First Time Real Estate Blogger? Here’s How To Get Started

You’ve probably heard that blogging is a great way to promote your business, but you might not know where to start. You’re in luck! The first thing you need is some confidence: We believe that anyone can become an effective real estate blogger. Now let’s get started.

How To Start A Real Estate Blog – YouTube
– Starting a career as a real estate blogger requires careful planning and execution.
– Identify your target audience and niche within the real estate industry.
– Create high-quality, valuable content that addresses your audience’s needs and questions.
– Focus on SEO strategies to increase the visibility of your blog in search engines.
– Utilize social media platforms to promote your content and engage with your audience.
– Build a consistent posting schedule to maintain reader engagement and loyalty.
– Network with other real estate professionals and bloggers to expand your reach.
– Monitor and analyze your blog’s performance to make informed improvements over time.

Before You Start Writing, Figure Out Your Blog’s Purpose

Before you start writing, figure out your blog’s purpose. It might be tempting to be all over the place and just write about whatever comes to mind. But that can make for a confusing blog that doesn’t seem like it has any focus.

As you’re figuring this out, here are some key questions to ask yourself:

  • What is the purpose of my blog?
  • What am I trying to achieve?
  • What is the goal of my blog?
  • What is its value proposition?
  • How do I position myself and my business about others in this space (if relevant)?
  • What unique selling points do I have that set me apart from everyone else out there (if relevant)?

Building a successful career as a real estate writer requires more than just words. Discover the 15 Things Successful Real Estate Writers Do to stand out in this competitive field and create content that resonates with your audience.

Leave Room For Growth

If you’re just starting, make sure your blog has enough space to grow. That means having a good domain name, which is the website address that people use to find your blog. If you’re using a free blog service like Blogger or WordPress, then you’ll be able to change your domain later but it’s best if you get it right from the start!

It’s also important that your blog be easy for readers and editors alike. For example, You shouldn’t have to log in every time someone wants to leave a comment on one of your articles or posts; instead, it should automatically publish as soon as there are no more errors in their work (or after editing). 

This saves both yourself and others from being held up by technical difficulties when working together on something important like this so take note!

Don’t Get Too Fancy With The Design In The Beginning

You don’t need to spend too much time on design in the beginning.

This is a common mistake that first-time bloggers make, but you should keep things as simple as possible while you figure out your voice, content, and writing style. Getting fancy with visuals or fonts can be fun and eye-catching in the short term, but it might not be worth it when you’re just starting and trying to get people to read your posts!

For example, I started blogging with basic themes like Twenty Seventeen or Genesis Framework starter templates because they have very little styling by default. 

This allows me to focus on content creation rather than worrying about how many lines of code my theme has or whether my sidebar sizes are balanced correctly against the main body text area.

In addition to limiting myself when it comes down to design decisions like layout and color scheme (which I cover below), another way I kept things simple during the launch was by using free resources wherever possible instead of splurging money on paid plugins/themes which may not be necessary at this point anyway since this is only our second post!

Crafting compelling real estate content is easier with the right tools in your arsenal. Explore our recommendations in The Best Tools I Use to Write About Real Estate to enhance your writing process and create content that captures attention.

Make Friends With Keywords, But Don’t Become Best Buds

  • Use keywords in your blog titles

You should always include a keyword or two in your blog title. This is the most important part of SEO, so don’t be lazy about it! If you’re blogging for the first time and aren’t sure what keywords to use, check out this article from Moz on choosing good keywords for your posts. 

Once you’ve got your perfect keyword or two readies to go, start putting them everywhere! It’s best to work them into every part of a blog post:

  • In the title itself (obviously)
  • In headers that lead into sections within the article (like subheadings and bullet points)
  • In body text paragraphs of an article
  • Tags associated with each piece of content

Be Consistent With Your Publishing Schedule To Build Reader Loyalty

Consistency is a key component in building reader loyalty. As a blogger, you should create a regular schedule of when you’re going to publish content. This way, readers know when they can expect new posts from you and can plan for reading them.

Your publishing schedule should be easy for people to remember, share with others and find your blog posts on the internet.

Consider Writing Shorter Posts In The Beginning

When you’re first beginning to write a real estate blog, it’s best to start with shorter posts. This is because it’s easier to write shorter posts and you’ll get more readers if your content is easy to read. You can always add more content later on if you decide that longer posts are better for your blog.

When writing shorter posts, make sure that they still contain quality information that will be helpful for readers. You don’t want people clicking on a link only to find out that the article doesn’t have much substance behind it!

Another reason why short articles work well for new bloggers is because of the amount of time needed for each post. 

If someone searches for something specific and finds what they’re looking for in an article within 2 minutes (or less).

Then chances are good they’ll click through again when looking for other topics related but not necessarily identical in nature or scope to those already covered previously by this particular author/writer as long as there’s enough variety between topics mentioned earlier versus those which might come later down line.

Ask Yourself What Your Readers Need And Want To Know, Then Deliver It

Ask yourself what your readers need and want to know, then deliver it.

This is where the rubber meets the road: if you want to get people reading your blog and buying what you’re selling, in this case, a book on real estate then you need to tell them something that they don’t already know. 

You can do this by answering questions in a way that’s useful for them, or by giving them information that makes their lives easier or more productive. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about writing about any topic whatsoever, it’s this: 

If someone reads something on my website because they think it might improve their life in some way (even if only slightly), then I’m doing my job as an author well enough for them to come back again next time I publish something new!

Timing is everything in real estate, including when to write about it. Learn more about the ideal moments to dive into real estate topics in our article: When Should You Write About Real Estate? and make the most of your content strategy.

Stick To One Post Topic Per Post

The easiest way to make sure your blog posts are focused is to stick to one topic per post. This means that you won’t be jumping from talking about the benefits of painting a home with Sherwin-Williams to talking about the best way to prepare for gutter cleaning. Instead, choose one thing and stick with it until you’ve laid out everything there is to know about it.

This strategy will save time for both you and your readers because they won’t have to do any research outside of your blog post to find what they need! 

Plus, there’s no pressure on you if someone doesn’t want more information after reading one article they can easily just scroll down through the other content on your site without having any extra work involved (except maybe clicking “x” next time they see an ad pop up).

Use “You” More Than “I” Or “We”

There’s a reason why this article uses “you” instead of “I” or “we.” We’re trying to make you feel like we’re having an actual conversation.

The same goes for your blog posts. Using the word “you” throughout your posts makes them more personal, conversational, and relatable which in turn makes it easier for readers to identify with you as a person and trust that you know what you’re talking about.

Turn Off The Grammar Checker And Use Simple Words And Sentences

When writing for the web, you should always turn off any grammar checkers or style guides your word processor may offer. The words and sentences you use should be short and simple. Why? Because that’s what readers expect to see on the web. They don’t have time for overly complicated sentences or big words that mean nothing to them.

So how do you keep your language simple? First, use shorter words instead of longer ones; use two-syllable words instead of three-syllable ones; use one-syllable words instead of two-syllable ones; and don’t even think about using three syllables unless it’s necessary (and even then, be sure to keep things as simple as possible). 

If appropriate, leave out common articles like “the,” “and,” etc., so it reads more smoothly (e.g., “The dog ate my homework” versus “My homework was eaten by my dog”). 

Another way is through sentence structure: write short sentences with only a couple of ideas per paragraph rather than long paragraphs with multiple thoughts per sentence; break up complex ideas into bite-sized pieces so readers can easily digest them without getting overwhelmed by big paragraphs full of complicated ideas (which makes them lose interest fast). 

If a sentence needs an exclamation point at its end then add one there but don’t overdo it because too many periods will also confuse readers.

Since most people are used to seeing only one period every time they read something written in modern English text format which is why I say to avoid using too much punctuation when possible but not necessary otherwise it might make reading difficult especially if there are lots of commas separating each piece

Ready to dive into real estate writing? Our comprehensive guide, The Complete Guide to Writing Blogs About Real Estate, offers step-by-step insights into crafting engaging content that connects with your readers and establishes your authority in the field.

Write An Awesome Headline That Gets People To Read Your Posts

Your headline should be short, sweet, and specific. The ideal headline is a one-two punch of value and interest: it’s something that will get people to read your post and keep them engaged throughout the entire thing.

Try using keywords that are relevant to your audience, like “home buying tips” or “how to save money on taxes this year.” You can also use numbers in headlines so they stand out more prominently in search results (e.g., “11 Tips For First Time Home Buyers”). 

And don’t forget to incorporate humor into your headlines as well; it’s one of the best ways to make sure people click through!

Another aspect of a good article title is its ability to grab the attention of potential readers by asking questions like “What Can YOU Do To Improve Your Real Estate Business?” or “Are You Ready For The Property Market Of 2016?”. 

These types of prompts will compel readers who may not have been interested yet but now want answers to whatever question you’ve asked them here!

Add Visual Media To Your Posts To Give The Reader A Break From Reading

Using pictures in your post is a great way to break up the text and make it more visually appealing. It’s also a great way to illustrate what you’re talking about, or even just make the article more fun.

Now that we’ve covered some of the basics, let’s talk about how we can use these principles in our posts.

Pay Attention To Spacing And Formatting, Especially On Mobile Devices

When you’re setting up your blog, pay attention to the spacing and formatting.

In particular, if you have a lot of text on one page (for example, in an About section), make sure it looks good on both mobile devices and desktop computers. 

On mobile devices, it should be easy for readers to scroll through the content without being overwhelmed by how much there is to read at once. It should also be easy for them to find specific sections of interest without having to go through pages and pages of unrelated content first.

If you want your blog posts to look great on any device and who doesn’t? you’ll want them all formatted correctly so no matter what kind of device someone’s using (desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone), they can easily read your posts!

If there are any problems with how your post looks in certain browsers or operating systems (or even just certain people’s browsers), let us know so we can help!

Share Links To Your Past Blogs On Social Media At Least Once A Week

Sharing links to your past blogs on social media at least once a week is a great way to remind your followers that you are alive and kicking, even if it’s been more than a month since you’ve last posted. It also helps them keep up with what you’ve been up to, which can lead to more shares and engagements from others who are interested in what you’re doing.

There’s one caveat here: don’t share too many links! If this becomes the main content on your social media accounts (and it will), people will start unfollowing or unfriending because they’ll be annoyed by all of the updates. 

Remember that only about 20% of people will click through on these types of posts anyway, so making them feel overwhelmed with every single post isn’t going to help anyone.

If possible, try sharing different types of posts each week so that there’s always something new and interesting coming through their feeds but remember not to overdo it! 

You want people scrolling past without getting bored or annoyed by too many links at once instead of stopping dead in their tracks just because they saw something awesome looking back at them after scrolling down half an hour later (or however long they’d been sitting there).

In the world of real estate, having a unique edge is crucial. Discover how Real Estate Writing: Your Unfair Advantage Against Competition can position you ahead of the pack, allowing you to make a mark and achieve success as a real estate writer.


So, what did you think? Do you have any questions about getting started in real estate blogging? If so, please let us know in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you and help out as much as possible.

Getting Started as a Real Estate Developer: Explore the path to becoming a successful real estate developer with insights from this article: Get Started on the Real Estate Developer Path. Discover the essential steps, strategies, and tips to embark on your journey in real estate development.

Starting Your Own Real Estate Blog: If you’re interested in sharing your expertise and insights through blogging, check out 6 Tips for Starting Your Own Real Estate Blog. Learn how to create and manage a successful blog that attracts an engaged audience and establishes you as a credible voice in the real estate industry.

Growing Your Real Estate Business: Dive into the world of real estate business growth with guidance from HubSpot’s Real Estate Business Guide. Uncover strategies for lead generation, marketing, and client relationship management to take your real estate business to the next level.


What steps are involved in becoming a real estate developer?

Becoming a real estate developer requires a mix of skills, market knowledge, and financial understanding. Start by learning about market trends, identifying opportunities, securing financing, planning projects, and managing construction processes.

How can I effectively start my own real estate blog?

To start a successful real estate blog, focus on defining your target audience, creating valuable content, optimizing for SEO, utilizing engaging visuals, maintaining consistency, and promoting your content through social media and networking.

What are some key considerations for growing a real estate business?

Growing a real estate business involves building a strong online presence, nurturing client relationships, leveraging technology for lead generation, providing excellent customer service, and continuously adapting to industry trends.

Is real estate development a profitable venture?

Real estate development can be profitable, but success depends on factors such as location, market demand, project scope, and effective project management. Proper research and planning are essential to maximize profitability.

How can I stay competitive in the real estate industry?

To stay competitive in the real estate industry, stay updated on market trends, offer unique value to clients, continuously improve your skills, build a strong network, embrace new technologies, and focus on providing exceptional customer experiences.