Ways I Write More Than I Used To While Feeling Less Stressed

I’m a writer. That’s my job, and I’ve always been good at it. But I was also terrible at managing my time. It meant that I was always stressed out and scrambling to complete projects for clients, often turning in work late or missing deadlines completely. 

This didn’t just make me unhappy; it made me less effective as a writer. My writing suffered because I was so distracted by the pressure of looming deadlines that I couldn’t focus. 

Even though I love my job, it wasn’t until recently that I realized how much happier and effective a writer and even just a person I could be if only I managed my time better. Here are the things that have helped me become more organized, more productive, and more efficient as a writer:

Daily Habits to Reduce Stress and Anxiety – YouTube
Implement effective strategies to enhance writing productivity.
Explore techniques to reduce stress and overwhelm in the writing process.
Discover methods to maintain a healthier and more balanced approach to writing.
Learn how to streamline your writing routine for improved efficiency.
Gain insights into managing time and energy to achieve writing goals.

1. Write Everything That Pops Into Your Head

This may sound overwhelming, but trust me it’s not. The longer you wait to write down a thought, the more likely it is to disappear from your memory completely. So if something pops into your head, write it down immediately! 

Even if the idea doesn’t seem interesting or important at first glance (and even if it does), put pen to paper and record what was on your mind in a stream-of-consciousness way. 

The goal here isn’t necessarily insight or clarity; it’s just getting whatever was rattling around inside of your brain out onto paper so that you can move on with life and feel less stressed by whatever was bothering you before now.

Which might not even be related at all anymore because now there’s some writing about how annoying traffic lights are right next to all of these other random things floating around in there too.”

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2. Don’t Worry About The Outcome. Just Start

I know, this might sound like some hippie talk, but it works. I’ve found that when I write in my journal (which is where I do my free writing), or even just on paper with a pen or pencil (which is what I did for years before).

If I let go of my need to make something perfect and just get the words out of my head onto the page, then suddenly an idea will come to me that makes me want to keep going. 

Once you start letting go of your fear and expectations around how it will be received by others and instead focus on writing because it feels good the end result becomes secondary. Which leads us right into our next tip…

3. Think Of Writing As A Habit, Not A Task

Writing is not a chore. It’s a habit you can form, just like eating vegetables, flossing your teeth, or taking the recycling out on Tuesdays (you know who you are). 

Writing should be something that’s a part of your daily routine something you look forward to because it feels good and healthy and right. 

You don’t need to sit down for hours at a time to get it done; in fact, if you try to force yourself into that kind of task-oriented mindset instead of thinking about writing as something more casual and flexible, then you’ll probably end up feeling more stressed out than before.

Think of it this way: Instead of thinking about writing as an obligation or something you have to do all at once before the day ends (or even worse something that shuts down your brain).

Think about how many opportunities there are throughout the day where small amounts of time could add up into meaningful progress on a project over time. 

Maybe it’s only five minutes before bedtime when everyone else has gone upstairs for bed; maybe it’s half an hour during lunch break at work; maybe there’s fifteen minutes while waiting for coffee after breakfast but before heading back home again…

Seeking feedback is a crucial step in honing your writing skills. Discover 14 effective ways to get better feedback on your writing and elevate the quality of your content with valuable insights from others.

4. Get The Blood Pumping, The Energy Flowing

There’s a reason why writers and artists of all kinds have long been associated with smoking, drinking, and other forms of self-medication. 

The creative process is hard not only do you have to come up with the ideas and words but also the layout, design, formatting, marketing plan…you get the idea. It can be exhausting!

But getting up from your desk every now and then for a brisk walk around the house (or just staying seated at your desk but moving around like you’re walking) can help you clear your head and let go of those mental cobwebs that keep you from writing freely. 

And if getting out into nature isn’t feasible in winter or summer (or wherever you live), try making one change: give yourself permission to sit while writing instead of standing or pacing around like an animal in captivity (it’s okay if this makes no sense; just do it).

5. Set A Strict Timeline For Each Session

Setting a strict timeline for each session will help you stay focused, which is especially helpful if you tend to get distracted easily. 

In addition to providing structure, it also helps prevent procrastination because once the timer goes off, it’s time to stop working and move on to something else.

You can choose any of these options:

Set a timer for a certain amount of time (I set mine for 30 minutes). This is probably best suited for those who work well under pressure and have no problem focusing when there’s an impending deadline looming over them.

Set your word count goal before starting each writing session (this works well when writing fiction or non-fiction essays). 

If you’re not sure how many words per day/week/month are considered good enough, check out these guidelines from Duolingo’s blog post “How Long Should I Spend Studying?”

Set your page count goal before starting each writing session (this works well when writing novels or short stories). 

A good rule of thumb here would be about 1 page per hour spent working on your story; so if you spend 4 hours in total on one day working on a story that has 100 pages left until completion, then this would mean reaching 400 pages by the end of that day!

Curious about turning your passion for writing into a full-time career? Explore the journey of becoming a full-time freelance writer in your spare time and learn how dedication can lead to professional success.

6. Set Goals For Each Session And Each Week

Set a goal for each session. Your goal can be something like, “I want to write 4,000 words today!” or “I will spend 30 minutes writing every day this week.”

Set a goal for the week. A good weekly goal is 1,000 words per day (or 5 days out of 7). If you can do more than that, great! Just make sure that even if one day goes by without writing anything, your total word count still adds up to 1,000 words at the end of the week.

Set goals by month and year as well and sometimes even decade or lifetime! For example: In 2016 I want to write 100 articles; in 2020 I want to publish my first book; by 2025 I want to write 2 novels…etc., etc., etc…

7. Always Think Of Yourself As A Writer

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking about yourself as a writer who doesn’t write. Or even, a writer who writes poorly. 

But all that does is make you feel bad about yourself and your work (which can lead to stress). So instead, try thinking of yourself as a writer not the kind who doesn’t write enough or well enough; but just a solid, professional-grade writer. You can do it!

Crafting an award-winning blog requires a combination of strategy and creativity. Delve into the 16 secrets of an award-winning blog to discover how to create content that captivates and resonates with your audience.

8. If You Are Stuck In A Loop Of One Or Two Pages, Try To Move Past This By Simply Starting Over Again

If you’re stuck, don’t worry about what or how much you’ve written. Don’t be concerned at all with how much time has passed since the last time that you wrote. Don’t even think about when (or if) you will write again; just keep going until something stops working for you.

When I am stuck in a loop of one or two pages, I find it helpful to simply start over again. I don’t worry about what was said before and I don’t worry about what will be said next: all that matters is moving forward with my pen as quickly as possible!

Don’t think too hard about whether this is “right” or “wrong” just get out of your head and onto the page!

9. Make Sure The Story Is Consistent Throughout

If you’re writing a story, make sure your characters and plot are consistent throughout. If you’re writing a book, ensure that your style matches the rest of the series. And if you’re writing a series (I know I am), make sure all your books fit together seamlessly.

As an example, let me tell you about my first attempt at writing a novel in high school. I had this great idea for the story: boy meets girl; the girl has secrets; boy works hard to get them out of her while convincing himself he doesn’t like her anyway; 

They fall in love after all that drama in the end! It was going to be amazing! So I started writing it and…it didn’t work out so well. 

The characters changed as I wrote them, making some parts inconsistent with others from earlier chapters or other books in their series (because there were two more books after theirs).

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I hope this has given you some ideas on how to write more often, more consistently, and more effectively. 

I will always be grateful for the lessons I learned in school, but I’m also glad that it doesn’t take me quite as long anymore to write out an idea. If you’re feeling stuck or stressed about writing, try these steps today!

Further Reading

Explore these resources for more tips on stress reduction and managing overwhelm:

NHS – Tips to Reduce Stress: Discover practical guidance from the NHS on effective strategies to alleviate stress and enhance your mental well-being.

CDC – Emotional Well-being: Reduce Stress: The CDC provides insights into reducing stress and fostering emotional well-being, offering actionable steps to manage stressors in your life.

The Shine App – How Writing a Stress List Helps Me Feel Less Overwhelmed: Read about the effectiveness of creating a stress list as a way to mitigate feelings of overwhelm and gain a sense of control.


How can I effectively reduce stress in my daily life?

Finding ways to reduce stress involves a combination of self-care practices, relaxation techniques, and positive lifestyle changes. It’s essential to identify what works best for you and integrate these strategies into your routine.

What are some quick stress-relief techniques I can try?

Quick stress-relief techniques include deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and engaging in physical activities like walking or yoga. Experiment with these techniques to discover which ones resonate with you.

Can writing a stress list really help me feel less overwhelmed?

Yes, creating a stress list can be a beneficial practice. It allows you to externalize your stressors, gain clarity about what’s causing overwhelm, and develop a plan to address those stressors one step at a time.

How can I prioritize tasks and responsibilities to manage stress?

Prioritization involves identifying tasks that are most urgent and important, and organizing your time and resources accordingly. Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps can also help reduce stress by making goals more achievable.

What role does emotional well-being play in stress reduction?

Emotional well-being encompasses your ability to recognize, understand, and manage your emotions. Strengthening emotional intelligence can aid in stress reduction by helping you navigate challenging situations and responses more effectively.