When it comes to writing blog posts, there is so much advice out there. Some say you should write a minimum of 1000 words others say 400.
Some say you need to include lots of images others say only if they’re necessary. You’ll find dozens of tips on what to do in your blog posts and articles, but not many on what not to do.
With this in mind, I reached out to people who are regularly writing and reading blogs and asked them for their biggest blogging pet peeves. What follows are things that many readers find annoying about blog posts and things that bloggers can do to keep their audience happy.
Takeaways |
1. Focus on crafting compelling headlines. |
2. Use visuals to enhance the visual appeal. |
3. Incorporate storytelling for emotional engagement. |
4. Experiment with different types of blog posts. |
5. Structure your content for easy readability. |
6. Create valuable and informative content. |
7. Understand your target audience’s preferences. |
8. Use data and statistics to support your points. |
9. Encourage reader interaction through comments. |
10. Promote your blog posts through social media. |
Use Obvious Titles
A title is the most important part of your blog post. It’s the first thing people see and can make or break an article. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when writing your titles:
Keep it short and simple. You should be able to fit the title into a tweet without having to abbreviate any words, which means it should be no more than 20 characters (including spaces).
If you have too many words, consider splitting up your title into multiple tweets so people can share them separately on social media!
Use keywords for better SEO (search engine optimization). If you want more people to read your articles, use keywords that describe what’s inside of them so Google knows when someone searches for those terms online they might find something interesting in yours!
For example “How To Make Bread” would work great because there are probably thousands of different types out there already – but if someone comes across yours then chances are good that this will be helpful enough too!
Be consistent across all platforms like Facebook/Twitter/Instagram etc… This means making sure everything connects between accounts using the same hashtags, etc…
So if someone follows someone else who has shared something about themselves or another topic then hopefully they’ll end up seeing ours too!
Crafting marketing content that stands out is an art. Explore our guide on how to write marketing content that gets more click-throughs to master the techniques that captivate your audience’s attention.
Sprinkle Keywords Throughout
Sprinkle keywords throughout your post.
These are words that people type into search engines when they want to find information about a topic. They are also called search terms. Keywords are important because they help people find your post and turn it into a search result when they need it.
You should use them in both the title and body of your article, but don’t go overboard or make it sound unnatural. Try to include 2-3 per sentence at most; otherwise, Google won’t rank you as high for those particular searches!
The best way I’ve found to choose keywords is by using Google’s Keyword Planner tool: https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner?hl=en#search_ideas
Use “You” On The Article
When you write, think about your audience. Who are you writing for?
You should be able to answer that question in a single sentence. For example: “I’m writing this article for people who want to start their blog but don’t know how.”
Once you have your target audience and their problem(s), use the word “you” in your blog post title and throughout the content of your article.
This helps establish a personal connection between yourself and the reader, which increases engagement levels and improves conversion rates (i.e., more email subscribers).
Visual appeal can transform your blog posts. Discover 16 surefire ways to improve your visual marketing and elevate your content with striking visuals that grab your readers’ eyes.
Keep Your Sentences Short And Simple
Keep your sentences short and simple. This is where a lot of people trip up when they’re writing blog posts because it can be hard to get into the habit of using shorter, simpler sentences.
But it’s important to remember that shorter, simpler sentences are better for readers and easier on your brain and they make your content feel more approachable.
If you want people to read something or share it with someone else, they need to be able to understand what you wrote in one glance at least.
If a sentence is difficult or confusing in any way, then people won’t even bother reading all the way through;
Instead, they’ll skim over until something catches their eye again later on down there–or worse yet–they’ll just leave without coming back again! That’s no good for anyone involved.[2]
Don’t Use Unnecessary Words
The goal of all great writing is to say what you mean, as simply as possible. If a word or phrase doesn’t add meaning, get rid of it.
We’re not just talking about the obvious stuff like “I” and “me.” Avoiding the passive voice will help you trim unnecessary words from your blog posts too: instead of saying “the paper was written by me,” say “I wrote the paper.”
Use short sentences. A sentence should be no longer than 20 words in length (unless it’s a list). Shorter sentences are easier for readers to process quickly; they’ll also keep them engaged for longer periods since there’s less opportunity for distraction during each paragraph.
If your mind starts drifting when reading something too long or complex—like an essay on why dogs are better than cats you’ll know that something needs to change here!
Make Lists
Lists are excellent for blog posts. Lists were invented for two reasons:
- To organize thoughts and ideas in an easy-to-read format
- To make it easier for readers to scan your writing and find the information they want
Lists help you stay on topic, keep your writing focused, and organize your ideas into easily digestible chunks. They also give readers a sense of how much content is left in the post (for example: “Here are five tips.”)
Be A Bit Controversial
While you should definitely be a bit controversial, it’s important not to get too crazy. If you say something too inflammatory or offensive, people are going to lose interest in your blog post and unfollow you on Instagram (if they haven’t already).
You also don’t want to go too far in the opposite direction if you’re boring and bland, no one will care about what you have to say!
Stories are the heart of engaging content. Dive into our collection of 21 compelling storytelling formulas that work every time and infuse your blog posts with narratives that resonate deeply.
Give Examples And Tell A Story
When it comes to blog posts, there’s nothing more powerful than a good story. The most successful blog posts are those that have a personal element to them:
They’ll give you some insight into the author and their life, or they’ll teach you something new by telling you about how other people have tackled a similar issue.
So if your post is going to be more informative than narrative, try weaving in an example or two from your own experience or one of someone else’s. If the reader can relate to what you’re writing about, they’ll appreciate having some examples at hand as they read along.
Some great examples include:
- Using an example from someone else’s life (like a friend) who has struggled with the same problem or issue as yourself;
- Using an example from another person’s life (like a celebrity) who seems very different from yourself but has had experiences that are similar;
- Using an example in pop culture (like from movies and television shows).
Write How You Talk (But Be Careful!)
When writing blog posts, it’s important to use the same language you would use in a conversation. If you don’t feel comfortable writing in that way, this tip may not be for you; but if it is something that comes naturally to you, it can help your readers bond with your content.
Just make sure not to go overboard; there’s a fine line between sounding natural and being too informal or too formal for the topic at hand!
If It’s An Older Post, Update It First Before Scheduling It To Go Live In The Future
If you have an older post that you’d like to republish, it’s a good idea to update it first. In the past couple of years, Google has made dramatic changes to its search engine algorithm.
If you don’t update your older posts and they include out-of-date information, they can appear lower in Google searches (which means fewer visitors).
For newer posts that aren’t yet scheduled for future publication, don’t add new content just schedule them as normal.
Your goal is to have fresh content go live at the right time (when your target audience will be searching for it), so adding more content isn’t necessary if no one’s reading those previous versions yet anyways!
If it’s an older post that still gets quite a lot of views each month and/or garners lots of social media shares (more exposure = higher ranking), then yes: go ahead and add some additional updates before scheduling again!
This can help keep things fresh without overwhelming readers with too much new material all at once; people are busy enough as it is…and nobody likes feeling overwhelmed by anything anymore these days 😉
Boosting content visibility is key to capturing attention. Explore these 13 surefire ways to get your content read by more people and learn strategies to reach a wider audience and maximize your impact.
Don’t Be Boring!
At the end of the day, you’re competing against thousands of other blogs. So don’t be boring.
Don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things; in fact, being boring is probably your biggest risk right now! If you want to get noticed on social media, then forget about playing it safe and write something that stands out from the crowd.
Don’t be afraid to admit when you’re wrong either this shows humility and should make people trust you more because they know their opinion matters.
You’ll also learn from those mistakes so that next time around there will be fewer errors (unless of course trying new things means making more mistakes!). Be bold: if it’s worth saying then say it loud!
Write With Passion And Enthusiasm
Be passionate and enthusiastic about your topic.
A post that is written with passion and enthusiasm will be more engaging to read than one that is dry and boring.
You want to write in a conversational tone by using the language of your audience or by injecting humor into it. If you are not excited about the topic at hand, don’t try to fake it!
Instead, put yourself in the shoes of someone who would be interested in this topic and write as if you were talking with them face-to-face.
No matter how many times I hear this tip and I hear it often I still forget that being genuine is important when writing blog posts (or any other kind of content). Your words matter so make sure they reflect who YOU are!
Think Outside The Box, Or At Least Look For Inspiration Everywhere!
When you’re writing blog posts, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. You know what works for your readers, and you’re comfortable with the way that you write.
But staying in this rut means that you may be missing out on new ideas that could help your blog grow and readers will notice if they start to see the same thing over and over again!
The best way to avoid this kind of problem is by looking outside of your comfort zone and finding inspiration everywhere.
Look at other blogs, magazines, newspapers, and websites; look at how they write their articles (and what makes them successful).
Look at other people’s blogs who have similar topics or content; check out what they do differently from you so that it can inspire new content ideas for your blog posts.
Be sure not just read but analyze as well!
Pay attention to what works within these different writing styles so that when it comes time for actually creating something new yourself (which we’ll cover later), those ideas will come much easier because of all those steps we just took together here today 🙂
Unlock the secrets to crafting attention-grabbing posts. Discover our insights with 13 tips on how to write the blog post that will go viral and set your content on the path to becoming an internet sensation.
These tips should help you get started on your journey to becoming a better writer. We hope that you can use these tools, tips, and resources to make your content stand out from the crowd.
If there is anything else we can do for you or if you have any questions about these topics, please feel free to reach out at any time! Thank you so much for reading this post today and we look forward to hearing from all of our wonderful readers soon.
Further Reading
7 Steps to Writing Killer Blog Posts That Actually Get Noticed and Read Short Description: Discover seven essential steps to create compelling blog posts that capture readers’ attention and keep them engaged.
23 Types of Blog Posts That Grab Attention Short Description: Explore various blog post types that are designed to captivate readers’ interest and make your content stand out.
How to Write a Blog Post: A Step-by-Step Guide Short Description: Follow a comprehensive step-by-step guide to craft well-structured and engaging blog posts that resonate with your audience.
How can I make my blog posts more attention-grabbing?
Creating attention-grabbing blog posts involves using compelling headlines, incorporating visuals, telling stories, and providing valuable insights that resonate with your target audience.
What types of blog posts are known to capture readers’ attention?
Various types of blog posts, such as lists, how-to guides, case studies, and personal stories, are known to grab readers’ attention due to their engaging and informative nature.
How important is the structure of a blog post in capturing attention?
The structure of a blog post plays a crucial role in capturing attention. A clear introduction, well-organized content, and a compelling conclusion keep readers engaged from start to finish.
How can storytelling enhance the attention-grabbing quality of my blog posts?
Storytelling adds a human element to your blog posts, making them relatable and engaging. Incorporating personal anecdotes and narratives helps connect with readers on an emotional level.
What role does the headline play in getting my blog post noticed?
The headline is the first thing readers see. A catchy and intriguing headline entices them to click and read the full post. Crafting attention-grabbing headlines is essential for drawing in your audience.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.