Welcome to the world of freelance email marketing! You’ve decided to take control of your career, but what do you need to know about this business first? We’re going to cover everything from choosing a niche market and setting up your freelance business, all the way down to different ways you can market yourself and set up an effective email campaign.
There are endless opportunities in the field of freelance email marketing – if you want an easy start with clients (and who doesn’t?), check out our tips below!
Takeaways |
1. Start with a clear goal for your email campaigns. |
2. Build a targeted and well-maintained email list. |
3. Craft compelling subject lines for higher open rates. |
4. Create valuable and relevant content for your emails. |
5. Personalize your emails to resonate with recipients. |
6. Include a strong call-to-action in each email. |
7. Test different send times to optimize engagement. |
8. Segment your email list for more targeted messaging. |
9. Monitor and analyze your email campaign metrics. |
10. Optimize for mobile responsiveness. |
11. Use A/B testing to refine your email strategies. |
12. Maintain consistency in your email communication. |
1. Decide Who You’re Going To Target
Now that you know how email marketing works, it’s time to decide who you’re going to target.
You’ll want to make sure that you’re targeting the right audience for your business. This will help you get a better response rate and more conversions.
You can use tools like Facebook Ads Manager or Google Analytics to find out which demographics are most likely to buy from you.
Building a successful freelance email marketing campaign involves a mix of creativity and strategy. Explore our guide on writing successful freelance email marketing campaigns to learn how to engage your audience effectively.
2. Decide What Message You Want To Give Them
To ensure that your email marketing campaign is a success, you need to decide what message you want to give them.
What are you offering them? Why should they care about it? How will it help them solve a problem they have? What makes it unique? How can they get more information?
These questions help determine the type of content and copy you’ll include in your emails. For example, if your product/service is unique because it’s affordable for small business owners or has better features than competitors’, then this should be emphasized in all of your emails.
3. Make Sure You Have Permission To Contact People
Email marketing is a powerful way to grow your business, but only if you’re sending emails to people who want them.
It’s also important to make sure that every email you send has a purpose and is relevant. If a customer asks for more information on a specific product or service, and then receives an unrelated email the next time they open their inbox, chances are they’ll be annoyed and delete it without reading further. This causes two problems: it wastes your time (and money) by forcing you to send another message later on; and even worse, it could damage your brand reputation in the long run because customers may start thinking of you as annoying or spammy (even if this never happens).
Make sure that each message isn’t just informative it should also compel recipients to take action (e.g., buy something) as well as provide value by entertaining/informing them with interesting content that fits their needs at the moment.
Clean Your Email List
Clean your email list. If you have an existing email list, it’s important to clean it up so that only people who are interested in what you have to say will receive your emails. You should:
Email marketing remains a powerful tool for freelance writers to connect with their audience. Discover 11 essential email marketing tips that can enhance your writing business and bring better results.
4. Not Send It To People Who Haven’t Signed Up
This means no “discovery” emails sent through MailChimp or any other services with a signup form on your website!
Not send to people who haven’t opened your last 6 months’ worth of emails (or whatever timeframe seems reasonable for the type of business you run). This can be done by checking which contacts had opened their last few mailings and only sending future mailings to those that continue opening the messages within a certain timeframe; if there is no response after 6 months then consider removing them from the mailing list altogether.
Remember that this works best when combined with point #2 below; many companies will use both points together in order to ensure they don’t waste time sending out irrelevant content while also ensuring they don’t lose good leads by keeping them on an inactive list.”
5. Segment Your Email List
Segmentation allows you to target specific groups of customers with relevant offers. You can segment your email list using demographic criteria (age, gender, location) or behavioral criteria (past purchases, abandoned shopping carts).
Segmentation also makes the email message more relevant for readers by highlighting how it relates to them and their personal needs. For example, you could send an offer for a 20% discount on items in the “women’s fashion” category only to women between the ages of 25-30 who have made recent purchases in that section.
6. Write A Great Subject Line
A great subject line will get people to open your email. It should be clear, concise, and personal. It should also be relevant to your audience and what they expect from you.
Your subject line is one of the most important parts of your email marketing strategy because it’s often the only part of an email that readers see before deciding whether or not to open it. The goal is for it to encourage them to read more by hinting at what’s inside or enticing them with a question they’re dying to answer (e.g., “How To Get More Clients”).
Here are some tips for writing effective subject lines:
Be creative—your job is not just about making sure everyone knows who you are, but also about keeping them engaged with something new every time they see your name in their inboxes! Try focusing on specific interests instead of generic topics like “email newsletter” or “newsletter”;
This way viewers will know exactly where all those emails are coming from without having any idea what’s inside each issue beforehand! This makes sense because nobody wants their news feed filled up too much before actually reading anything else online today; there’s too much content out there already!
Looking to establish a freelance email marketing business? Our comprehensive guide on building a freelance email marketing business offers insights on crafting successful campaigns and growing your clientele.
7. Write Great Content In The Body Of Your Email Message
As you write, remember that your goal is not simply to sell to or promote yourself. You want people to understand who you are and what value you can bring them. People should be able to read through an email message from you and feel like they know more about who you are as a person, not just as a service provider or product vendor.
They’ll also appreciate it if the content is relevant, timely, helpful, and ideally entertaining too!
8. Have A Strong Call To Action In Your Email Message
Once you have the right list, make sure you have permission to contact them. If they don’t, they probably won’t convert to your email and it will end up in their spam folder.
Next, clean your list by removing old contacts who no longer prefer to hear from you (e.g., people who unsubscribed). You should also remove any duplicates or invalid email addresses from your list so that when someone does click on one of your links, it goes to the right place.
If you want more success with this campaign segmenting is key! Split up your list into segments based on interests and hobbies so that each group gets emails that are tailored specifically for them – this will help improve engagement rates as well as open rates which lead me to my next point: write a great subject line and body of your email message!
9. Design Emails With Readability On Mobile In Mind
The first thing you need to do is ensure your email is responsive, meaning it will resize based on the device it’s being viewed on. To do this, open up your email platform of choice (like MailChimp or Constant Contact) and select “Preview” from the top menu bar. Under “Appearance” or “Templates” choose a template that has a single column layout, large fonts, and buttons so as not to be too confusing when looking at it on a smaller screen like a phone.
10. Create Good Landing Pages For Your Offers And Calls To Action From Your Emails
When creating your landing pages, you’ll want to make sure they are:
Relevant to the email offer. For example, if you send an email about a product launch and then send the reader to a page that has nothing to do with that product launch, you’ll lose their interest fast.
Designed in line with your brand. Your primary colors should be present on both the website itself as well as in any social media posts about it (if applicable). If someone clicks on an ad for balloons and then arrives at a site that doesn’t have any balloons or colors associated with balloons whatsoever, it’s going to be confusing for them. It’s like going into Macy’s looking for jeans only to find flowers instead it just doesn’t make sense!
Fast loading so people can get what they need quickly without having too long of a wait time between clicking on something online and receiving its results (like buying merchandise). People tend not to appreciate waiting around when they’re used to getting instant gratification whenever possible – especially when visiting websites which are supposed
Enhance your freelance business by leveraging the potential of email marketing. Learn how to unlock more referrals and sales with freelance email marketing strategies that can take your career to the next level.
11. Create Engaging, Effective Social Media Posts That Drive People To Sign Up
The first step to creating engaging, effective social media posts that drive people to sign up for your email marketing messages is to create content that provides value. You want your followers and fans to know that you genuinely care about them and their journey. What better way is there than sharing relevant information?
Next, you need to choose the right hashtags for every post. Hashtags are used by users on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter as a way of grouping together similar conversations under one umbrella topic or phrase. For example: if someone uses the hashtag #socialmedia in an Instagram post it will appear in other people’s feeds who have also used this hashtag in their own recent posts (if they’re following each other).
This makes it easier for users to find related content while browsing social media sites a win-win situation all around! It also helps increase visibility since hashtags are one of the top ways people discover new content or accounts on these platforms;
However please keep in mind not every hashtag will work equally well depending on its popularity/usage rates among other factors so do some research before concluding which ones should work best with regard to what type of audience demographic you’re trying to reach out towards and hopefully, this guide helps steer clear from making any poor choices along those lines
12. Offer Valuable Lead Magnets And Opt-In Forms On Your Website
Lead magnets are any kind of content that you can use to attract leads, such as a free ebook, checklist, or webinar. You can offer these lead magnets on your website or send them directly to people who have subscribed to your mailing list.
Opt-in forms make it easy for people to subscribe to your email list by simply filling out their name and email address in order to receive updates from you.
Email marketing is a great way to get started with freelance work because it’s so affordable and easy to use. When starting an email campaign, think about:
What kind of content works well in an email? For example, if you’re a writer then you might want to consider publishing short stories instead of long blog posts; if you’re a designer then perhaps include some screenshots showing off some recent projects; if you’re a business consultant then maybe include an infographic packed with statistics from recent surveys about small businesses.
As long as the information being shared is relevant then it should be fine! Just make sure that whatever type of content is shared also includes links back over onto company websites where additional information may exist (i.e., social media profiles).
How often should emails be sent out? It depends on what type of industry/niche market we’re talking about here but generally speaking I would recommend sending out at least once per week max.”
Analyze the performance of each of your email campaigns using metrics like click-through rates and open rates. See which offers to perform best in which segments or groups on your list and adjust future messages as needed to get the best results possible.
Once you’ve done this initial analysis, it’s time to dig deeper and figure out why certain offers are performing better than others. To do so, analyze the results of your email campaigns so you know what’s working and what isn’t.
To analyze your emails and their results, use metrics like click-through rates (CTR) and open rates. While CTR gives an indication of how many people opened an email, it doesn’t tell the whole story on its own.
For example: If someone opens your message but doesn’t click through to any links within it, that might mean they were just curious about what kind of content was in there or maybe they didn’t have time at that moment because there was something else more important on their agenda! On the other hand, if someone opens an email but doesn’t click anywhere inside it (say they don’t see any links), then chances are good they weren’t interested in anything offered by said message.”
Respond to customer inquiries quickly and effectively through your CRM and see what they purchased so they can keep getting the right offers at the right time and increase their lifetime value as customers – and be happier with the results they’re getting from you!
A CRM is extremely useful for your business, as it can help you to track the leads and sales generated by your email marketing campaigns.
In addition to this, a CRM will also allow you to respond quickly and effectively when customers have questions or requests. This is particularly important if you want them to continue buying products or services from you in the future. By responding quickly, they’ll be more likely to feel valued as customers, which results in higher lifetime value for them (and for your business).
Email Marketing Is A Great Way To Connect With Customers
Email marketing is a great way to connect with customers! You can use it to build trust and credibility, increase sales, and stay top-of-mind. Email marketing helps you connect with people in a personal way.
Email marketing lets you reach out to existing customers on a regular basis, giving them useful content that they’re interested in receiving. In addition to sending newsletters or updates about products or services, sometimes the best way to keep people engaged is by asking questions or giving them the opportunity to participate in polls or surveys.
Email marketing can also help drive traffic back onto your website by directing readers toward specific pages after reading an article they like (like this one!). This gives you another chance at converting visitors into email subscribers and hopefully customers!
Landing high-value clients through email marketing is possible with the right strategies. Discover the story of how I landed an eight-figure client using email marketing techniques that can transform your freelance journey.
The game has changed. Gone are the days when we could swing into a big corporation and easily get a job, only to get laid off in a few years’ time, leaving with a nice severance package that would safely see us through for the next couple of months, or perhaps even a year if we were too lucky.
The economy is just getting worse and worse, and it’s becoming harder to find work (not to mention keep it) in the traditional job market. Therefore, the number of people who are turning to freelancing as a source of income is increasing steadily, and they all want to know how they can make money with their specific skill set.
Lastly, continue to do what you do best, and focus on your industry. Find ways to excel in that arena while improving your email marketing skills. If one thing is certain, it’s that the demand for skilled freelance marketers will continue to grow. Focus on developing a niche skill-set that lets you stand out from the crowd of freelancers, and in turn, reap the rewards for years to come.
Start small.
Learn from other people’s mistakes.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources for further exploration:
Freelance Email Marketing Strategy: Discover valuable insights and strategies for optimizing your freelance email marketing efforts.
12 Tips on How to Freelance Your Skills: Explore practical tips and advice on how to effectively freelance your skills and succeed in the freelance market.
Email Marketing for Freelancers: Learn how email marketing can be a game-changer for freelancers in building their brand, attracting clients, and growing their business.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Get Started With Email Marketing?
You will need to decide what kind of email campaign you want to run. If your target audience is small, then it may be better to send a newsletter. However, if your audience is large and varied, an email marketing campaign would be more suitable.
What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Email Marketing?
Email marketing allows businesses to reach their customers directly via their inboxes without having to rely on other channels such as social media or display ads that don’t deliver high ROI (return on investment).
It’s also cheaper than traditional advertising because it allows companies to tailor messages according to customer behavior and preferences instead of broadcasting generic messages across all demographics at once as TV ads do.
Is There Anyway I Can Get Started If I Don’t Have A List Yet?
You can start by creating an email marketing newsletter. This will help you to see how it works, and how people are responding to your emails. It’s also a great way to get yourself ready for when you do have a list of people who want to hear from you!
What Are Some Best Practices For Email Marketing?
The best thing is that they’re simple. If you want more information on this topic, check out our guide here!
How Do I Find Clients?
We recommend using a site like Upwork or Fiverr. You can also use LinkedIn or other social media sites to find potential clients.
What Kind Of Experience Should I Have Before Starting?
You don’t need any specific experience to start freelancing in this field it’s all about your ability to communicate and execute the work that you’re given. However, if you have any previous experience in marketing or sales, it can help immensely!
How Much Money Can I Make?
This varies from project to project, but on average, you can expect $20 – $30 an hour for simple content creation or email marketing jobs (which is often what’s offered in these types of gigs). If you’re offering more complicated services like SEO or PPC management, expect closer to $50 – $100 an hour.

I am a content writer, and I love what I do! Writing makes me feel like the words are flowing through my fingers, and then onto the keyboard, like magic. My experience as a writer has taught me that writing makes me feel good, as well as helps others to feel better too!