How To Write An SEO Article

Writing an SEO article is a lot easier than it used to be. The days of stuffing keywords in the title, body, and H1 tag are over. Nowadays, people want quality content. This can take some time to produce but if you follow these steps you’ll have no problem writing an engaging post that will help you reach your audience!

What IS SEO Content Writing And How To Start Writing For SEO!
1. Focus on keyword research to identify relevant and high-traffic keywords for your SEO article.
2. Structure your article with clear headings and subheadings to make it more reader-friendly and SEO-friendly.
3. Optimize your article’s meta tags, including title tags and meta descriptions, to improve its search engine visibility.
4. Incorporate relevant internal and external links within your SEO article to enhance its authority and user experience.
5. Write high-quality and engaging content that provides value to your readers, which can lead to increased user engagement and better search rankings.

Research Keywords With Search Volume First

To get started, you’ll want to know the most searched keywords for your topic. This will help you understand how much traffic your article can potentially receive and which words are most relevant. There are many tools available online that allow you to research keywords by keyword search volume, competition level, and other factors.

Google Keyword Planner is the best-known and most used tool for this purpose; it provides a free version of its service that allows users to find keywords with monthly searches ranging between 100-100,000 (and up). 

You can also use Google Trends if you have access to its paid version a subscription costs $20/month but allows access to more advanced features such as competitor analysis tools (e.g., SEMrush). 

Alternatively, there are many free alternatives available online like Ubersuggest or Moz’s Keyword Explorer where users can input keywords then receive suggestions based on their queries.”

Becoming a successful writer requires dedication and skill. If you’re interested in exploring the path of becoming a writer, check out our comprehensive guide on how to become a magazine writer to kickstart your journey in the world of writing.

Understand The Intent Behind Your Target Keywords

When writing an SEO article, it’s important to understand the intent behind your target keyword. In other words, know what you’re trying to accomplish with your content. The better you understand this, the more successful your article will be in achieving its goals.

A good example would be if you were writing an article about how to make a delicious homemade chocolate cake the title of your post could be “How To Make A Delicious Homemade Chocolate Cake”. 

Now imagine that someone searches for “how to make brownies” on Google… but they want to make chocolate cakes! If their only option is an article called “How To Make Brownies”, then they might leave without reading anything because there’s not much information on making chocolate cakes (or any kind of cake) within that post.

This scenario happens all too often when people don’t take into account their target keywords’ true intentions while creating content and it can lead to missed opportunities and lost traffic!

Develop Topic Clusters, Not Just Keyword Silos

Using a keyword tool is an excellent way to find related topics and keywords, but you can also use it to find synonyms for your main keyword. That’s why I recommend developing topic clusters as well as keyword silos.

You can create your list of related topics and keywords by using free tools like Google Autocomplete or, which will give you all the suggestions based on the root term that users searched for in search engines (e.g., “best SEO article”). 

You can also use paid services like SEMrush or Ahrefs that provide more detailed information about each suggestion (e.g., number of searches per month).

SEO writing can be a powerful tool, but some rules may do more harm than good. Learn about the 15 ridiculous SEO writing rules you should never follow to avoid common pitfalls and write compelling content that resonates with your audience.

Start Planning Before You Write

Before you start writing, you need to think about all of the things that go into an SEO article.

Understand the topic. If you’re not familiar with it, spend some time researching and learning about it. The more you know about your subject matter, the easier your job will be when writing the content (and the better chance it has of ranking well).

Understand who is going to read this article and why they would want to read it in particular. This will help inform how you write and whether or not people find what they’re looking for on your page.

Decide how long this piece should be based on its purpose, format (e-book vs blog post vs white paper vs infographic), tone/voice, etc.

Know Who You Are Writing For

Knowing your audience and their needs are the first step in writing any blog post, and it’s equally important when you’re writing for search engine optimization. If you don’t know your target audience, how can you write an engaging piece that will help them?

The first thing to consider is who you are writing for. Are they business owners? A customer? Someone looking to improve their health and fitness? Knowing who your audience is will help determine what kind of information they’re looking for and how they like to consume it. 

In addition to knowing who exactly your readers are, understanding where they are in their journey towards becoming an expert (or not!) will also help guide what kind of content you need to create.

For example, Someone who is just getting started with yoga would be interested in learning about basic poses and breathing techniques. 

But if this person attends class once per week at a local studio, he or she may also want some tips for improving flexibility or reducing soreness after each practice session things that experienced yogis might have picked up on their own over time without ever needing guidance from others!

Write Like A Human, Not A Robot

There’s no secret to writing great content, but there are some simple rules you can follow to make your writing more easily understood by search engines.

Write like a human, not a robot. Search engines don’t understand language the same way that humans do; they’re machines that rely on rigid text-matching algorithms and word frequency data to determine rankings in search results. 

If you’re using difficult words or phrases to game the system, it’ll come across as unnatural and spammy and Google will penalize your website for it. 

As long as you’re writing for humans first and foremost, use natural language when possible it’ll be more readable, easier to understand and remember (which is good for SEO), and won’t add any unnecessary weight to pages that could be better spent elsewhere.

Use active voice over passive voice wherever possible: “John ate an apple” versus “An apple was eaten by John.” The active voice makes it clear who is acting (in this case John), whereas the passive voice obscures who exactly did something (it could have been just about anyone). 

Active sentences have fewer words overall since they only include necessary parts of speech the subject acts as something else while passive sentences require extra time because these extra words aren’t necessary (for example: “The ball broke after being kicked”). In general terms: stick with active verbs whenever possible!

Mastering the art of SEO writing can make you an SEO wizard. Delve into our ultimate guide to writing like an SEO wizard and unlock the secrets to optimizing your content for search engines and captivating readers.

Use The Target Keyword In The H1 First Paragraph, H2 Second Paragraph, And Throughout The Body Copy

To optimize your article for search engines, you’ll want to make sure that the target keyword is used in the title and meta description of the page. You’ll also need to use it in at least one sentence or two of your article, as well as in the first paragraph.

This means that if you’re writing an SEO article on cats and want to target “cat,” then you should use “cat” anywhere from once or twice (at most) throughout your entire piece of content. 

If you do this correctly, Google will know what type of content is being written about and rank it accordingly in their algorithms!

Write High-Quality Content That’s Better Than Everyone Else’s

If you want to rank in Google, what should you write? Write high-quality content that’s better than everyone else’s. Why? Because high-quality content is more likely to rank, get shared, get read, and get links.

Longer article length also correlates with higher rankings for long-tail queries. The longer the article length (or “page views”) on a site at a single domain or subdomain level, the higher its ranking will be in search results for long tail keywords (that is, terms with three or more words).

This makes sense: if someone is searching for something of interest on Google and sees your website first in the results, then they’ll click through to your site; if they don’t find what they’re looking for there then they’ll leave again pretty quickly – but now their browser history will include your site too!

Content writing is an essential skill, and improving your natural writing abilities can set you apart. Learn effective strategies to become a more natural content writer and craft engaging content that flows effortlessly.

Use Formatting To Emphasize Important Points

Formatting is one of the most useful tools you can use when writing for search engines. It helps you create sections and subsections, which makes the article easier to read, findable, and navigate through.

Here are some examples of how you can format an article for SEO:

Use bold, italics, and different font sizes to separate important information from regular text.

Use lists, headings, and subheadings as a way of breaking up large blocks of text into more digestible pieces for readers’ eyes. Use bullet points at the end of each line or paragraph if your list is long enough so they don’t overlap with any other lines or paragraphs on the page. 

This makes it easier for people who aren’t actively reading every word – they’ll just skim over your list if they’re skimming through an entire website looking for information about something specific (which is more likely than someone sitting down with a cupcake in front of them). 

Bullet points also make it clear where one idea ends and another begins; this makes it easier for both readers and search engines like Google since we all know that Google loves bullets!

Images are essential when trying to explain something visually – whether it’s a photo or clip art image (you can find free clipart online), do whatever possible so that people can see what’s being talked about as clearly as possible without having their vision impaired by glare offscreen sources such as windows behind them.

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Optimize Images By Naming Them Appropriately And Including Alt Text

Use an SEO-friendly naming convention. The text you put into the filename and alt text of your images will be indexed by search engines, so you must use a naming convention that helps your image show up in search results.

Include alt text. Alt text is the small snippet of information that appears when someone hovers over an image on a web page or uses a screen reader to navigate a site. When writing alt text, try to include keywords that are related to your content, but remember not to repeat phrases found in other parts of your article (such as headlines).

Keep it concise and accurate! If we look back at our “how-to” guide for creating effective SEO articles, one thing we mentioned was using shorter sentences with more words per sentence (i.e., shorter paragraphs), which allows readers with limited attention spans (ahem) easier access when scanning through page after page online content.”

Use Internal Links To Other Pages On Your Website In Related Content

Internal links are important because they help search engines understand the context of your content. A good rule of thumb is to have at least one internal link per paragraph.

A simple way to create internal links for your website is to use keywords and phrases that are already present on your site, but haven’t been linked yet this will make it easy for visitors who land on your page through a search engine or social media platform, as well as helping you rank higher in Google’s algorithms!

Interlink From Old Articles To New Content Once It’s Published

After you publish your new article, make sure to link to the old one. You can do this in a variety of ways.

If an article has multiple sections, link them together with anchors on each section (also called internal links). 

For example, if you have a list of “Top 10” posts, then use and as anchors so that readers can jump directly from one post to another without having to click through pages or scroll down. You could also use a “Related Posts” section at the end of each post with links back up top for easy accessibility.

Include links within comments on older articles so that readers can easily access related content from within their current context this is especially helpful for long-form articles where there may be no obvious connection between what’s being discussed and other relevant content elsewhere on your site or beyond it. 

This also helps Google understand how closely related these two pieces are when determining how much weight they should be given during its search algorithms’ calculations; this is why it’s important not only for users but also for bots!

Boosting traffic through SEO copywriting requires understanding the dos and don’ts. Dive into our guide on SEO copywriting do’s and don’ts to ensure your content aligns with best practices and drives organic traffic to your website.

Consider Using Rich Snippets For Relevant Content Types

Another way to add information to your search results is via rich snippets. Rich snippets are a collection of structured data that can be used to add more information about your site in the SERPs. 

For example, if you have an article about how to bake a perfect chocolate cake, you can use a rich snippet for this type of content by including an image of the cake and review stars from users on your site. This will increase click-through rates from search engine users because they will see what they want before clicking on the result.

Consider External Links – Do They Add Value?

If you decide to create an article, think about external links. Links to external resources can help users find more information on the topic and build relationships with other websites. They can also help you to build your brand, drive traffic and increase search engine rankings if they are included in the right places.


In the end, writing an SEO article is all about understanding how to create content that stands out from the crowd. You need to be able to do this by creating a great piece of writing that’s well structured, informative, and interesting for your audience. 

The next step is making sure that the words you choose reflect these qualities – after all if nobody reads what you’ve written because it sounds like gibberish or it’s boring as hell then nobody will ever see those links either!

Further Reading

8 Easy SEO Tips for Writing Articles Online: Discover simple yet effective SEO tips to optimize your online articles and improve their visibility in search engines.

How to Create SEO-Friendly Content with SEMrush: Learn how to leverage SEMrush to create SEO-friendly content that drives organic traffic and boosts your website’s search engine rankings.

How to Write SEO Content: A Comprehensive Guide: Explore this comprehensive guide on writing SEO content, covering essential tips and techniques to make your content search engine-friendly.


How can I improve my article’s SEO ranking?

To improve your article’s SEO ranking, focus on using relevant keywords, writing high-quality content, and optimizing meta tags and headings.

What tools can I use to create SEO-friendly content?

Tools like SEMrush, Moz, and Google Keyword Planner can help you identify relevant keywords and optimize your content for SEO.

Should I prioritize keyword density in my articles?

Keyword density is essential, but it should not be overdone. Aim for a natural and balanced use of keywords throughout your content.

How long should my SEO articles be?

There’s no fixed length, but longer articles (1,000+ words) tend to perform better in search results as they provide more comprehensive information.

How often should I update my SEO content?

Regularly updating your SEO content can positively impact search rankings. Aim to refresh and add new information to your content periodically.