When you think about marketing research, what do you picture? A bunch of people in lab coats wearing goggles and carefully observing how consumers react to different products?
That’s not too far off. Marketing research is a process that involves using scientific approaches to find out about the market for a product or service, including who would buy it, how much they would be willing to pay, and how often they would purchase the product.
Although some of the methods used might seem more art than science like doing a focus group or sending out an online survey marketing researchers are very careful about how they ask questions and analyze data.
In this article, we’ll look at some of the scientific principles behind marketing research and show you how it can give companies valuable information that helps them make decisions.
Takeaways |
1. Understanding the scientific method is essential for effective marketing research. |
2. Distinguishing between observation and inference helps in accurate data interpretation. |
3. Quantifying data adds precision and objectivity to marketing research findings. |
4. Testing hypotheses is a cornerstone of reliable marketing research outcomes. |
5. Applying a scientific approach enhances the credibility and validity of marketing insights. |
Observation, Inference, And Testing: The Scientific Approach To Marketing Research
The scientific approach to marketing research involves converting observations into testable hypotheses. The scientific method is a way of solving problems by using observations, inferences, and testing.
Observation is the collection of data about a phenomenon or situation. For example, if you are observing a store in your neighborhood, you will notice things like how much time people spend walking around the store or how many people shop there on an average day.
You may also see what kinds of customers enter the store (elderly women vs young families) or if any stores nearby have similar products at lower prices.
Inference is another way to collect data about experiments that are not directly observable by humans but can be inferred through other means such as surveys or interviews with customers.
For example, A person might ask their friends who they think created a website they visited recently; however, it would be better if they asked them directly because then they could get answers from more than just one person!
Testing involves running experiments where researchers alter variables to observe results and measure impact (e.g., increasing advertising spending).
A hypothesis is an educated guess based on previous knowledge about something – it’s an educated guess made after considering all available evidence at hand when trying new ideas out before investing money into them too heavily.”
If you’re delving into the world of marketing research, follow our comprehensive guide on conducting market research in 14 easy steps. Learn the systematic approach that ensures your insights are accurate and valuable.
The Scientific Method And Marketing Research
The scientific method is used in all fields of science to investigate natural phenomena. In marketing research, it has been adapted by researchers so that they can test hypotheses using their data.
In other words, the scientific method is a systematic way of investigating natural phenomena through observation and experimentation. The scientific method has two basic types: inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning.
Inductive reasoning leads from specific observations or experimental results to general conclusions about some phenomenon (for example, “I observed my dog’s behavior for five minutes today”).
On the other hand, deductive reasoning starts with a hypothesis (a statement about what should be true).
And uses evidence from observation or experiments to support or refute that hypothesis (for example, “If my dog loves me when I pet him on his back after I’ve been away for three days”).
The purpose of both inductive and deductive reasoning is to test ideas against reality by observing what happens under certain conditions:
If you hypothesize that your dog will love you no matter how long you’ve been gone but then find out otherwise when he growls at you when he sees you after returning home from being away for just one day instead of three days as expected based on your previous hypothesis;
This would lead us both back toward thinking more deeply about our assumptions as well as questioning them further.
Before concluding based solely upon isolated experiences rather than taking into account all relevant factors affecting our findings which may change over time due perhaps even without realizing it ourselves!
Marketing research doesn’t have to be complicated. Our article on Marketing Research Made Easy breaks down the process step by step, empowering you to gather meaningful data for your business decisions.
The Marketing Research Process
The marketing research process is a systematic way of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information to understand the marketing environment, interpret market trends, and gain insight into the marketing decision-making process.
It involves a series of steps that culminate in recommendations for how companies should position their products or services to increase sales. These steps include defining the problem or opportunity; researching consumers’ needs;
Identifying competitors; surveying customers; conducting focus groups; analyzing customer data from social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook; performing conjoint analysis to determine customer preferences for product attributes such as size or color (see Chapter 2);
Running simulations with multiple scenarios to forecast future market conditions (see Chapters 6–8); creating business models based on various assumptions about what will happen when a new product is introduced into an existing market (see Chapter 10);
Constructing scenarios based on different levels of success for new products relative to their competitors’ offerings (see Chapter 11).
Data Collection In Marketing Research
In this section, we’ll discuss the different methods of data collection. We will focus on two types of data: qualitative and quantitative.
In marketing research, qualitative data is usually collected through interviews or focus groups by asking open-ended questions that help you understand how customers think about your product or brand.
For example, if you were conducting a study on the effectiveness of a new packaging design for yogurt cups in grocery stores.
You might ask participants what they like about their current yogurt cups (and why), then ask them how they would feel about a new design if it had these features (and why).
Quantitative methods involve collecting numerical measurements of customer behavior via surveys and tests, for example, measuring how much money people spent at the store last year versus this year by tracking sales through loyalty card programs.
Explore various avenues of research with a glimpse into The Different Types of Marketing Research. Whether qualitative or quantitative, this article will help you choose the right approach for your research goals.
Unobtrusive Measures
Observation is a data collection tool that can be unobtrusive. It can be used to collect data on people’s behavior and attitudes.
Observation As A Data Collection Tool
Observation is a form of data collection. When you observe, you’re actively looking for information that may help answer your question or guide your decision.
To observe, you need to be in the field. You can’t stare at a chart or run an experiment from an office building.
That’s why observation is so important: it puts you in touch with real-world customers and their behaviors so that you can gather information about how they currently behave and what factors might influence them to change their behavior in the future.
Observation can take many forms: observing people (e.g., shoppers) in stores; observing places (e.g., stores); observing things (e.g., products).
Sampling Issues And Errors In Surveys
Sampling error, non-response error, and measurement error are three types of errors that can occur when conducting a survey.
Non-response bias occurs when certain groups of people do not respond to a survey or do not respond at all.
Measurement bias occurs when the responses given by respondents differ from the actual answers.
For example, if you ask participants how old they are, some will likely answer in whole years while others will round their age up or down to the nearest year (e.g., saying “I am 25” instead of “I am 24 and 2 months old”).
This would cause an increase in rounding up numbers thus lowering the overall average age of respondents who participated in your survey compared to those who did not participate but share similar characteristics with those who participated.]
Qualitative Research Techniques In Marketing Research
Qualitative research forms the foundation of any marketing research project. Qualitative research is more exploratory and seeks to understand what is behind data rather than just looking for patterns in the data.
Some of the qualitative techniques used in marketing research are:
- Focus groups
- In-depth interviews/one-on-one interviews with participants
- Ethnographic research (observing people in a natural setting)
- Participant observation (observing people interacting with products)
- Case studies
Crafting effective questions is an art. Dive into the nuances of How to Effectively Ask People About Their Everyday Lives to enhance your data collection techniques and make your marketing research truly insightful.
Secondary Data From Internal Sources
The second type of data you can use is secondary data. This is information that you have access to but has not yet been analyzed or published in any way.
For example, if you work for an airline company and would like information on how many passengers travel by air between January 1st and March 10th.
It would be possible for your research team to take your internal database of passenger numbers and match it up with dates during those months.
If this was done correctly and all the necessary precautions were taken regarding privacy laws, the data could then be used as evidence for a claim about how many people traveled by air during those months. Such claims might include:
“Overall, there are more than 100 million passengers who travel by air every month.” Another example would be “It has been found that 22% of people who fly on Mondays are female.”
These types of statistical analyses are called descriptive statistics because they describe what happened (or at least what we think may have happened).
Secondary Data from External Sources
There are two main types of secondary data:
Data that has been collected previously and stored in a database or on the Internet, but not analyzed. This information can be used for specific research questions about a particular group or industry if it is relevant to your study.
For example, you might use information from an industry association’s report on the market size for your product category to determine the effectiveness of various marketing strategies.
Data collected by other researchers that were not used in their original study and aren’t stored in any database or on the Internet, for example, survey responses collected during another researcher’s study but not analyzed by them.
It May also be available to you through cooperative agreements with universities or other organizations (see Chapter 4).
Secondary Information Analysis
- Secondary data analysis can be used to provide a basis for forecasting.
- Secondary data analysis can be used to provide a basis for decision-making.
- Secondary data analysis can be used to provide a basis for marketing strategy.
- Secondary data analysis can be used to provide a basis for market segmentation.
Qualitative Information Processing And Analysis
Qualitative Analysis Is Not A Guessing Game
It’s not a matter of opinion, personal preference, or personal interpretation. Rather, qualitative analysts use frameworks to systematically analyze and interpret observed behavior to gain insight into underlying motivations and meanings.
When conducting qualitative research, never think of yourself as the sole judge of what you see or hear in your research you’re just part of the process!
Once you’ve completed your analysis and interpretation, it’s time for others (who may include marketing managers) to review your work before making any decisions based on what you found out through your research efforts.
Unlock the full potential of your marketing research by learning how to Optimize Your Research. Discover strategies to refine your methods and ensure the answers you obtain are accurate and valuable for your business decisions.
Marketing Research Can Be Conducted In A Reliable And Accurate Way
One of the most important aspects of marketing research is its ability to be conducted reliably and accurately. This is because it is a science, which means that it is systematic and uses rules or laws (known as the scientific method) to derive conclusions about ideas.
Marketing research can be conducted reliably and accurately because it follows the steps of observation, inference, testing, and reporting. These steps allow researchers to make conclusions based on evidence rather than just speculation or opinions.
This course has provided you with an overview of the marketing research process, from start to finish. You learned that the scientific method is a reliable and valid way to conduct marketing research.
Next, we looked at the different aspects of marketing research and how they fit together in an overall framework.
We spent some time investigating the different types of data collection methods used for marketing research and how researchers should select the right one for their needs.
You also learned about how quantitative approaches to data collection are more popular than qualitative approaches in most fields (and especially in business).
Finally, we discussed how secondary sources can be helpful when conducting market research because they provide information that has already been gathered by other researchers or organizations.
With these concepts under your belt, you’re ready to explore this topic further on your own!
Further Reading
Understanding the Scientific Method Short Description: Delve into the scientific method and its role in systematic inquiry and research across various disciplines.
Observation vs. Inference: Quantifying Data Short Description: Explore the distinctions between observation and inference, and the significance of quantifying data in research. Also, learn whether a test must always take the form of an experiment.
The Importance of Testing in Research Short Description: Discover the crucial role of testing in research methodologies, how it aids in drawing conclusions, and its impact on shaping reliable insights.
What is the scientific method?
The scientific method is a systematic approach used by researchers to formulate hypotheses, conduct experiments, gather data, analyze results, and draw conclusions. It provides a structured framework for investigating and understanding natural phenomena.
What distinguishes observation from inference?
Observation involves directly perceiving or noting facts and occurrences, while inference is the process of deriving conclusions from observed facts. Inference goes beyond mere observation by interpreting the meaning or significance of the observed data.
Why is quantifying data important in research?
Quantifying data involves assigning numerical values to observed phenomena, making the data more precise and allowing for mathematical analysis. This enhances the objectivity and reliability of research findings, enabling researchers to draw accurate conclusions.
Does every test have to be an experiment?
No, not every test needs to be an experiment. Tests can take various forms, including observational studies, surveys, and simulations. The key is that tests should be designed to answer specific research questions and generate meaningful insights.
How does testing contribute to reliable research?
Testing plays a critical role in research by subjecting hypotheses and theories to empirical verification. It allows researchers to validate or invalidate their ideas, leading to more accurate and trustworthy conclusions that contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.