Marketing Research: What It Is, Why It’s Important, How To Do It

Interesting question… What do the creators of “The Incredibles,” “Frozen,” and “Inside Out” all have in common? They all knew who they were making their movies for. Why is that important? 

Because, if you don’t know who your target audience is going to be, then how are you going to determine whether or not it’ll be successful? Here’s another example: do you think Nike knows what kind of people buy its products? 

Of course it does! That’s why it spends BILLIONS on marketing every year. If a company like Nike doesn’t know who its customers are, then how can it make sure its products reach the right people? 

Now that I’ve gotten all those examples out of my system, let’s dive into this article. Specifically, I want to discuss the importance of marketing research and explain some things you need to know before running any type of campaign online or offline.

What is Market Research & why is it important? – YouTube
Key Takeaways
Understanding the concept of marketing research is essential for making informed business decisions.
The importance of marketing research lies in its ability to uncover consumer insights, market trends, and competitive analysis.
Effective marketing research involves systematic processes like data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
Properly conducted marketing research helps businesses tailor their strategies to meet customer needs and achieve better results.
Learning how to perform marketing research empowers professionals to optimize marketing campaigns and allocate resources efficiently.

What Is Marketing Research?

Marketing research is the process of gathering information about the target market. The goal of marketing research is to provide useful information for making informed business decisions and creating effective marketing strategies.

Marketing research can be defined as a systematic, objective, and scientific approach to collecting data that can be used to make informed business decisions.

What is marketing research and how can you effectively conduct it? Dive into our comprehensive guide on Understanding Marketing Research to gain insights into the process step by step.

What Are The Benefits Of Marketing Research?

Marketing research is a critical component of any business, but it can be hard to know where to start. 

While it’s true that a marketing research project may seem like an overwhelming task at first, when you break down the process into manageable steps, it becomes clear how each step leads to the next.

For example: Say you want to open a restaurant. Before even thinking about doing market research, you should be considering what type of restaurant you would like to open and who your target audience is (if there are multiple locations). 

Once those questions have been answered and you know exactly what type of restaurant and location make sense for your business model, then it’s time for market research!

By using this process as an outline for making decisions before conducting a survey or focus group with consumers in mind (who are also potential customers), companies can avoid wasting time and money on projects that don’t meet their goals

How Can Businesses Design And Conduct Marketing Research?

Whether you’re conducting a market research study for the first time or have done it many times before, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Design a plan. Before getting started with the actual research process, you should design your research plan by identifying what information you want to collect and how this information is going to help your business make decisions about its product or service offering. 

You will also need to decide on who needs access to which parts of this data once it’s collected (e.g., only senior management).

Design a tool. Once you’ve completed your initial planning stage, it’s time for step two: designing the actual tools that will be used during each phase of the project (i.e., designing how potential customers will respond). 

One option is using online surveys; another option could be having people fill out diaries at home or complete interviews face-to-face or over phone calls/video calls like Skype.”

The 9 steps in the marketing research process. 

Step 1 – Analyze the situation. 

Step 2 – Determine the information you need. 

Step 3 – Develop your plan. 

Step 4 – Collect your data. 

Step 5 – Analyze your data. 

Step 6 – Present results and recommendations. 

Step 7 – Implement your findings. 

Step 8 – Follow up. 

Step 9 – Refine your plan as necessary.

Social media has become a powerful tool for gathering insights. Learn more about leveraging it for your research in our article on Using Social Media for Marketing Research.

Step 1 – Analyze The Situation

What is going on? Are there problems that need to be addressed, or opportunities that are not being explored? How do you know?

What is the current status of your project/research/product development, etc.? What’s been done and what remains to be done?

Step 2 – Determine The Information You Need

Clarify why you want information before you go out collecting it (i.e., what is it that keeps bothering me about this project?). 

Do not start with a laundry list of questions; think about your objective instead. Once you have an idea as to what kind of information will provide an answer, then move on to…

Step 3 – Develop Your Plan

Why Marketing Research is Important to an Organization?

Marketing research helps you understand your customers. It also helps you understand your competitors, the market, and your business. Marketing research gives you an in-depth understanding of your product/service as well as how it fits into the marketplace.

It’s important to note that marketing research is not just about finding out how people feel about a product or service; it’s also about identifying what people want and need from a product or service. 

Additionally, marketing research can help marketers determine whether or not their assumptions about particular groups of consumers are correct (or incorrect).

Since there are so many different types of businesses with different products/services, marketers need to be aware of where their company fits within these categories before jumping into any type of marketing campaign. 

For a campaign to be successful, it needs to target its message toward specific audiences while avoiding messages that might turn off potential consumers!

Curious about the value of marketing research courses? Discover why enrolling in these courses can be a game-changer in our exploration of Why Marketing Research Courses Are Incredibly Valuable.

Who Benefits From Marketing Research? The Customer, Investors, Managers, And Employees

The customer: A company that markets its products or services to an audience without conducting marketing research will not be able to provide the best possible product or service to its customers. 

This may result in unhappy customers who return their purchases or refrain from buying anything at all because of poor quality.

The investor: If you invest your money in a company that does not conduct marketing research before launching new products or services, your investment could become worthless if no one buys the product or service being offered by the company. 

Marketers must ensure that they know why consumers use certain products before launching a new offering in the marketplace. Otherwise, they run the risk of having thousands of dollars invested in something nobody wants! 

Companies need solid data when investing millions of dollars into developing a new product line.

So they can accurately determine whether there is an audience who would buy this type of product before development begins and avoid wasting money developing something no one would ever want (and yes…this happens!)

The Role Of Marketing Research In Decision Making

Marketing research is a process that helps you to understand your customers and your market. It’s used to inform decisions, including:

Positioning How do you position your product in the minds of consumers?

Product development What should be included in your product or service? What should be excluded? 

What features will make it most appealing to customers and how much should they cost? How can you create a unique selling proposition (USP) that will set you apart from competitors and attract new clients?

Pricing How much should it cost, who should pay for it, and how will people perceive the value received if they purchase what you’re selling?

How To Run A Successful Focus Group

A focus group is a meeting between several people who are gathered to discuss a particular topic. The goal of the discussion is to obtain feedback on products and services or generate ideas for new products and services. 

The data gathered from these meetings can also be used to validate marketing campaigns that have already been launched.

Familiarize Yourself With This Process By Reading Through Our Guide On How To Run Successful Focus Groups

What is a usability study and how do you run one?

A usability study is a method of gathering feedback that uses a representative sample of the people who will eventually use your product. 

Usability tests are usually conducted in a lab setting and involve one or more users performing tasks on your website or app while being observed by an expert.

A usability test can be used to evaluate any aspect of your design, but it’s most commonly used to identify problems with navigation, page layout, labeling, and control placement. 

The purpose is to understand how easily users accomplish their goals without assistance from you or another person (e.g., support). 

The goal is not to test whether they like it that’s behavioral research but how well they find what they’re looking for when using your product on their terms.

Setting Up A Usability Lab For Remote Testing Using Morae Manager And Skype Video Calling

Here’s how to do it:

Set up a usability lab with your team in a quiet room or office. You’ll need at least two PCs, one webcam and microphone, and one (or more) webcam for observing the users. 

If you have access to Macs running video chat software like FaceTime or Skype, consider using those instead of PCS for remote testing.

Sign up for Morae Manager at [more. com]( When it asks what type of account you want to set up, choose “Teams.” 

It will then ask if you want an individual account or a team account; select Team as we’ll be using the same username and password for all our tests.

So that anyone who has access can log in to run them without having any extra credentials besides these two things provided hereby Morae (username/password).

Uncover a list of potent yet lesser-known marketing research tools in our piece on The Top 10 Most Powerful Marketing Research Tools that you might not have encountered before.

How To Identify New Products Or Service Opportunities Using Marketing Research And Usability Testing

Marketing research is a process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to help you understand your customers and the market. It’s also an important tool for finding new product or service opportunities.

Using marketing research is like using a combination lock: The question you want to be answered is like the combination (your research question), and the database of previous surveys is like all those little numbers on your lock.

And then the database compares each combination with what people said in the past so that it can tell whether any given combination would open this particular lock. It might take some time to get it right.

You may have to try out several different combinations before getting lucky but once you do find a code that works for this particular lock, you’ll know it worked because it opened!

Creating A Competitor Analysis Matrix For Social Media

Competitor analysis is the process of analyzing your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, products and services, marketing messages, customer service, and pricing. 

The purpose of competitor analysis is to help you identify opportunities for your business that may not be present in the market. To effectively conduct competitor analysis you must have a solid understanding of all the players in your industry as well as their strategies.

The first step in conducting a competitor analysis is identifying all relevant competitors within an industry by listing them out with their names and contact information (for example Acme Manufacturing Co., Inc.). 

Once all relevant competitors are listed you can begin creating a “competitor matrix” which will chart each competitor against various categories such as key strengths/weaknesses, product line(s)/service(s), etc.

After completing the matrix it becomes clear where there are gaps or opportunities for growth within an industry based on what consumers want from brands within each category; 

Allowing marketers to make informed decisions about where they invest resources into improving brand performance over time

Writing A Marketing Brief For Large Projects (Like Websites, Apps)

A marketing brief is a document that helps you communicate the key information about your project to the team that will be working on it. 

A good marketing brief will help the project teams understand what you want to achieve, how they’ll measure success, and what they need from them to measure success.

It can also help with budgeting and time planning by giving them an overview of all of your goals at once. 

For example: if one goal is for more people to sign up for your mailing list during this webinar, then another might be getting more people engaged with the content on social media after it’s finished.

You Should Do Some Marketing Research Before Launching A New Product, Running Ads, Etc

Marketing research is a process of gathering information about your customers so that you can make better decisions

It’s important to understand your customers, and marketing research helps you do this. Marketing research also allows you to understand how well your competitors are doing, and what their strengths and weaknesses are. 

Finally, marketing research gives you an idea of the market as a whole and what people want from products in general.

Marketing research doesn’t just happen when you’re making new products; it also happens when launching ads or campaigns for existing products. 

For example, if a company is launching an ad campaign for its product but finds out through marketing research that people prefer another product over theirs (say they find out that people would rather buy X or Y), then they’d know not to run their ad campaign anymore!

Efficiency is key for marketers. Find out the best way to save resources without compromising quality in our article discussing The Optimal Method for Marketers to Save Money.


Marketing research is the process of uncovering useful data about your market to help you make informed decisions on your marketing campaigns.

The better-informed you are, the better equipped you are to make more money. With marketing research, you can learn about your audience and potential customers, as well as how they use products and services like yours.

Why is this important? Because it helps businesses create a product that people want to buy! So when done right, it’s worth the time and energy invested in doing it because it’ll pay off big time down the road with increased sales revenue.

We hope we’ve given you some good ideas for ways that marketers can use market research techniques in their work and why they’re so important! 

Hopefully, now we’ve convinced everyone who reads this article not only why market research makes sense but also how easy it is to do on their own if they put forth just a little effort!

Takeaway: Marketing research is critical for all companies who wish to remain competitive in today’s data-driven world. 

It helps brands gain insights into what matters most to consumers so that they can tailor their messages accordingly and ensure success with every campaign or product launch.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further explore the importance of market research:

Why Is Market Research So Important? Short Description: Delve into the key reasons why market research is an essential aspect of any business strategy, uncovering its impact on decision-making and growth.

The Importance of Market Research Short Description: Learn about the crucial role market research plays in guiding organizations toward informed choices, optimizing product development, and understanding customer needs.

Unveiling the Significance of Market Research Short Description: Explore the significance of market research in gaining insights into market trends, identifying competition, and crafting strategies for sustainable success.


What is the role of market research in business growth?

Market research assists businesses by providing valuable insights into consumer preferences, helping them tailor their products or services to meet market demands effectively.

How does market research impact decision-making processes?

Market research equips decision-makers with accurate data and analyses, enabling them to make informed choices that align with market trends and customer preferences.

Can market research help identify emerging market trends?

Yes, market research helps identify emerging trends by tracking shifts in consumer behavior and preferences, giving businesses the chance to adapt and capitalize on new opportunities.

What benefits can startups gain from conducting market research?

Startups can benefit significantly from market research as it aids in understanding their target audience, refining their value proposition, and mitigating risks associated with entering a competitive market.

How does market research contribute to competitive advantage?

Market research enables businesses to comprehend their competitors, their strengths, and weaknesses, allowing them to position themselves strategically and differentiate their offerings effectively.

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