15 SEO Copywriting Tactics That Will Get You Caught

When you’re in the SEO game, there are a lot of tactics to keep track of. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and forget about the basics. In this post, we’ll cover some common mistakes that can hurt your rankings and reputation.

8x SEO Copywriting Hacks To Increase Search Traffic
1. Avoid keyword stuffing in your content.
2. Write for humans first, then optimize for search engines.
3. Use relevant and natural-sounding anchor text for links.
4. Create high-quality and valuable content to attract organic traffic.
5. Optimize meta tags, titles, and descriptions for better search visibility.
6. Keep up with SEO trends and algorithm changes to stay ahead.
7. Use long-tail keywords strategically for specific target audiences.
8. Focus on user experience and readability in your copywriting.
9. Avoid duplicate content and prioritize originality.
10. Engage with your audience through compelling call-to-actions.

Spammy Content

Spammy content, or irrelevant content, is a type of copywriting that’s created to manipulate search engines instead of providing value to the reader. These tactics are more likely to get you caught by Google than they are to help you rank in the SERPs (search engine result pages).

A good example of spammy SEO copywriting is keyword stuffing or loading your page with random keywords as a way to build your rankings. If you’re doing this, then it’s highly likely that someone at Google will notice and penalize your site for manipulating its algorithm.

Another form of spammy SEO content can be seen in articles that include links back to another site without any context or explanation why those sites should be important enough for readers to visit them when they’ve come here for information. 

By creating these kinds of articles, you’re not only making it harder for readers but also causing issues with Google because it thinks there may be something wrong with those external sites being linked too often on one page (which could result in penalties against those businesses too).”

Writing SEO-friendly content can be tricky, but it’s essential for improving your website’s search rankings. Check out our article on 15 Ridiculous SEO Writing Rules You Should Never Follow to avoid common mistakes and write compelling SEO content.

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is the practice of repeating a keyword or phrase over and over again, usually in the meta tags or the body of the content. The main purpose of keyword stuffing is to manipulate search engine rankings.

Keyword stuffing can be done on both your site and others, but it’s important to remember that your website should be designed as a good experience for users first, with SEO working as a secondary consideration. 

If you use too many keywords in an attempt to increase search engine ranking artificially, it will come across as spammy and can lower your Google ranking instead!

Over-Optimized Urls Or Descriptions

Use descriptive URLs. This is a best practice for any website, but it’s especially important for search engine optimization. Using relevant keywords for your URL will help drive traffic to your site and can increase clickthrough rates by as much as 50%.

Don’t overdo it with keywords. It’s tempting to try to cram every keyword you can think of into every field that will accept them, but this ends up turning off users who don’t want their experience interrupted by constant pop-ups asking them if they’d like fries with their burger (thank you, Burger King). 

A good rule of thumb is not more than one or two per page and make sure they’re relevant!

Use keywords in descriptions. If there are no appropriate meta tags available (which is sometimes the case), then use the description field instead! 

Make sure all of them reflect what people will see when they click on an organic search result from Google or another search engine so that they’ve got an accurate sense of what’s on offer before clicking through and potentially getting disappointed if nothing matches expectations after being lured in by something like “Free Shipping.

Highest Price Guarantee” which sounds promising but isn’t necessarily true since those terms could mean anything depending on how well-versed one was about how marketing works online these days compared with how it used to look back when there were still

Interested in a career as an SEO copywriter? We’ve got you covered! Learn how to become an SEO copywriter and discover the skills and techniques needed to excel in this field.

Useless Internal Links

Internal links are the links that you see on a website that allows users to navigate within the site. Internal links are not visible to the user and can be used to help users to find what they’re looking for on your site. 

Internal linking is important for SEO, but it isn’t used by search engines when ranking websites. You can use internal links in your content to help users navigate through your content and learn more about different topics without overwhelming them with too many external links or distracting information.

Unrelated Anchor Texts

Anchor text is the visible words in your hyperlink that you click to go to a different page or website. It’s important to use relevant anchor text so that search engines know what your link is about. 

Relevant anchor text can help with SEO by giving search engines more information about what your website is about, which helps them determine whether the content on the site is relevant for specific searches and keywords. This can lead to higher rankings in SERPs (search engine results pages).

Relevant Anchor Text: “SEO Copywriting – How To Write High-CPC Ads That Convert”

When used correctly, anchor texts can also improve user experience by boosting clickthrough rate (CTR) and improving performance metrics like conversion rate, session duration, and bounce rate of your links. It’s important not only for SEO purposes but also because it helps guide people towards where they want them to go!

Duplicate Content

Don’t copy and paste. You know what I mean: the super-short blog posts that many SEOs post on their blogs and elsewhere, hoping that Google will rank them highly based on “original” content.

Don’t use tools to create your content. The same goes for using tools to create links or metadata, sitemaps, robots.txt files anything like that where you just drop in data or use pre-populated fields without writing anything yourself. 

Sure it might save time but it looks lazy, and unprofessional and can damage the credibility of your brand if spotted by search engines (and human visitors).

Struggling to write SEO-friendly articles quickly? Don’t worry; we have a solution for you. Check out our guide on how to write an SEO-friendly article in under 48 hours to boost your productivity and create high-ranking content.

Automated Link Building

The process of building backlinks is called link building. Link building is a way to get your site indexed by search engines, and it’s also a way to get traffic to your website. The more backlinks you have, the higher your site will rank in search results.

When it comes to SEO copywriting, link building is one of the most important things you can do for your business. If people don’t know about you or don’t find value in what you offer them, they won’t be inclined to share their experience with others who might be interested in the same thing as them (or even just curious). 

So how do we accomplish this goal? By creating content that serves our target audience and then sharing it on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter; commenting on blogs; submitting guest posts; creating content upgrades; etc.

When done correctly and ethically (i.e., without breaking any laws) these tactics can help build up relationships between two parties over time until eventually, one party decides they trust the other enough for them both benefit from doing business together.”

Generic Link Building

Before we get into the more intricate details of link building, it’s important to know what it is. Link building is the process of acquiring links from other websites to your website. These links are an essential part of search engine optimization (SEO), so if you’re not already doing it, please read this guide on how to get high-quality backlinks for your site.

But first: why do you need backlinks? To put it simply, they help Google figure out where your content should rank in organic results by showing that other people find value in what you’ve written. 

As long as those other sites have authority and are relevant to yours (which is where the quality comes into play), then there’s no better way for someone new looking for information about [topic] than going through them before checking out anything else online!

Low-Quality Backlinks

  • Backlinks from low-quality sites.
  • Backlinks from irrelevant sites.
  • Backlinks from low authority domains.

Backlinks that don’t have enough page authority to pass through Google’s filter algorithms like Penguin, Panda, and Hummingbird. This is especially true if you are trying to build links for your non-money pages (i.e., internal pages).

Bad link-building techniques like guest posting on spammy websites or agreeing to appear in a blogroll as part of an exchange deal where you post on another site but get no reciprocal benefit for yourself or your client’s website (i.e., exchanging backlinks).

Boosting website traffic through SEO copywriting requires a good understanding of dos and don’ts. Learn the best practices with our comprehensive guide on SEO Copywriting: Dos and Don’ts for Boosting Traffic and drive more visitors to your site.

Doorway Pages

A doorway page is a page that is created with the sole purpose of ranking for a keyword phrase. These pages are often created by people who aren’t SEO experts, but it’s important to remember that some website owners also use doorway pages to rank for short-tail keywords to boost their authority and link-building efforts.

As you can see from this example, there are lots of different ways in which doorway pages can be used. The following tips will help you identify them:

  • Look for low-quality content on high-ranking pages
  • Check if any obvious backlinks are pointing to your competitor’s website


Cloaking is when a website shows you one thing, but the search engines see something different. For example, if you’re on a site that sells sunglasses and they show you different links than the ones they send to Google. Cloaking is considered a very bad practice and can get you banned from the search engines altogether which means no more traffic!

Paid Links

Paid links, also known as paid search ads, are a type of advertising that you can use to drive traffic to your site. These ads show up in response to specific keywords, and they appear on the right side of users’ Google searches. However, there are two main risks associated with using paid links:

You’ll lose credibility if the user clicks on your link and it doesn’t lead them anywhere useful or relevant. Users will be annoyed by this experience and may click elsewhere for future searches.

Paid links can ruin SEO efforts if Google starts penalizing sites with too many paid links in their content and if you use paid links too often or mix them up with organic content on your site, this might happen sooner rather than later!

Sneaky Redirects

Redirects are sneaky SEO tactics that can save your site from penalty. They’re also used to avoid duplicate content, doorway pages, and cloaking penalties. Let’s take a look at each of these three uses for redirects in more detail:

Duplicate content: In this case, when you have the same or similar content on multiple pages of your site (such as with a product page and its image), you can use redirects to point these different URLs to one another so they all serve the same copy without being flagged by search engines as duplicate content.

Doorway pages: You may have heard of doorway pages before they’re web pages designed specifically to attract organic search traffic but don’t provide any value for users who land on them (except perhaps via paid advertising).

If these types of sites are penalized by Google because they aren’t providing enough value for their visitors’ time spent visiting them, then here’s where redirecting all those requests comes in handy again! 

Instead of having a disjointed experience with multiple pages not linking together naturally through their navigation bar like usual websites do, which would probably leave someone confused about why everything looks so different than usual.

And therefore might make them less likely to come back later when they want something else–you’ll just send them right back where they came from without any interruption whatsoever.

Building high-quality backlinks is crucial for SEO success. Discover a SEO copywriter’s ultimate guide to link building in our article on A SEO Copywriter’s Guide to Link Building and master the art of effective link-building strategies.

Scraped Content

Scraped content is just what it sounds like: content that you’ve copied from another source. If a search engine finds content on your website that matches the same words, phrases, and subject matter as other sites in its index, it will assume you copied it.

It used to be that search engines didn’t penalize for scraping (other than removing duplicate listings), but now they do and if you’re caught doing it, even accidentally, your site could potentially be de-indexed or removed from the results entirely. That’s why we don’t recommend using scraped content in your SEO copywriting efforts at all.


We hope you’ve found this article useful. As you can see, there are a lot of different ways to approach your copywriting that can have a real impact on your search engine rankings. 

However, it’s important to remember that the best practice is always going to be creating high-quality, unique content for your readers. If all else fails, go back to basics and focus on providing value for those who visit your site!

Further Reading

WordStream – SEO Copywriting: The Definitive Guide: A comprehensive guide to mastering the art of SEO copywriting, with valuable tips and techniques.

Medium – 15 SEO Copywriting Tips to Boost Your Rankings: Learn 15 effective SEO copywriting tips to improve your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic.

Robbie Richards – SEO Copywriting: The Ultimate Guide: A detailed and ultimate guide to understanding the principles and strategies of SEO copywriting.


What is SEO copywriting?

SEO copywriting is the practice of creating written content that is optimized for search engines, aiming to rank higher in search results and drive organic traffic to a website.

How does SEO copywriting differ from regular copywriting?

While regular copywriting focuses on persuasive and engaging content, SEO copywriting additionally includes optimizing the content with relevant keywords and meta tags to improve search engine visibility.

What are some key elements of effective SEO copywriting?

Effective SEO copywriting involves thorough keyword research, natural incorporation of keywords into the content, compelling headlines, high-quality and relevant content, and proper formatting for readability.

How can I learn SEO copywriting?

You can learn SEO copywriting through online courses, reading authoritative guides and blogs, practicing writing with SEO principles, and staying up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and best practices.

Is SEO copywriting only for websites?

No, SEO copywriting can be used in various content formats, including blogs, articles, product descriptions, social media posts, and more, to optimize content for search engines and reach a wider audience.