The Way I Write (And Why You Probably Should Too)

If you’re going to be a writer, you need to know how to write. And, if you’re going to know how to write, you need a writing process that works for you. 

Every writer is different, so the writing process has been the subject of endless books and articles (and endless arguments) over the years. 

From what I’ve read and experienced in my own life as a writer, here are some tips on how best to get your ideas down on paper (or into your laptop).

My Top 12 Writing Tips! | Advice That Changed How I Write
Embrace your unique writing style and process.
Writing can serve as a form of self-expression and therapy.
Overcome self-doubt by acknowledging your progress.
Consistency in writing contributes to skill improvement.
Writing regularly fosters personal growth and introspection.

Develop A Personal Voice

If you want to be taken seriously as a writer, you must develop your voice. By “voice,” I mean the way that you talk and write the words and phrases that come naturally to your fingertips when composing tweets or blog posts, essays, or articles. 

It’s important not only for developing an audience but also for establishing yourself as the expert in whatever field you’re covering.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from years of writing about science (and other topics), it’s this: if readers can tell that an article was written by someone else, they lose interest real quick. 

If an article reads like something out of a textbook or Wikipedia page, it’ll be hard for anyone reading to connect with what they’re reading; 

Instead of feeling engaged with what they’re learning from the text (or at least mildly entertained), they’ll think “Oh great,” before moving on to something else more engaging like reading comments on Reddit threads about cats who look like Hitler (something I just made up).

Building a strong foundation for effective B2B marketing starts with understanding the secrets of writing copy that converts. Crafting compelling messages that resonate with your audience can be a game-changer in your marketing efforts.

Know What Your Talents Are

If you can’t see your strengths and weaknesses, it’s time to start. You need to know what you are good at and what you’re not so good at. And then do more of what you’re good at and let go of the rest.

This is a critical part of releasing your inner writer: recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, then building on them until they become strengths in themselves. If this seems hard to do on your own, ask someone else for help. 

They mustn’t just tell you what they think they see they need to observe your behavior and give honest feedback about where their observations lead them (for example, “I’ve noticed that when we’re looking for an answer together, I usually find it first because my mind works faster than yours does; 

But when we work separately on tasks like writing our essays or taking notes in class, I get frustrated because my thoughts don’t come easily.”).

Be Genuine

You, the writer, should be genuine and transparent. People want to know who you are and what you’re about. 

You may think that’s boring but I promise it isn’t; it’s what makes a reader identify with you, or want to know more about your story! Just be yourself don’t try to be something else because that won’t work out well in the long run.

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Write The First Draft With One Purpose In Mind

The first draft of your paper should be written with a single purpose in mind.

You may write to entertain, inform or persuade. Or you may want to make a point, tell a story, or explain a concept. Whatever the case, you need to focus on only one of these goals when writing your first draft.

Be Fluent In Your Language

I’ve been writing professionally for 20 years. I’ve written hundreds of articles, thousands of blog posts, and dozens of books. One thing I’ve learned over that time is that there’s no one right way to write and that’s a good thing.

Writing is an art form, and every writer has his or her style, voice, and creative process. But there are some universal best practices to keep in mind when you’re putting pen (or keyboard) to paper (or screen). 

If you want to get published or seen online by your audience, it’s important not only to follow these tips but also to do so with confidence because the best writing always comes from someone who knows exactly what he or she is doing:

Be fluent in your language

Use The Right Tools (And Practice With Them)

You need the right tools for the job.

If you’re a journalist, use Scrivener or Google Docs; if you’re an accountant, use Excel; if you’re a programmer, use Visual Studio. 

If you’re working on something extremely specialized, it may not matter as much which tools are best suited to your needs as long as they do what they need to do. 

But if you’re working on anything else even something relatively small make sure that whatever software system or process flow matches up with how your work is supposed to be done.

For example, I write almost exclusively in Microsoft Word because my employer uses it as our standard text-editing program for most projects (even though there’s no good reason for this). 

This means that when people ask me how to format their documents (even though I’m not an editor), I have no idea what they’re talking about and am tempted just to send them some basic tips instead of helping them out with formatting issues at all.

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Don’t Worry About How It Sounds Just Write

The way I write is very different from the way other people write. For one thing, I don’t worry about grammar or spelling, or formatting at all. My writing is all about speaking the way I would speak if someone were listening to me explain a concept in person. 

It’s like having an imaginary friend over for coffee who only talks about stuff that interests you (except without all the awkward silences).

The second big difference between my writing style and others’ is that I don’t think much about word count or paragraph length – and not sentence length. 

What I care about most is whether what comes out of my head makes sense to me when I read it later on (or even as soon as possible after writing it).

So sometimes there are long paragraphs full of run-on sentences and no punctuation whatsoever…unless they’re funny then maybe they deserve some commas?

Work On Speed And Confidence Before Perfection

The idea is to not worry about the first draft. The idea is to not worry about spelling or grammar. The idea is to not worry about the first sentence, paragraph, page, or chapter.

Instead of trying to nail every single word and sentence as you write it down for the first time (or even second or third time), just get your ideas down on paper (or screen) in any way you can. 

Write your ideas like they are a secret code that only you know how to decipher: don’t worry if they are grammatically correct or if they make sense; just get them down as fast as possible so that they can be organized later on by someone else (in this case: YOU).

I do this often when I am working on a story and find myself stuck at some point where I don’t know what happens next in my plotline.

Because my characters have reached a plateau of sorts where there isn’t much left for them to do except talk among themselves until someone comes up with something better than what’s already been established before moving forward again–which could take hours! 

So instead of sitting around waiting for inspiration while also dreading having nothing new come out during those times when one does nothing but sit around waiting…

Edit For Clarity, Not Grammar

If you’re like me, your first instinct when editing is to check for grammar mistakes. But the reality is that most of us make many small errors while writing that doesn’t require a red pen at all.

Edit for clarity, not grammar. Instead of focusing on whether or not something is grammatically correct, edit by reading your text out loud and asking yourself: 

Does this make sense? Is it easy to understand? Is it clear what I’m trying to say? If so, then great! You do not need a red pen.

If not if there are words that are confusing or unclear or if something just doesn’t sound quite right then it’s time for some detective work: 

Try substituting different words for those which don’t convey what you want them to say clearly (e.g., “The wall was yellow” could be changed into “The walls were yellow”). 

Or consider rephrasing sentences altogether until they read more smoothly (you might use a few dashes here and there).

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Take Advantage Of Blockheads, As Well As Copy Editors

One of the most valuable parts of your writing process is a blockhead. A blockhead is someone you trust to read your work and give you honest feedback about it. 

If you’re lucky enough to have a few friends like this, ask them to look over your first draft, or even just every other page or so as you write.

They should be able to tell you what they think works, what doesn’t work, and why, without focusing too much on grammar or punctuation (though those things are important). 

If it’s not clear what they think needs changing, ask them explicitly: “What didn’t make sense?” or “What do I need more info?” will help clarify any issues they may have noticed but not articulated enough for their benefit.

Read Through Your Work Backwards And Forwards Multiple Times

I don’t always edit my work backward and forwards. It’s not a technique that I use every time, but when I do, it helps me find problems with my writing that can be hard to catch in a single pass. 

If you have any trouble with editing your work this way, try reading through it out loud or in different voices/styles/genres.

I’ve found that if I read something backward and forward multiple times (in different languages and different styles), I can catch more problems with my writing than if I only read it once or twice.

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Remember, it’s not about how fast you can write, how many words you can fit on a page, or how polished your grammar is. It’s about making sure that you express your ideas in the clearest way possible for your audience. 

You don’t have to be a grammar expert if that’s not what you’re writing about. Think of yourself as an artist and communicate with your audience in a way they will understand best!

Further Reading

Here are some additional articles that provide insights into the joys of writing and improving your writing skills:

Why I Like to Write and Why You Should Too Discover personal reflections on the joys of writing and how it can positively impact your life.

7 Reasons Why Writers Write and You Should Too Explore seven compelling reasons why writing can be a fulfilling endeavor for everyone, regardless of skill level.

Improve Your Writing Skills: 10 Tips for Effective Writing Learn valuable tips to enhance your writing skills and communicate your thoughts more effectively.


Why is writing considered a valuable skill?

Writing is considered a valuable skill because it enables clear communication, expression of ideas, and the ability to engage and influence others through written content.

How can writing benefit personal growth?

Writing fosters introspection, self-expression, and self-discovery, contributing to personal growth, improved self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of one’s thoughts and emotions.

What are some common challenges writers face?

Writers often struggle with writer’s block, finding inspiration, maintaining consistency, and self-doubt. Overcoming these challenges requires practice, patience, and a supportive mindset.

How can writing help in professional contexts?

Effective writing is crucial in conveying information, making persuasive arguments, and building a professional reputation. Strong writing skills are essential for various careers and industries.

Can anyone become a better writer?

Yes, anyone can become a better writer with dedication and practice. Writing regularly, seeking feedback, and studying writing techniques can significantly improve writing skills over time.