Email marketing is one of the most important tools for any business, and it can be equally as powerful for non-marketers. The use of email marketing has grown substantially over the past decade, with some marketers reporting up to a 20% increase in sales from their email campaigns.
As a freelancer, you might not be an email marketer by trade. But by incorporating this simple strategy into your business plan, you can increase your clientele and boost your profits without having to make major changes to how you currently operate.
Email marketing is an art and a science, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Email marketers have to be able to measure their results with cold hard data, but they also have to keep in mind that the tone of their emails matters just as much as the content and delivery method.
Email marketing requires you to use your creativity and think about what will resonate with your audience but there’s no reason you can’t make it work for you using scientific methods. And here is how you may apply your creativity.
Takeaways |
– Learn how to leverage email marketing even without a marketing background. |
– Discover strategies to succeed as a freelancer using effective email campaigns. |
– Understand the essentials of email marketing for non-marketers. |
– Gain insights into building a successful freelance career through email marketing. |
– Find out how email marketing can contribute to your freelance business growth. |
Always Shape Your Emails Around Your Readers.
When you send an email, always focus on what your readers want. Don’t write a newsletter that talks about what you want to talk about; instead, think about the types of information that would be most relevant to them.
Let’s say you’re a freelance photographer and someone has subscribed to your newsletter after seeing your portfolio online. You could send them an email with tips for improving their photos or one on how to get more followers on Instagram.
For example, if I was looking for help with my photography skills, I would much rather receive an email from someone who knows what they’re talking about than one from someone who doesn’t even if it is from someone with more experience than me!
Building successful freelance email marketing campaigns requires careful planning and execution. Learn valuable insights from our article on Tips for Writing Successful Freelance Email Marketing Campaigns to enhance your campaign strategies.
In The Subject Line, Use “You” Not “I”
Do you start to read an email, only to realize that the subject line doesn’t fit the content? That’s because you were thrown off by using “I” or “me.” Here are a few reasons why it’s better to use “you”:
It makes your emails more personal. You’re not just sending a message to a list of people; you’re sending it directly to one person and making them feel like they’re special in the process.
It makes your emails more relevant. Since it’s all about them and their needs, when they see the subject line, they know exactly what’s coming next: information that relates specifically to them! They’ll be more likely open up and read on as result of this personalized approach instead of feeling like they’ve been put on some kind of generic mailing list where everyone gets sent information regardless if anyone cares about what’s being advertised or not (which happens way too often).
It makes your emails more important (and therefore worth reading). Who wouldn’t want something that feels important? By personalizing your emails with “you” language, readers will realize how much time went into crafting each message so it can feel like less effort was required before proceeding down this path even if there was quite a bit involved behind the scenes when creating each one individually tailored for its recipient(s).
This means lower response rates overall since people won’t hesitate as long before taking action as would normally occur when dealing with generic messages from strangers who don’t care enough about getting personal details correct all along every step along the way — which happens way too often these days!
Freelance writers can excel in email marketing with the right approach. Discover 11 essential strategies in our guide, 11 Email Marketing Tips for Freelance Writers, that can help you create engaging content and reach a wider audience.
Don’t Send Emails That Don’t Add Value
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of sending an email. But if you can’t think of a reason why your reader would benefit from it, don’t send it.
It’s also important to remember that it’s not about what you want it’s about what your audience wants. This is especially true in business emails; if your content isn’t relevant or helpful, people will delete or unsubscribe from your list as soon as possible. Make sure that every email you send adds value to the recipient by providing useful information and resources aimed at helping them reach their goals.
Keep Emails Relevant
The key to writing a successful email marketing campaign is to keep your emails relevant. It’s easy to do if you know your audience.
If you’re writing an e-newsletter, for instance, personalize it with information about the recipient: their name, interests, and previous purchases. You can also use software like MailChimp or ConvertKit to help automate this process for you.
And when sending out an email blast that has been sent many times before (like our monthly newsletter), remember that no one wants to receive another generic “sign up now!” message from someone they don’t know or don’t care about. Instead of selling yourself immediately in the subject line, mention something related to them: “Hey there! We have a new blog post on…”
Send “How-To” Emails
One of the best ways to make your emails useful is by sending “how-to” emails. These are great because they address a specific pain point and offer a solution. They’re also easy for you to create and send, which is why many marketers use them as their main type of email.
However, before you go on writing how-to emails willy-nilly, consider these two things:
Your audience needs to be interested in what you have to say (or else they won’t click through). So if your audience isn’t going to care about the content of your message, then don’t waste time sending it! After all, no point spending hours creating an awesome piece for someone who won’t even read it when there are so many other people out there who would love what you have!
The more specific information you can give potential customers about how exactly they could benefit from whatever product or service it is that took so long for me just now but I couldn’t think up any better way than saying “this will help them learn more about something they already want/need/like,” then better chance they’ll get excited enough into clicking over there instead somewhere else where nothing happens at all.”
Avoid Being Too Salesy or Promotional
The key to avoiding being too salesy or promotional is to make sure you’re sending emails that are helpful and practical. Your readers should be able to benefit from reading your email, which means providing them with something they can use in their everyday life. If you can relate what you’re writing about back to your reader’s situation, even better!
Examples of how not to be too self-promotional:
Don’t send out an email just telling people about something new that’s available on your website send out an email that offers helpful information related to what they’ve been struggling with lately!
Avoid sending the same email over and over again (even if it’s only once a week) keep it fresh by adding new content every time, like a link or graphic instead of simply repeating the same thing every time.
Freelance email marketing comes with its unique challenges. If you’re facing hurdles, delve into The 12 Challenges of a Freelance Email Marketing to identify common issues and find effective solutions to optimize your campaigns.
Successful Email Marketing Is A Lot Like The Golden Rule
Like the Golden Rule, successful email marketing is all about treating others as you would like to be treated. If you’re anything like me, when I open an email from a company or organization that I don’t know, my first instinct is to delete it without even reading it. It doesn’t matter if the subject line intrigues me or if the pitch sounds interesting if I don’t feel like there’s any value for me in the body of their email, then I’m going to hit “delete.”
This is why it’s important that your emails are not only written with your audience in mind but also focused on them and what they want out of their relationship with you. After all, they’re reading your emails because they have made a conscious decision (or have been persuaded) to do so. In other words: They want something! To give them exactly that and no more is key when crafting your next campaign strategy or outreach plan.
Be Sure That Your Clients Clearly Understand Your Expectations
You’re not a mind reader, so it’s important to make sure that your client is clear on what you offer and how you operate. You can do this by using a contract, explaining the terms and conditions of their service, making sure they understand when you will be available for contact or feedback, explaining how your process works and what services you provide (or don’t provide), offering examples of previous work, etc.
Understand The Dos And Don’ts Of Email Marketing For Freelancers
This article covers many dos but also some very important don’ts: Don’t send out mass emails; don’t auto-reply with generic responses; don’t include too much text in an email (it can be confusing); make sure your subject line is clear; keep it short!
Meet Deadlines And Turn In Clean, Accurate Copies
As a freelance writer, you will be in charge of your time management. You’ll have to set your deadlines and meet them. Clients have lives too, so it can be hard for them to remember that you exist if you don’t remind them from time to time.
There are many ways that I ensure my deadlines are met without fail:
Keep track of all communication with the client (whether it’s email, phone calls, or in-person). Make sure there is proof that they approved everything before sending it off for production (print magazines) or publication (online pieces).
If there is ever an issue with the content being incorrect due to anything besides typos or grammatical errors on your part (which happens), having this documentation will help defend yourself against any accusations made by clients who are trying their best not only to keep their business running smoothly but also succeed financially as well!
In addition, keeping records of communication ensures that if there ever were an issue with payment due dates getting pushed back slightly because something came up last minute then both parties could easily reference what was agreed upon so no one gets upset over unexpected circumstances like this happening more often than expected!
Initiating email outreach to unfamiliar contacts can be daunting. Our resource on How to Get Started Emailing a List of People You’ve Never Met offers practical tips and strategies to help you establish connections and build relationships through emails.
Charge A Fair Rate
Your clients will have a variety of requirements, and you should be ready to work with them on that. Some will want to know your hourly rate, while others may be more interested in knowing what it costs to get a simple email campaign up and running. If you’re just starting, you may want to charge a flat rate; as your experience grows, so too can the complexity of the projects you take on.
As for how much money you’ll need to make each month (or however long of a contract period), this depends heavily on who exactly is hiring you. If someone wants an automated sequence set up for their clients with no customization required and pays accordingly then going into business could be very profitable indeed!
However, if they have specific needs or demands that require weeks of delay while they come up with ideas then things could get ugly fast…
Build Relationships With Your Clients
You must build strong relationships with your clients. You want to be their go-to person for content, so you have to make sure they feel comfortable with you and know that they can trust your work. Be honest and upfront about what you can and cannot do. Don’t overpromise just because someone is offering a lot of money that will only lead to disappointment down the road.
Don’t Be Afraid To Say No If A Project Doesn’t Seem Right For Your Skill Set Or Time Frame
Always be prepared to defend your decisions when necessary by saying something like “I’m sorry but I don’t feel comfortable working on this project” or “I’m sorry but I’ve decided not to accept any more freelance writing jobs.”
This way, if there’s ever any conflict between yourself and the client after working together once or twice (and especially if things go south), he/she will remember how respectful you were about rejecting them rather than being defensive about their requests for additional work later on down the road when it would be too late anyway!
Use The Right Tools
As a freelancer, you must be organized. A lot of your time will be spent on administrative tasks such as invoicing clients, managing contacts and doing research. The right tools can help you stay on top of all these things without having to waste your day on them.
For research, I recommend Google Docs or Evernote for note-taking and organizing information. With both, you can take notes in real-time during meetings or interviews (or even write an entire article), then easily share them with other team members when needed. Evernote also has built-in audio recording capabilities that make it easy to capture interviews or conference calls for later transcription into written form if necessary.
Both services offer free plans but require a subscription for additional features such as file storage space beyond that offered by their free plans
Plan Ahead
Planning is important for many reasons. It helps you avoid last-minute rushes, which can lead to stress and a poor work-life balance. It also means that you have enough time to fulfill your obligations to clients and manage your time better.
Focus On The Quality Of Your Work, Not The Quantity
The best way to get clients is to focus on the quality of your work, not the quantity. Clients will appreciate getting a high-quality product and you will feel much more satisfied with the results. You can also expect fewer clients if you’re churning out mediocre pieces of work. Instead, try making one-piece perfect instead of 10 mediocre ones.
When it comes to marketing yourself as a freelancer, there are many ways that you can ensure that your message is clear for potential clients. For example: If you have an active social media presence (such as Twitter), send out regular updates about your latest projects or news related to your industry
Create An Email List And Send Monthly Newsletters That Offer Valuable Insights Into Freelance Life
Don’t try to become an expert in everything, just a few things you can do well. In terms of what you can do, this means narrowing down the areas where you have strengths. Do not try to become an expert at everything.
It’s not necessary and it will only add to your workload and stress level. Instead, focus on a few things that are important to your business whether it’s writing blog posts or developing sales proposals, or taking amazing photos for your website, and do those things well.
If you have areas where you feel less confident or don’t have any experience, then hire someone else for that work! You don’t need to be able to do everything on your own; in fact, it’s better if others help fill out the gaps so that you can focus on the things that make up most of the value in your business anyway (like writing great copy). Don’t spread yourself too thin by trying something new every week just because someone recommended it!
Don’t Expect To Overtake Stephen King In Sales Anytime Soon
First and foremost, you need to remember that this is a long-term game. Don’t expect to overtake Stephen King in sales anytime soon. Your focus should be on building a client base, building your reputation, and reaching out to people you know who can recommend you to others.
The most important part of freelancing is being professional at all times; don’t take shortcuts with clients or their projects by choosing cheap solutions that won’t last long (like free email providers). Always make sure they get the best quality content possible and provide them with value for what they pay for it.
Turning freelance email marketing into a lucrative career is achievable with the right strategies. Dive into our guide, How to Make a Full-Time Income Freelancing as an Email Marketer, to explore actionable steps that can lead you towards financial success in the freelancing world.
Whether Freelancing Is Your Main Gig Or A Side Hustle, These Tips Will Help You Get Ahead
Freelancing is a great way to make extra money, but setting yourself up for success can be hard. If you’re not sure how to get started or if your freelance business isn’t going as well as you had hoped, this article will help.
It might seem like freelancing is only for those who want their own business and don’t mind traveling all day long but it doesn’t have to be that way! There are plenty of ways that a DIY approach can work well for you if you’re just starting with freelance work or even taking on side-gigs here and there.
Final Thoughts
So, what does it take to be a successful freelancer? It can take a lot of hard work and dedication, but it’s worth it in the end. If you’re interested in trying your hand at freelancing and making money online.
I recommend starting small and setting realistic goals for yourself. The more time you spend on your business, the more successful you’ll be at it. If you have any questions or comments about this guide, feel free to leave them below!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to further explore the topic of freelance email marketing:
Leveraging Email Marketing for Freelancers: Discover advanced techniques and strategies to harness the power of email marketing as a freelancer.
Getting Started in Email Marketing as a Freelancer: A comprehensive guide for freelancers who are new to email marketing, offering practical steps to initiate successful campaigns.
Becoming a Freelance Email Marketer: Learn how to transition into a freelance email marketing career and gain insights into building a thriving business.
How can email marketing benefit freelancers?
Email marketing allows freelancers to directly connect with their audience, promote their services, and maintain consistent communication, leading to increased visibility and potential clients.
What are some effective strategies for freelance email marketing?
Effective strategies include segmenting your email list, crafting personalized content, using compelling subject lines, and employing automation to nurture leads.
How do I build an email list as a freelancer?
Start by creating valuable lead magnets, optimizing your website for email sign-ups, and leveraging social media to drive traffic to your sign-up forms.
Is it necessary to have design skills for freelance email marketing?
While design skills can enhance your emails, they’re not mandatory. Many successful freelancers focus on crafting engaging content and utilizing user-friendly email templates.
What Is Freelance Writing?
Freelance writing is a way to earn money by writing for people who don’t have time to write the content themselves. You could be asked to write articles, blog posts, or whitepapers based on your skills. The pay depends on the project and its length. Freelance writers are usually hired by companies that need content for their website or blog but can’t afford a full-time employee (or don’t want one).
How Do You Get Started As A Freelance Writer?
It all depends on how much experience you have! If you have absolutely no experience in this field then there are many online resources where you can learn about SEO copywriting and other skills required for beginner freelancers like yourself!
What Should You Charge As A Freelance Writer?
This depends entirely on what kind of work they need done so make sure that before accepting any job offer from them make sure they know exactly what type of service they expect from their new employee(s). This ensures both parties know exactly what they expect out of each other so if something goes wrong there won’t be any misunderstandings later down the road when things start getting messy between co-workers.”
What Does A Freelance Writer Do?
A freelancer is someone who writes for clients on an as-needed basis. In other words, when companies need content for their websites or newsletters, they can hire freelancers from sites like Upwork and Fiverr to provide said content. Of course, all kinds of other types of professionals are also considered freelancers web designers and marketers are just two examples.
How Much Should I Charge As A Freelance Writer?
Your rates depend largely upon what industry you work in and what kind of experience you have under your belt. If your rates aren’t competitive enough yet then consider taking some time off until they’ve increased enough so that clients will be willing to hire you again (or at least not complain too loudly).

I am a content writer, and I love what I do! Writing makes me feel like the words are flowing through my fingers, and then onto the keyboard, like magic. My experience as a writer has taught me that writing makes me feel good, as well as helps others to feel better too!