Magazine Writing: It’s Not Just For The Elite

When I was in college, one of the best parts of writing for magazines (as well as a friend’s blog) was getting the chance to interview people who were doing really cool things. The articles we wrote for those publications were fun and exciting, and I always felt like we’d made a difference in someone’s life by telling their story. 

After graduation, though, I found that publishing interviews weren’t so easy anymore. Fortunately for me (and anyone else with aspirations as an interviewer), there are still plenty of opportunities out there even if they require a little more work than before!

Writing Magazine Articles that are not Boring – YouTube
1. Magazine Writing is Inclusive – Contrary to popular belief, magazine writing is not limited to an exclusive group. Anyone with a passion for storytelling and a unique perspective can pursue a career in this field.
2. Diverse Opportunities – Magazine writing offers a diverse range of opportunities, covering various topics and industries. Whether it’s fashion, travel, technology, or lifestyle, there’s a magazine niche for every interest.
3. Community Strength – Aspiring magazine writers can find support and inspiration from a vibrant community of fellow writers, editors, and publishers. Networking and collaborating within this community can open doors to new opportunities.
4. Sharing Knowledge and Insights – Magazine writing provides a platform to share knowledge, ideas, and insights with a broad audience. Writers can influence opinions, educate readers, and spark meaningful conversations.
5. Potential for Growth – With dedication and perseverance, magazine writers can grow in their careers and establish themselves as influential voices in their respective fields. The path to success may require effort, but the rewards can be substantial.

Don’t Assume You Can’t Write For Magazines

Don’t assume that you can’t write for magazines. There are lots of people who have been writing for magazines for years, and there are even more people with the skills and qualifications to start writing for them today.

Don’t assume it’s too difficult. Writing a magazine article is not nearly as hard as most people think it is it just takes practice! You can learn how by reading some of the articles in your favorite magazines and then giving it a try yourself.

Don’t assume you don’t have the right skills or qualifications for this kind of writing job because there are many different kinds of publications out there looking for authors with all sorts of unique backgrounds and areas of expertise!

You might also be worried about whether or not someone will take notice if you submit something without an established track record but don’t let this stop you! 

If no one ever tried anything new or took any risks, nothing would ever improve so be brave, permit yourself to experiment with all types of projects (even those outside your comfort zone), and believe in yourself!

Embark on a fascinating journey into the world of magazine writing and discover what a typical day looks like for a magazine writer. Explore the ins and outs of the profession in our in-depth article on Magazine Writing: A Day in the Life, and gain valuable insights into the daily experiences of these creative wordsmiths.

Do Your Research

If you’re serious about writing for a magazine, make sure you do your research. Read the magazine that you want to write for, as well as other magazines in the same category. 

Look at its website and social media accounts. If it has an archives section on its website, look through it. Check out any author guidelines or style guides (both of which are usually available on their websites).

Read The Magazines You Want To Write For

Read the magazines you want to write for. Whether you are writing a blog post, an article, or a book, it helps to know what kind of content they publish. You can find out by reading their magazine or website and looking at their previous work.

You may not be able to tell exactly how they write their articles but at least you will get an idea of the type of content they tend to run with and how long those articles tend to be.

Write A Variety Of Pieces

As a writer, you should write about everything. You should write about your personal experiences and what they mean to you. You should write about the things that interest you most. You should write about the things that make you feel passionate or curious.

You’ll notice that these suggestions are all over the place they’re in no particular order and there’s no real rhyme or reason to where I’m placing them. That’s because I want to emphasize how important it is for writers to diversify their writing styles about subject matter and tone!

This may sound like a tall order but it can be quite simple once you get into the habit of doing so regularly. Once I started writing for myself more often (which was partly an attempt at finding something new), 

I noticed my work becoming less formulaic because my interests evolved from year to year based on my experiences living abroad as well as spending time abroad during vacations/holidays.”

Are you considering a career in magazine writing but need some motivation to take the leap? Look no further! We’ve compiled a compelling list of 15 Reasons to Start a Career in Magazine Writing that will fuel your passion for this captivating field and inspire you to explore the endless possibilities it offers.

Write About What You Know Best

Now that you understand the basics of how to write a good essay, it’s time to get started writing one. Writing an essay is a process that often takes several drafts before you have something ready for submission. However, your first draft should be well-structured and organized so that when it comes time for revisions and edits, your paper will be easy to work with.

Identify Your Unique Skills And Abilities

Identify your unique skills and abilities. What are your passions? What are your hobbies? What are your talents? What are your interests? What are your strengths? 

Are there any specific experiences that you have had that would make for an interesting article for a magazine or newspaper, like having served on an overseas mission trip or being a single mom who has adopted four children from foster care?

What do you want to do with these abilities? Do you have a goal in mind when it comes to writing, such as working at a particular publication or becoming an author of fiction or non-fiction books for children, teens, and adults alike?

Learn How To Pitch Your Ideas

Pitching is a skill. It’s not something you learn by reading a book or watching some YouTube videos. You need to put your ideas out there and get feedback so that you can improve them. I’ve seen lots of writers who are good at the actual writing part but could use some help with pitching, so I made this guide to help others like me!

In my experience, pitching is also an easy way to get published and get your foot in the door as a writer especially if you’re just starting as a freelancer. If people like your pitches enough, they’ll want to work with you again, which means more opportunities for publication down the road!

Wondering what sets magazine writing apart from other forms of writing? Discover the key distinctions between magazine writing and content writing in our detailed analysis, featured in 10 Differences Between Magazine Writing & Content Writing. Uncover the unique skills and techniques that make magazine writing a captivating and rewarding endeavor.

Don’t Forget To Follow Up On Your Pitches!

There are a few things you should know when it comes to following up on your pitches:

Don’t Assume Your Pitch Was Successful

If you don’t hear back from a publication, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your pitch didn’t work. Most writers at small publications receive hundreds of pitches every week and can only cover so many of them. It’s possible that your pitch simply got lost in the shuffle or was accidentally thrown out by one of the staff members who receive hundreds of emails daily.

Follow Up With A Polite Email

Once you’ve sent off your initial pitch and heard nothing back for several days or weeks (if ever), send an email politely asking if there was anything wrong with what you submitted or if they would like any additional information before deciding whether to use it. 

This doesn’t mean that they will accept/publish your article; however, what harm is there in being polite? You have nothing to lose!

Always Be Kind And Courteous, Even When They’re Not

Once you’re in the door, you need to make a good first impression. This means being courteous to everyone, not just editors and writers. Be respectful of the people around you: they could be your next source or editor, so treat them respectfully at all times.

 Don’t be afraid to ask questions (but do your research beforehand), don’t be afraid to ask for feedback, and don’t be afraid to ask for a second chance if something goes wrong. 

They may seem like small gestures when it comes down to it, but they can make all the difference between advancing your career or getting stuck on an entry-level job forever. Always remember that these are real people with lives outside of work; treat them as such!

For aspiring magazine writers, finding the right publication can be a game-changer. Dive into our comprehensive guide on How to Find the Best Magazine Markets to learn effective strategies for identifying the most suitable magazines for your work. Open doors to exciting opportunities and reach your target audience with confidence.

Understand What Editors Want (And Don’t Want)

The best way to get published is to make the right connections. A good editor will tell you what kind of work they want, and what they don’t want. Some editors are open to anything while others have a very specific style or genre they like working with. 

Make sure that when you pitch your article idea, it fits in with their goals for the publication as well as your own goals for yourself as a writer.

In addition to knowing what an editor wants from his or her contributors, you must know what not to write about. Writers who send pitches about topics that aren’t interesting tend not to get published very often or at all and no one likes someone who has nothing interesting (or entertaining!) to say about themselves or their writing experience!

Get Comfortable With Rejection And Try Again!

If you don’t get a response, try again. It’s common to send out your query and never hear back from the magazine or newspaper. That doesn’t mean they don’t want your work! Some publications are just slower than others, so if you haven’t heard back in two weeks or so (and it’s been at least that long since you first sent out your query), send another one.

If you get a rejection try again! Sometimes magazines will reject your work because it was too similar to something else they published recently, or maybe their readers just aren’t into this type of story right now. 

Again though, the fact that they’ve rejected one of your stories does not mean that all of them will be rejected most likely some of them won’t! Just keep sending more queries until someone says yes.

Ever wondered about the secrets to success in magazine writing? Learn from the best as we present exclusive insights from accomplished writers in our captivating article, Top Magazine Writers Reveal Their Secret to Success. Tap into their wisdom, master the craft, and take your magazine writing journey to new heights of achievement.


If you’re new to the world of magazine writing, we hope this guide has given you some insight into what it takes to get your work published. 

If you’re already an experienced writer or have just started writing for magazines, then hopefully we have provided some useful tips on how to improve your chances of success! 

We hope this blog post has given you some ideas on how best to approach the process of pitching and submitting articles, which can be tricky at first but will ultimately make all the difference between acceptance and rejection (or maybe even getting paid).

Further Reading

JSTOR – The Evolution of Magazine Publishing: Explore the evolution of magazine publishing and its impact on media and culture through this insightful academic study.

History of Magazine Publishing: Delve into the rich history of magazine publishing, from its early beginnings to the modern-day, and discover how magazines have shaped society and communication.

Writing for a Practitioner Audience: If you aspire to write for a practitioner audience, this comprehensive guide provides valuable tips and techniques to effectively communicate with professionals in your field.


What is the main focus of the JSTOR article on magazine publishing?

The JSTOR article explores the historical evolution of magazine publishing and its significance in shaping media and cultural trends.

How does the “History of Magazine Publishing” resource chronicle the development of magazines?

The resource provides a chronological account of magazine publishing, from its origins to the current era, highlighting key milestones and influential moments.

What does it mean to write for a practitioner audience?

Writing for a practitioner audience involves creating content that addresses the specific needs and interests of professionals in a particular field or industry.

How can aspiring writers effectively tailor their work for a practitioner audience?

The guide offers practical advice on how to adapt writing style, language, and content to resonate with practitioners, making the information relevant and valuable to their work.

Are there any specific tips for engaging a practitioner audience in written content?

Yes, the resource shares actionable tips on how to use real-life examples, case studies, and practical applications to enhance the relevance and engagement of the written material.