I’ve had a lot of people ask me how I got to be so good at writing, so here are 10 ways that you can improve your writing skills and write with more speed.
Takeaways |
1. Establish a consistent writing routine. |
2. Practice freewriting to overcome writer’s block. |
3. Learn keyboard shortcuts to boost typing speed. |
4. Use mind maps or outlines for organized writing. |
5. Edit and proofread after completing the draft. |
6. Embrace imperfection and focus on progress. |
7. Study the writing process of experienced authors. |
8. Utilize tools like dictation software for efficiency. |
9. Break down larger projects into manageable tasks. |
10. Prioritize self-care to maintain creativity and speed. |
1. Write A Lot
Write as much as possible, even if it’s only for 10 minutes per day. Write in the morning before work, write at lunchtime and on your commute home from work (if you’re lucky enough to have that kind of flexibility), and write before bed and when you wake up in the morning.
If you can write anywhere at any time at a cafe or library while waiting for an appointment or friend do so!
The more writing practice you get under your belt, the easier it will be to make writing part of your daily routine and increase its effectiveness as a tool for learning new things and improving yourself overall
Building an effective writing strategy is key to becoming a prolific writer. Discover the secrets of writing copy that converts for B2B marketing to enhance your writing speed and impact.
2. Write Down Your Ideas
I’ve found that the best way to learn how to write is to write. What does this mean? It means you should write as much as possible, whenever you can.
If you have an idea for a blog post in your head and can’t get it out on paper, then just start writing whatever comes into your mind. Remember: it’s okay if the first sentence isn’t perfect (or even good).
Once you start writing something down, the words will begin flowing naturally and the piece will take shape around them.
If there’s something else you need or want to say, try putting a few words next to each other that make sense together so they’ll be easier for readers when they’re reading through later on down the road later on down
I used this method when I was first starting out blogging because I didn’t want anyone getting bored while reading through my posts; now I never stop doing this because it keeps things interesting!
3. Track Your Time Spent Writing
When you begin to track your time spent writing, you’ll be able to hone in on what works for you and what doesn’t. This is crucial because it will help you shape your writing habits into something that fits seamlessly into your life.
The first step to tracking your time is figuring out how much of it you spend writing. The second step is determining where else this time goes and whether we can make better use of it elsewhere.
For example: Do I like taking breaks between my writing sessions? If so, how long should those breaks be? How long do I take lunch breaks? Should I start scheduling them as part of my routine? Is there anything else I need to consider here?
The third thing to consider when tracking your time spent writing is knowing when and why productivity changes from one day/weekend/month period over another. In other words:
When do distractions tend to happen more frequently than others? When do they stop happening altogether (and why)?
Enhancing your visual marketing can have a positive impact on your content creation process. Learn about the 16 surefire ways to improve your visual marketing that can complement your goal of writing faster.
4. Set Deadlines For Yourself
I know, I know. You can’t possibly write a book in a day or even a month. But you can write one chapter in a day and one chapter in a month!
If the deadline is too far away (like when you’re writing that book), then it doesn’t matter to you if it comes out tomorrow or two years from now (or never). What does matter is that you finish what you started, which means setting deadlines for yourself along the way?
5. Find What Works For You
Just as there are many different ways to write, there are also many different ways to learn how to write. I can’t tell you what will work for your particular situation, but I will tell you that it’s okay if something doesn’t work!
If a method isn’t working well for you, try something else or take a break from writing and do something else for a while.
Don’t be afraid of failure or change it’s what makes us human!
6. Find People To Be Accountable To
When you find these people, tell them what you’re working on and ask them to help. If they’re not interested in the specific topic, find someone who is.
They can be friends, colleagues, or even strangers who are willing to provide feedback on your work. Ask them if they’ll be open-minded when reading your writing (or whatever it is).
Let them know that this feedback is important for you and that any criticism will only help make the writing better in the end.
I recommend finding at least three people who are willing to give you honest feedback on whatever project or topic you want advice with.
And then make sure they stick around long enough so that they get accustomed to providing constructive criticism every time they read something new from you!
Overcoming challenges is essential when aiming to write quickly and efficiently. Explore why you might never finish that book and how to overcome potential obstacles while striving to write as fast as you do.
7. Don’t Be Shy About Asking For Advice
If you’re looking to improve your writing, many people can help. There are also a lot of people who should not be asked for feedback. If you ask someone with no writing experience or expertise, they may give you the wrong advice and discourage your efforts.
The best way to get good feedback is from other writers people who have gone through the process of becoming writers themselves, as well as those who have been writing for a long time and have learned from experience what works (and what doesn’t).
You can find these kinds of experts in many places:
Friends and family members: This is the most obvious place where you might want feedback on your work. But don’t go overboard here you don’t want just anyone reading over a rough draft of your novel that hasn’t been edited yet!
That’s why I recommend asking only people whose opinion matters most (and friends and family fall under that category).
8. Don’t Wait For Motivation To Strike
You’re going to get it wrong.
There will be times when you feel like your writing sucks, or that your ideas aren’t good enough. You may even want to stop writing entirely because you don’t think it’s worth it anymore.
But then again, maybe you won’t find the perfect time or motivation for any of these things. And if that’s true, then why wait at all?
Don’t wait for motivation to strike just start writing! After all, most of my best pieces were written when I didn’t feel like doing them (and therefore had no choice but to start).
9. Work In Sprints Instead Of Marathons
Speaking of sprints, it’s time for another one! You’ve learned how to break down your writing into manageable chunks and how that can help you get more done. Now let’s talk about how to finish those chunks as quickly as possible.
What I’m going to teach you is my “secret” technique for finishing projects quickly and it works whether you’re writing a novel or a blog post. The secret is simple: work in sprints instead of marathons.
Here’s what this looks like: You set a timer for yourself (I use an app called Pomodoro because it makes me feel cool), then start typing right away without worrying about anything else except getting the words down onto the page (or screen).
When the buzzer goes off, stop what you’re doing and take five minutes off before starting again. Repeat until done!
Accelerating your journey towards a successful writing career is achievable with the right strategies. Discover insights from someone who became a freelance writer in less than two years and find inspiration for your own writing aspirations.
10. Don’t Worry About Being Perfect From The Beginning – Keep Working At It Until It Clicks!
Now that you know what to do, the only thing left is to get started.
Don’t worry about being perfect from the beginning – Keep working at it until it clicks!
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and don’t beat yourself up when they happen. It happens to everyone, even me.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice when you need help with anything related to writing or your blog posts. Don’t feel stupid asking questions because most things can be explained in simple terms if someone doesn’t understand them fully yet (like me).
Don’t be afraid of asking for feedback on something before posting it on your blog or anywhere else because no one can say whether something is good or bad without knowing what their opinion matters in this case (also like me).
The more you practice, the better you will get!
You have to practice. The more you do something, the better you get at it. The more you write, the better your writing becomes. It’s that simple.
I still practice every day and I always will because I know that my work can always be better than it is right now. This is why I write a lot! And why I read articles on writing by other people all the time (like this one!).
Balancing increased productivity with reduced stress can revolutionize your writing routine. Learn about effective techniques in writing more while staying relaxed from the article on ways to write more while feeling less stressed.
Remember that it’s okay to not always be perfect. The most successful people are the ones who learn from their mistakes and keep trying until they get it right. So don’t give up!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to help you improve your writing speed and efficiency:
MasterClass: How to Write Faster Shorten your writing time with expert insights and techniques from this comprehensive guide.
Reedsy Blog: How to Write Faster Discover practical tips and strategies to boost your writing speed without compromising quality.
Self-Publishing School: Write a Book Faster Learn how to streamline your book-writing process and achieve your writing goals sooner.
How can I improve my writing speed without sacrificing quality?
Balancing speed and quality involves honing your writing skills and adopting efficient techniques that suit your style.
Are there any recommended courses for learning to write faster?
You can explore platforms like MasterClass, which offer courses specifically designed to enhance your writing speed and productivity.
What are some common pitfalls to avoid when attempting to write faster?
Overlooking proper planning, excessive self-editing, and not utilizing helpful tools can hinder your efforts to write quickly.
How can I maintain consistent progress when working on a longer writing project?
Breaking down your project into manageable tasks, setting realistic goals, and maintaining a consistent writing routine can help you stay on track.
Are there specific writing tools or software that can assist in increasing writing speed?
Yes, there are various writing software and tools available that offer features like distraction-free environments, word count tracking, and quick formatting.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.