A good title can make or break your blog post. We’re going to give you a rundown of what makes a great headline and how you can write engaging titles that convert into clicks.
Takeaways |
1. Understand Your Audience: Tailor headlines to address the specific interests and needs of your target audience. |
2. Use Emotionally Compelling Language: Invoke emotions that resonate with your readers, making your headlines more engaging. |
3. Communicate Value: Clearly convey the benefit or solution your content offers to entice readers to click through. |
4. Create Curiosity: Craft headlines that spark curiosity and encourage readers to find out more by reading the content. |
5. Be Clear and Concise: Ensure your headlines are easy to understand and convey the main message succinctly. |
Focus On One Benefit
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when writing your title is trying to deliver multiple benefits in one title. You need to focus on the one benefit that you want to deliver, rather than trying to be all things to all people.
If your audience is interested in getting more information on how they can improve their golf swing, they don’t care if it will help them lose weight or increase their productivity at work. Focus on what matters most to them and leave the rest out of your title.
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Focus On Emotion
To get a reader’s attention, use words that evoke emotion. Words like “free,” “new,” “easy,” and “best” are all great ways to tap into an emotional response in your audience.
You can also invoke action-oriented feelings by using phrases like “start now,” or you can use descriptive words and phrases like “delivers results fast.” Words that describe something relevant to your audience will help get them interested as well.
For example, if you’re writing about a weight loss program and you mention how lightweight it is compared to other programs out there (as opposed to heavy), this will make it more appealing for people who are looking for things that are light on their feet (so to speak).
Finally, positive words will keep readers engaged so avoid any negative connotations unless they’re necessary.
Make A Promise
The best way to grab attention is by making a promise. You can do this in the headline and/or subheadline or both. A promise is a statement that says what the reader will get in return for clicking on your link.
You can make an explicit statement of what they’ll learn, or how they will benefit from reading it or it could be something more subtle, like “the secrets of…” Marissa Mayer also does this well: “How Yahoo! grew from nothing into something”, “The two things that were critical for my success at Google” etc
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Ask a compelling question
Next up: How do you write a good question that can be answered in many ways? If the answer to your question is too broad, there’s little chance it will lead to effective engagement. If the answer to your question is too narrow, you won’t get as much participation as possible.
The goal here is to make sure people feel like they’re able to contribute something unique and interesting by answering your question.
This should feel familiar if you’ve ever used Instagram stories or Snapchat filters you’ll notice that some of them have an open-ended approach while others are more specific. For example, one filter might ask “Who are your best friends?” while another asks “Where did you buy my favorite shoes?”
These questions work well because they allow users who want to express themselves visually (and not with words) an opportunity for self-expression without being overly prescriptive or limiting themselves down too much into a single area (like just asking about friends).
Is another thing worth noting about this type of title is that it has been proven over time again and again (and again) that human beings love having fun conversations with each other so why not give them one?
Use Trigger Words
A trigger word is a word that gets your audience’s attention and makes them want to read the rest of your headline. Examples of trigger words include:
- How to – For example, “How To Make Money Online.”
- What is – For example, “What Is The Best Camera?”
- How to use – For example, “How To Use Instagram Marketing.”
Create A Sense Of Urgency
Here we have a case where one word can make all the difference. The word “now” has always been a very powerful sales tool, and in this case, it’s no different. Use it to convey your message that today is the best time to take action on whatever it is you’re offering.
This could be anything from signing up for an email list or buying a product, to simply downloading an eBook or watching a video on YouTube.
In addition to using the word “today” as much as possible in your headline, try throwing some other time-based language into the mix: tomorrow, this week (or month), next year (or decade). All of these words create urgency around taking action NOW!
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Use Numbers, To Include Stats And Facts
Use numbers to add credibility to your headline.
- If you mention several people, it gives the reader confidence that they’re reading something worthwhile and authoritative.
- You can use simple numbers (e.g., “7 Ways To…”) or complex ones (e.g., “The 3 Steps To…”).
If you mention statistics, it can give extra weight to whatever you are writing about in the article especially if the statistic is backed up by some solid research or data behind it. This can often make people feel like they need to read on so they don’t miss out on something important!
Think Like Your Audience
You can’t write a good title if you don’t think like your audience. If your target group is male, then you need to understand what they want, what they need, and so on. The same goes for any other demographic group.
There are several ways to achieve this:
- Study your content as well as the market in general
- Ask yourself questions about the content that would help you understand its value and how it can help someone else
- Talk with people who are part of your target audience
Avoid The “Dud” Trap
Here are some things you should avoid in your headlines:
- The word “best”. This is one of the biggest mistakes I see in headlines. Your title shouldn’t be trying to tell the reader that you have something better than anything else out there. That’s not helpful for them, and it doesn’t make sense for your business model either.
You don’t want people thinking they’re reading a comparison article or review when they click on your ad! Instead, use words like “new” or “unique”, which are more descriptive and less competitive.
- The word “you”. Unless you’re writing a subject line where this makes sense (like “5 Ways You Can Start A Business”), it should never appear in your titles or descriptions at all.
This will instantly turn readers off because it feels like we’re being talked down to by someone who wants us to buy something from them and most readers hate being sold things!
Brainstorm Your Title Ideas With A Headline Analyzer Tool
You can use a headline analyzer tool to help you write better headlines, titles, and content. The best news is that they’re free and easy to use. There are many of them out there so it’s best if you try them all out until you find one that works for you.
Headline analyzer tools are great because they will give you immediate feedback on your headline before it goes live on your website or social media page.
They’ll also show how long the title needs to be (this should be no more than 15 words), what kind of language should go into it (is it action-driven?), as well as how many times people need to see your message before they take action.
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Test Your Headline Before You Publish It
Once you’ve written your headline and have it ready to publish, test it with a headline analyzer tool. Tools like the Headline Optimizer at CoSchedule can help you do this.
This is an important step because not all words are created equal when it comes to getting people interested in what you have to say. For example, if I were writing a blog post about how to make money from your blog, I might test these two headlines:
- How To Make Money From Your Blog
- How To Build A Content-Driven Business That Allows You To Work From Home And Travel The World (And It’s Easier Than You Think!)
Get Feedback From Others On Your Headlines
Once you’ve written your headline, ask a friend or colleague to read it and tell you how he or she feels about the content. That can help you gain some perspective on the effectiveness of your words.
If you want even more feedback, there are some great headline analyzer tools out there that can give you insight into what works and doesn’t in headlines. For example, take a look at CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer it’ll break down your headline by categories like Attention-Grabbing Ability and Emotional Appeal so that you can see where it might need work before sharing it with an audience.
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Final Thoughts
There you go, ways to write compelling headlines and titles. If you follow these tips, you’ll have a much higher chance of creating content that stands out and gets read. And if people are reading your content, they’re more likely to engage with your brand as well.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to help you dive deeper into the art of writing effective headlines and improving your content marketing skills:
Go Back to the Basics: How to Write Great Headlines
Explore fundamental techniques for crafting attention-grabbing headlines that resonate with your audience.
5 Characteristics of High-Converting Headlines
Discover five key attributes that contribute to creating headlines that drive higher conversion rates.
The Power of Powerful Headlines
Learn from marketing guru Neil Patel about the impact of powerful headlines on engaging readers and driving traffic.
People Also Ask
What Is A Headline?
A headline is the first thing your readers will see when they visit your site. It should be written in such a way that it grabs their attention, and makes them want to keep reading.
So What’s The Secret To Writing Good Headlines?
Studies show that readers scan content online before deciding whether or not they want to read it in full. Your headline should be short and sweet, but also tell readers exactly what they can expect from the article below.
How Do I Write A Good Headline?
There are many different kinds of headlines out there these days from clickbait titles to SEO-friendly ones but all of them follow a few basic rules. First, make sure your headline includes keywords related to your content so that search engines can find it easily when people search for those terms later on down the line.
The second most important thing is to make sure you’re using active verbs (like “do”!) instead of passive verbs (like “is”), because active verbs get people excited while passive ones just tell them what’s happening without any input from themselves.
What Is The Secret To Writing Headlines That Engage And Convert?
The first step is to think about what makes a good headline and then reverse engineer it. By asking yourself, “What would make me click on this?” and then answering it, you can create a compelling headline that will get people reading the rest of your content.
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We recently ran an experiment with a client who had an e-commerce site. They were having trouble getting clicks from their product descriptions, so we suggested they try using more action-oriented language like “Shop now” or “Buy now.” This resulted in an increase in sales by 30%!
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A newsletter is more like a traditional email you would get from a company. It’s made up of a bunch of different bite-sized pieces of content that come to you regularly.
A blog is more like an ongoing conversation between the business and its customers. There are no set guidelines for how often it should be updated, and it uses longer, more in-depth content than newsletters.
What Are Some Good Techniques For Writing Headlines?
Headlines should be short and to the point, but also compelling. You want your reader to click on your headline, and then read your article. It’s important to consider what kind of content you’re writing, and what kind of readers you’re targeting with it are they looking for a listicle or an in-depth feature?
Do they want something funny or serious? Are they newbies to your site, or are they regulars who know what they’re getting into when they click on an article from you?
What Makes A Good Title?
A good title will be descriptive of the content that follows it. If someone sees “How To Do XYZ,” and their goal is XYZ, then that’s a good title for them.
On the other hand, if someone sees “How To Do XYZ” and already knows how to do it or doesn’t care about doing it then that might not be such a great fit for them either.
What Is The Best Title Headline To Use?
The best title headline to use is one that engages and converts. You want to make sure that your readers are intrigued enough by the title to click on it, and then you want them to convert once they do click on it.
The more engaging your headline is, the more likely people are going to read on and learn more about what you have to offer.
What Is A Good Title Headline?
A good title headline engages and converts. There are a few different ways to do this, but the most important thing is to make sure your title is relevant to what you’re offering.
How Do I Know If My Title Is Engaging Enough?
You can tell if your title is engaging enough when it makes people want to click on it! You can also check out the bounce rate of your page and see if it’s high or low if it’s high, then your title might not be engaging enough.
How Do I Know If My Title Converts Well?
You can tell whether or not your title converts well by looking at how much traffic the page gets relative to other pages on your website or blog. If it gets more traffic than other pages with similar content, then you’re doing something right!
What Is A Title Headline?
A title headline is the first thing that your reader sees. It’s intended to quickly convey the value of your content and entice them to read more.
How Do I Write A Good Title Headline?
Use actionable words at the beginning of your title, like “how-to” or “the best.” This shows that you’re offering something valuable, and it tells them what they can expect from reading your content.
Then, use descriptive words and phrases that give more detail about what you’re talking about. You can also incorporate a number into your headline to show that you’re giving readers a list of ten things or a hundred things or whatever makes sense for your product or service.
the hat is the best way to write a title?
The best titles are short and sweet. They catch your eye, and they effectively communicate what your content is about. The title should also be eye-catching enough that it will get you to click on it, which means you’ll have a better chance of converting readers into customers if they’re interested in what you’re writing about.
What Should I Do If I Don’t Have An Idea For A Title?
You can always use the same format over and over again: “[topic] Is [something]. Here’s Why…” or “[topic] Sucks. Here’s Why…” or “[topic] Will Never Work. Here’s Why…”
These are called “clickbait headlines,” but they work well because people love to be proven wrong or shown how something is wrong with their point of view!
What Are The Best Headlines For My Blog?
The best headlines for your blog are ones that engage and convert. That means you want to create a headline that is enticing enough to get people clicking, but also makes sure that the content of your article is relevant to the point of interest expressed in the headline.
How Do I Write An Engaging Headline?
The best way to write an engaging headline is to start with a question or statement that will get people interested in what you have to say.
For example, “How To Build A Better Title Headlines That Engage And Convert” will be more interesting than just “Title Headlines” because it immediately engages the reader by asking them what they already know about title headlines and then goes on to tell them how they can build better ones.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.