb writing where the subject of the sentence is not doing anything. Instead, something else is doing something to them. This means that passive-voice sentences can sound confusing and indirect and may even keep readers from understanding what you mean!

An example: “The cat was scratched by my dog.” In this sentence, “The cat” (the subject) isn’t doing anything it’s just getting scratched. In an active voice, we would say “My dog scratched my cat.” Then readers know exactly who did what without having to figure anything out themselves!

Format Everything Correctly And Pay Attention To Details

Formatting your content is a great way to show off your writing skills, but it’s also essential to get the attention of the people who may be reading it.

Think about how you want the reader to feel when they see your website or blog post: do you want them to be excited? Curious? Informed? If so, then make sure that everything about that page makes those feelings come across. 

Use proper grammar and spelling (yes we all make mistakes once in a while), choose fonts that match the rest of your website, and don’t go overboard with colors/text sizes/etc. 

Use bullet points and numbered lists for easy readability, bold some important words for emphasis, add images and videos where appropriate (but avoid using too many), and link out to relevant articles on other websites if possible!

Ready to turn your passion for SEO writing into a profitable business venture? Our in-depth guide on how to build an effective profitable SEO writing business will equip you with the strategies and insights needed to flourish in the competitive world of SEO content creation.

Link To Other Articles On Your Website

Link to other articles on your website. This is the most important step in demonstrating your expertise and building a good reputation for yourself. 

Linking to other articles is also an easy way of showing the author that you respect their work, which will help in building a relationship with them and increasing the chances of getting hired again by their website owner.

Link to other articles on your blog or another source’s blog via hyperlinks when applicable (you can do this manually).

If you want more advice about how to build relationships with fellow writers or content creators, check out this article: [link]

Google Loves Content That Is Updated Often, So Keeps It Fresh!

Google likes content that is updated often, so keep it fresh! It’s always a good idea to update your blog posts regularly. The more frequently you update, the better chance you have of ranking higher in search results. 

It’s also important to keep track of what kind of content you’re producing and how often it’s being consumed by users (i.e., traffic stats). This way, you can determine what kind of topics are most popular with your readership base and adjust accordingly by producing more relevant content or updating existing pieces with new information.

These Are Great Tips For Writing Web Copy!

  • Make It Easy to Understand
  • Use Relevant Keywords in Your Content
  • Use Multimedia in Your Articles (Images, Videos, etc)
  • Write Original, Insightful Information
  • Add More HTML Content to Your Posts (Headers and/or Subheaders) 6. Make Things Look Pretty!

Enhance your writing skills and unleash your natural talent by exploring our valuable tips on how to become a more natural content writer. Embrace authenticity in your content and captivate your audience with your unique voice and style.


The bottom line is that if you want to get a job writing SEO content, you need to write good quality content. This means paying attention to details and using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 

It also means that your articles should be scannable (so people can easily read them) and clear enough for anyone who comes across them to understand what they’re about. Finally, they must contain relevant keywords so Google understands what your website or blog post is about too!

Further Reading

How to Become a Content Writer: Learn the essential steps and skills to kickstart your journey as a content writer and create engaging, high-quality content.

How to Become a SEO Content Writer: Discover the specialized techniques and strategies to become a skilled SEO content writer and rank higher in search engine results.

Crash Course: How to Become an SEO Content Writer: Get a crash course on becoming an SEO content writer and master the art of incorporating keywords effectively while maintaining engaging content.


How do I start my journey as a content writer?

To begin your journey as a content writer, you should focus on improving your writing skills, creating a portfolio of your work, and exploring various writing niches to find your passion.

What is the importance of SEO for content writers?

SEO plays a crucial role in content writing as it helps your content rank higher in search engine results, increasing its visibility and attracting more organic traffic to your website or blog.

How can I become a successful SEO content writer?

To become a successful SEO content writer, you need to understand keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization techniques, and how to write engaging content that aligns with SEO best practices.

How do I balance creativity and SEO in my content writing?

Balancing creativity and SEO in content writing involves integrating relevant keywords naturally into your content while maintaining a captivating and reader-friendly writing style.

What are some effective ways to improve my SEO content writing skills?

You can enhance your SEO content writing skills by staying updated on industry trends, learning from experienced SEO writers, and continuously practicing and refining your writing techniques.