Tips For Getting Started With Book Writing

Have you ever thought about writing a book and wondered where to start? It’s an exciting idea and one that will require some research. Whether you’re writing fiction or nonfiction, there are many different things to consider when creating your masterpiece. Here, we’ll tell you more about how to get started on your very own book project!

How to Write a Book: 13 Steps From a Bestselling Author
Key Takeaways
1. Start with a clear and compelling book idea.
2. Develop a writing routine for consistent progress.
3. Outline your plot or structure before writing.
4. Create well-rounded characters with depth.
5. Overcome self-doubt by embracing imperfection.
6. Seek feedback to improve your writing.
7. Balance research and writing effectively.
8. Edit and revise your work thoroughly.
9. Explore both traditional and self-publishing.
10. Stay committed and enjoy the writing journey.

What Should You Know Before Writing Your First Book?

Knowing what you’re writing about is a critical first step to writing your book. If you don’t yet have a clear sense of what your book is about or why it will be helpful for people, then stop right here and go back to the beginning. You can’t write a good book if you don’t know who it’s for and how it fits into the market.

Building a successful writing career starts with understanding how to write a book that gets you paid. Discover valuable insights and strategies to turn your passion for writing into a lucrative endeavor.

What Should You Know Before Writing Your First Book?

Know what you are writing about (i.e., audience/purpose)

Know your deadline

Know how much money (and time) is available to put towards this project

Keep track of your progress.

Tracking your progress will help you stay on top of all the tasks involved in book writing, from keeping track of the research you need to do, to scheduling and recording your word count.

The most basic approach is simply a calendar or spreadsheet, but there are plenty of other options too:

A dedicated book writing app (such as Scrivener) can be useful for keeping track of different documents related to your project. This includes notes and research material as well as drafts of chapters and summaries.

Word processors like Microsoft Word have templates specifically designed for writers who want to write novels or non-fiction books; they include sections that make it easy to keep track of scenes or chapter titles. They also include formatting tools such as auto-correcting typos if you’re typing up long documents by hand!

If you’re using pen & paper then consider keeping separate notebooks for each book – this way they’ll stay organized in case one gets lost!

Research inspiration and planning tips.

Research inspiration and planning tips.

Realize you’re not an expert on everything. You don’t need to know every detail of your subject before writing. But you should have enough knowledge about what you’re writing about that when people ask questions, they won’t think you’re a fraud and neither will readers who are familiar with the topic.

Consider hiring a professional editor or proofreader (or both) if money is available to do so, because they know the ins and outs of good style in print publications like books or magazines and can catch errors that might otherwise escape notice by authors themselves or their friends who are willing but unskilled in this area.

Create A Title, Cover, And Blurb To Attract Readers

Once you’ve got a title and cover that work, it’s time to create a blurb. A blurb is what will appear on the back of your book when it’s published, so it has to be enticing enough for someone to buy it.

Blurbs should be no longer than one or two sentences and written in the same style as would be used for reviews. They should include some sort of hook that piques curiosity (“If you love The Da Vinci Code…” or “If you enjoyed The Girl With All The Gifts…”).

Embarking on a book-writing journey can be challenging, but learning from others’ experiences can provide valuable guidance. Explore the 16 writing tips I learned in my initial six months of writing to enhance your own writing process.

Choose The Genre Of Writing You Want To Focus On

The basic literary genres are:

Fiction–stories that aren’t true, but feel real. It may be set in the past or present day and can include anything from science fiction to fantasy to thrillers.

Non-fiction–books on how-to topics written by experts in their fields, such as self-help books or biographies of famous people.

Memoirs–autobiographical accounts of a person’s life experiences written for entertainment or education (or both).

Decide On An Approach To Writing That Fits With Your Time Schedule And Personality

You can write a book in many different ways. You might be an outliner, who does all their writing and planning before diving into the actual writing. Or perhaps your style is to just get out the pen and start typing away, letting your story unfold as it wants to.

Regardless of which method works best for you, there are certain things to consider before choosing a particular approach:

Do You Have Enough Time?

Is this approach going to fit within your schedule? We all know that life tends to get in the way of our plans sometimes! It’s important that whatever method you choose doesn’t take away from other areas of your life that need attention.

Does this approach fit with your personality? Are there some methods or styles that simply feel more natural than others do? Or do they seem like they’d be too hard on you because they require more discipline than what comes naturally? If so, then maybe those aren’t good options for getting started on this project!

Are you a beginner eager to start your writing journey? Dive into our comprehensive guide offering advice for beginners on how to write a book and gain insights into the foundational aspects of crafting a compelling story.

Select An Agent Who Can Help You Take Your Manuscript From Beginning To End

After you finish writing your manuscript, it’s time to do some research and find a literary agent who can help you take your book from beginning to end.

If you don’t know where to start, check out this guide on how to find an agent. It includes everything from researching agents in the first place and how best to approach them, as well as tips on writing the perfect query letter that will catch their attention. 

You might even consider hiring an editor or proofreader before submitting your manuscript for consideration by agents that way, when they do read it (and hopefully want it), they will be impressed by its quality from start to finish!

You may also want a list of questions for agents that will help guide your selection process once you’ve found some potential candidates for representation. 

Once again: no two authors are alike! So don’t just assume that every publisher would be interested in publishing every book it’s important that both parties are happy with working together long-term before signing any contracts together.

Craft your synopsis, including a hook or hook lines and details of your book’s characters and plot.

Craft your synopsis, including a hook or hook lines and details of your book’s characters and plot.

Hooks are the first line or two of your story that grabs a reader’s attention and makes them want to read on. They should be short, no more than 20 words, but they can be used in many different ways:

In general fiction and nonfiction: The opening line of a novel (or novella) is important because it sets up expectations for what kind of story you’re going to tell. For example: “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” 

This quote from Charles Dickens’s Tale Of Two Cities sets up an exciting adventure tale filled with intrigue and romance that will keep readers flipping pages until they reach “the end”  which comes much later than most would expect!

Aim For A Specific Audience, Which Will Help You Plan What’s Best To Include In Your Book

This is a question that you need to ask yourself before you even begin writing your book. 

You should know exactly who you are writing for, and what they want to know. If there is one thing I have learned from being in the publishing industry, it’s that there are a lot of people out there with very specific needs and questions. If your audience isn’t clear in your mind, then how can you write a book that meets their needs?

So think about what type of person reads books like yours. Who would benefit most from reading this information? What sort of things do they need help with? What type of information will they find useful or interesting? 

Do they want to buy something related to this topic? Once you have answered these questions, then decide which parts of the process will be most appropriate for them – whether it’s choosing between self-publishing or traditional publishing options (I’ll go over both types below).

Get Feedback On Your Work

This is a big one, so take note: the first thing you should do before you even begin writing your book is getting feedback from someone else. There are many different ways to do this, too. You can ask for input from your peers or teachers, or even friends and family but if you’re unsure who would be best to ask about your work (or how to go about it), here are some tips:

Peers–Your peers can be invaluable when it comes to helping you develop your ideas because they’re in the same boat as you. 

They know what they like and dislike in books because they read them too! This gives them a unique perspective that other people often don’t have access to which makes them great sources of information when trying out new things with writing projects like yours.*

Writing a book is an endeavor worth considering for various reasons. Explore the compelling 12 reasons why you should write a book to find motivation and inspiration to bring your creative ideas to life.

Book Writing Requires Dedication, But The Rewards Can Be Worth It

Though writing a book may seem like an impossible task, it’s not. With enough dedication, you can write your first book in as little as three months.

The benefits of writing a book are endless: you’ll gain valuable feedback from readers and editors alike; you’ll get to meet many people in the publishing industry (which can lead to other opportunities); travel all across the world promoting your work; learn a lot about yourself and what it means to be an author; and much more!

If You’re Ready For This Challenge, Here Are Some Tips For Getting Started

Experience is a great teacher, especially when it comes to writing. Discover valuable lessons from the journey of an author in what I learned from writing a book. Gain insights that can shape your own approach to the art of storytelling.


So, now that you know more about what it means to write a book and have some tips on how to get started, what are you waiting for? If you’re ready to write your own, we can help. Our self-publishing services include everything from editing, design, and marketing assistance. 

We also offer free guides on topics such as how long does it take to publish a book or how much does it cost? You can find these guides at

Further Reading

Explore these resources to dive deeper into the world of book writing:

MasterClass: How to Start Writing Your Novel: Discover expert insights and practical tips to kickstart your novel-writing journey.

Self-Publishing School: Start to Write a Book: Learn step-by-step guidance on how to begin writing your book and navigate the writing process effectively.

Curtis Brown Creative: Tips for Starting to Write a Novel: Gain valuable advice from experienced writers on initiating your novel-writing project with confidence.


How do I overcome writer’s block during the book-writing process?

Writer’s block can be frustrating, but taking breaks, changing your environment, and practicing freewriting can help stimulate your creativity and overcome this challenge.

What are some effective time management techniques for balancing writing and other commitments?

Prioritize your writing by setting dedicated time blocks, using tools like the Pomodoro Technique, and creating a consistent writing routine that fits around your daily schedule.

How can I develop compelling characters that resonate with readers?

Craft multi-dimensional characters by exploring their motivations, fears, and desires. Consider their backgrounds and how they evolve throughout the story to create a strong emotional connection.

What should I consider when choosing between traditional publishing and self-publishing?

Traditional publishing offers wider distribution and support, while self-publishing provides more control and higher royalty rates. Evaluate your goals and preferences to make an informed decision.

How can I maintain consistent motivation throughout the book-writing process?

Setting achievable goals, celebrating small victories, and seeking support from writing communities or accountability partners can help you stay motivated and committed to completing your book.