Are Cover Letters Double Spaced? (Career Advice)

If you’re like me, whenever someone asks if you want to do something with them, your first thought is: “But is it a double-spaced event?” Sure, being invited to a party or other social function is great and all but if it’s not double-spaced, then why bother? 

Thankfully for those of us who love this spacing style more than life itself, there are many more uses for the TAB key in life than just indenting paragraphs on a resume (or sending emails). So today we’ll be exploring the ins and outs of proper cover letter formatting. But don’t worry! 

This isn’t a boring listicle full of rules about margins and fonts; we promise there will be no math involved at all! OK, maybe just one equation:

Understanding Cover Letters and Resumes – A Professional
Cover letters are still an important part of the job application process.
Double spacing in a cover letter can make it easier to read and highlight important information.
Single-spacing in a cover letter may make it appear cluttered and difficult to read.
The recommended font size for cover letters is 10 or 12 points.
Including your contact information in the header of your cover letter is recommended.
Standard margin size for cover letters is one inch on all sides.
Follow guidelines for cover letter spacing to make your document look professional.

Should Cover Letters Be Single Spaced Or Double Spaced?

Double spacing is more common and easier to read

Single spacing is more formal, which can be nice if you want to sound professional

Double-spaced letters are easier to edit and adjust, but single-spaced letters look nicer if you’re using a template.

Cover letters are often required by employers as part of the job application process. In fact, many job postings specifically request that applicants include a cover letter. Learn more about the importance of cover letters in our career advice guide on are cover letters required.

How Do I Double-Space A Cover Letter?

To double space, use the TAB key. This will indent each line and create the correct spacing. You do not need to use any special formatting or specific font! Just insert a carriage return between paragraphs and your cover letter will be ready to go.

Here’s an example:

Dear Sir or Madam,

In this cover letter example, you’ll notice that we’ve used only one tab to indent each line of text evenly. This is how you should do it too don’t try to cram in two or three tabs at once!

How Do You Format A Cover Letter?

When you’re writing your cover letter, you should use a font that is easy to read and looks professional. 

A good font choice would be monospaced this means there will be the same amount of space between each character. Font size should be 12 pt and avoid using any difficult-to-read symbols or fancy fonts. To make sure your email is readable, make sure it does not exceed 10 pages in length (if applicable).

A cover letter can help you stand out from the competition in an interview process, but it needs to have good formatting as well as content if it’s going to impress anyone reading it!

While some job seekers may believe that cover letters are outdated in today’s digital age, they can still be an effective way to stand out from other applicants. Check out our career advice guide on are cover letters outdated to learn more about why cover letters are still relevant in the job search process.

What Is The Font Usually Used In A Cover Letter?

The font you use in your cover letter is a matter of preference, but it’s important to choose one that’s legible.

A common mistake people make when writing their cover letter is using a font that’s too small and difficult to read. This can be problematic for the employer, who may not have time to squint at tiny letters on the page (or zoom) before deciding whether or not to keep reading. 

If your font is too large, there’s also the risk that your reader will think you’re trying too hard to appear formal or professional which might give them an unfavorable impression of you before they’ve even met.

As far as body text goes, I recommend sticking with something like Times New Roman or Arial for best results: both are professional-looking fonts with a wide variety of sizes available online so that they’ll scale nicely when printed out onto paper.”

Is Times New Roman Good For A Resume And Cover Letter?

Times New Roman is one of the best fonts to use in your cover letter, resume, and CV.

It’s a classic font that has been used for many years so it’s well-known and easy to read. It also looks professional, as it has a slightly bigger size than other serif fonts like Garamond or Baskerville (which are also good options).

If you want to stand out from the crowd and impress employers who have lots of applications to read through every day, this is one way you can do that!

Do You Write Your Name On A Cover Letter?

If you’re writing a cover letter, put your name at the top of the page. Make sure that it is in bold and larger than any other text on the page. 

Use your full name, not just your first name or nickname. People are more likely to read an application that comes from a company they know than an application that looks like it was written by someone who doesn’t understand how to use a computer.

Can I Use 12pt Font For My Resume And Cover Letter?

12-point font size is very common in resumes. It’s also a good font size for cover letters, business cards, and other professional documents. The same goes for emails: if you want to make sure your message gets read and understood properly, choose a 12-point font size.

Should You Use Bullets In A Cover Letter?

Bullet points are a great way to make your cover letter easier to read. They break up paragraphs and help you highlight your key points. For example, if you’re applying for an internship and have experience in a few different areas of the company, using bullets will make it clear that these are some of your greatest skills.

Using bullets can also be fun! If you have an interesting fact or story about yourself or the company that isn’t necessarily relevant but might add some personality to the cover letter, feel free to add it into bullet format. 

It could be something like “I once played violin at Carnegie Hall on my birthday!” or “My best friend owns 20 cats!” This can help keep people interested in what else is coming next instead of just reading through paragraph after paragraph after paragraph (which most people won’t do).

Writing a cover letter can be time-consuming, but it is often necessary in order to make a good impression on potential employers. In our career advice guide on are cover letters necessary, we discuss the benefits of including a cover letter in your job application and provide tips on how to make yours stand out.

Do You Need A Cover Letter For An Internship?

A cover letter is a one-page document that accompanies your resume when applying for a job. In the United States, it’s usually an informal letter written in business format with salutations and closings like “Sincerely,” “Respectfully,” or “Yours truly.” 

A cover letter’s primary purpose is to convince the employer that you’re right for the position, so it should highlight any skills and experience that relate directly to what they need; don’t include irrelevant information about hobbies or interests here.

When writing your first draft, refer back to your resume as often as possible this will help remind you which aspects of yourself are most relevant to this specific application.

It doesn’t hurt if you write down some talking points before starting; this way, even if you forget something important later in the process (like making sure there are no typos!) at least one person will be able to tell them offhand!

Do Employers Still Read Cover Letters?

A cover letter is a letter of introduction for your resume. 

It’s generally one to two pages long and includes a brief description of you and your experience in regards to the position you’re applying for, how you learned about the job opening, why you want it, what makes you qualified for it, and anything else that might help convince an employer that they should hire you over someone else.

Video: What Is A Cover Letter? The Purpose And Benefits Of Writing One

The purpose of a cover letter is to provide employers with detailed information about who you are as an employee and why they should consider hiring YOU instead of other candidates who may be applying for the same position. It’s not designed solely as another way for applicants to list their qualifications or accomplishments (which is what resumes are used for).

What Should Be Included In A Cover Letter?

A cover letter is an introduction to your resume and your experience. It’s the first impression you’ll make on an employer, so it’s important to make sure everything you write is professional and polished. The following elements are typical of what you’d expect to see in a well-crafted cover letter:

Your name, address, email address, and phone number (optional)

An objective statement that summarizes why you’re applying for this position and how you hope it will help advance your career goals should be one paragraph long at most; if possible, keep it shorter than three sentences! 

If there’s no opportunity for advancement mentioned in the job description or other materials provided by the company or recruiter (which happens more often than we’d like), then don’t address this part of your objective yet instead focus on explaining what growth opportunities might exist beyond those already stated by management. 

For example: “I’m seeking opportunities where I can continue developing my skills as an event planner.” 

Or something along those lines! If there aren’t any such openings on offer currently but someone with similar experience has been promoted up through their ranks recently 

Maybe try referring to that person being promoted into higher positions within their company too… just remember not everyone knows each other so don’t assume they do unless explicitly told otherwise first before mentioning names specifically offhand here).

Despite the rise of digital applications and social media, cover letters are still an important aspect of the job search process. In our career advice guide on are cover letters still relevant, we explore why cover letters are still a valuable tool for job seekers and offer tips for writing an effective cover letter.

Is It Ok To Have Color On Your Resume And Cover Letter?

If you’re applying for a job that requires the use of a specific font, then it’s probably best to stick with that. If the company uses Calibri, then you should use Calibri. If they require Helvetica Neue, then use Helvetica Neue; and so on.

However, if you’re applying as a graphic designer or someone who works with design in general (not just logos), there’s nothing wrong with showing off your creativity by using something more free-form like Montserrat or Lato. 

Of course, the most important thing is still making sure that what you choose is easy to read so that your resume isn’t difficult for anyone else to take in at first glance but companies will appreciate your desire to stand out from other applicants!

Do You Tab To Indent In A Cover Letter Or Just Press The Space Bar 5 Times Like We Did In 7th Grade English Class

The answer is simple: use the TAB key to indent. Pressing the space bar 5 times doesn’t mean anything, but pressing it once will cause a single level of indentation.

This is because using the space bar can cause you to over-indent (meaning you may have too much white space between paragraphs).

Using TABs ensures that your paragraph spacing is consistent throughout your document and prevents over-indenting!

Learn how to use the TAB key, people!

Use the TAB key to indent text. This trick is particularly useful when you want to create a bulleted list or numbered list.

Use the TAB key to align text. Use this when you want your paragraph aligned to the left, right, or center of your document.

Use the TAB key in combination with entering spaces on either side of it to create bulleted lists or numbered lists (see above).

If you’re typing a letter and want paragraphs that are indented more than one space from the left margin, use multiple spaces on either side of using TAB for instance: “Hello friend! I’m so glad you decided to write me back.”

Double spacing in a cover letter can help make it easier to read and highlight important information. Learn more about the benefits of double spacing in cover letters in our career advice guide on are cover letters double spaced and how it can make your cover letter stand out to potential employers.


When you write a cover letter, it is important to follow the formatting rules. A good way to get started is by using an online template or our free sample letters. 

Make sure that your letter is personalized for each job opening and includes details about why you would be an excellent candidate for this position. If you need help with other parts of your application such as writing an amazing resume or crafting perfect interview questions, check out our full range of resources below!

Further Reading

Quick Formatting Tips for Cover Letters: This guide provides quick tips for formatting cover letters, including guidance on margins, font size, and spacing.

Should a Cover Letter Be Double Spaced?: This article discusses the pros and cons of double spacing in cover letters and provides recommendations for job seekers.

Cover Letter Spacing Guidelines: This resource offers guidelines for spacing in cover letters, including advice on line spacing, margins, and font size.


Can a cover letter be single-spaced?

Yes, a cover letter can be single-spaced, but it may be more difficult to read and may look cluttered. It is generally recommended to double space cover letters to make them easier to read and to provide more white space.

How should I format the margins in my cover letter?

The standard margin size for cover letters is one inch on all sides. This allows for a balanced look on the page and makes the document easy to read.

What is the recommended font size for cover letters?

The recommended font size for cover letters is 10 or 12 points. This allows for easy reading and ensures that the document looks professional.

Should I include my contact information in the header of the cover letter?

Yes, it is recommended to include your contact information in the header of your cover letter. This can include your name, address, phone number, and email address. It is also common to include the date and the recipient’s contact information.

How can I ensure my cover letter looks professional?

To ensure your cover letter looks professional, use a clean and simple font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and avoid using multiple fonts or colors. Use proper spacing and margins, and proofread the document carefully for errors before submitting it.