13 Friendly Ways To Nurture An Email List

Your email list is a precious thing. Unlike, say, your Facebook followers, it’s made up of people who’ve intentionally given you their contact details. They want to hear from you.

So don’t take that for granted! Nurture your list and it will give back to you in spades. Not quite sure what we mean?

Well, imagine if all the people on your email list were real-life friends who hung out at your house once a week (or whatever frequency you send emails). You wouldn’t suddenly stop talking to them and then be surprised when they didn’t come around anymore, would you?

You’d make an effort to get to know them and make them feel welcome right? Well, treating your email subscribers like mates isn’t such a crazy idea after all. Ready to learn how to nurture those subscribers? Welcome aboard!

How to Start an Email List From Scratch (and for FREE)
1. Regularly send valuable and relevant content.
2. Personalize emails to address subscribers’ interests.
3. Use automation to maintain consistent communication.
4. Segment your email list for targeted messaging.
5. Share success stories and case studies with subscribers.
6. Provide exclusive offers and discounts.
7. Ask for feedback and encourage engagement.
8. Celebrate subscribers’ milestones and achievements.
9. Send curated content and industry insights.
10. Use storytelling to connect on a personal level.

1. Send A Welcome Email

When people sign up for your mailing list, they’re saying, “I want to know more about you and what you do.”

So why not send them a welcome message right away? It’s a great opportunity to introduce yourself, share why you started your blog, explain what it’s all about, and show off some of your best content. You can also give readers an idea of who you are as a person by sharing things like Hobbies or interests outside your blog; Your favorite book or podcast and Where you live or travel most often (if applicable).

By the end of the email, subscribers should have a much better understanding of who you are and what they can expect from the emails they receive from you. This is especially important if your blog covers topics that are relevant to multiple audiences (like marketing). Plus if someone isn’t interested in the content after that first email, it makes it easier for them to unsubscribe without any hard feelings toward you or the brand.

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2. Offer A Quick Win

Quick wins aren’t subtle. They make it clear that you’re offering a benefit and how to get it. What you give away depends on what your audience wants, but some ideas include A free eBook or PDF guide, An invitation to an exclusive event, such as a webinar or Twitter chat, Access to resources like stock photos, checklists, and templates, and Discounts on paid products. If you have different audiences for different parts of your site, consider creating quick wins for each audience.

3. Share Helpful Content

Content marketing is a great way to nurture your email list and get more people interested in what you have to offer.

Email nurture campaigns are designed to send relevant, timely content that helps move contacts down the sales funnel. To do this, you need a lot of helpful content that will keep your subscribers interested and engaged.

The best way to ensure subscribers stay interested is by sending them valuable content regularly so they start to look forward to your emails. Once you’ve established this regular cadence of communication, it’s easier for you to share engaging content about something new or different than what you usually talk about (or sell).

Repetition is key when nurturing an email list, so you want to make sure the emails read like they’re coming from one consistent source or brand voice.

Building a successful freelance email marketing business requires more than just sending emails. Learn the essential steps and strategies with our guide on how to build a freelance email marketing business that stands out and delivers results.

4. Share Your Story (But Don’t Rely On Fear)

Don’t rely on fear, but do share your story. Some brands have seen success with fear-based marketing, but this strategy is usually unsuccessful and unsustainable because people don’t like to be afraid. We are a species of problem solvers; we seek solutions and clarity. Instead of using fear to sell a product or service, sell them your solution the one you found for yourself or the one you developed for others.

Tell your subscribers about your journey: where you were before and where you are now. Share how you discovered your solution and why it works for you so well that you want to share it with others. Tell them that there was a time when things were sticky in your life (or business), even if they aren’t now, so they know that they are not alone in the struggle.

Remind them that even though things might be hard now, there is hope! Share what lessons you learned through those times of struggle (to build trust), and show them how far you have come since then all with the help of what is being offered right now!

5. Ask For Feedback

The more you know about your subscribers and their needs, the better. What are they looking for in your content? Is the information they’re receiving helpful? How can they use it in their day-to-day lives? Asking your audience what they like and what could be improved is an easy way to make them feel special and it helps you find out exactly how to help them.

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6. Say Hello With A Video

Videos are a great way to connect with your email list. Don’t worry about creating a Hollywood movie. You can do it yourself on your smartphone just make sure the sound quality is good and the lighting isn’t too dark or harsh.

It takes more time to create professional-looking videos than other types of content, but you only have to create them once and then you can share them across multiple channels for months or years to come. For example, here’s a video I created that I sent out in an email:

7. Ask Them To Share Their Story

We all want to be heard, and your customers are no different. Once your subscribers have reached the point where they’re ready to make a purchase, it’s time to ask them how they feel about it.

This can be as simple as asking if they found what they were looking for or if everything went well with their order. It can also be more personal by asking how they felt when receiving their products or how the product has impacted their lives so far. You might even go as far as sending a link to a survey that gathers feedback from happy customers.

The idea is to build an environment where people feel comfortable sharing things about themselves with you whether that’s simply answering a question in an email or sharing a personal story about something exciting in their lives. The possibilities are endless once you start planting the seed of trust and understanding between yourself and your customers!

8. Share Their Stories On Social Media

Have you ever seen a Coke ad that profiles a fan of their product? Or maybe you’ve seen a Starbucks ad thanking loyal customers for their business, or perhaps even providing an exclusive sneak peek at new menu items? It’s not just these big brands that can do this. To build brand loyalty, it’s important to share your fans’ stories and show them off to the world.

Start by encouraging your fans to share their stories with you, whether they’re personal or business-related. If you have a specific hashtag they need to use when posting on social media, make sure it’s easy for them to find/remember that hashtag so they can tag their posts with it. If you have some sort of submission form on your website where people can submit photos and testimonials, include easy-to-follow instructions so customers know how to take advantage of that option.

Using social proof is also an excellent way to encourage others to share their stories with you it helps if the story is visible in some way on your website as well!  And if someone does post about how awesome your company is (i.e., “this shirt fits well!”), don’t forget about using shoutouts too: everyone loves getting recognition for doing something great!

Curious about the impact of effective email marketing? Dive into the story of how I landed an eight-figure client by email marketing and gain inspiration from real-world success in the freelancing world.

9. Send An Email Asking If They’re Still Interested

This can seem scary at first, but it’s important to make sure your subscribers are still engaged and committed. Let them know that if they’re not interested, it’s ok with you for them to unsubscribe at any time.

Give them the option of letting you know right then and there, or leaving themselves on the list until they’re ready to opt-out (which you can also frame as a kindness on your part by letting them know that they’ll be saved from receiving any more emails until they decide).

Remind them why it’s great to be on your list (the benefits, etc.), and let them know that their feedback is welcome.

10. Encourage Them To Join You On Social Media

If your email list is largely made up of existing customers, the chances are high that they’re already following you on at least one social network.

Make it easy for them to engage with you and find your content by including links to your profiles in your emails. Be sure to link directly to your profile and not just the homepage (e.g., instead of Instagram.com/link directly to instagram.com/yourusername).

Let subscribers know what kind of engaging content they’ll see from you there, but don’t push it too hard no one likes a constant stream of “follow me!”

11. Send Them Freebies And Downloads

Give your email subscribers freebies and downloads that they can use immediately. Why? Because they’re looking for a reason to open your emails, so give it to them! Plus, who doesn’t love a good freebie?

Be intentional about each email you send. Don’t just send out an email because you’re supposed to. Your audience will be able to tell when you’re not adding value, so ask yourself if there’s something in the email that will help them or teach them something new, or even better: get them excited about what’s coming up next week!

12. Encourage Them To Invite Their Friends To Sign Up Too

Be grateful when your subscribers share your content. It’s a pretty good sign that they like what you have to say. Show them how much you appreciate them by thanking them for sharing and rewarding their behavior. Give a coupon code to anyone who shares your emails or links on social media.

You can also encourage sharing by creating an incentive program. For example, if someone signs up to your list based on a friend’s recommendation, both the referrer and the new subscriber could receive a discount code or freebie as thanks.

13. Make It Easy For Them To Unsubscribe

People who are on the fence about your email newsletter will wonder if there’s an easy way to unsubscribe. Don’t be sneaky and use tiny fonts or links that don’t stand out. Some individuals will indeed leave regardless, but you should give them a chance to stay. Remind subscribers of how they originally signed up, and where they were at the point in their lives when they took the leap of faith and submitted their email addresses to you.

This can help jog their memories as to why they joined in the first place. Did they want access to freebies? To get discounts on products? To learn something new? Whatever it was that led them to sign up, hopefully, this will also help them realize what they’re missing out on by going AWOL.

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Final Thoughts

If you want to be an email marketer who knows what they’re doing, you must nurture your list. Many people don’t know how to do that effectively, so you need to make sure that you do. You have the opportunity now to build your knowledge base about the best way for you to nurture your list.

Also, remember that it’s a good idea for you to keep track of what’s happening in the world of email marketing because new information is being released all the time. You must stay on top of things if possible.

Further Reading

10 Effective Strategies to Grow Your Email List: Discover powerful techniques to expand your email list and engage your audience effectively.

25 Clever Ways to Grow Your Email Marketing List: Explore innovative methods to boost your email marketing list’s growth and increase your subscriber base.

Mastering Lead Nurturing with Effective Emails: Learn how to nurture your leads using strategic email campaigns and turn potential customers into loyal clients.

People Also Ask 

What Are Some Good Email Marketing Strategies?

The best way to grow your email list is to make it easy for people to sign up. The more convenient you make it, the more likely they are to do it. You can achieve this by including a clear call-to-action in your emails and website, making sure that the signup process is as short and simple as possible, and providing value in the form of exclusive content or discounts for those who sign up.

 How Do I Get People To Open My Emails?

You want people to open your emails because that’s how you’ll get them to read what you have to say and hopefully click through from there. If you don’t have anything interesting going on in your emails, why would anyone want to open them? So focus on creating compelling subject lines that entice people into opening them up and then make sure your content lives up to the promise of that subject line!

How do you build An email list from scratch?

The best way to start building an email list from scratch is to first identify a target audience. You can then write down the most important characteristics of your audience and find a few relevant keywords for them as well. Finally, you’ll want to create a lead magnet (a piece of content that will be given away for free) and create an email list signup form that offers it.

What is an Opt-in in email marketing?

An opt-in is a term used in the world of online marketing that refers to the point at which a visitor on your website or blog permits for you to send them emails. In other words, “opting-in” means agreeing to receive someone’s emails.

How Do You Nurture Your Email List?

Create informative content that provides value and answers questions members may have about specific topics. This will help keep them engaged with your brand and feel like they’re getting something out of being on your mailing list. Send out promotional offers or discounts periodically so they know they’re getting good deals too!

So How Do You Nurture Leads Effectively?

Well, if you follow the tips we’ve laid out here, you’ll be well on your way to creating an effective strategy. Simply put, though, nurturing leads occurs when someone shows interest in your business or blog by signing up for something be it a newsletter or other list, and then receiving some kind of regular communication from that company or person. 

Effectively nurturing leads means sending emails that are relevant and interesting to these people to keep them engaged with your company’s information and products.

What Is The Difference Between Nurture And Engagement?

Nurturing deals with making customers feel valued at each stage of their customer journey-not just when they buy something but also before they buy something. It’s about showing them value rather than just trying to sell them things all the time (though there is some selling involved). Engagement refers more specifically to interacting with prospects via social media marketing campaigns.

How Do I Use Email Marketing To Promote My Business?

Email marketing is a great way to get your message in front of your customers, and it’s also a great way to keep your brand top-of-mind. One of the best ways to do this is through email newsletters. These give you an opportunity not just to tell customers about new products or services, but also to provide useful information about what’s going on in their industry.

For example, if you’re an event planner, you could send out information about upcoming conferences that are relevant to what you do.

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