How To Write A Blog Article. Tips From A Pro

Writing a blog post can be hard. You need to keep your readers engaged, use the right words and format your article in a way that’s easy to read. It’s also important to write with proper grammar and spelling. 

If you already have a blog or want to start one, check out these tips for writing better articles:

How to Write a Blog Post From Start to Finish | Neil Patel
1. Learn from an Expert
2. Master Blog Article Structure
3. Elevate Your Writing Skills
4. Craft Catchy Headlines
5. Enhance Blog Article Promotion

Plan What You’re Going To Write About

Before you start writing, make sure you have a basic outline of what your article is going to contain. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s surprising how many people don’t do this step. 

If anything goes wrong during the writing process, chances are that your article won’t be as strong as it could have been if you had planned properly beforehand.

Once you have an idea of what sort of content will be included in your post and roughly where each section will appear, then it’s time to start planning exactly what is going into each section.

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Think About The Format Of Your Blog Post

Finally, you need to think about the format, style, and tone of your blog post.

You’ll want to be sure that it’s in a format that is easy for readers to access and understand. You may also want to consider whether there are any elements in the piece (such as an infographic) that can add another dimension or appeal visually. 

As far as tone goes, make sure you’re addressing the topic in a way that is inviting for readers and doesn’t come across as too dry or boring.

Come Up With A Creative Title For Your Blog Post

Your blog post title is the first thing readers will see when they visit your article. It should be short, catchy, and relevant to your content. The headline should also have keywords so that search engines can easily find it when someone searches for those words or phrases.

Your headline should entice readers to click through by summarizing the main point of the article in one sentence or two at most (see how I did this here?)

You want people to get excited about reading what you’ve written! Create a sense of urgency by using words like “how-to” “the ultimate guide” or “quick tips” as part of your title

Add Images To Your Article For Visual Contrast

If you’re like me, you probably hate reading long blocks of text (and who can blame you?). Adding images to your articles can help break up the monotony and make your article more interesting to read. 

Images can also be used to illustrate something in your article, which is helpful if it’s difficult to explain with just words.

Putting images into your blog posts will also help them rank better in search engines, especially if they’re relevant to the topic of your post. This will allow more people from around the world to access them! 

Plus, adding images is an easy way for people on social media sites like Instagram or Pinterest (two very popular places where people go online) to find out about what’s new on your website without having first clicked through multiple pages looking for new content!”

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Use Subheadings To Make Your Blog Post Easier To Read

Subheadings are your best friend. They’re not just for poetry and fiction use them in your blog articles to break up the text, create a visual hierarchy, and make your article scannable.

If you don’t have subheads, readers can easily get lost or overwhelmed by all the information on the page. It’s also harder to skim an article without them because there isn’t an obvious beginning or end point in each section of writing. 

You want your reader to be able to find what they came for quickly and easily (because we all have limited time).

Write An Introduction That Engages The Reader

The introduction is the first thing a reader sees. It sets the tone for your article and should be written in such a way that it catches the reader’s attention.

The length of this section can vary depending on what you’re writing about, but it’s important to remember that an introduction should be short, relevant, and engaging.

Here are some tips for writing an effective introduction:

Keep it short – You don’t want to bore your reader by going into too much detail at this stage; simply give them enough information to make them want to keep reading or clicking through until you get around to telling them more later (you will). 

If you find yourself writing too much in this area then take note – perhaps there is another area where they need more explanation. In other words: write less here!

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Write The Body Of Your Blog Post In An Organized Way

  • Organize your article.
  • Put related ideas together. You must logically organize your article so that readers can easily follow the flow of ideas. 
  • Make sure that each paragraph is tightly linked to the next one and that they all relate to a single topic or overarching idea.
  • Use headings and subheadings to break up the text into manageable chunks. Headings are good for marking different sections of paragraphs, like “How To…” 
  • “Why It’s So Important…” etc., while subheadings break down further into bullet points or lists which are also useful for breaking down large blocks of text for easy reading (more on this below).

Make Sure There’s A Point To Every Paragraph In Your Article

When you write, you should have a goal in mind for each paragraph and section of your article. 

This makes it easier to organize your thoughts and ideas into coherent paragraphs, while also keeping readers engaged by providing them with a clear idea of what they can expect when they turn the page or click on an advertisement.

The point of each paragraph should be clearly stated at the beginning of each paragraph, and then supported throughout the rest of it using evidence from studies, personal anecdotes, or other examples that help illustrate what you’re saying.

The last sentence should summarize the point so readers can reflect on what they just read before moving on to something else.

Come Up With A Strong Conclusion For Your Blog Post

Now that you’ve laid out the basics and given your reader a lot of information, it’s time to wrap things up. Your conclusion is where you can leave them with something memorable.

This is also a great place to reiterate what matters most about this topic: what they should take away from it to apply it in their own lives.

For example, if your article was about how to start an exercise routine, you could end by saying something like: “Start slowly and build up over time. Don’t get frustrated if progress doesn’t come easily at first.”

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Know When You Should Use Lists In Your Articles, And How to Make Them Interesting

Lists are a great way to organize information and get your point across. When you want to emphasize a particular point, lists can be very effective. For example:

  • Listing the steps required for a process helps readers follow along and understand what they need to do.
  • If you have lots of information that needs to be conveyed, using lists will make it easier for readers to digest all the information at once without losing their place in the article or getting confused about where they are in reading the article.

Lists are also helpful when you have an important message or point that should not be missed by your audience because they draw attention to themselves and their content with bolded text or subheadings which help keep your reader engaged (as long as they’re done properly). 

You could even use bullet points if nothing else seems appropriate!

Pay Attention To How Long Your Paragraphs Are

Paragraph length is an important aspect of writing an article. You want your paragraphs to flow well and be easy to read, but you also don’t want them to be so short that they don’t contain enough information. 

The perfect paragraph length is somewhere in between these two extremes.

The ideal length of a paragraph should depend on your audience and the purpose of your blog post (or article). If it’s a long-form blog post about something complicated like software development or science.

Then longer paragraphs are probably better because it takes time for people to fully understand complicated concepts like these. 

However, if you have an article about fashion trends then shorter paragraphs will work better since this type of content doesn’t require much explanation or depth.

It’s also important not only to think about what kind of content you’re writing but also how easily digestible it is by people who aren’t experts on the topic at hand.

This means that sometimes shorter sentences/paragraphs might be better than longer ones depending on what exactly needs explaining!

Research (And Cite) Other People, Blogs, And Sources If Necessary

A good blog article is a well-researched one. That means you have to do your research before you start writing. You can’t just make something up or copy and paste someone else’s ideas into your blog post.

If you are writing about another blogger or source, it is a good idea to cite them in the body of your article. This way, readers will know that you did your research and that what they are reading is accurate and credible information.

It also shows readers that they can trust what they read in your blogs because it was written by someone who knows what they are talking about!

Proofread! Don’t Publish A Piece Of Writing Without Proofreading It First

A lot of people think that proofreading is a thing that you either get good at or don’t. But I’m here to tell you that’s not true: proofreading is a skill that can be learned, improved, honed, and mastered.

You might feel like you don’t have time for another skill but trust me you’ll save yourself from making embarrassing mistakes when people read your work if you know how to proofread effectively.

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You Can Create A Great Article By Following Some Of These Simple Tips!

You can create a great article by following some of these simple tips!

Use your style. Don’t be afraid to add your spin on things. You don’t have to stick with the same format for every article, and you don’t have to keep everything in order either!

Be creative, but not too creative. You want your readers to get excited about reading more from you in the future, but if they’re confused by what you’ve written then they might leave before finishing reading the whole thing and that’s bad news for both you and them!

Proofread before publishing anything online (even if it’s just on Twitter). People tend not to notice spelling mistakes unless they read something over a second time; 

Instead, they may assume that whoever wrote it wasn’t very intelligent because those sentences sounded funny when spoken aloud…or something like that anyway 🙂


And there you have it! 19 easy-to-follow tips for writing a blog article. If you follow these steps, you’ll be well on your way to writing an engaging blog post that will help you connect with your readers and build their trust by sharing authentic content that’s worth reading.

Further Reading

How to Start a Blog: A comprehensive guide on the essential steps to kickstart your own blog and build an online presence.

How to Write a Blog Post: Learn the art of crafting engaging and impactful blog posts to captivate your audience and boost your content strategy.

How to Write a Blog Post: MasterClass Guide: An expert-level resource to take your blog post writing skills to new heights with insights from seasoned professionals.


What are the key steps to start a successful blog?

Starting a successful blog involves selecting a niche, choosing a reliable platform, creating quality content, promoting your blog, and engaging with your audience.

How do I write attention-grabbing blog post titles?

Craft attention-grabbing blog post titles by being concise, using strong language, and creating curiosity that entices readers to click and read further.

How often should I publish new blog posts?

The ideal frequency of publishing new blog posts depends on your niche, audience, and available resources. Consistency is key, but quality should not be compromised.

How can I promote my blog and increase its visibility?

Promote your blog through social media, guest posting, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and collaborating with influencers or other bloggers.

What are some effective strategies to engage with my blog audience?

Engage with your blog audience by responding to comments, conducting surveys, hosting contests, creating interactive content, and providing valuable resources.