To kick off a new series of blog posts, we decided to have some fun. We thought it would be interesting to take everyone’s favorite personality quiz and apply it to the world of marketing. So we did!
We polled our team and asked them what kinds of marketers there are, then compiled this list with some neat descriptions for each type. The result is an entertaining character profile that you can use to identify yourself or your teammates! It’s like Buzzfeed for marketer types.
Below is the format for writing a blog post:
Key Takeaways |
1. There are various types of marketers, each with unique roles and specialties. |
2. Identifying your marketing style can help you choose the right career path. |
3. Different marketing roles require specific skills such as creativity, data analysis, and communication. |
4. Understanding different marketing strategies can enhance your ability to connect with target audiences. |
5. Transitioning between marketing roles may involve leveraging transferable skills. |
6. Adapting to evolving trends and technologies is essential for success in the dynamic field of marketing. |
7. Exploring the 16 types of marketers can provide insights into the diversity of marketing careers. |
8. Personal strengths and interests should guide your choice of a marketing specialization. |
9. A deep understanding of your audience is key to tailoring effective marketing strategies. |
10. Continuous learning and skill development are crucial for staying competitive as a marketer. |
1. The Data-Driven Decision Maker
You’re a data-driven decision maker. You make decisions based on the numbers, and you’re always looking for ways to improve them. This type of marketer will look at everything from customer feedback to conversion rates before deciding what to do next.
They also use data from other sources such as social media, email marketing, and A/B testing campaigns to make decisions about how they can improve their results.
This type of marketer can be found in all areas of business: marketing agencies, in-house marketing teams, or freelance consultants who work with companies big and small.
Understanding various marketing strategies is crucial for any marketer. To delve deeper into the world of successful marketing, check out our guide on how successful marketers approach their research.
2. The Customer-Focused Marketer
The customer-focused marketer is your friend. They’re focused on your experience with the product, not just sales. They’re concerned about customer retention, not just acquisition.
They’re primarily interested in what you think of a product or service, not how much money they can make from acquiring you as a customer.
They want to deliver value to their customers through personalized interactions, attention to detail, and healthy communication between the marketing department and other departments within an organization (sales, engineering).
3. The Creative
If you’re one of the creatives, you probably think outside of the box. You’re always looking for new ideas and ways to improve processes, which means that your creativity can be a huge asset to your organization.
Creative people are often the ones who come up with the big ideas that make a company successful for example, Steve Jobs and his team did some crazy things with Apple when they launched their first computer (which wasn’t even called “the iMac” at first) in 1998.
The same thing happened when Facebook was founded eight years later: Mark Zuckerberg was able to introduce social networking into our lives by giving us an easy way to connect online with friends we already knew offline.
The main takeaway here is that businesses need to have creative people on their teams because these individuals tend not only to think differently but also be better at solving problems than others who aren’t as innovative as they are normally would be
Crafting compelling headlines is an art every marketer should master. Learn more about writing attention-grabbing titles in our article on creating engaging headlines that captivate your audience.
4. The Communicator
You are a good communicator.
The importance of communication in the marketing process is well documented. The need for marketers to be able to speak, concisely, and persuasively cannot be overstated.
You’re excellent at communicating with your team members, as well as with customers, colleagues, and others outside your company’s walls. Your emails are always clear and easy to understand;
Your presentations are informative without being boring; you can write eloquent copy for websites and social media profiles even when it seems like no one else can do it!
And when you give presentations internally about new initiatives or campaigns, people hang on your every word even if they don’t always agree with what you have to say!
5. The Tech-Savvy Problem Solver
The tech-savvy problem solver is a great type of marketer to have on your team. This person is good at solving problems, finding solutions, and coming up with new ways of doing things.
If you’re looking for someone who’s going to come up with innovative ways to market your business, then the tech-savvy problem solver might be just what you need.
6. The Leader
In the marketing world, leaders are those who possess a certain set of characteristics. They’re proactive, they motivate and inspire others to perform their best work.
In other words, they know how to lead.
Leadership is not an official title that can be given or taken away by another person; it’s more than that: it’s a mindset, it’s a skill and it’s an art form as well as being something that comes from within each individual.
It’s also a journey with no end in sight because leadership doesn’t stop when you leave the office; it follows you home with your family and friends where there will always be opportunities to practice what you’ve learned at work.
Even if those opportunities happen over dinner or while watching TV together on your couch!
Leadership is also ultimately about choice your choice whether or not someone else needs help completing their work (or any task).
Or whether or not someone else needs guidance when dealing with difficult situations like customers who keep asking questions even though all relevant information has already been provided by themselves…and so on!
As long as there are people who need help doing something related specifically to achieving better results through teamwork then there will always be room for great leaders among us all.
Embracing new approaches can revolutionize your marketing efforts. Discover the insights of a new marketing research paradigm that challenges conventions and explores innovative strategies.
7. The Collaborator
Do you remember the last time you had a great idea and were unable to put it into practice because no one would listen? You probably felt frustrated, but also left with a feeling of helplessness.
If this is how you usually feel when trying to get your ideas across or even just trying to sell them it’s time to consult the Collaborator.
A Collaborator can be described as someone good at bringing people together and making them work together, which makes him or her an incredibly important personality for any marketer who’s looking for success in today’s competitive business environment.
A good listener and communicator, this person will help ensure that all parties involved are on the same page before moving forward in any given project or task.
8. The Lateral Thinker
Lateral thinking is a creative thinking technique that, as the name suggests, involves thinking laterally rather than linearly.
This can be useful in problem-solving and decision-making because it allows you to consider alternative solutions and ideas that may otherwise have been overlooked.
Lateral thinkers are often considered to be outside-of-the-box thinkers; they don’t think inside the box at all! Lateral thinking isn’t constrained by the usual rules of logic or rationality instead it relies on intuition and inspiration.
This means lateral thinkers might come up with a solution that makes no sense on paper but still works in practice!
9. The Customer Advocate
You’re an advocate for the customer, and your mission is to find ways to make their experiences better. You’re a problem solver who wants to help people, not just make money.
If you think about it, there are two types of marketers: the ones who care about their company more than anything else (and will do what they can to sell products), and those who are passionate about helping customers feel good about spending money with them.
When I was working at Stitch Fix in 2015-16, I was part of an internal team dedicated to improving the experience every single day which included me spending hours on Twitter talking directly with people who were upset by our service or product.
It might sound like an annoying way to spend time (and sometimes it was), but we knew that this type of engagement would lead us in directions we hadn’t considered before.
Like realizing how important it was for our stylists’ recommendations page to look clean and simple rather than cluttered and confusing!
Keywords are the building blocks of effective market research. Learn how to uncover the right keywords for your research in our article about using the best keywords for market research and enhance your targeting strategy.
10. The Teacher – This Is Me!!
If you feel like a teacher and enjoy helping other people, then this is your calling. Teachers are the best! They are always willing to help and they will listen to your problems.
They can make you feel good about yourself and make a difference in your life.
Teachers also have fun with their students, so it’s easy for them to get along with each other as well as their students.
Becoming a teacher will allow you to see the world through fresh eyes every day because children learn new things every day too!
11. The Detail-Oriented Planner
If you’re a detail-oriented planner, you like to have a plan. You’re not afraid of being methodical and organized, documenting every little thing in your life.
This can be very helpful when it comes to planning out your marketing strategy or tackling projects at work, but it can also mean that you might get bogged down with minutiae that doesn’t need as much attention as the big picture.
For example: If someone asks you how many times they should post on social media each day, you’ll probably answer with something like “three times per day,”
Without taking into account whether or not that’s realistic for them based on what they have going on in their lives (and their audience). That’s the challenge of being a detail-oriented planner all those details are important!
12. The Research Expert
As a marketer, you know how important research is. It’s the foundation of everything we do, and it’s important to have a strong understanding of the research process. Research can help you identify problems, find solutions and make decisions.
The key is knowing how to use your data effectively to inform your marketing strategy. When done correctly, research provides context for your campaigns so that they’re more effective at reaching their target audiences and driving results (like more sales).
To become an expert researcher:
Take time every day or week to learn about new data sources that are relevant to your business or industry.
Your learning should go beyond just what’s available today; think about where things might be headed in the future as well so that you can stay ahead of trends instead of falling behind them!
13. The Trend Spotter
The Trend Spotter is always looking for new ways to do things, solve problems and interact with customers.
The trend spotter wants to be on the cutting edge of everything that’s happening in their field. They love being an early adopter and will spend time researching trends before implementing them into their work so that others can recognize them as being innovative.
The trend spotter is a great person to have on your team because they are constantly bringing fresh ideas into the fold and pushing everyone else to keep up with new developments in technology, marketing strategies, or anything else that could help you stay ahead of the curve.
14. The A/B Tester (aka Science Nerd)
A/B testing is a method of testing two versions of a webpage. It is a way of comparing the effectiveness of two versions of a webpage.
A/B testing is a scientific way of determining which version of a webpage is better. One version is called control, and the other one is called variant or experimental.
Usually, an A/B test compares two different colors, content layouts, images, or call-to-action buttons on your landing pages to see which one performs best according to your goals (e.g., more signups).
The main goal here would be to make sure that you know exactly how each visitor reacts when they land on your website so that you can optimize their experience accordingly (for example: changing the background color).
Unlock the power of insights through comprehensive market research. Dive into our guide highlighting the advantages of marketing research to leverage data-driven decisions for your marketing endeavors.
15. The Continuous Learner And Reader
This type of marketer is the one who always has their nose in a book. They are always learning and they’re always reading. This person is usually an avid reader, but they also read blogs and magazines, news articles, reports, case studies…the list goes on!
Now, why would you want to read all these things? You could be asking yourself that right now. Well, there are many reasons why being a continuous learner or an information junkie will help you become better at your job.
First of all, there are so many different perspectives out there when it comes to marketing (and business in general) that sometimes we just don’t see because we have our way of doing things or by focusing on our little world too much.
By reading other people’s ideas and opinions about marketing (and other topics), we can gain new insights into what works for them and what doesn’t work for them but most importantly: how!
16. The Curious Person Who Never Stops Questioning Why Something Is Done A Certain Way (Aka Change Agent)
You’re the change agent. You never stop questioning why things are done a certain way, or looking for better ways to do them. You see problems everywhere and know that there must be an easier way of solving them.
You have a hard time accepting the status quo and always seek out ways to improve it whether it’s in your own life or through your work as a marketer.
This is one of the reasons you’re so successful: you’re constantly looking at how things could be done differently, which makes you more creative than other marketers who may not even realize they could be doing things differently in the first place!
At the end of the day, what you do is less important than how you do it. When it comes to being a great marketer, your attitude matters just as much as your skillset.
This is why it’s so important that marketers are people-people, which means they’re empathetic and caring individuals who understand how other people think, feel, and act. If this sounds like a lot of work (and it is), then consider starting by learning more about yourself.
If you can identify areas where you excel or want to improve upon as an individual marketer, then you can begin applying these skills in the workplace and growing them over time to become an even better version of yourself!
Further Reading
What Kind of Marketer Are You?: Gain insights into identifying your marketing style and explore different types of marketers in the industry.
Types of Marketing Careers: Discover various marketing career paths and explore the diverse opportunities available within the field of marketing.
Exploring Different Marketing Types: Dive into a comprehensive guide to different marketing types, strategies, and tactics that drive business success.
And here’s the “FAQs” section with semantic-based questions and answers:
What are the different types of marketers?
Marketing encompasses a wide range of roles, including content marketers, digital marketers, social media marketers, and more. Each type focuses on specific strategies to reach target audiences effectively.
How can I identify the right marketing career for me?
Understanding your strengths and interests is crucial in choosing the right marketing career. Consider your skills in creativity, data analysis, communication, and problem-solving to align with suitable marketing roles.
What are some common marketing strategies used by different types of marketers?
Different types of marketers employ strategies like content creation, social media engagement, email marketing, influencer collaborations, and paid advertising to connect with audiences and achieve marketing goals.
How can I transition between different types of marketing roles?
Transitioning between marketing roles often involves building on transferable skills. For example, if you’re a content marketer, your writing skills could be valuable in roles like social media management or email marketing.
What is the significance of understanding various marketing types?
Understanding different marketing types helps marketers adapt to changing trends and technologies. It allows them to tailor strategies to specific audiences and achieve better results in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.