16 Tips For Writing House Hunter Copy That Sells

We’re all in the business of selling things. And while most of us do our best to sell cars, TVs, and shoes, some people don’t think about selling houses until they need to sell their own. But when it comes down to it, you know what’s on your mind? You want someone else to buy your home! 

And if there are more people interested in buying your house than there are houses available… then that means you have an opportunity to get cash for your home that you didn’t have before. 

The only thing standing between you and selling your house as quickly as possible is how well you write copy for people who may be interested in buying it. So let’s take a look at 26 tips for writing house hunter copy that sells!

How To Get Clients: 4 Copywriting Tips For Beginners
Key Takeaways
1. Understand the target audience: Know the preferences and needs of potential home buyers.
2. Craft compelling headlines: Grab attention with captivating headlines that highlight benefits.
3. Focus on benefits: Emphasize how the property meets buyers’ desires and solves problems.
4. Use descriptive language: Paint a vivid picture of the property’s features and surroundings.
5. Incorporate testimonials: Share positive experiences from satisfied buyers to build trust.
6. Highlight unique selling points: Showcase what sets the property apart from others in the market.
7. Create a sense of urgency: Encourage action by conveying limited availability or time-sensitive offers.
8. Use storytelling: Engage readers with relatable narratives that evoke emotions.
9. Address objections: Anticipate and counter potential buyer concerns in your copy.
10. Provide valuable information: Offer insights about the neighborhood, schools, and amenities.
11. Keep it concise: Write succinctly while conveying the property’s value effectively.
12. Include clear calls to action: Guide readers on the next steps, whether it’s contacting an agent or visiting the property.
13. Use visuals strategically: Incorporate high-quality images that complement the copy.
14. Test and optimize: Experiment with different approaches and refine your copy based on performance.
15. Offer incentives: Mention special offers or bonuses to motivate buyers to take action.
16. Proofread and edit: Ensure your copy is error-free and polished for a professional impression.

Don’t Let The Prospect Be The Center Of Attention

As a writer, it’s your job to make the reader/prospect feel like they’re at the center of attention. You need to be able to write copy that speaks directly to their needs and interests without making them feel self-conscious about it. 

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of marketing materials that seem like they were written for someone else, you know how frustrating it can be!

When writing real estate ads, focus not on what makes your prospect want this house (their dream kitchen), but rather on why this house is perfect for them (it has enough space for their family). Once you’ve done this, make sure all of your messaging reflects who you’re selling—not just what they’re buying.

If you’re looking to enhance your writing style and become a more natural content writer, remember that authenticity resonates with readers. Embrace your unique voice and let your words flow naturally.

Keep Meetings Short

Short, sweet, and to the point. This is the mantra to keep in mind when meeting with prospective clients. Whether you’re a freelance writer or independent consultant, you don’t have time for long-winded client meetings. You need to get your point across quickly and efficiently if you want to stay on schedule with your other projects.

Don’t waste time with small talk either. If there’s nothing that needs to be said about the project at hand, don’t say anything at all just ask them if they have any questions for you before moving on to another topic of conversation. 

It may seem rude at first but it will save both parties from wasting valuable minutes that could be spent discussing more important matters further down the line.

Give Your Real Estate Agent The Copy You Want Them To Write

When you’re writing copy for your real estate agent, it’s important to give them all the information they need to write an effective ad. The best way to do this is by creating an outline of what you want them to say. This will allow you and your agent to talk about the content ahead of time so that everyone is on the same page when it comes time for writing.

It’s also helpful if you have any content ready beforehand, for example, photos or video clips that can be used in ads or brochures.

Crafting compelling content for house hunters involves understanding their needs. Dive into how to do keyword research for long-tail keywords to target specific search queries and provide valuable information that attracts potential buyers.

Make Sure Your Property Description Is Clear And Concise

Your property description needs to be clear and concise. Include the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and square footage; the number of floors and parking spaces; whether there are any special features (like a pool or a gated community); and, if you can’t mention it all in one sentence, try making an interesting list out of it.

Don’t forget to include your address! This may seem obvious but many listing descriptions don’t contain this vital piece of information.

Give prospects a sense of how much money they could make and how much their total investment could add up to.

You can also highlight how much money the prospect will save in their monthly budget, or how much they could make from their investment. This can be done by showing them numbers that illustrate the potential savings or profit they’ll receive from buying your house, rather than other houses on the market.

You may want to consider targeting people who are looking for a particular type of house, such as those who have young children and need a larger living space or backyard. The best way to do this is by creating a list of features that could be important to these types of people and showing them off in your copy:

Garage Doors For Extra Storage Space

5 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms so everyone has their room

Listen to your agent as they walk through the house with you.

Listening to your agent is crucial. It’s what separates the successful copywriter from the struggling one.

You Should Be Listening For

The agent’s unique selling points (USPs), are what they say about the house that no one else has said yet (and therefore will grab your attention). For example: “This house was built by famous architect John Doe.” Or “This home has been featured in many magazines and on HGTV.”

The descriptions of the neighborhood or area of town if there’s something particularly wonderful about them such as being near schools or parks or public transportation, etc. that you can use to make a point about how great this house is relative to others in its area.

Any quirky details that come up as an aside during conversation. If your agent mentions that there’s room for five cars in an attached garage but only mentions three cars being included with the property listing price, then this may be something worth mentioning in your copy because it shows how flexible and accommodating you could be if you bought this place!

Writing copy that captivates house hunters requires attention to detail. Learn the SEO copywriting do’s and don’ts for boosting traffic to create engaging content that not only sells but also drives organic traffic to your real estate listings.

Include Statistics That Show How Your Property Compares To Average Home Sales Prices In Your Area

Include statistics that show how your property compares to average home sales prices in your area.

Use statistics that are relevant to your area. Be sure the numbers you’re using are up-to-date and reflect conditions in your city or town, not just national averages (or worse yet, figures from another state). 

It’s also important to check whether these numbers have been adjusted for inflation if they haven’t been adjusted for inflation, then the prices will be higher than what’s being paid today (and could make it look like homes are selling for more than they are).

Don’t use statistics that are outdated or irrelevant. You don’t need any old numbers; instead, use something current and relevant so people know whether buying this house would be a good investment right now!

Tell Them What Kind Of Lifestyle They’ll Have, Where They’ll Be Able To Run, Play, Shop, And Dine

Tell them what kind of lifestyle they’ll have, where they’ll be able to run, play, shop and dine. You could even mention the neighborhood’s walkability score.

Most buyers want to know what their children will do for fun in the new neighborhood. Pastimes like biking or hiking are popular due to their low cost and ease of access for all ages.

When it comes to entertainment needs, most people have a few favorite restaurants that are near and dear to them (a favorite burger joint or a local sushi spot). If your listing is located near one of these places, mention it!

Talk About Neighborhood Benefits, Who Lives There, Schools, Parks, And Shopping Nearby

To make sure you’re talking about the right features, take a look at your customer. What are their specific needs? Where are they going to be living and what will they be doing there? 

A young family may want to know if there’s a good school nearby or whether there are parks where their kids can play. Someone looking to retire will want to know that they have access to medical services within walking distance of their home.

Let’s face it: houses aren’t one-size-fits-all items. Everyone has different priorities when it comes to their dream home, so you need to make sure that your copy is specific enough for each person who visits your site and then shows them exactly how great the neighborhood benefits would fit with what they’re looking for!

While it’s essential to employ effective SEO strategies, avoid tactics that could backfire. Explore these 15 SEO copywriting tactics that will get you caught to ensure your content remains within ethical boundaries and doesn’t compromise your online presence.

Ask Them If Their Family Will Fit In With Yours, Or If You’ll Have Any Children Around

At the end of the day, you are selling a house to a person. So, you must take the time to get to know them before you start writing copy for them. You don’t need to ask every question under the sun a few simple questions will give you enough information to write ad copy that speaks to your audience:

Ask them if their family will fit in with yours, or if you’ll have any children around. If one spouse is an outdoorsy type and another is more of an indoor person (or vice versa), this can be a crucial factor in whether or not they decide on one house over another. This same concept applies if either spouse has kids and especially if there are pets!

Ask if they spend much time at home doing hobbies like reading or crafts. If so, this can help shape how often they would use certain rooms in your house versus others (for example: watching TV vs cooking). A good way to phrase this question is: “When do you think most people spend time in the living room?”

Ask for referrals and get organized before you begin asking for them so you can give them some special attention.

Once You Have A Full List Of Past Clients, It’s Time To Start Asking For Referrals

Ask for referrals from people who have bought your property. These are the folks who know you best and are likely to recommend you over others.

Ask for referrals from people who have sold your property. You might think that sellers wouldn’t want to send business your way because they’re moving on and will have different needs than their buyers, but this isn’t true! 

Sellers often stay in touch with their real estate agents long after closing, so if they had a positive experience working with one of them, they’ll certainly consider recommending that person when friends or family members start looking into buying or selling the property themselves.

Ask for referrals from everyone else too! There’s no reason not to solicit recommendations from every past client possible even those who didn’t buy or sell anything through you yet because even though these folks aren’t currently active clients (and may never become so). 

They could still lead leads back into becoming clients later on down the road someday when their circumstances change again as well as potentially refer new customers directly over the phone/email/social media platforms which would be more valuable than any other type of non-face-to-face marketing strategy there is out there today!

Use photos that are professionally shot of your property so that buyers can see it from a different perspective than what they can see when driving by it regularly.

The most important part of selling a house is making sure buyers can see it from a new perspective. They need to be able to visualize themselves living there and know that they can make the home their own. And while amateur photos are great, professional photography will always win out over amateur when it comes to selling a property.

Professional photos show off your home in its best light they bring out details viewers couldn’t see with their own eyes, allowing them to imagine what life would be like in this particular property and how they might improve upon it. 

Since one photo can do both those things at once (and more), using professionally shot images makes sense if you want your copywriting efforts to have maximum impact on readers who may or may not have been familiar before now!

Elevating your blog’s visibility through quality content is essential for attracting potential buyers. Discover 16 simple ways to write better SEO content for your blog and implement these techniques to enhance your search engine rankings and connect with your target audience effectively.

Be Specific About Your Customer’s Needs Since Houses Are Not One Size Fits-All Items

With such a wide variety of houses available, it’s important to know exactly what kind of house you are selling. Know what your customer is looking for and what they want most in a home.

It’s not enough just to say that you have “the best” or “unique” houses; instead, be specific about what makes your home appealing. This will help you write copy that speaks directly to the needs and wants of your audience. It also makes it easier for them to envision themselves living happily in the home you’re selling!


It’s important to understand that there are many ways to write a house hunter copy, and it’s not always about what sounds good. The best way to make sure your buyer is happy with their purchase is by knowing exactly what they want in the first place. This means doing some research on which features matter most for them and how much each feature will cost them.

Further Reading

How to Write Copy That Sells: Discover effective techniques for crafting persuasive copy that drives sales and engages your target audience.

Writing for the Web vs. Print: Understand the nuances of writing for digital platforms compared to traditional print media, ensuring your content resonates with online readers.

How to Write Sales Copy: Learn the art of creating sales-oriented copy that compels readers to take action and convert into customers.

And here’s the “FAQs” section:


How do I improve my copywriting for online success?

To enhance your online copywriting skills, focus on understanding the digital audience, utilizing SEO strategies, and crafting engaging and concise content.

What’s the difference between writing for the web and writing for print?

Writing for the web requires shorter paragraphs, scannable content, and hyperlinks, while print writing often involves longer-form narratives and a different reading experience.

What are some key elements of effective sales copy?

Effective sales copy includes a clear value proposition, addressing customer pain points, highlighting benefits, and including a strong call to action.

How can I capture the reader’s attention in my copy?

Start with a compelling headline, use vivid imagery, and immediately address the reader’s needs or desires to grab and maintain their attention.

What role does storytelling play in copywriting?

Storytelling adds emotional depth and relatability to your copy, making it more engaging and memorable for readers. It helps create a connection between your brand and the audience.