Email marketing is a powerful tool for a freelancer, but it’s important to use the right strategies and methods. In this article, I’ll explain how you can master email marketing as a freelancer and how it can help your business grow.
I’ve been in your shoes. I used to struggle with building my first list and sending out emails. But once I learned how to do it right, everything changed!
Key Takeaways |
1. Email marketing is crucial for freelancers. |
2. Understand your target audience’s needs. |
3. Build a quality email subscriber list. |
4. Craft compelling and personalized content. |
5. Implement automation for efficiency. |
6. Test and analyze email performance. |
7. Use segmentation to deliver relevant messages. |
8. Focus on building lasting client relationships. |
9. Stay updated on email marketing trends. |
10. Consistency and patience yield results. |
Integrate Your Email Marketing Software With Your Website
Integrating your email marketing software with your website is an excellent way to boost the performance of both. For example, if you integrate MailChimp and WordPress, all of your subscribers will be automatically added to a mailing list once they subscribe to your newsletter through any link on your site.
That way, you won’t have to manually add them when you get back from vacation or forget about updating them for a week because life got in the way.
Integration is easy you just need some basic technical know-how (or access to someone who does) and some patience while they set everything up (although once it’s done, it should run seamlessly). If you’re not sure how much work integration could be or whether it’d make sense for you, don’t hesitate to ask us!
Building an effective marketing strategy is crucial for freelancers. Learn how to market your freelance business using just email and discover the power of targeted communication.
Make Sure To Use The Spam Checker Before Sending Emails
To help ensure that your email will be delivered, it is best to use a spam checker as part of your process. There are many different types of spam checkers available on the internet, but we recommend using [Google’s]( tool because it works very well and is free for all users.
Once you have downloaded and installed the program onto your computer, you can run it whenever you want to send out an email campaign or newsletter from any device with access to the internet (such as your smartphone).
Simply enter in [your address]@[gmail].com followed by “send me a copy,” where “you” refers to who sent this message and where “[mailing list]” refers to any names/addresses/groups within this message (such as “John Smith” or “All Staff”).
Create A Specific “Unsubscribe” Page On Your Website
The unsubscribe page will serve as a “last resort” for people who don’t want to receive your emails anymore. It’s important that you make this option easy for them. There are two main requirements:
The unsubscribe link must be clearly visible on the landing page. If possible, it should be in a prominent place like the top navigation bar, or at least above the fold (so it loads immediately).
You must provide an unsubscribe option in every email you send out, so if someone changes their mind about receiving future correspondence from your company or brand, they can easily opt-out of all future communications with just one click.
Email marketing can be a game-changer for freelancers aiming to boost their business. Check out our guide on how freelancers can use email marketing to their advantage and unlock new opportunities.
Address Subscribers By Their First Name In The Subject Line And Email Body
You don’t need to be a psychologist to know that people love hearing their names. A person’s name is the sweetest sound they will ever hear, so it makes sense that leveraging this fact in email marketing can have a positive impact on your open rates and engagement metrics.
To start, make sure you’re addressing subscribers by their first name within both subject lines and main emails—not “To Alex” or “Dear Guest.” The other day I received an email from one of my favorite stores (it was Cartel) saying “Alex!” and I immediately knew who it was for because they had me personalized in the subject line before even getting into the body of the text.
Another great way to personalize emails is referencing something you’ve done together in previous communications; maybe it was something funny or interesting that wasn’t part of a formal email exchange, but just made its way into the conversation once or twice? Use those details here!
Personalize Your Message By Offering Content They Will Be Interested In
Personalization is the process of sending a message directly to your audience, based on their individual preferences and characteristics. It means you can give them the content they want and make them feel like they are being listened to.
For example, if a customer signs up for your email newsletter but doesn’t open it right away because they’re busy with work emails or other things in their inbox, you might send them an email that includes information about a new product or service.
If you know what kind of things interest a particular customer, then it’s easier to personalize your marketing messages so that they resonate with that person more than others.
For Ecommerce Stores, Offer Discounts Or Coupons To Subscribers
If you are an eCommerce store, you can offer discounts or coupons to subscribers. This is a common marketing tactic that encourages them to make a purchase. You could create a discount code that is only valid for email subscribers by using a tool like WooCommerce coupon codes or Easy Digital Downloads coupons (otherwise known as EDD).
There are many ways to use these types of codes in your emails:
In the body of the email – this will encourage people who have already purchased an item from your store to buy more items
At the bottom of each product page – this will encourage shoppers who have already purchased an item from your store but not yet added it to their cart (or if they haven’t created an account yet)
Starting your freelance email marketing venture? Get valuable insights on getting your freelance email marketing business up and running smoothly in no time.
Reward Subscribers For Sharing Your Emails With Their Friends And Family
A great way to drum up interest in your email newsletter is by rewarding subscribers who share your emails with their friends and family. This strategy can be especially effective if you offer some sort of coupon or discount for a specific number of shares, such as a 15% discount for sharing with three people, for example.
If you want to give this idea a try but are worried about getting bogged down in the details, use automation software like Drip or MailChimp’s automation tools to build out a system that sends out emails automatically when new subscribers sign up and then delivers corresponding rewards automatically as well.
Use The Double Opt-In Preference To Protect Your Email List From Spammers
When you send out emails to your subscribers, it’s important to ensure that they are receiving the messages with their permission. The best way to do this is by requiring confirmation when someone joins your mailing list.
This is called a double opt-in process, where existing subscribers are not automatically added as recipients of any new emails that you send out. Instead, new subscribers must submit their email addresses and confirm that they want to receive messages from you before being added to the list as active members or subscribers.
Build Trust With Each Subscriber To Encourage Them To Open Your Emails And Take Action On Them
It’s critical that you build trust with your subscribers. They will only open your emails and take action on them if they trust you, so make sure that happens.
Don’t buy email lists. Don’t do it! If a list was never opted-in to receive emails from you, don’t send anything to them. It’s one thing if someone has subscribed and then unsubscribed (more on that below), but buying an email list without permission is a big no-no in the eyes of Google and every other email provider out there right now.
Only send emails to people who have subscribed to your emails! If someone has opted-in for updates from you, great! Send them stuff on whatever topics they signed up for (e.g., bookkeeping tips or SEO advice).
But don’t send those same things over and over again just because they’re still technically on file—that’s spammy behavior and will get your account reported as such by ISPs like Gmail or Yahoo Mail who do not tolerate repeated violations of their terms of service agreements
With users’ inboxes being flooded with unwanted messages from companies whose business models are based entirely around selling mass quantities of products or services at lower prices than competitors charge just so long as those same customers don’t have any actual personal interest in actually using said products/services because most won’t ever see any real value-added benefits associated with signing up in advance
Then continuing regular payments thereafter after initial purchases have been made which means everyone loses except maybe financially speaking but definitely otherwise too even though maybe not everyone loses either but definitely some people do lose money when all is said and done
Building relationships with leads is essential for freelancers. Dive into our tips on how to build relationships with leads through email and create lasting connections that drive success.
Choose An Attractive Email Template That Matches Your Brand Persona And Products/Services
When creating an email marketing campaign, you need to make sure that your template matches the brand persona you’ve created for yourself. You can do this by looking at your logo and other branding elements.
Is it a professional design? Then you should use a professional email template. Does it have a fun, quirky vibe? Then choose an equally fun and quirky template to match!
You’ll also want to make sure that the template is easy to read. This means avoiding small fonts or colors that are difficult for the eyes. You don’t want people getting tired of reading emails from you after just one or two!
And finally, make sure that your templates load fast especially if they’re being opened on mobile devices. No one wants their phone bill skyrocketing because they couldn’t wait another five minutes before checking in with their favorite freelance copywriter!
Include A Clear Call-To-Action Button That Stands Out From The Rest Of The Text
The last thing you want to do is confuse your subscribers by sending them an email with a call-to-action that differs from the one on your landing page. So even if you want to try something new, keep it consistent with the CTA you’ve used in past emails.
The simplest way to make sure this happens is to use the same CTA in both places: “Learn more” or “Start my free trial” are some good examples. As long as they’re clear and concise there’s no need for anything more complicated than that.
You also have to make sure that the CTA is always visible when someone opens their email and preferably first thing on their screen. So be sure not to bury any form fields or links at the bottom of your message; instead, place them above everything else so they’ll always be visible and easy for subscribers to find without having to scroll through everything else first (which could get annoying fast).
Elevate your email marketing game with expert advice. Explore the best email marketing tips tailored for freelancers and make your campaigns more effective than ever.
If you’re serious about growing your freelance business, don’t miss out on any opportunity to reach new clients. Email marketing is a powerful tool that can help you do just that.
As the writer of this article, I’d love to hear from you! If there’s anything else I can do for you or if there are any other topics related to freelancing that interest you, please let me know in the comments below!
Further Reading
Freelance Email Marketing: How to Connect with Your Audience Short Description: Discover strategies to effectively connect with your audience through email marketing as a freelancer.
Email Marketing for Freelancers: Tips to Boost Your Business Short Description: Learn valuable tips to enhance your freelance business using email marketing techniques.
Getting Started in Email Marketing as a Freelancer Short Description: Get started on your email marketing journey as a freelancer with practical advice and insights.
And here’s the “FAQs” section with semantic-based questions and answers in H3:
How does email marketing benefit freelancers?
Email marketing offers freelancers a direct and personalized way to engage with their audience, build relationships, and promote their services effectively.
What are some essential email marketing tools for freelancers?
Freelancers can benefit from tools like ConvertKit, Mailchimp, and Sendinblue for managing email lists, creating campaigns, and tracking performance.
How can freelancers build a strong email subscriber list?
Freelancers can build a subscriber list by offering valuable content, incentives, and lead magnets on their website, blog, and social media platforms.
What types of content work best in freelance email campaigns?
Freelancers should focus on delivering informative content, showcasing their expertise, sharing success stories, and providing exclusive offers to their subscribers.
How can freelancers ensure their email campaigns convert into clients?
To convert subscribers into clients, freelancers should craft compelling subject lines, create engaging content, include clear calls-to-action, and segment their audience for targeted messaging.
What Are The Benefits Of Using An Email Marketing Software?
A: Email marketing is an effective way to reach your audience and build relationships with them. However, it can be difficult to find the time to create, send and track all of your campaigns.
With email marketing software, you can save time by automating many aspects of your campaign creation process. This allows you to focus on growing your business while letting the software handle some of the heavy lifting behind the scenes.
How Can I Stand Out When Composing My Emails?
There’s no need for all promotional emails in a row! To make sure that every message stands out in someone’s inbox (and gets clicked), try using images or videos in place of text whenever possible they’re more likely than paragraphs alone at getting people who’d typically skim right over something like this to stop scrolling down long enough for something interesting might catch their eye instead!
You may also consider including links within each message back toward anything relevant within another one – again making sure these are all clickable too so readers don’t have any trouble finding what it is about if interested after reading through everything else first before realizing there were actually other places where needed info could’ve been accessed easily through clicking the link(s)
Provided here instead just from within the initial message itself instead of just one page long; which would’ve made sense only if the format wasn’t limited by length constraints imposed upon us here by [Company Name] but those rules aren’t necessarily universal either since no one seems willing to accept responsibility for enforcing them properly.
.Can you improve the open rate of your emails to customers? Yes, but it takes more than just being creative with the subject line. Your content also has to be relevant to the type of audience that’s reading it.
If a customer receives an email from a service provider who hasn’t taken the time to find out what they need or do their research on their business, they will quickly unsubscribe or hit “Mark as Spam” because they don’t see any value in continuing a relationship with someone who doesn’t care about them enough.
Can you improve click-through rates? Yes! It all depends on how well-designed your landing page is and how much information (but not too much) is included in each message sent out through email marketing campaigns (EMCs).
For example: If there are too many fields asking for personal information such as name address etc., then people won’t want to provide it–and therefore won’t convert into paying customers either way! Instead, write copy that appeals directly to readers’ needs without asking them too much upfront before making purchases from stores like your online store firstly though so let’s get started.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.