Writing a blog is a great way to share your expertise with the world. You can use the information to attract new clients and build an audience that’s interested in what you have to say.
However, if your content is not well written and not optimized for mobile devices then it’s unlikely that many people will read these articles or share them with others on social media.
In this post, we will cover 15 things successful real estate writers do when it comes to writing content for their websites
Takeaways |
1. Understand the Market: Successful real estate writers have a deep understanding of the real estate market, enabling them to provide valuable insights and relevant content. |
2. Research Skills: Thorough research is essential for creating accurate and informative real estate content that resonates with readers. |
3. Effective Storytelling: Incorporating storytelling techniques into writing can make complex real estate concepts engaging and relatable to a broader audience. |
4. SEO Expertise: Successful writers optimize their content for search engines, using relevant keywords and strategies to improve visibility in search results. |
5. Consistency: Regularly publishing quality content helps build credibility and trust among readers and establishes a strong online presence. |
6. Understanding of Legalities: Real estate writers need to have a grasp of legal and regulatory aspects to provide accurate information while adhering to guidelines. |
7. Networking: Building connections within the real estate industry can provide valuable insights and potential collaboration opportunities. |
8. Attention to Detail: Attention to detail ensures accurate information and a professional presentation of real estate content. |
9. Adaptation to Trends: Successful writers stay updated on industry trends, adapting their content to reflect the latest developments. |
10. Audience-Centric Approach: Knowing the target audience allows writers to create content that addresses their needs and interests effectively. |
11. Engaging Visuals: Incorporating visual elements like images, infographics, and videos can enhance the readability and shareability of real estate content. |
12. Strong Headlines: Captivating headlines draw readers in and encourage them to explore the content further. |
13. Data Utilization: Incorporating relevant data and statistics adds credibility and authority to real estate writing. |
14. Understanding Buyer/Seller Perspective: Real estate writers who understand the perspectives of buyers and sellers can provide well-rounded insights. |
15. Continuous Learning: To stay ahead, successful writers commit to continuous learning, refining their skills, and staying informed about industry changes. |
They Never Use Jargon
Successful real estate writers never use jargon.
This is a rule that applies to all writing, not just real estate. When you’re writing for an audience, it’s important to speak their language, and jargon isn’t part of that vocabulary.
What is jargon? It’s words or phrases that are specific to one industry or group and don’t have any meaning outside of that context. An example would be “in rem” (for the property), which means “against the property.”
This term shows up in court documents all the time and while most lawyers know what it means, most people won’t have any clue what you’re talking about if you include this phrase in your writing.
When we talk about jargon about real estate and property management writers specifically, we’re referring more specifically to technical terms like “retrofits,” “reprovisioning” or “turnover rate.”
Another example is using acronyms such as GSE (Government-Sponsored Enterprises) or HUD (Housing & Urban Development).
You should also avoid industry-specific terms like CPMs (cost per thousand) because those may not be widely used outside of real estate advertising circles and can sound pretentious at best and alienating at worst when used by someone who doesn’t specialize in these areas
If you’re looking to excel in the realm of real estate writing, you need to understand the nuances. Dive deep into the art of crafting engaging content with the insights shared in Real Estate Writing: Cracking the Code, and unlock the secrets to capturing your audience’s attention.
They Never Write About ‘What To Do When Selling A Home
So what do they write about?
They don’t write about ‘what to do when selling a home. They don’t write about ‘how to sell a home, either. Nor do they write about ‘how to sell a house or ‘how to sell the property.
Instead, they are constantly on the lookout for ways in which their readers can improve their marketing practices and grow their business as real estate agents or contractors (or whatever it is that they do).
They Never Write About Who To Talk To
Now, I don’t mean that as a snarky comment.
This is a very common mistake among real estate writers. A lot of them will tell you who to talk to and how to reach out to them: “Here’s how you find an agent,” or “Here’s where you can find listings.” That kind of thing. But guess what? The most successful real estate writers never write about who or where—they only write about what and why.
Effective real estate copywriting goes beyond just words; it’s about being proactive and strategic. Discover how to harness the power of proactive real estate copywriting with guidance from Real Estate Copywriting and How to Do It in a Proactive Manner, and take your writing to the next level.
Here’s An Example From My Blog
“When it comes to finding your dream home, there are many different places on the web where you can search for homes in your area.”
They Never Write About ‘How To Pick The Right Realtor.
Real estate writers often write about how to pick the right realtor. Do you need a buyer’s agent? A seller’s agent? How will you know when to choose one over the other?
This is a mistake because it focuses on what someone else does for you, rather than on what you do for yourself.
Real estate agents are not your friends and they are not your parents; they are there to represent one party or another and usually, that party is getting paid by the seller, not by you.
So if we want our readers to make successful real estate purchases, we should tell them how they can help themselves succeed when hiring an agent rather than trying to teach them which type of agent might be best suited for their needs as buyers or sellers (since this decision ultimately comes down to financial incentives).
They Never Write About Listings
As a real estate writer, you’ll never be able to write about listings because they change all the time. You can’t keep up with them.
But people are searching for information about their neighborhood. They don’t care what listings are on the market right now; they want to know if they should move into the area or if it would be better for them to stay where they are. Or maybe someone is looking at homes in another city and wants an idea of what that area looks like or feels like before moving there.
Your job as a real estate writer is NOT to regurgitate information that already exists on other websites it’s to create original content (like this article!) so that people will come back again and again
Navigating the intricacies of the real estate market requires finesse and knowledge. Explore the realm of real estate writing with “15 Ways to Write for the Real Estate Market,” found in this comprehensive guide, and discover a variety of strategies to engage your readers effectively.
When Discussing A Specific Community, They Always Link To Their Website
This is a good idea because it helps other people find you on the internet. It also helps you by boosting your search engine ranking, which means more people will see your content and click through to your site.
In addition to linking to your website and relevant websites, consider linking out on related topics if you have something helpful or interesting to say about them–or even if you don’t!
Just be sure that whatever site you’re linking out from is reputable, reputable enough for someone who might be interested in buying real estate in that particular town or neighborhood (in this case).
Never Do They Have An Article That Doesn’t Have A Takeaway
If you’ve ever read an article that does not have a takeaway, then I am sorry for your loss. It happens to the best of us. Takeaways are key points a writer wants the reader to remember after reading their content.
This can be anything from what they learned from writing it, why it’s important to them, who benefits from it, or any other compelling reason. If you want links back or shares on social media, make sure there is something for people to link back to!
Never Do They Have An Article That Is Not Well Written, Edited, And Error Free
The best real estate writers make sure each post they publish is clean and easy to read. This means no grammar mistakes, spelling errors, or anything else that makes the text hard to follow. It’s also important to make sure the blog is easy to read on mobile devices as well as desktops and laptops.
They Always End Blog Articles With A Takeaway And A Call To Action (CTA)
A CTA is an action that you want your readers to take after reading the article. You can ask them to call a certain number or visit a website, purchase something, or learn more about a topic. The point of adding this element is to get the reader engaged with your content and make it as easy as possible for them to take action on what they learned.
Crafting compelling blog posts about real estate demands a comprehensive approach. Elevate your skills with insights from The Complete Guide to Writing Blogs About Real Estate, and learn how to create content that not only informs but also resonates with your target audience.
Here Are Some Examples Of Cats
“If you have any questions about our services or would like us to come out and inspect your property for mold, please give us a call at 555-555-1234.”
“To learn more about selling your home in today’s market, check out our latest blog post at [link].”
“If you want personalized advice based on your specific situation, contact us here! We’ll schedule an appointment just for you!”
When possible, They Find Infographics That Describe Their Topic In More Visual Detail
When possible, they find infographics that describe their topic in more visual detail. Infographics are a great way to present data in an easy-to-understand and shareable format. They’re also easier to understand than text alone, so even if you don’t have time to read all the details of an infographic, it’s still worth checking out because you’ll probably get its main point.
Infographics are a great way to present data in an easy-to-understand and shareable format. They’re also easier to understand than text alone, so even if you don’t have time to read all the details of an infographic, it’s still worth checking out because you’ll probably get its main point
They Understand That They Are Writing For Homeowners Who Are At Least Middle Income
You need to know who you’re writing for. In the case of real estate writers, they are writing for homeowners who are at least middle income. These people can afford a house and have mortgages or rent payments. Their primary objective is to find information that will help them buy or sell their home on time and make money from it.
They want to learn how much their home is worth, which neighborhoods are good investments, and how much money they will earn if they sell their home (or lose if they don’t). They want tips on how to stage their homes so potential buyers can visualize themselves living there.
Do they want information on what’s going on in the surrounding community and new businesses opening up? New schools being built?
They also want advice on improving their financial situation either by saving money now or investing well into retirement so that they’ll have enough money when they retire; this includes planning for college expenses for children/grandchildren as well as medical bills throughout life (especially if one spouse dies).
Their Blog Posts Are Between 800 And 1200 Words Long
No matter who you are and what your blog is about, this is a good length to shoot for. A blog post between 800 and 1200 words is the perfect length. Anything longer than that, and people won’t have time to read it before they lose interest (or fall asleep).
Any shorter, though, and the content’s not going to be as rich or in-depth as you might like. The average length of a successful blog post? Just under 1000 words give or take 100 words either way.
Now That We’ve Got This Settled: How Do You Write An Effective Longform Piece Without Losing Your Audience?
Never do they write about the type of construction used in the home building unless it’s directly related to the value of the home or its energy efficiency.
It is important to note that the type of construction used in home building is not always directly related to value, nor is it always a factor in energy efficiency. Consider the example of a new home built with high-end materials, but with an inefficient heating and cooling system.
The cost for upgrading this system would be higher than simply adding insulation or installing solar panels, which could save you thousands on your utility bills over time and increase your property’s overall value as well!
Their blogs are mobile optimized so that art does not need to be enlarged, the text is easy to read, and relevant links stand out at the bottom of each article.
Mobile optimization: Is blogging on the go important to you? If so, your blog must be accessible from any device. You can do this by making sure that the art doesn’t need to be enlarged, the text is easy to read, and relevant links stand out at the bottom of each article.
Easy navigation: Will readers have trouble finding posts within your archives? Are there ways they can search through different categories or tags easily? If not, consider adding a search function or listing all posts in chronological order with links back to older ones (like this).
Easy sharing: How easy is it for people who enjoy your blog posts to share them with other people via email or social media? Can they use a single click of their mouse or finger rather than copy/pasting text into another window? If not, add buttons within each post’s page enabling users to easily send content out into cyberspace with just one click!
Easy findability: When someone searches Google for “best real estate blogs” should yours show up near the top of those results (if not at number one)?
It likely won’t if you don’t optimize SEO keywords across all pages within both content areas as well as meta descriptions found under titles on homepages; not only does this boost accessibility but also increases visibility among higher ranking sites such as Yahoo!’s SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).
Enhancing your SEO content is crucial in the digital landscape. Boost your expertise by exploring 16 Simple Ways to Write Better SEO Content for Your Blog, and discover practical techniques that can help your blog content rank higher and reach a wider audience.
A Well-Written Blog Provides Information That Is Useful, Informative, And Easy To Read On Any Device
A well-written blog provides information that is useful, informative, and easy to read on any device. A good real estate writer knows this and makes sure their content meets these requirements.
A Well-Written Blog Should Be
Useful: The greatest secret to a successful blog is to provide readers with the information they can use in their daily lives. Readers want to learn new things that will make their lives better, but they also want to be entertained as they’re learning something new. You need to make sure your content offers both useful information and an entertaining experience at the same time!
Informative: Your readers don’t just want a great story; they also want facts about what you’re talking about! Readers will feel invested in your topic if they feel like they know everything there is to know about it and if some of those facts are surprising or unusual (but true).
Easy To Read On Any Device: This one might seem obvious, but many writers forget what kind of reading experience their readers will have when accessing their article online versus reading it offline as an ebook or hard copy book (the latter being quite rare these days).
For example, if you’ve made a point about how important SEOs are for any business owner hoping for success online then you should include a link at the end of each post directing people where exactly how much money SEOs cost vs PPC campaigns etc.
This way people can easily find out more information without having to go through several clicks trying to find out themselves which means more traffic coming back later down the road once ready to purchase services from someone else other than yourself.”
A well-written blog provides information that is useful, informative, and easy to read on any device. It also keeps readers engaged by providing a takeaway at the end of each post and a call to action (CTA) so they can take action right away. What are some other ways you could improve your real estate writing?
Further Reading
New Real Estate Agents: A Guide to Kickstart Your Career Short Description: Learn essential tips and insights for new real estate agents to jumpstart their careers and thrive in the competitive industry.
Building a Successful Real Estate Business Short Description: Discover strategies and tactics for establishing and growing a successful real estate business, from lead generation to client relationships.
Success Principles for Realtors: 15 Top Tips Short Description: Explore a comprehensive list of top success principles that can empower realtors to achieve excellence in their profession.
How can I start my career as a new real estate agent?
Starting a career as a new real estate agent involves a combination of obtaining the required licenses, gaining knowledge about the local market, networking, and joining a reputable brokerage. Continuously learning and adapting to industry trends will also be crucial for success.
What are some key strategies for building a successful real estate business?
Building a successful real estate business requires effective lead generation, a strong online presence, excellent communication skills, and nurturing client relationships. Leveraging technology and staying updated on market trends can also contribute to your business’s growth.
What are the top success principles for realtors?
Some of the top success principles for realtors include maintaining a strong work ethic, providing exceptional customer service, being proactive in marketing, staying organized, and continuously learning and improving one’s skills. Building a personal brand and fostering a reputation for trustworthiness are also critical.
How can I stand out as a successful realtor?
To stand out as a successful realtor, focus on offering unique value to your clients, whether through specialized knowledge, personalized services, or innovative marketing strategies. Consistently delivering on promises and going the extra mile can help you build a strong reputation and differentiate yourself from the competition.
How do successful real estate professionals manage their time effectively?
Successful real estate professionals manage their time effectively by setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, using time-blocking techniques, and leveraging technology to streamline administrative tasks. Learning to delegate and outsource certain responsibilities can also free up time for core activities that drive results.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.