Welcome to the process of finding people to interview for your research project. We’ll walk you through the steps from start to finish, so you can create a reliable, systematic approach to finding people you need for interviews.
This way, you will be able to produce valuable content for your audience or complete your research project with confidence!
Key Takeaways |
1. Identify your target audience and define the characteristics you need for your research. |
2. Utilize online platforms and social media groups relevant to your research topic to connect with potential participants. |
3. Consider using professional networks, associations, or organizations related to your field to find suitable interviewees. |
4. Craft a clear and compelling recruitment message that highlights the importance of the research and the benefits of participation. |
5. Offer appropriate incentives or rewards to encourage participation and make the process more appealing to potential interviewees. |
Make A List Of Requirements
Once you know the type of data collection method you want to use, it’s time to come up with a list of requirements. These are the qualities that will help you find exactly the right people for your research project. You’ll want to make sure that they:
Are you representative of your target population for example, if your target population is middle-aged women between 25 and 50 years old living in urban areas who have graduated from college.
Then someone who doesn’t fit this description won’t be useful for your research project.
Can make themselves available for interviews if their schedules are full or inconvenient for you because of where they live or work, then they won’t be able to contribute much to your research project.
Once you’ve listed all these qualities on paper (or digitally), it’s time to start looking through potential interviewees’ profiles on social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn as well as their own personal websites (if they have one).
If you’re considering a career in the field of market research, learn how to become a market research analyst and pave your way into this dynamic industry. Understanding the nuances of research methodology and analysis is essential for success.
Figure Out A Solution To Your Problem
Before you start searching for people to interview, make sure that you have identified the problem and taken an inventory of what resources you have available. This can be done by making a list of the things that are needed to solve your problem.
If there is something missing from this list, identify where it is located and how much time it would take to obtain it.
Once you have identified all of your resources, use a spreadsheet or other organizer tool to keep track of them as they get used up.
You may also want to use this organizer so that when someone offers assistance with one aspect of your project, you can easily add them as an entry in this organizer (and ask them specifically about their qualifications).
You can also brainstorm with friends and colleagues who are familiar with the subject matter at hand; they will often come up with ideas that could not have been generated through research alone.
If possible, try using a mind mapping tool like MindJet MindManager or FreeMind (free) which allow users to visually organize information into different categories which makes them easier for others understand quickly without having read every word written down before hand!
Exploring different cultures and places can offer valuable insights even for marketing research. Discover the 11 lessons learned from a vacation to Iran for marketing research and understand how unique experiences can enrich your approach to research methodology.
Create A Recruitment Plan
When you are trying to find people to interview, it’s important to create a recruitment plan that specifies how you’ll go about finding the right participants for your research project.
This will help guide your efforts and make sure that you are contacting the right people at the right time in an efficient manner.
In addition, having this plan will help ensure that you have covered all bases in terms of recruiting participants and not missing out on anyone who may be key to understanding your topic area or issue of study.
Create A List of People You Might Want To Interview
To start creating your recruitment plan and list of potential candidates, think about friends and family members that might be able to provide insight into what it means for them/their loved ones when it comes to living with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
If this isn’t possible then try looking at social media sites such as Facebook where many people post updates about their health as well as those close by who might be affected by similar health issues themselves;
Do some research before deciding which platforms are best suited for this purpose so there won’t be any surprises later on down the line when trying to get hold of relevant information during interviews!
Additionally, keep in mind: “Even though we often talk about finding “people”–it’s usually easier just find one person.”
Ask Friends And Colleagues
This is an easy way to get your feet wet if you’re starting out interviewing people. Ask friends, colleagues, and acquaintances who would be willing to help you. However, don’t expect them to be able to provide an extensive list of contacts (unless they’re professional networkers).
Ask what they know about the topic at hand and how their expertise can help inform your research. If they have any leads on other people who might be interested in being interviewed, that’s even better!
Ask Your Subjects For Help
If possible, try asking your subjects directly for assistance with identifying potential interviewees or story sources. They may have suggestions or even recommendations for other individuals in their own networks who would be willing to participate or contribute information for your project.
Identifying the right participants for your research panel is crucial. Learn effective strategies for selecting suitable individuals in the guide on identifying the right person for your marketing research panel. Proper participant selection enhances the credibility of your research findings.
Post A Blog Article That Solves A Problem For Your Target Audience
If you want to find people to interview for your research project, then write a blog post that solves a problem for your target audience.
This is a great way to find people who are interested in participating in your study. You can use the headline of the article as your call-to-action and then include it at the end of each blog post (or make it into a separate email campaign).
So if someone is reading this article and they want more information, then they would click on “learn more” or “get started now” or whatever else you choose. It makes it super easy for them to sign up!
Create An Online Survey
If you are looking to gather information from a large group of people, then creating an online survey is the way to go. However, you need to make sure that the questions in your survey are valid and specific.
You also want to make sure that those who are filling out your survey are qualified for what you need.
For example, if someone is asking about frequency preferences for using public transit systems in their area and they have nothing more than three years experience driving a car that person probably doesn’t have much insight into how often they would use public transportation.
So they shouldn’t be asked this question or at least not given as much weight when it comes time to analyze data on frequency preferences!
Go To Facebook Groups And Linkedin Groups Relevant To Your Niche
Facebook groups and LinkedIn groups are both excellent places to find potential interviewees. If you have a niche, as I do (I write about mental health issues), it’s easy to find groups for that topic on those platforms.
For example, I found a group called “Mental Health Writers” on Facebook, which has more than 3,000 members. There were people in there who mentioned they’d been interviewed before and were looking forward to being interviewed again!
Even if you don’t have a niche yet or aren’t sure what your niche will be, there are still ways of finding these groups.
You can use hashtags like “#mentalhealthwriters” or “#mentalsupport,” or search by location or industry (“mental health writers”). You can also look at blogs that focus on the same topic as yours this might lead you down some interesting rabbit holes!
Once you’ve found some relevant Facebook or LinkedIn groups, send out an email introducing yourself (e-mail templates for this are here) and asking if anyone would be interested in participating in an interview about their experiences with XYZ (whatever it may be).
If your experience is similar enough to theirs that they’re willing to share their story with someone else whether it’s positive or negative the answer will probably be yes!
Research is a scientific endeavor, and the principles of observation, inference, and testing are fundamental. Dive into the details of the scientific approach to marketing research and gain a deeper understanding of how rigorous methodology leads to meaningful insights.
Go To Youtube And Search For Videos Relevant To Your Niche
Assuming you have a topic in mind that you want to research and write about, the next step is finding people who will be willing to speak with you. There are a few ways that I like to go about this.
YouTube Search
YouTube has so many videos on every imaginable topic that there’s no excuse not to try searching for your niche there first!
It’s also a great way of finding people who already have an audience interested in what they have to say because if someone has made it their job or hobby to film themselves talking about something.
Chances are good they will appreciate any publicity (and free content!) that comes from being featured in an article about topics related to their expertise or interests.
You can find other YouTubers by searching through tags or channels:
Twitter Search
Like YouTube, Twitter boasts millions of users posting thousands of tweets per second so there’s no shortage of people sharing their thoughts online!
On top of this massive character limit (140 characters), Twitter allows users more freedom than Facebook does when choosing how they want their profile set up: some users choose just an avatar while others opt for lengthy bios describing what they do professionally;
Still, others may choose both! This means it’s easy enough using keyword searches with Google Chrome’s “Find In Page” feature – just type in keywords related to
Go To Guest Posting Sites Relevant To Your Niche
The first place to go is a guest blog posting sites relevant to your niche. You can find these by Googling “guest blogging” or “blogging for exposure,” or by searching on any social media platform with a large audience.
Once you’ve found such a site, look through their past articles and see if they have an email address listed anywhere.
If so, send them a quick note saying that you’d like to submit an article about how to find people who would make good interviewees for your research project (or whatever it is).
It’s best not to mention money in this initial contact just say that you want their audience and expertise as contributors to your project.
The more personal this initial contact feels for example if it comes from someone who already has an excellent relationship with the blogger the better chance you’ll have of getting published there! Once on the site’s blog roll.
Look back at their previous posts and see what kind of content they tend toward: do they post mostly news or opinion pieces?
Are they mostly focused on providing helpful information or entertaining stories? Do they publish articles around certain themes (traveling abroad) or topics (fashion)? These clues will help guide which types of people might be interested in contributing towards your project…
Data visualization is a powerful tool for conveying research findings effectively. Learn about the 14 things market researchers need to know about data visualization to ensure that your research results are presented in a clear and impactful manner, aiding comprehension and decision-making.
Go To Forums Relevant To Your Niche
forums are a great place to find people who are interested in your niche, and you can find forums on pretty much any topic.
If you’re not sure where to start, try searching for forums that were created by people who have an interest in the same subjects or issues as your research project.
Once you’ve found a forum that’s relevant to your niche (or niches), look at its rules and guidelines before posting. Many forums require users to post introductory messages before asking for help or information, so be sure not to break any rules!
You may also want to read through past posts that deal with the same issues or topics as part of your research project so that you can get a sense of how best-practice questions have been answered in the past.
Go To The Best Blogs In Your Niche
If you are looking for people to interview, the first thing you should do is look at the top blogs in your niche.
Look at the most popular posts on these sites and see if any of them contain interviews with experts or industry leaders. If so, reach out to those experts yourself and ask if they would be willing to be interviewed by you.
If that doesn’t work (or if there are no relevant interviews), look at the authors who write for those blogs and see what else they’ve written about on their sites or elsewhere online.
Follow them on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook so that when new content goes up, it’s easier for you to find it quickly!
You can also use Google Alerts or even RSS feeds from Feedly that notify me when someone publishes something new so I never miss anything important again!
This strategy works great but there’s one caveat: Not everyone has time available because they’re busy being successful so don’t expect everyone who writes about stuff online will want help promoting themselves through interviews too much either;
Especially since most writers don’t get paid anything extra when someone links back directly from their blog post(s) into another website instead.
Unless maybe if other people share this article too then we could talk about doing something mutually beneficial down the road sometime?
Do Some Hashtag Research On Instagram And Twitter
Hashtag research is a good place to start when looking for people to interview. Hashtags can be used in two ways:
- To find content that’s relevant to your niche or industry, and/or
- To find influencers who might be able to help you out with your research project.
When deciding which hashtags will be most helpful for your search, keep these points in mind:
Look at what hashtags people are using on Instagram and Twitter that relate directly to the topic of your research project (for example, if you’re researching social media marketing strategies for small businesses, you might use #socialmedia or #smallbusiness).
You’ll want to make sure that the hashtag is being used by people who could potentially speak about their experiences with it so don’t just choose random words like “reading” or “best books ever.”
If you’re still unsure about which hashtags would work best, try searching them out on Google Trends as well!
- If possible try searching specifically within certain groups of users such as those who belong to an organization focused on sustainability (like @Greenpeace) and see if any interesting discussions are happening there already!
Join Meetup Groups In Person Or Online
Join Meetup Groups
Meetups are a great way to meet people with similar interests. Before you attend one, be sure to do your research on the topics they will be discussing and get an idea of who else might be there.
If you want to find meetups in person, try searching for them in groups like [New York City] or [San Francisco]. You can also find online meetups related to your niche by using this website: https://www.meetup.com/find/[city name].
For example, if you are interested in creating a business plan for an event planning company and live in New York City.
Simply type “business” into the search bar at the top of the screen followed by “planning” and then enter New York City into that field as well (i.e., “business planning New York City).
Attend Offline Networking Events Related To Your Niche
I think I’ve seen every person at a networking event, from the person who was there because they were a member of the club, to the person who was there because it was a requirement for their job.
At some point in each of our lives, we all need someone else to help us out with something. That is why networking is important for any business or personal project!
Before attending networking events, make sure that you know what to say when you meet someone new (you don’t want to come off as awkward). Ask them what they do and get their contact information if needed.
Ask them what they are working on and if there are any difficulties they have faced while trying to complete this task/project/etc.
Ask them what their excitement level regarding this project/task is right now? If possible find out if they would be willing to do an interview or provide advice via email after meeting one another in real life!
Look At Lists Of People Who’ve Been Interviewed By Top Podcasts In Your Niche
You can also find people who are active on social media, have a lot of followers and have a lot of engagement.
If you know anyone who works in the media industry or is into podcasting, they may have access to lists of people who’ve been interviewed by top podcasts in your niche (and they might be willing to share).
Similarly, if you’re looking for blogs that cover your specific topic or industry, check out their author bios or “about” page. The authors will often list where they write their posts and what else they’ve written and that’s usually how I find them!
Study The Audience Comments On Popular Podcasts In Your Niche
One of the best ways to figure out what your audience wants is to read their comments.
A good podcast host will read some of the listener’s questions and comments during a live show. This is a great way for you to get ideas about what your audience is looking for.
Here’s another way: listen back through previous episodes, or even just one previous episode, so that you can hear all the different things that people said were helpful or useful in that episode.
Listen To Facebook Live Interviews, Webinars, And Teleseminars In Your Niche
Find Facebook Live and webinar interviews in your niche.
You can do this by searching the hashtag #interview on Facebook, or searching for popular podcasts in your niche (for example, if you are thinking about creating an interview series about pets and pet care, start with listening to Dog Talk).
Listen to popular podcasts in your niche. For example, if you want to create a podcast about marketing and business building but have no idea where to start, listen to some of the top podcasts in those categories such as Entrepreneurs On Fire or Podcasters’ Paradise.
Go deeper into podcasts that have been interviewed by people who have been interviewed by experts in your niche (i.e., a “nesting effect”).
For example, if you want to know more about entrepreneurship but don’t know how or where even to begin.
heck out interviews with entrepreneurs like Gary Vaynerchuk who has been featured on popular shows such as Joe Rogan Experience Podcast several times over the years – perhaps one day he will be interviewing someone else who has something interesting things to say!
We hope you leave this article feeling prepared to find the perfect interviewees. Remember that there are many different methods of finding people to interview, and they can each be useful in different situations!
If you’re still having trouble after reading through our tips, just give us a call or use our chat function. We would love to help.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources for finding and selecting participants for qualitative interviews and research:
ResearchGate – Finding Study Participants for Qualitative Interviews Learn strategies for locating suitable participants for qualitative interviews in this ResearchGate post. Explore methods and tips to ensure your research pool is diverse and relevant.
Scrintal Blog – Interview Sampling: How to Find People to Interview The Scrintal blog offers insights into interview sampling techniques. Discover effective ways to identify and recruit participants for your research interviews.
User Interviews – Finding Good Research Participants The User Interviews UX Research Field Guide provides valuable information on finding high-quality research participants. Enhance your participant selection process for more meaningful research outcomes.
How can I improve my participant recruitment process?
Improving participant recruitment involves targeting specific demographics, using varied recruitment channels, and offering incentives that resonate with your target audience.
What are some online platforms for finding research participants?
Platforms like User Interviews, Amazon Mechanical Turk, and social media groups related to your research focus can help you connect with potential participants.
How can I ensure diverse representation in my research participants?
To ensure diversity, purposefully recruit participants from different backgrounds, cultures, ages, and experiences relevant to your research objectives.
What incentives should I offer to research participants?
Incentives could include monetary compensation, gift cards, or access to the research findings, depending on your participants’ preferences and the scope of your research.
How many participants should I aim for in my qualitative research?
The ideal number of participants can vary based on research goals and methodology. Aim for saturation, where new participants bring limited additional insights, indicating data sufficiency.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.