Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your customers and grow your business. It’s a way to stay top of mind with people, which will help you turn them into buyers and loyal customers.
In this article, we’ll cover why email marketing is important for freelancers, how you can become an email marketer, and what you’ll learn along the way.
Takeaways |
1. Building a freelance email marketing business involves creating a targeted email list. |
2. Craft compelling subject lines to entice recipients to open your emails. |
3. Personalize your email content to engage and resonate with your audience. |
4. Design effective email campaigns that guide recipients toward your desired actions. |
5. Continuously analyze and optimize your email marketing strategies for better results. |
6. Building rapport with clients through consistent communication is essential. |
7. Provide valuable content to your subscribers that addresses their pain points. |
8. Leverage automation tools to streamline your email marketing efforts. |
9. Learn from successful email marketers and stay updated on industry trends. |
10. Experiment with different approaches to find what resonates best with your audience. |
Figure Out How To Make Money From Email
Email marketing is a great way to make money. It’s more valuable than a website because you can use it to drive traffic, build relationships with your customers and sell products or services in every communication you have with them.
Whether you’re just starting as a freelancer or looking to grow your email marketing business further, here are some strategies that can help:
Figure out how much money you want to make. First things first: decide what kind of revenue number would be enough for you.
Choose the right type of clientele for your business model. Not all clients are created equal some will pay better than others and be easier for you to work with (and vice versa). You should also think about what kind of clients fit into the overall theme of our company; if we want people who love dogs then maybe we shouldn’t choose someone who hates them as an ideal customer!
Exploring various income streams is essential for a successful career as a freelance email marketer. If you’re looking to expand your options, check out our article on 13 Ways to Make Money as a Freelance Email Marketer to discover innovative opportunities.
Do Everything You Can To Solve This Problem For Free.
The best way to get ideas for products is to solve problems for free.
Before you even think about creating a product, you must do everything you can to solve this problem for free.
Here’s how:
Go online and search for answers related to the problem that you’ve chosen.
If people are having trouble finding solutions online, then there may be an opportunity for an email course or book on the subject. Ask other people how they solve this problem in their day-to-day lives you might be surprised at what they tell you! You might find out that a part of their workflow needs improvement or expansion (which could lead directly to your product idea).
You might also find out that they’re still using paper folders instead of digital ones (and thus need an upgrade), or that managing their inboxes is too hard (and therefore would benefit from a software solution). Either way, these conversations can provide valuable insights as well as inspiration when looking for new business ideas!
Crafting emails that engage and convert requires mastering the clever techniques employed by accomplished email marketers. Learn about the strategy that successful professionals use in our post on The Clever Trick All Successful Email Marketers Use to enhance your email marketing game.
Get People’s Email Addresses
The first thing you can do to get people’s email addresses is to use an email signup form on your website. This is the most obvious and common way of collecting emails and it’s also the most effective, so we highly recommend it! When creating a signup form, make sure you give people a reason why they should give you their email address.
For example: “Sign up for our newsletter with tips on how to become a freelance writer!” or “Sign up for our monthly newsletter where we share exclusive content about SEO strategies for freelancers.”
You can also use social media to encourage people to sign up for your newsletter (we’ll talk more about this later). If someone follows you on Twitter or Facebook, ask if they want updates from your business via email as well. For example: “Want free copywriting tips? Sign up here!”
We promise that we won’t spam anyone with unwanted emails; instead, we will send out interesting articles and resources once per month to keep them updated about what’s happening at Your Copywriter Agency – A Freelance Email Marketing Business …c.
Start Sending Those Emails!
Now that you’ve decided on your email marketing service, it’s time to get started.
Here are the services I recommend for sending emails:
MailChimp – Free up to 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails per month.
Mailerlite – $9.99/month for up to 3,500 subscribers and unlimited emails sent per month.
Constant Contact – $35/month for up to 2,500 subscribers and add features according to subscribers
ConvertKit – $25/month for up to 300 subscribers
AWeber – Free Up to 500 email subscribers and pay $16.5/month unlimited email list
Pricing goes up based on the number of contacts in the database as well as volume discounts apply when you purchase multiple months at once in advance rather than paying monthly or yearly upfront costs upfront upfront upfront
Transitioning into the world of freelance email marketing without a traditional marketing background might seem daunting. However, we’ve compiled insights in our guide on Email Marketing for Non-Marketers: How to Be a Successful Freelancer to help you navigate this journey with confidence.
Make It Look, Professional
Let’s talk a little more about making it look professional.
Consumers are inundated with email marketing messages, so your message has to stand out from the crowd and that means it should have a professional look and feel.
To do this, make sure you have a responsive design (so it looks great on any screen size). And I’d also recommend checking out Klaviyo’s Inbox Preview Tool; this allows you to see exactly how your emails will display in another person’s inbox before they even open them up!
Make Your Email Design Responsive
Responsive design is an integral part of a successful email marketing campaign. Responsive emails allow you to display your content in a way that looks good on any device, from computers to tablets and smartphones.
If you’re building an email marketing campaign using plain-text emails, the process can be pretty straightforward: just set up a template in your favorite editor and start typing!
But if you want to use HTML and CSS for styling your emails (as we do), the layout must adapt smoothly to different screen sizes.
This requires some careful planning before starting development.
To make sure my designs will work well across all devices and screen sizes, I typically set up my grid early in the process of creating an email template when working with responsive web design (RWD), this happens at around 320 pixels wide (the maximum width of most mobile phones).
Check Your Inbox And Add The Best To Your Newsletter
You can also use your newsletter to discover what your audience likes and doesn’t like.
Take note of the emails that get the most clicks and open rates, then use those as templates for future newsletters. In addition to helping reach an audience, this information can also be used when creating ad campaigns or sharing content on other platforms such as Twitter or Facebook.
By understanding what content resonates with your subscribers, you’ll be able to better tailor future newsletters so they’re more likely to connect with subscribers on an emotional level.
In addition to finding out which topics are engaging for readers, it’s important for them not only to see value in what you send but also to know that their time has been well spent reading your email every month (or week).
With this knowledge in mind, it’s important that whatever effort goes into creating the newsletter is worth its weight in gold it should reflect positively on who you are as a person (or brand).
A captivating subject line is the first step to ensuring your email gets noticed and opened by recipients. Discover the art of creating compelling subject lines in our resource on How to Write Epic Email Subject Lines That Make People Open Your Emails and increase the effectiveness of your email campaigns.
Drip Content Into People’s Inboxes Slowly Over Time
The first way to get started is by drip-feeding your content. The idea is simple: you create a series of emails and send them out over time so that your subscribers get something new from you every week or for two months. Drip-feeding has some benefits, but it also has drawbacks.
One of the biggest pros of a drip-feed is that it gives people more reason to open each email.
When someone opens an email from their inbox, they’re done with it after reading it once except when they’re on a drip-feed schedule! Then they’ll look forward to seeing what new messages are in store for next week or two months down the line (this could be helpful if you offer some kind of special deal).
Another pro is that people often feel more connected with brands who communicate regularly with them via email newsletters rather than just one-off campaigns or ads scattered throughout their day (you might want this kind of personal connection on social media as well).
Add A Personal Touch, Even If You’re Not Working With Friends And Family
Respond to comments: Even if you think no one will comment, it’s a good idea to include a personal message at the end of every email. It helps build trust with your readers and makes them feel more connected to you.
Use a personal email address: If people contact you by email, use your business name as part of the address (e.g., This way, they’ll know that they have reached someone who is actually in charge of their account rather than some robot or service provider.
Include contact details: Be sure that all of your emails have clear contact information so that people can easily get back in touch with you if necessary and also be sure it’s easy for them to find this information on each page/email where it might be relevant (this means not hiding it behind links!).
Keep track of open rates, clicks, and unsubscribes in every one of your mailings, and run tests and compare results often.
Keep track of open rates, clicks, and unsubscribes in every one of your mailings, and run tests and compare results often. You can use a simple tool like MailChimp to do this.
Set up an A/B test (i.e., send one version of an email to half the list, another version to the other half), then compare how each performed against what you’d expect based on past data.
For example: if I know that my open rate is 22% normally, but my new email has a 21% open rate because it has 300 more words than usual, I know I’m losing some subscribers because they don’t want so much text but at least it’s not costing me any readership!
Wondering if a career as a freelance email marketer aligns with your aspirations and goals? Get a comprehensive perspective on this path by reading our piece on Freelance Email Marketing: Is It Right for You? where we discuss the key factors to consider before taking the plunge.
As you wrap up your conclusion, it’s important to be as succinct as possible. Don’t introduce any new ideas just summarize the main points of your essay and reinforce your opinion. You can also make a prediction, or even offer a call to action:
If you want to succeed on your own as a freelance email marketer, then you’ll need to work hard at building credibility and trust with clients to secure larger projects.
But if you’re doing something that inspires passion in others, like writing about how badly people need help finding their purpose (like I am doing right now), then there are plenty of opportunities out there for those who are willing to take it!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to help you dive deeper into the world of freelance email marketing:
Getting Started in Email Marketing as a Freelancer: Discover the essential steps and strategies to kickstart your journey into email marketing as a freelancer.
Expert Advice: How to Grow Your Freelance Business with Email Marketing: Learn from industry experts about leveraging email marketing to expand your freelance business and reach a wider audience.
Freelance Email Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide: Delve into a comprehensive guide that covers various aspects of freelance email marketing, from building your list to crafting effective campaigns.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Get People To Sign Up For My Newsletters?
You have to have a good product or service. This will be the main reason why your subscribers will sign up, so make sure that it’s something worth subscribing to. You should also incorporate multiple lead magnets in your marketing campaign. These can be anything from ebooks, webinars, and even physical products like t-shirts or mugs!
How Much Should I Charge For My Services?
It depends on what you are offering and what kind of clients you want to attract.
If you plan on going after big corporations then they would expect higher prices than small businesses that might not be as wealthy but still willing to pay at least $100 per month for quality leads from their email list marketing campaigns which would mean an average revenue per subscriber of around $10-$20 depending on whether they’re selling B2B, B2C or both kinds simultaneously (but most likely only one type).
Either way,y though there’s no set amount because nothing’s ever set in stone until someone makes an offer themselves which could either go above or below what was originally intended so don’t worry about pricing too much before someone comes along with another idea based off theirs instead!”
What Is A Good Open Rate For Email?
A high open rate is important, but it doesn’t mean much if no one clicks on your links or buys your products. So don’t focus too much on your open rates in the beginning, keep working on building an engaged list of subscribers who will convert later on.
What Is The Best Email Service Provider (ESP)?
There are many options out there: MailChimp, ConvertKit, AWeber the list goes on. I’ve used most of them at some point and found that they each have their pros and cons depending on what you need to accomplish with your campaign.
For example, if you’re just looking for basic functionality without bells and whistles like automation rules or lead scoring then MailChimp might be perfect for you; however, if those features matter more then ConvertKit might suit your needs better because it has them built in from day one!
But whatever ESP solution works best for one person may not be ideal for another so ultimately this decision comes down to preference (and budget).
When choosing an ESP consider things like customer service quality (are they easy/hard reach?), user experience design standards (is it easy/difficult to navigate through their website?), integrations available (do they have any API integrations with other software platforms?), etc…
It’s also important as an entrepreneur who wants to build a business around these services provided by OTHER people so make sure whoever owns this company cares about growing YOUR business as well 😉
What Is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email to send advertisements, solicitation announcements sent, and other communications.
It is generally considered to be an effective means of communicating with current or previous customers, prospective customers, or existing business contacts. Email marketing can be used to advertise new products or services, encourage customer loyalty and retention, or drive people to a company’s website.
It also allows companies to look at the statistics generated by each campaign and see which ones are most successful in terms of click-through rates (CTR), open rates, and conversion rates.
What Is A-List?
An email list is simply a collection of email addresses belonging to people to who you want your message delivered by a mail server program called “Mail Transfer Agent” (MTA) software program from one computer on a network directly connected to another computer using an internet connection such as DSL/Cable Modem line etc…this process known as delivery into inbox mailbox which allows recipient read message without any trouble.
How Do I Build An Email List?
There are many ways for building an email list but there 3 types: – Free – Paid – Earned

I am a content writer, and I love what I do! Writing makes me feel like the words are flowing through my fingers, and then onto the keyboard, like magic. My experience as a writer has taught me that writing makes me feel good, as well as helps others to feel better too!