I’m going to tell you a secret: I’m not a writer. In fact, I’m better at reading than writing. When it comes to the English language, I have some clear strengths and weaknesses.
And yet, somehow, when a client asks me to “rewrite their ideas better than they ever could,” I somehow manage to pull through with flying colors and make them sound like Shakespeare himself. What’s my secret? Well, here are my five tips for ghostwriting better than anyone else can:
Takeaways |
1. Hiring a ghostwriter can greatly benefit your book project. |
2. Aspiring ghostwriting freelancers can stand out with key tips. |
3. Understand what ghostwriting is and its potential advantages. |
4. Learn from ghostwriting horror stories to avoid common pitfalls. |
5. Discover how to embark on a successful journey as a ghostwriter. |
Get To The Point
The most important thing you can do is get to the point quickly. This is a big part of what makes your content shine you’re not wasting time telling readers why they should care, who you are, how long you’ve been around, etc., like so many other writers do.
Instead, you get right into the meat of what makes your company great and why it’s superior to competitors.
Another important thing is using the right words in your writing. You want them to be powerful and evocative.
Words that will make people think about how much better life would be if they were using your product or service instead of some other option (and also make them want to purchase). So choose carefully!
You also need to use the right tone throughout your rewrite as well; this will help make sure it sounds natural and convincing when read aloud by others outside of our office walls (or screens).
And remember: don’t forget about format! It’s easy for people who aren’t familiar with book formatting standards out there today so make sure everything looks professional before publishing anything up online.”
Hiring a ghostwriter can be a game-changer for your book project! Discover the advantages of professional ghostwriting services in our comprehensive article on why you should hire a ghostwriter to write your book. Unlock your book’s potential with the help of a skilled ghostwriter.
Use Fewer Words
We don’t want to make the mistake of influencing your voice, so we’ll just leave it at this: be concise and use simple language. Since we’re not the ones writing the piece, our rewrites must be written in a way that feels natural.
It can be tempting to use big words or complicated sentences when writing for yourself however, this will only serve to complicate things for us.
We’re confident that if you keep your sentences short, simple and active (i.e., don’t let your verbs get off easy by being passive) you’ll find that it makes rewriting an easier process overall!
Leave The Jargon To The Experts
Now, you might be thinking: “But what about all this jargon that my subject matter experts use? Isn’t it important for them to sound like professionals?”
The answer is no. In fact, as a writer who works with scientists and engineers often, I find that the more jargon I can strip out of their writing the better. Why? It’s just too difficult for readers to understand, remember and use even when they’re trying hard!
And when the material’s complicated enough already, it’s much better to leave in words that everyone knows that obscure terms that only your experts will recognize (and probably not in time).
Words like “theoretical” or “hypothesis” are two examples of words that people struggle with every day; they don’t know what they mean without explanation (and even then it takes some effort).
These make any document harder to read because there are so many unfamiliar terms sprinkled throughout.
Calling all aspiring ghostwriting freelancers! 📝 Sharpen your skills and stand out in the competitive market with these top 11 tips for ghostwriting freelancers. Learn from experienced ghostwriters and take your freelancing career to new heights.
Use Meaningful Examples
The next time you are writing an essay, keep these tips in mind:
- Use specific examples that illustrate your points. Vague or general examples won’t engage your audience as much.
- Make sure that the example is relevant to the topic at hand and not just something cool you found on google images.
- Don’t be afraid to use a variety of examples to make your point more clearly and efficiently.
- For instance, if your thesis is “There are many types of basketball players,” then mentioning both Michael Jordan and Shaquille O’Neal will help illustrate this idea better than just using one example would have done alone!
Create A Logical Argument
Be logical. If you’re writing a report, follow the order of the steps in your outline. If you’re writing a novel, start with the inciting incident and work forward from there.
You can’t just jump around as you please; readers need to see your point clearly before they’ll be able to appreciate it.
Connect all your ideas smoothly. This means using transitions like “in addition,” “as well,” and “therefore,” as well as words like “also” or phrases like “because of this.”
These are all ways of linking one thought to another in a way that makes sense and is easy for readers (and editors) to follow along with what’s going on.
Do not repeat yourself unnecessarily! If two points are related enough that they should share similar language and structure, don’t put both ideas into separate sentences: combine them into one sentence instead!
For example: “The dog ate my homework because he was hungry and wanted my attention” would be better written as “The dog ate my homework because he was hungry + wanted my attention.”
Curious about what ghostwriting entails and how it can benefit you? 🤔 Our in-depth guide on what ghostwriting is all about and how it can help you covers the ins and outs of ghostwriting and how it can support your writing aspirations.
Create A Story When You Can
Stories are the most effective way to make your point memorable, relatable, and interesting. They also take the pressure off of you because they make you more persuasive.
As a writer, you have a lot of material with which to work. You can use that material to help your audience understand and embrace your points. For example:
If you’re explaining why it’s important for people to eat healthy food, tell them about how a friend of yours tried eating nothing but ice cream for two weeks straight and ended up getting terrible stomach cramps from all that sugar.
If you want readers to understand why they need new skis every season, describe how last winter my old pair kept me from sticking turns on halfpipe runs while my friends were carving through powder-like pros!
Focus On What People Want, Not What You Want Them To Hear
When you’re ghostwriting, it’s tempting to use your favorite examples and language. But as a ghostwriter, you should focus on what people want to hear. The best way to get a good idea of this is by asking the right questions in your interview with the client.
If you ask the right questions, then what they say will tell you everything you need to know about their audience and it will allow them to weigh in on their copy!
When I ghostwrite articles or books for clients, I ask them all kinds of questions about who their audience is and what they like/don’t like. Then I take those answers and turn them into compelling content that speaks directly to those readers’ needs…
In fact, some people call me “the voice behind the brand” because my writing style does sound like my clients’ real voices speaking directly from within every word
Know Your Characters, Even If They Are Inanimate Objects And Systems
The more you know about your characters, the easier it will be to write them.
> Know what they stand for. What are their goals? What do they want?
> Know what they do. How do they go about achieving those goals and wants? Do they speak in a certain way, or have a certain tone of voice that is distinct from other characters in the book/story? How does this translate into their actions on the page (or screen)?
> Know what they look like: eye color, hair color, height, weight…the list goes on! This can help you visualize them while brainstorming where to place them on the page so that readers can see how each person looks as well as hear how each person sounds (more on this later).
It’s also important to know how specific things such as clothing style and accessories might affect how people interact with one another in real life.
Because these details could signal something important about who these people are underneath all those layers of humanity we wear every day just for show!
Real-life ghostwriting horror stories that will leave you astounded! 😱 Check out our chilling collection of 10 horror stories of ghostwriters screwed over by authors to learn about the dark side of the ghostwriting world and the cautionary tales to keep in mind.
Tell Stories About People And Business, Not About Processes And Ideas
People remember stories and facts differently, and in a way that makes stories more effective than facts.
Stories engage us with their characters, setting, plot, and dialogue. They transport us to different places or times when we read them; it’s like we’re watching a movie instead of just reading words on a page.
And the best part about this kind of immersive experience is that it makes learning fun!
Facts don’t have this ability to transport you you’re just sitting there reading words on a page (or screen). But if you tell someone a story about people, they’ll feel like they’ve been transported into the story themselves!
And if you can get your reader to feel like they’re in your story while they’re reading what you write, then all those other benefits come along for free:
The reader will remember what happened in your tale long after finishing it off; there’s less chance of them getting bored because nothing happens except for you explaining things; if something does happen.
Like an interesting character or twist then readers will be much more likely to keep reading because now their curiosity has been piqued beyond its usual limits…
Summarize Your Thesis In One Sentence
“The best way to summarize your thesis is with a single sentence,” says Mosteller. “Not only is this more efficient than writing a longer version of your idea, but it also makes things easier for the reader.
It gives them something to hang onto as they read through your body paragraphs.”
The purpose of summarizing what you’re going to say before you say it is not only to make sure that everything makes sense and flows together but also because it helps guide you in what order you should present ideas and how much detail you need at each step along the way.
(Image courtesy of pixabay.)
Reword That Sentence Into A Paragraph
Rewording is a vital part of the rewriting process. When you reword something, you take a statement and turn it into an essay or even better, several paragraphs or pages!
You might want to think of rewording as being like building blocks: you take an idea, break it down into smaller bits, then build those ideas back up again using your own words.
How you choose to reword should depend on what needs revising and why; however, generally speaking, certain things should remain consistent throughout all types of rewriting processes: clarity (making sure everything is clear).
Concision (making sure everything is concise), interest level (keeping readers engaged), relevance (making sure everything relates to what was said before).
Reword That Paragraph Into An Introduction, Complete With Thesis Statement And Supporting Points
In the process of rewriting, it’s important to make sure your thesis statement is clear, concise, and relevant.
Your topic should be clear as well as your supporting points. Make sure these two elements are related to each other in some way so that readers can understand how they’re connected.
The introduction is where you start building a relationship with your reader by letting them know what you plan on saying in this piece of work or article.
Write Topic Sentences For Your Supporting Points
When you’re writing your supporting points, it is important to also write topic sentences for each one. This will help you organize your content and make it easier for readers to find the information they need.
Topic sentences are also a good way to make sure you are getting to the point and not rambling on too much about one idea. If something doesn’t fit into any of your other main points, then don’t include it here!
State And Summarize Each Point In One Sentence
Being concise and clear is a great way to make sure your content is effective. When you summarize each point, you’re able to include the most important details of what you want to say.
This will help guide the reader through your writing and avoid leaving them confused or unsure about the message that you’re trying to convey.
It also makes it easier for other people who read your article such as an editor or proofreader—to understand what you were trying to say when they edit and proofread your work before publication.
Dreaming of becoming a ghostwriter? 🌟 Find your way into this exciting profession with our exclusive guide on becoming a ghostwriter: how to get started (expert advice). Learn from experienced ghostwriters and embark on a rewarding journey of writing for others.
Organize Your Content
Organizing content is an important part of rewriting. It keeps you focused on the information that matters to your readers, and it helps you make sure that you have all the relevant pieces of information in place.
A well-organized piece will be easier for readers to consume, which means they’ll be more likely to read it!
In addition to using lists, bullets, and headings (see below), here are some other ways that you can organize your rewrite:
Use a table of contents. This allows readers who are unfamiliar with your topic or don’t have time to read through everything all at once to get a quick overview of what they can expect from each section/topic in your document.[1]
You could also include a glossary or bibliography at this point if these will come later in the document.[2]
Use subheadings within each main heading (e.g., “The Benefits Of Rewriting”) so that readers can quickly scan for what interests them most without having to skim through every single word of text.[3]
When you are writing a book, it is important to remember that some of the most powerful ideas come from fiction and storytelling. Although we may not be able to create an entire novel out of our imagination.
We can use some of these techniques when we write any type of business document or article. By taking a step back and looking at your work objectively, you can see where improvements need to be made before it goes through another revision cycle or goes live online.
Further Reading
Ghostwriting Tips from HubSpot: Learn valuable insights and best practices for successful ghostwriting from HubSpot’s expert writers.
Top Ghostwriting Tips from Reedsy: Discover essential tips and tricks for freelance ghostwriters to enhance their craft and boost their careers.
Tips for Effective Ghostwriting: Day Translations offers practical tips to improve your ghostwriting skills and create compelling content.
What is ghostwriting?
Ghostwriting is the practice of writing content on behalf of someone else without receiving official credit for the work.
How can I become a successful ghostwriter?
To become a successful ghostwriter, focus on building your writing skills, understanding your clients’ needs, and maintaining professionalism in all interactions.
Do ghostwriters get paid for their work?
Yes, ghostwriters are typically compensated for their services, either through a one-time fee or a negotiated payment structure.
Is ghostwriting legal?
Yes, ghostwriting is legal as long as there is an agreement between the ghostwriter and the client regarding ownership and authorship of the work.
What types of content do ghostwriters usually write?
Ghostwriters can write a wide range of content, including books, articles, blog posts, speeches, and social media content, among others.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.