The Best Keywords To Use For Market Research

Good keywords are the backbone of any successful marketing campaign. However, finding them isn’t always easy. 

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach for this, but by getting to know your competition and audience a little better, creating a plan for how you’ll use specific keywords on your landing page, and taking a look at the available data from keyword generators and SEO toolkits.

You can get a better idea of what key terms you should target. To help with this process, I’ve outlined some best practices below.

How to Find the Best Keywords for Your Website – YouTube
1. Keywords are the foundation of effective market research.
2. Proper keyword selection enhances content visibility.
3. Understanding user intent improves keyword targeting.
4. Long-tail keywords can capture specific audience needs.
5. Regular keyword analysis keeps strategies up to date.

Identify Your Competitors

The best keywords to use for market research involve the competition. In some cases, it can be very helpful to see what your competitors are doing and how they’re doing it. 

This will give you an idea of where to focus your efforts, how many people are looking for specific terms and phrases, and even which niches might be open for someone like you to enter into.

The best way to do this is by using tools like SEMRush or SpyFu that allow you to analyze their search engine optimization strategies.

When conducting market research, leveraging the power of social media is essential. Learn how to harness the potential of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in our guide on using social media for marketing research. Discover strategies to gather valuable insights and engage with your audience effectively.

Identify Your User Base

Once you’ve identified your target audience, it’s time to make sure you’re speaking their language. If your product is targeted toward someone with a particular age group, gender, or lifestyle, the keywords you choose must reflect this.

For example: if you sell wedding invitations on Etsy and want to attract customers who are getting married soon but haven’t gotten around to buying invitations yet (or who have already bought them from another seller).

Then it makes sense for the keywords in your ad group campaigns to be “wedding” or “engagement”.

If there’s a particular industry term that people in that industry use when they search for terms related to what you do and they are likely potential clients then put those keywords into the ad groups as well! 

For example: if your company sells clothing designed by indie designers who don’t have much of an online presence themselves, put some of those more obscure terms into Google AdWords so those designers can find and buy from YOU instead!

Research Your Audience

The first step in keyword research is to find out what people want. In other words, you need to research your audience. The second step is to use this information to decide which keywords will be most relevant and useful for them.

The best thing about keyword research is that it’s a cycle: once you have the right keywords, you can use them to find more customers who are already interested in what you offer then go back and refine your list all over again!

Look Into Your Customer’s Reviews And Forums

You can learn a lot from what your customers are saying. You can learn a lot from customer reviews, forums, and even customer support. These are the people who have first-hand experience with your product or service. 

They’ve bought it and used it and they’re probably going to give you some good insights into what they thought about the experience. 

If you’re selling cars, maybe go through some car forums and see what people talk about most often when buying cars online or making car purchases in general.

If someone mentions something specific to one of your competitors (like how their website is better than yours), ask yourself why that’s important for your business. 

Maybe it’s because this feature needs to be integrated into your website as well? Or maybe it means that if you don’t add those features soon enough, potential buyers will go elsewhere instead?

Exploring new avenues in marketing research? Discover some of the most potent yet lesser-known tools in our article about the top 10 most powerful marketing research tools you haven’t heard of. Uncover tools that can streamline your research process and provide valuable data-driven insights.

Don’t Forget About The Other Countries

While you’re searching for keywords, don’t forget about the other countries in which your customers might be looking. If you’re an American company with a website designed for English-speaking users only, it’s important to remember that many people do not speak English. 

Most internet users are not native speakers of English when they go online: they may be Spanish speakers looking at sites entirely in Spanish or French speakers who want to buy products from across the Atlantic.

To find these keywords and get a fuller understanding of your audience’s interests and needs, visit a keyword tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Bing Ads Intelligence. These tools provide lists of popular queries based on location (country) as well as language (if applicable). 

They also show how much competition each keyword has from advertisers a metric known as “search volume.” 

As always with market research tools like these provided by Google and Microsoft respectively, remember that these results are influenced by search engine algorithms rather than actual human behavior; 

Thus their numbers should not necessarily be considered gospel truth about what terms people type into search engines each day!

Monitor Search Volumes

To find out what people are searching for, you can use Google’s keyword planner.

You will need to sign up for an account using your Gmail address and password. Once logged in, click on the Tools category and then the “Search for new keywords using a phrase, website, or category” option. 

This will bring up a window that lets you type in a search term and see how many times it has been searched over the past month (based on data from Google). 

You can also see how many advertisers are bidding on this keyword by clicking the “Advertiser Competition” tab at the bottom of this window.

Consider Branded Keywords

Think about your brand. Your brand name is a keyword. It’s also important for search engine rankings, branding, and customer loyalty. 

In addition to being a type of keyword (brand name), it’s also an anchor text that people are likely to click on when they’re searching for products or services like yours.

The more times customers see your brand in their search results, the more likely they’ll be to choose it over competitors. That means more traffic and better SEO two major benefits that lead directly back to company revenue!

Use Specific Keywords On Landing Pages

It’s important to not only use a keyword in your title but also in the body text and subheadings of a page. You can also include it in images by using alt text and including relevant keywords as part of image filename names (e.g., “keyword-1-image_name”).

You should also make sure that these keywords are included in the URL, meta description, meta tags, and page title fields as well.

Understanding the fundamentals of marketing research is crucial for successful decision-making. Dive into the world of market research by checking out our comprehensive guide on what marketing research is, why it’s important, and how to do it. Gain insights into the significance of research and learn practical steps to conduct your studies effectively.

Use A Keyword Generator Tool

Whether you’re building an SEO strategy, conducting market research, or just looking to see what keywords people are searching for in general, there’s a tool out there that can help.

If you’re just looking to find some relevant keywords around your business and industry, try using Google’s keyword planner to find what people are searching for on Google. 

You can also use SEMrush’s keyword research tool or Ubersuggest to generate long lists of related words and phrases. If you want more advanced tools specifically built around keyword research, 

Wordstream and Ahrefs (SEMrush’s sister company) both offer free versions with premium subscriptions available as well.

Look Into Global Trends

Another way to make sure you’re looking at a wide enough range of keywords is to look at global trends.

When you’re doing keyword research, it’s important to look beyond just the United States and Canada. 

Although many markets are still primarily focused on North America, the world is becoming increasingly interconnected and more people are searching for information from outside their home countries. 

This can be an excellent opportunity for marketers who want to reach new customers or expand their brand globally.

Global trends can also be a good indicator of what people are talking about in general and how they talk about those topics which are important if you want your research process to be as efficient as possible. 

For example: if someone searches “how do I start a business?”, there’s probably some kind of interest in starting businesses out there! And maybe this person was thinking so hard that they couldn’t even spell it right (or maybe they were really tired…). 

Either way, using this keyword phrase would probably lead us back down the same path we came up on when we started researching those top results: Google Autocomplete suggestions!

Compile All Relevant Keywords In A-List

  • Once you have your list of keywords, it’s important to compile them into a single list that includes all relevant keywords.
  • The best way to do this is by using the keyword tool in Google search or Bing. The keyword tool will show you:
  • The number of searches for each specific keyword (that’s how many people are searching for that exact phrase)
  • How much money do advertisers pay every time someone clicks on their ad (the CPC)
  • How many websites are competing for those same terms/phrases (the KCDA)

Simplifying your approach to market research can yield valuable results. Discover the benefits of streamlined research methods in our guide on completing simple market research. Learn how to focus on the essentials and gather actionable insights to drive informed marketing decisions.

Check Keyword Difficulty Ahead Of Time Using An Seo Toolkit

To check keyword difficulty, you can use an SEO toolkit. There are many options out there, and each one has its strengths and weaknesses. Some examples are Ahrefs, SEMrush, Mozscape, and Google’s Keyword Planner.

To determine the best keywords for your product or service be sure to check these factors:

Search Volume 

How often do people search for your specific keywords? This will tell you how much traffic you can expect from that keyword if it ranks in Google’s top 10 results (which is where most clicks go).


The more competitive a keyword means that it’s harder for any site to rank highly in Google because many websites are targeting those same terms. 

For example: if everyone was bidding on “how to make money online” then it would be very difficult for someone new to break through all of those competitors!

You’ll Have To Cover All Of The Bases To Get Accurate Results

While it’s tempting to simply type in the terms you think will produce results, this isn’t the best approach. You’ll have to cover all of the bases to get accurate results, no matter what tool you use. 

One way to do this is by checking out your competitors’ sites and seeing what keywords they’re targeting. This way, you’ll get an idea of which words are more popular than others and can tailor your research accordingly.

It’s also important to check the keyword difficulty ahead of time using an SEO Toolkit like SEMrush or Moz Pro so that when it comes time for recording sessions (or when writing blog posts), there aren’t any surprises waiting for you at the end of your research efforts! 

Sometimes these tools won’t give complete information on a specific topic like how many people search for things related maybe only once per month versus once per week.

But they’ll still be helpful nonetheless during the planning stages by providing an overall sense of what should be included in each piece based on how often its chosen topics are searched online relative to other topics within its niche field(s).

Finally: don’t forget about making sure there isn’t any overlap between different keywords this will help ensure that no one else has already written about those subjects before! 

Luckily there are plenty of tools available online now too such as keyword finder which can help make finding new relevant ideas much easier than ever before.”

Enhance your understanding of marketing research’s value with insights from industry experts. Explore why pursuing marketing research courses can be incredibly valuable for your career in our article on why marketing research courses are so incredibly valuable. Discover the knowledge and skills that can propel your expertise to new heights.


We believe that the future of digital textbooks is bright. More teachers will likely adopt these apps in the coming years, with an increasingly large ecosystem of features to stay current with evolving trends in educational technology. 

With tools like accessibility options, Albertson the butler, and customizable reading levels, individual students have more resources to keep up with their peers. 

On a classroom level, new interactive capabilities, like sharing material with other students, encourage teamwork and collaboration. We have only identified a few key features here, but numerous others are being developed to enhance the textbook experience. 

Teachers and students alike stand to benefit from these innovations, and we can only wait and see how the world of education responds.

Further Reading

Expand your knowledge on effective keyword research and market insights with these additional resources:

WordStream’s Easy Keyword Research Guide Short Description: Discover a comprehensive guide to simplify your keyword research process and uncover valuable insights for optimizing your online presence.

SEOpressor’s Market Research Keywords: The Critical Ingredient Short Description: Learn about the critical role of market research keywords and how they contribute to your WordPress website’s SEO success.

Neil Patel’s 7 Tools for New Businesses to Target the Best Keywords Short Description: Explore a list of essential tools that new businesses can utilize to identify and target the most effective keywords for their marketing strategies.


What is the significance of keyword research in marketing?

Keyword research is a fundamental aspect of marketing that involves identifying relevant and high-performing keywords to optimize content, improve search engine rankings, and enhance online visibility.

How can market research keywords impact SEO efforts?

Market research keywords play a pivotal role in SEO by helping businesses understand the language their target audience uses, which in turn informs content creation, website optimization, and search engine ranking improvements.

What tools can new businesses use to target the best keywords?

New businesses can leverage tools such as keyword research platforms, Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz to identify and target keywords that resonate with their target audience.

How does effective keyword research contribute to content creation?

Effective keyword research guides content creation by providing insights into the topics, questions, and interests of the target audience. This ensures that the content aligns with audience preferences and ranks well in search engines.

How often should keyword research be conducted?

Keyword research should be an ongoing process, as trends, user behaviors, and search algorithms evolve. Regularly reviewing and updating your keyword strategy helps ensure that your content remains relevant and competitive.

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