What You Think Your Customers Want May Change Everything You Do

When people buy products of any kind, they’re rarely buying the product in and of itself. They’re buying what that product represents to them. 

In most cases, consumers don’t want a new TV or a sandwich; they want to feel smart, important, valued at work, safe in their home environments, like they got a good deal on a purchase…

The list can go on and on. It’s important for marketers to understand what customers are really looking for so we can help them find it.

How do you get customers to change? – YouTube
1. Customer perceptions can shift: Customer preferences and expectations are not static; they can change over time due to various factors.
2. Adaptability is key: Businesses must remain flexible and responsive to evolving customer needs to stay competitive and relevant.
3. Regular research is vital: Continuous market research and customer feedback are essential to staying informed about shifting customer desires.
4. Reevaluate strategies: Businesses should periodically reassess their strategies and offerings to ensure they align with current customer wants.
5. Personalization matters: Tailoring products and services to individual customer needs enhances satisfaction and builds lasting relationships.

Think They Want A Product

You should also consider the fact that your customers want a product that works. They don’t want something that has to be re-calibrated every time it gets bumped or moved, or if you change out components. 

The last thing they want is to have their perfectly calibrated product go haywire because of something out of their control, like an earthquake or a lightning storm. 

If you make sure your products are reliable, you will give yourself an advantage over other companies who may not be as careful in making sure their products work consistently (and sometimes even properly).

When conducting marketing research, remember that narratives have a unique impact. Discover how storytelling can transform your insights in our guide on The Power of Storytelling in Marketing Research.

But Really They Want To Feel

Important. Everyone wants to be important, and they don’t just want to feel it they want others to affirm it as well. Your customers don’t just buy your product or service; they hire you as an expert in a certain area.

Safe. Your customers are hiring you because they think you can help them solve a problem in their lives, so make sure that every interaction with your business makes them feel like everything is going to be okay. 

It doesn’t matter if there are problems or difficulties along the way these should be anticipated and dealt with quickly and effectively.


People need someone reliable in their lives who will keep their word, do what they say, and consistently arrive at the time promised or sooner rather than later (or at least not late). 

This means being prompt for appointments but also responding quickly when questions come up via email or phone calls (and even texts).

Whether those questions come from current customers needing advice on how best use some aspect of your product/service or potential ones wanting more information before deciding whether it might work for them too!


To consumers, your company is a means to an end. They don’t care about you or your brand. They care about getting what they want and being happy in the process. If you don’t give them what they’re looking for, they’ll leave as soon as something better comes along.

What do customers want? To feel important. Customers have needs that need to be met and sometimes those needs are very specific (like a video game console). 

But beyond fulfilling basic requirements for living, people also have higher-level desires that are less tangible but often more fulfilling: a sense of purpose, belongingness, meaning, identity, and status.

All things which drive human behavior at both an individual level and social level (to belong) and cultural level (to contribute).

Assembling the right participants for your research is crucial. Learn effective strategies to find the perfect candidates in our article about Identifying the Right Participants for Marketing Research.


This is a word that customers don’t always think about, but it’s one of the most important things you can give them. 

In order for your customers to feel comfortable purchasing from you, or providing you with their personal information.

Or even just staying engaged with your brand long enough for them to do business with you at some point in the future, they need to know that they are safe. Customers want to know that:

  • You will take care of them if something goes wrong (and it will)
  • Their data is protected
  • Their privacy is respected by all employees at every level within your company
  • Your company isn’t acting as a conduit for cybercriminals who want access into their computers and devices without consent


Reliability is an important characteristic of a product. If a product is unreliable, it won’t get the job done. It’s that simple. If you can’t count on your product to work when you need it to, then what’s the point? 

Your goal in creating and selling products should be to create products that customers will use over and over again products they can depend on when they need them most.


Be open and transparent.

Be honest and helpful, whether you’re offering an answer or a product.

Be knowledgeable about your business, from top to bottom (or whatever applies to your industry).

Be able to answer questions about the product or service that you provide in order for people who don’t already know what they want from you can make informed decisions about it before buying something from you

Crafting questions that yield meaningful insights is an art. Explore tips for extracting valuable information in our guide to Asking About Everyday Lives in Marketing Research.


Accurate. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important enough to state explicitly. You want your customers to know what they’re getting when they spend their money on your product or service.

“But Jerod,” you might think, “I’m selling something new and exciting! I don’t even know if what I’m offering is going to work.”

And that’s true! That’s great! It means you have an opportunity to experiment with something new and see what happens when people try it out. 

But here’s the thing: If a customer buys into whatever idea or vision you have for them, they’ll expect certain things from the experience expectations based on past experiences with similar products or services that worked well for them in the past (or didn’t). 

So if there are aspects of this new experience that are different than how other companies have done things before…and these elements affect how customers feel about themselves while using whatever it is they’re consuming…

Then these differences will also affect whether or not those customers continue purchasing more copies of that good/service in future iterations as well as whether or not they recommend others try out said product/service at all!

Think They Want A Price

You might think that your customers want a price, but it’s important to remember that they want other things too. You can have the best product on the market and still lose sales because of your price.

To figure out how much you should charge for your product, you need to consider what else matters to your customers and how those factors affect their purchasing decisions. 

If you just focus on getting the lowest possible price, it may not be enough to drive sales growth or even keep them from going elsewhere.

You also need to take into account whether there are any substitutes for your product in their mind (e.g., if there are other companies selling similar products at lower prices).

Even small interactions can provide valuable insights. Learn how coffee shop response rates can shape your marketing strategies in our analysis of Coffee Shop Response Rates and Marketing Messages.

But They Want A Good Deal!

When you think about it, your customers want a good deal. They’re buying what they need, and they expect to be satisfied with their purchase. If your product is high quality and priced reasonably, then you’ve made them happy.

But What Exactly Do I Mean By “A Good Deal”?

The truth is that the deal isn’t just about the product itself: it’s also about how much it costs (or does not), how well you service the customer after the sale is made, and even how attached people become to your brand as an experience in and of itself. 

When considered together these elements add up to create an overall impression on each customer that helps them decide if they’ll come back for more.

Gaining deep consumer insights requires careful planning. Explore key factors to consider for successful research in our article on Conducting Effective Consumer Insights.


If you’re an entrepreneur, it can be difficult to know exactly what your customers want especially if you’re catering to a large range of people. Do all of them want the same thing? Is there one thing that would truly make them happy?

The good news is, that you don’t have to guess when it comes to satisfying your customer base. Your best bet is always going to be asking them directly. 

But if you don’t have time for this method (or just aren’t confident enough), there are plenty of other ways to get feedback from your clients:

Take note of any issues or complaints they bring up with their purchases. These will tell you more about what’s on their minds than anything else will!

Use social media as an opportunity for listening and learning how others feel about your brand.

As well as engaging with potential customers who might not even know they need what it offers yet but might still become loyal customers once they’ve heard about how wonderful things are at Company X HQ!


The takeaway here is that the more you can understand about your customers’ needs and motivations, the better you’ll be able to serve them. And serving your customers well? That’s how you grow a business. 

So do some research, get to know your customer base talk to them! and find out what they really want from you. Take it from me: If you give people what they want, they’ll keep coming back for more.

Further Reading

Explore more about understanding and meeting customer needs with these articles:

Customer Needs: How to Understand and Meet Them Short Description: Learn effective strategies to comprehend and fulfill your customers’ requirements for enhanced satisfaction.

A Guide to Identifying and Addressing Customer Needs Short Description: Discover methods to recognize and cater to the diverse needs of your customers, leading to stronger relationships.

5 Things Customers Expect in Exceptional Customer Service Short Description: Explore the essential elements that customers anticipate and demand when it comes to exceptional customer service.

And here’s the “FAQs” section in Markdown format:


What are customer needs?

Customer needs refer to the specific requirements, desires, and expectations that individuals have when interacting with a product, service, or brand.

How can I identify customer needs?

To identify customer needs, you can conduct surveys, analyze feedback, monitor customer behavior, and engage in direct conversations with your customers.

Why is meeting customer needs important?

Meeting customer needs is essential for building customer loyalty, improving satisfaction, and sustaining long-term success for your business.

How do customer needs impact business decisions?

Understanding customer needs guides product development, marketing strategies, and customer service efforts, aligning your business with what your customers truly want.

Can customer needs change over time?

Yes, customer needs can evolve due to changing trends, technological advancements, and shifts in customer preferences. Regularly reassessing their needs is crucial.

How can I exceed customer expectations?

Exceeding customer expectations involves going above and beyond their anticipated needs, offering personalized experiences, and consistently delivering exceptional value.