There’s lots of different pieces to the puzzle when it comes to running a successful blog. You need headlines that get clicks, content that readers find helpful and easy to digest, CTAs that convert, and so much more.
In addition to using tools like BuzzSumo and Google Analytics, there are some popular methods for getting the data you need to make your blog better.
These methods will help you figure out what’s working well and what could use a little improvement. If you want your blog to succeed, this is how you do it:
Takeaways |
Utilize data-driven insights to enhance your blog’s performance. |
Gathering factual information is essential for making informed improvements. |
Implement strategies to collect accurate and objective data about your blog. |
Analyze collected data to identify areas for optimization and growth. |
Cold hard facts help you make evidence-based decisions to refine your blog. |
Make Your Website Speedier
Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
A CDN is essentially a system of servers that serves content to users who request it. When a user requests your site, they won’t be directed directly to your server instead, their browser will be directed to one of many servers that serve up your website’s resources.
This allows you to serve content faster because it’s being pulled from multiple servers rather than one single server location.
In addition, multiple servers mean that even if one goes down or slows down due to increased traffic or some other reason, it won’t affect the overall speed of loading up your site for visitors.
Many popular plugins like W3 Total Cache include built-in support for using CDNs as well as third-party services like Cloudflare and MaxCDN (which offer free plans).
Enhancing your blog’s performance requires more than just great content. Discover how to gather the cold hard facts you need to improve your blog in our comprehensive guide on making your blog better.
Use a Caching Plugin
Caching plugins take care of things like minifying CSS files so they download faster and storing images on disk instead of pulling them from the web every time someone loads up an article page.
Saving bandwidth for users who visit often and making sure those less-frequently visited pages load as fast as possible when needed!
Make Your Content More Engaging
Make your content more engaging. When you’re trying to get the cold hard facts about improving your blog, sometimes it can feel like there are a million things you need to do. It’s easy to get overwhelmed.
But don’t worry you don’t have to do everything at once. Start by making sure that when people look at your blog posts, they’ll immediately see why you wrote about the topic in the first place and what’s in it for them (and their businesses).
Use images, videos, and infographics where appropriate so something is interesting for readers’ eyes each time they scroll down a page.
Also, consider adding a call-to-action (CTA) button or link at the bottom of each post so readers can quickly learn more about what they just read or take action on what they just learned!
If possible include these elements within each paragraph as well so content isn’t broken up across multiple pages which may cause readers not to finish reading all content before leaving the site without converting into customers.”
Add Questions And Comments To Your Blog Posts
Questions and comments are a great way to get feedback from your audience. You can use them to understand what your readers are struggling with, what they’re interested in, and what they want to know more about.
Another reason why you should encourage questions and comments is that it will make your blog more engaging. Readers will feel like they’re part of a community by being able to interact with each other through questions and answers on the blog post.
Are you considering a career as a market research analyst? Learn about the skills, responsibilities, and steps to become successful in this role by checking out our article on how to become a market research analyst.
Write Better Headlines
The headline is the most important part of your blog. It’s what draws readers in and gives them an idea of what they’re going to get if they keep reading.
Be relevant: Your headline should be related to the content you’re writing about, not just random words thrown together. If you’re writing a post about how to buy a house, don’t use a generic headline like “How To Buy A House” or “5 Tips For Buying A House”.
Instead, try something like “10 Things You Need To Know Before You Buy A House” or “How I Got My Dream Home By Doing These 5 Things”.
These headlines will pique the reader’s interest because it tells them exactly what they can expect from reading your article – which means more clicks!
Be easy to read: Your headline should be short enough so that people can scan it without getting confused (like at least four words). A reader shouldn’t have to read through multiple sentences before getting an idea of what your article is about; keep it short and sweet!
Improve Your Images
Images can be a powerful way to convey your message. They’re one of the most effective ways to make your blog more interesting, engaging, and compelling.
But when it comes down to it, images aren’t just about aesthetics they also convey vital information about your business that can help you promote it effectively.
If you want more people on board with what you have to say, then make sure that every image on your site is relevant for these reasons:
The subject of the image should be related directly or tangentially to your topic at hand. For example, if I write an article about how much I love basketballs (yes), then my photo should feature someone holding one of those round orange things we use in our game!
The audience must feel as though they understand who they are looking at in each image. This may mean showing different faces depending on where we post our content online (e-commerce sites versus social media profiles).
It could also mean demonstrating gender diversity in certain industries or sectors of society where this might not otherwise occur naturally (such as tech startups).
You want everything from each photo used on any given page whether it’s just one shot but posted several times throughout various articles so choose wisely before uploading anything into place!
Know-How People Are Buying Your Product or Service
Now that you know who’s buying your product, it’s time to find out how those people found it. There are three main ways: Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The first step is to see which search engine is providing the most traffic and leads for you.
You can do this by looking at your site’s traffic reports in Google Analytics. Then, use SEMrush or SpyFu to see which keywords they’re using when they visit your site.
Now that we have an idea of where our customers are coming from, let’s look at how they’re finding us!
For example, if a customer says he found my blog via Facebook ads (or retargeting), then I know that I need more Facebook ads going forward because those ads were successful at driving sales for me.
Now all I have left is knowing exactly how people are finding my products/services so I can continue using those same tactics with new products/services as well
Generating targeted B2B leads is essential for business growth. Explore our guide on finding 100 targeted B2B leads every month to discover effective strategies for lead generation.
Try Surveys To See What Works And What Doesn’t Work
Surveys are an excellent way to get the cold hard facts you need to make your blog better. They’re also easy and quick to use, which can be especially helpful if you’re short on time and resources.
And the best part? Surveys can tell you all sorts of things about what works and what doesn’t work in terms of blogging, from design elements that readers like most or least, to topics that readers want more of (or less).
All you have to do is put together a survey with a few questions about what people like or dislike about your blog’s content and design (and anything else), then ask people who visit it for feedback on those topics via email or social media.
You’ll be amazed at how much information comes back!
Look at Social Media Statistics To Inform Your Marketing Strategy
Social media is a great way to get feedback on your blog, your business, and your marketing. If you’re not using social media as part of your blogging strategy, it could be costing you sales.
Let social media help inform the decisions that are made around what topics to cover on your site and how often they should be posted.
Social media can also provide insight into what kind of content resonates with readers or customers, helping ensure that you don’t waste time creating content no one cares about.
Know-How People Are Finding You On Social Media
Here’s the thing: if you want to be successful, you need to know how people are finding you on social media. It’s simple. If people are finding your blog through Facebook, then it makes sense that your Facebook presence would be a major part of your marketing strategy.
If they’re finding it through Twitter, then maybe Twitter should play more of a role in your overall online presence.
And here’s another thing: once the data is in front of you and analyzed properly, it can help inform decisions about everything from improving the effectiveness of individual posts and pages on your website (what kind of content do they share?
How long do their visits last? Are they likely to buy something?)
To help make sure that everyone who shows up at one point or another during their journey across social media ends up being engaged enough with what they see there so as not only to come back again but also tell others all about what they’ve found!
If you don’t know how people are finding your blog – whether on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram or somewhere else entirely.
Then chances are good that some pretty crucial information is missing from those conversations happening between marketers/content creators/social media managers etcetera…
And those conversations matter because when done right (and done often) good communication leads directly to better results for both parties involved.”
Testing an ad campaign’s effectiveness is crucial for marketing success. Dive into our insights on how many visitors you need to test an ad campaign and make informed decisions to optimize your marketing efforts.
Measure Tweets And Retweets
The next step is to measure your tweets and retweets. You can do this by using a tool like TweetReach, which provides you with data on how many people saw your tweet, how many times it was retweeted, and how many times it was liked.
You can also use social media monitoring tools like Hootsuite or BufferApp to track your daily statistics including:
- Daily engagement rate (for example, the number of likes compared to the number of followers)
- Average engagement rate over time
- Your most successful posts/tweets
The power of having this kind of information at your fingertips lies in being able to make informed decisions about what works best for you on social media and therefore for your business as well!
Set Up Email Marketing A/B Testing
A/B testing is the process of measuring two versions of a page and seeing which one performs better.
For example, if you’re running an A/B test for your blog post about how to get more traffic to your blog, you could do it by showing half your readers one version of the headline (say “How To Get More Traffic) and the other half another headline (say “How To Get Tremendous Traffic).
In this case, you would measure how many people clicked on each link in your email marketing campaign the version which you send out to more people will be considered “winning.”
Then, when you have enough data from sending out these emails over time (if it takes a few weeks), analyze what worked better than anything else and use that information to improve your content strategy going forward.
Analyze The Results Of A/B Testing On Email Headlines, CTA Language, And Call-To-Action Positioning
A/B testing is a way to test different versions of something and see which one works better. It’s the same concept as flipping a coin, but instead of relying on chance, you control the outcome by giving each version an equal opportunity to win.
You might be wondering: Why would anyone want to do this? Well, it’s because sometimes we can’t tell what version is better until we test them out.
Let’s say that you’re writing blog posts for your business blog and you want to try two different headlines on two different articles: “10 Ways To Make Your Blog Better” vs “20 Steps To Make Your Blog Better.”
In theory, both could be equally good headlines but maybe only one will resonate with readers who visit your content. With A/B testing, you’ll know which headline makes people click through more often (or at all).
Measure Google Search Results For Popular Topics And Keywords Related To Your Business
Now that you know what people are searching for, it’s time to dig deeper and look at the actual results they’re getting.
To do this, use Google Trends to find out what is popular, then use Google Search Console or Google Analytics (or both) to see how your site ranks against the competition in terms of search engine optimization.
Once you have those two metrics, check out the ads that appear on top of the SERPs (search engine result pages) by using AdWords Keyword Planner.
This will help you understand how other companies are using these keywords to their advantage, giving them an edge over your competitors who lack knowledge about what works best from a marketing point of view.
Use Trends With Google Alerts To Find Out Which News Stories Are Popular
Using Google trends, you can see what people are searching for and get an idea of what your readers might be interested in. You’ll need to have a Google account and sign in to the site. If you don’t have one, go ahead and create one so that you can use this tool.
Once there, you can enter a keyword or phrase into the search bar at the top of the page to see what’s popular right now as far as news stories go. Or if you want more specific results, try narrowing down your criteria by country or city (if applicable).
You can also set up alerts for new articles related to your keywords so that when someone writes about it or links to it from their blog post/website/news article/etc., an email will be sent straight to your inbox with all of those details included!
This is especially helpful if you are trying to find out if anyone has been mentioning or referencing anything related to your subject matter lately.
Just set up an alert using those keywords so that whenever anyone else uses them online within 24 hours (or however long), they’ll let us know via email immediately.”
There are many ways to quickly improve your blog.
There are many ways to quickly improve your blog. Here are a few of the most common and most effective methods:
- Get more traffic: You can do this by optimizing your blog for search engines, writing high-quality content, and using social media.
- Convert visitors into subscribers: This can be done with opt-in forms or other signup forms on your website (like an email list).
- Listen to feedback from readers, and respond: If someone writes a comment or leaves a review, you must reply in some way even if it’s just “Thanks!”
Whether to focus on online or offline strategies is a common dilemma for marketers. Find out what works best for consumers in our article discussing online or offline strategies and gain insights into tailoring your approach.
A/B testing is a great way to see which variations are most effective.
That’s why we recommend setting up your tests or using tools like Optimizely, which allow you to run multiple experiments at once so that you can compare results side by side before making any changes to your site.
The last thing you want is for one change to ruin everything else (and it does happen).
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to help you further enhance your blogging skills:
How to Start a Blog: Tips for a Profitable Venture Short Description: Learn valuable insights on how to initiate and manage a successful blog that can lead to profitability.
Blogging Tips: A Comprehensive Guide Short Description: Discover a comprehensive guide offering valuable tips and strategies to enhance your blogging journey.
Become a Better Blogger: Proven Strategies Short Description: Explore proven strategies and techniques to elevate your blogging skills and establish a stronger online presence.
Have questions about blogging? Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:
What are the key elements of a successful blog?
A successful blog often incorporates high-quality content, engaging visuals, consistent posting schedule, and effective promotion strategies.
How can I monetize my blog?
Monetizing your blog can be achieved through various methods such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, selling digital products, and offering premium content.
What are some effective ways to increase blog traffic?
Increasing blog traffic can be accomplished by optimizing your content for search engines, leveraging social media platforms, collaborating with other bloggers, and engaging with your audience.
How important is niche selection for blogging?
Niche selection is crucial as it defines your target audience and content focus. A well-defined niche helps attract a more engaged and relevant readership.
How do I maintain consistency in my blogging efforts?
Maintaining consistency involves creating a content calendar, setting realistic posting goals, and planning ahead. Automation tools can also help streamline the process.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.