We all know that a cover letter is the first thing an employer will read about you, so it’s important to make a good first impression. But what if you’re trying to get noticed by a hiring manager who isn’t in your local area? Do you need to include an address on your cover letter? And how should you format that information if so? In this guide, we’ll answer those questions and more!
Takeaways |
Addressing your cover letter to the right person can improve your chances of getting noticed by a potential employer. |
Including a date on your cover letter can help ensure that your application is reviewed in a timely manner. |
Adding a signature to your cover letter can give it a personal touch and show that you are serious about the position. |
A concise and well-written cover letter can make a stronger impression than a lengthy one. |
It’s important to tailor your cover letter to each job application and highlight how your skills and experience match the requirements of the position. |
Does A Cover Letter Need An Address?
Yes, you need an address in your cover letter. Even if it’s just a P.O. Box number or a friend’s house where you are staying, include this information so that the employer can get in touch with you if they want to schedule an interview or ask any questions about what is written in your application.
The best place to put your address is on the top left side of the page under your name and contact information, but if you don’t have an address yet because you are new in town or are living somewhere temporary for school or work, then use the company’s address as yours (if possible).
If neither of these options works for you, put down “home” or “residence” and write out the full street name and city where it is located this may be tricky if there isn’t an actual street sign announcing its name (for example some rural areas), but do what makes sense at this point since otherwise, no one will know where they should send any letters back!
When crafting a cover letter, don’t forget to include the address of the employer or hiring manager. It’s an important piece of information that can set you apart from other candidates. For more tips on creating a standout cover letter, check out our guide on does a cover letter need an address.
Where Do I Put An Address On A Cover Letter?
The most common location to place your address is the top left corner. However, there are other ways to include your contact information: in the top right corner or bottom right.
You can also choose to put it in the middle of your cover letter if you don’t want it at all. While you may be tempted to put it in every possible location, that would be excessive and confusing for those reading your letter.
Wherever you decide to place it, make sure that the address points out where exactly you live (city), what part of town (zip code), and how long until you move again (state).
What Is The Salutation In A Cover Letter?
When you’re writing a cover letter for an application, the salutation should be formal. The best way to show that you’re polite and professional is to use the recipient’s name and title. If you don’t know their name or title, address them as “Mr./Mrs./Ms.” followed by their last name. This is also true if they are still in school (try “Dr.”).
If you know them well enough to use their first name, that’s okay too—just make sure it’s appropriate!
What Do You Write In The Middle Of A Cover Letter?
Let’s take a look at what you might write in the middle of your cover letter. First, you can start by explaining how your experience and personality make you a good fit for the job. You could also talk about how much you want this job and how excited you are to get started!
Then, explain what makes your skills different from others that may also be applying for the same position. Finally, tell them why they should choose YOU over everyone else!
Including a date on your cover letter is not just a formality, it can also help ensure that your application is reviewed in a timely manner. To learn more about the importance of including a date and other helpful tips, check out our article on does a cover letter need a date.
How Do You Format A Cover Letter?
Formatting should be consistent. Your cover letter is a very small part of the entire package, but it’s the first thing a hiring manager will see when looking over your application materials. They’ll make an immediate judgment about you based on how well organized and professional-looking your cover letter is, so make sure it looks good!
Use an easy-to-read font that’s still professional enough to convey authority—nothing too fancy or ornate. You don’t want to look like someone who can’t write in proper English (unless that’s true), but at the same time, don’t use something so basic that it feels like you’re writing with a pencil on lined notebook paper at school.
Is It Bad To Address Your Cover Letter To Dear Hiring Manager?
In the case of the hiring manager, it’s a little different.
Since you’ll usually have a few options for who to address your cover letter, it’s important to choose the correct one.
For example, if you’re applying for an internship or job at a company that has multiple hiring managers, which is likely considering most companies don’t have just one “boss,” then you’ll need to find out who specifically it would be best for you to address your cover letter too.
The general rule of thumb is that if there’s more than one person involved in making decisions about hiring decisions (like at larger companies), then they should both know what they’re doing when they look over your application materials together and make their own decision based on them rather than relying solely on each other.
Since neither knows everything about what the other thinks about applicants’ qualifications compared with how well other candidates were vs how many were better overall
Can I Just Say, Dear Hiring Manager?
You can!
When you’re writing to an HR department or even a specific person in the company that’s hiring, it’s not unusual to just address them as “Dear Hiring Manager.” But if you know who you are writing to (and they aren’t anonymous), then feel free to use their name instead.
For example: If I know that my target employer is looking for someone in marketing and I’ve been told my skillset would be a good fit for this role, then I’d probably start with something like Dear Bethany, or perhaps even more informally: Hello Bethany!
However, if there were no personal connection between us (this could also happen at large companies), then my choice would likely be Dear Hiring Manager because it feels more formal and respectful.
Addressing your cover letter to the right person can make all the difference in getting noticed by a potential employer. For tips on how to find the right contact information and make a good impression, check out our article on does cover letter need company address.
Should You Include Greetings In A Cover Letter?
Whether you should use greetings in a cover letter depends on the type of greeting and whether or not it’s appropriate for the job. For example, if you’re applying to be an assistant and your boss is named Mary Smith, it would be inappropriate to address her as “Dear Ms. Smith.”
However, if she were only a middle manager, then addressing her as “Dear Madam” might be acceptable. If you don’t know what title or honorific to use, it’s better to leave out greetings altogether than risk offending someone by using an incorrect one.
Also keep in mind that same-sex couples should always be referred to by neutral pronouns (i.e., they) when writing letters like these; otherwise, they may come across as offensive or discriminatory toward LGBTQ+ individuals!
Do You Capitalize Dear In An Email Cover Letter?
The salutation is the greeting, which always comes first. For example:
Dear Mr. Smith,
My name is Adam Johnson and I am a recent graduate of Stetson University in DeLand, Florida. I am interested in applying for the Sales Internship position that you recently posted on LinkedIn. (This is what we call an “introductory paragraph”).
In general, capitalize Dear if it’s the first word in your salutation or if it follows a comma or colon (as shown above). Lowercase dear otherwise or leave out any capitalization entirely if your email has no salutation at all!
Here are some tips for writing an effective cover letter that will get you noticed by employers:
Should I Capitalize My Name In A Cover Letter?
If you are sending a cover letter by email, you should capitalize the first letter of your first name, your last name, and the names of your siblings.
What Is The Proper Way To End A Cover Letter?
Now you know how to start your cover letter, but what do you need to do to finish it? The proper way to end a cover letter is with a signoff. This is where you put your name and contact information so that the employer can reach out and follow up with you if they choose.
If there’s anything else that needs saying, such as an explanation for contacting them directly (instead of going through the recruiter), or anything else that might help get their attention, now would be a good time to include it!
Should I Say Sincerely Or Sincerely Yours In A Cover Letter?
In a cover letter, you should use “Sincerely” as a sign-off. It’s not wrong to use “Sincerely yours,” but it’s also not necessary. The word “sincerely” is the expression of politeness and respect that we use when signing off on a formal document such as a business letter or an employment application.
If you’re writing a personal note or using another type of informal communication (like email), then it’s fine to keep things casual by signing off with just “Best wishes” or something similar instead of something more formal like “Best regards.”
Adding a signature to your cover letter can give it a personal touch and show that you are serious about the position. To learn more about the importance of including a signature and other helpful tips, check out our article on does the cover letter need signature.
How Long Should A Personalized Cover Letter Be?
It’s a common misconception that one-paragraph cover letters are enough to get the job done. It’s not as simple as that.
A two-paragraph letter is ideal, but a one-paragraph letter is fine too. However, if you only have time to write one paragraph then don’t do it because it won’t look good on your resume or in an application packet and it will probably annoy the hiring manager.
So here’s what I recommend: If you can go longer than two paragraphs (and feel free to!), then do so because it shows that you’re more invested in the position than someone who writes only one paragraph but if all you can manage is two paragraphs then, by all means, use them!
Should I Put My Address On My Resume Or Cover Letter First?
Yes, you should include an address on your resume or cover letter.
The most important thing to remember is that the address should be the first thing on the page. It should also be in the top left corner of your document and should be in a similar font and size as the rest of your address.
What’s The Difference Between A Resume And A Cover Letter on Reddit?
Resumes are what you do, while cover letters are why you’re qualified for the job. Your resume is supposed to be a list of your accomplishments and qualifications in bullet points. The cover letter is an opportunity for you to sell yourself as the best candidate for the position by telling a story about how your skills would benefit an employer.
If you’ve ever worked with recruiters or hiring managers before, then you know that they usually only look at resumes for 30 seconds before deciding if they want to read more or not.
A good cover letter can make all the difference between getting someone’s attention or having them skip over your application because it just didn’t seem like something worth reading through all of your experience listed on paper (also known as a resume).
If someone reads through your resume but isn’t convinced that it’s enough proof on its own that’s where writing a great cover letter comes into play!
By explaining why YOU deserve this job specifically and how YOUR skillset will benefit THEM specifically (not just anyone), writing a great cover letter could mean landing that interview opportunity which could lead to getting hired!
When it comes to the length of a cover letter, less is often more. A concise and well-written letter can make a stronger impression than a lengthy one. For more tips on how to write an effective cover letter, check out our article on does a cover letter have to be one page.
How Do You Start An Administrative Assistant Cover Letter With No Experience?
The first step to writing a cover letter is to determine the purpose of your letter. A cover letter is used to introduce yourself and your qualifications for a job opening. Employers may have specific requirements for their employees, so you must tailor your cover letter accordingly.
You should always start with a short introduction like “I am writing to express my interest in the administrative assistant position.”
Next, include a summary of your work history and education, including relevant experience such as internships or projects that demonstrate skills necessary for this position (such as computer skills). Finally, explain why you are interested in working at their company!
Does Every Paragraph Need To Be Indented In A Business Letter?
Indentation is a very important part of a business letter. Indentation helps the reader to easily understand where each paragraph starts, and it also shows them where the letters end. For example, if you were to not indent after each salutation in your letter, then the reader would not know where your salutation ended and where paragraph 1 started (or continued).
In addition to helping organize your letter and making it easy for readers to follow along with what you’re saying throughout your business correspondence, indentation also allows you some leeway when it comes down to writing out all of these different pieces as well.
This way there’s no confusion when someone reads through their copy of what they’ve written-they’ll know exactly how much space they have left before having reached their endpoint.
Reaching somewhere else within their own sentences/paragraphs could potentially hinder them from understanding what exactly was meant by certain sections within those sections themselves!
Overall, it is best to keep your cover letter simple and clean. Try not to use too many words or go on for too long. A good rule of thumb is to write it as if you are talking to the hiring manager in person, so be concise and clear with your words so they can easily understand what you mean when reading over their inbox later!
Further Reading
How to Write a Cover Letter on Indeed: Indeed’s comprehensive guide to writing a cover letter, including tips on formatting, structure, and content.
How to Address a Cover Letter: 9 Steps to Follow on Novoresume: A step-by-step guide on how to properly address a cover letter, with examples and tips.
How to Address a Cover Letter (And Who to Address): An in-depth article that covers everything you need to know about addressing a cover letter, including how to find the hiring manager’s name and the right salutation to use.
Q: What should I include in a cover letter?
A: Your cover letter should include a brief introduction, information about why you are interested in the position, your qualifications and experience, and a closing statement.
Q: How long should a cover letter be?
A: A cover letter should be no more than one page in length, and should be concise and to the point.
Q: Do I need to address my cover letter to a specific person?
A: Whenever possible, it’s best to address your cover letter to a specific person rather than using a generic salutation such as “Dear Hiring Manager.”
Q: What should I do if I can’t find the name of the hiring manager?
A: If you are unable to find the name of the hiring manager, you can address your cover letter to the department head or to the company in general.
Q: Is it necessary to customize my cover letter for each job application?
A: Yes, it’s important to tailor your cover letter to each job application and highlight how your skills and experience match the requirements of the position.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.