13 Badass Creative Techniques Marketers Use To Create Compelling Content

We all know how important it is to create dynamic content. If you’ve been stumped on how to create the most compelling content this side of the Mississippi, though don’t worry, friend! 

We’ve got 13 amazing tips that will help you generate ideas and get those creative juices flowing faster than you can say “creative juices.” So strap yourself in and get ready, because here are 23 of the best ways to come up with dynamic content:

Developing Compelling Creative
1. Embrace storytelling to captivate your audience.
2. Infuse humor and personality for relatability.
3. Utilize visuals to enhance content engagement.
4. Experiment with different content formats.
5. Incorporate user-generated content for authenticity.
6. Leverage the power of emotions to evoke responses.
7. Craft attention-grabbing headlines and intros.
8. Use data and statistics to support your points.
9. Foster audience interaction through polls and quizzes.
10. Create anticipation with cliffhangers and teasers.
11. Provide actionable takeaways and solutions.
12. Collaborate with influencers for broader reach.
13. Continuously analyze and optimize your content strategy.

1. Have A Brainstorm

Brainstorming is a technique used to generate creative ideas. It’s basically a group activity where everyone throws out their thoughts and then picks through them to see if any are worth pursuing. Brainstorming is especially useful for generating solutions, ideas, or concepts.

For example: If you’re looking for new ways to get people interested in your product, you could ask your team members what kind of content they’d want to see and then create it! The result might be something like an infographic or video explaining how awesome your product is (and why).

Building a strong online presence is crucial for marketers today. Learn how to effectively leverage the power of social media with our guide on using social media for marketing research. Connect, engage, and gain insights from your target audience to enhance your content strategy.

2. Borrow Ideas From The Best

“Learn from the best and you’ll beat them before you start.”  R.L. Stein

The best way to generate new ideas is by looking at what has already worked for other people. Even better, look at what hasn’t worked for everyone else and why they failed so you can avoid those same pitfalls yourself. 

It’s easy to pick up tips on the fly by browsing other marketers’ content or following their social media accounts.

But it will help if you take a more systematic approach with your research as well by putting together a list of your favorite blogs, podcasts, and videos that inspire you. You can also find inspiration in real-life experiences too!

3. Start With The Headline

Headlines are arguably the most important part of your content, and they can also be one of the hardest to get right. When writing headlines, think about how you can make your headline as catchy as possible while still being relevant to what’s being discussed in the rest of your piece. 

Make sure that if someone were reading this article or blog post out loud in their head while skimming through it (and let’s be real: almost everyone does this), they’d understand what they’re reading and enjoy it enough to finish reading.

Use Numbers When Possible But Not Too Many!

Numbers are great because they help people remember information easier than words do they’re easier to remember than “5 ways,” for example, so try using numbers when writing about more than one thing at a time (especially if those things are similar).

Uncover the hidden gems in the world of marketing research tools with our comprehensive list of the top 10 most powerful marketing research tools you haven’t heard of. Enhance your analysis, gather data, and refine your marketing strategies using these innovative tools.

4. Use A Template

Templates are a great way to quickly get ideas flowing. A template serves as a framework and can help you focus on the important parts of your content marketing strategy.

For example, you could use this template: “I need to write an email that will convince my boss to spend more money on our marketing efforts.” Or another one: “I need to write an article about why millennials should buy from us instead of our competitor.” 

Using these templates will help you focus on your big picture goals, which makes it easier for you to stay focused when writing your content.

You can also use templates based on different types of content.

For example, if there’s a specific type of infographic that has worked well for your company in the past (like a particular industry trend), then creating new infographics based on this old one is probably going to be pretty easy!

5. Start With A Formula

If you’re a marketer and want to produce compelling content, then you need to use a formula. A good formula will help you create content quickly and consistently. 

While it may seem counterintuitive to use a formula as an artist, remember that artists also have templates they follow when they paint or sculpt.

A canvas is never the same size every time and colors are rarely mixed in the same proportions each time either, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some structure involved in creating art.

Using formulas helps your brain work faster so that you can stay focused on what matters most: making good art! 

The best thing about formulas is that they’re proven by others (and usually backed up by scientific studies), so you don’t need to worry about wasting time trying out new things or having an idea fail because it wasn’t executed well enough for people’s tastes.

Crafting compelling content is an art, and understanding clickthrough rates is key. Explore our guide on increasing conversion with clickthrough rates to master the techniques that can captivate your audience and drive better engagement.

6. Use An idea-generating Tool

Brainstorming is a great way to generate ideas, but sometimes brainstorming can be hard. You might find yourself blocked or unable to come up with anything good.

If you’re feeling stuck, try using an idea-generating tool! These tools help you generate ideas by asking questions about your current project or problem. (This approach is called “mind mapping.”)

One example of an idea-generating tool is Mindnode, which lets users create mind maps by dragging and dropping nodes onto the canvas. 

To use it, first select any node in your mind map as the starting point for inspiration; then select another node from anywhere else on your canvas or from another part of your data set or even drag and drop text into MindNode if there’s no other visual available. 

And connect it with an arrow pointing toward where you think this new idea might fit about what’s already been created so far…

7. Ask For Help

It’s a good idea to ask your friends, family, and colleagues for help. We’re all busy people, so it can be hard to find the time to help out with a project you’re working on. 

But if you’re able to get their feedback early on in the process, it can save you from wasting time on things that aren’t working well or end up being confusing for your audience.

Ask strangers! If you have an online community that goes beyond just your friends or colleagues (e.g., Facebook groups), try asking there for advice on how best to tackle this problem, or even better yet: 

if anyone has ever done anything like it before they could share their experiences with others who might benefit from reading about them as well!

Social media is also a great place where marketers go hunting for ideas when trying something new, especially on Twitter since users tend not only to want but expect their tweets answered quickly (so long as they don’t make demands). 

If someone asks another question related specifically to what type of content would work best then chances are high someone else will chime in with their thoughts too which could lead to some pretty cool conversations.

In the world of advertising, distinguishing between effective and ineffective strategies is crucial. Learn how to differentiate the two with our insights on distinguishing effective from ineffective advertising. Ensure your marketing efforts are impactful and resonate with your target audience.

8. Ask Questions

Asking questions can be a great way to kickstart your creative process. Questions can help you to find new and interesting ideas, perspectives, and angles.

For example: What if dogs could talk? Would we eat them? Would they become our pets? Or would they still be food products because we only need their fur for coats? This thought experiment led me to write an article about why dogs should be allowed on airplanes. 

The question also led me to write another article titled “What if it were illegal to eat dog meat in America” where I discussed how eating dog meat is more ethical than eating cats or chickens.

Because dogs are less intelligent than cats or chickens (who have no say over being eaten) and because dogs aren’t raised specifically as livestock like other animals who are killed for human consumption (read more here).

9. Tell A Story

Stories are a great way to get your audience to connect with your brand. We, humans, are wired to remember stories, which is why we can recite the plot of Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings as if they were our childhood memories. 

And if you think about it, some of our most memorable experiences are just stories whether it’s a childhood bedtime tale or a family vacation that never gets old.

So why not use this truth about human nature for good? You can tell stories in many different ways: through images and videos on social media, blog posts, articles in your marketing materials, and even during presentations (if you’re brave). 

But one thing holds: Your story has to be authentic and relatable for people to care about it.

10. Make Lists

Lists are the most effective way to get your message across. They’re easy to digest, share and understand. They’re also quick and easy to create and update.

Lists can be a great way of communicating complex ideas in a simple format. Lists are great for creating content that is easily shareable on social media, which is why they’re so popular among marketers today.

If you don’t have any experience with making lists, don’t worry! It’s easier than you think all it takes is some basic planning, writing down the points you want to talk about in order from most important (first) through least important (last), then putting them into bullet points or numbered paragraphs according to their importance level.

11. Do Nothing

It’s not easy to just “do nothing” in the world of content creation. You have deadlines, you have pressure from stakeholders, and there are always more ideas to develop than time to develop them.

But taking a break from your work can be the most productive thing you do for your creative process if you use that time wisely. When I say “Do Nothing” I don’t mean doing nothing:

  • Take a walk or spend some time in nature (or even just outside).
  • Spend some time with family or friends doing something fun or relaxing together.
  • Go watch a movie or read a book if it’s been too long since you last had leisurely downtime like this.
  • Or do absolutely nothing but think about what kind of content would best serve your audience and how best to deliver it (without feeling guilty about wasting time).

12. Write From Your Life Experiences

If you can write about something that’s happened to you, all the better. That way, you’re not just regurgitating information from a book or blog post you’re speaking from personal experience and helping people relate to you on an emotional level. 

Many marketers use their own stories as a starting point for creating content for their audiences because it allows them to create something relatable and engaging at the same time.

13. Use Social Media As A Springboard To Content Ideas

Social media is a great place to get inspiration for your content and find ideas for your audience. 

Many marketers use social media as an outlet for sharing their work, but you can also use it to get ideas for your content or even see what other people are doing with theirs. Here are some ways to do that:

Go through the hashtags of other brands in your industry and see what they’re posting about. If you see something interesting, take notes on how they’re using the hashtag in their posts (remembering not to copy them directly).

Using social media as a way of getting feedback on existing pieces of content that are published online people aren’t shy about telling brands when they don’t like something! 

If there’s any kind of negative feedback, take note of it so that next time around if there’s a similar situation it won’t happen again (hopefully).

Successful marketers understand the importance of solid research. Discover the strategies used by these professionals with our guide on how successful marketers do marketing research. Gain insights into their methodologies and apply their best practices to elevate your own marketing campaigns.


As a creative, you’ve probably heard all of these ideas before. But the thing is, most creatives never actually use them. They just talk about them or read about them over coffee in the morning. 

And that’s because it takes work to think through how to apply these ideas to your content. It’s much easier to do what you always do and hope for different results. But that isn’t going to happen! 

You have to be willing to try new things and fail a few times along the way to eventually find success with this stuff. Hopefully, this list has given you some inspiration for making exciting content that will resonate with your audience.

Further Reading

Rock Content: How to Create Compelling Web Content Short Description: Explore the strategies and techniques to craft engaging web content that captures your audience’s attention and drives conversions.

Sales Loves Marketing: Psychological Tips for Compelling Social Media Content Short Description: Delve into the psychology behind creating social media content that resonates with your audience and encourages meaningful engagement.

LinkedIn Pulse: 8 Steps to Create the Most Compelling Content Short Description: Learn the essential steps to curate content that stands out, engages readers, and leaves a lasting impact on your target audience.


How do I create captivating web content?

Crafting compelling web content involves understanding your audience’s needs, using clear and concise language, incorporating visual elements, and providing valuable information. Focus on user experience and relevance to keep readers engaged.

What psychological tips can enhance my social media content?

Using psychological principles like storytelling, emotions, and social proof can make your social media content more compelling. These techniques tap into human behavior and drive higher engagement and conversions.

How can I make my content stand out on LinkedIn Pulse?

To create the most compelling content on LinkedIn Pulse, start with a strong headline, offer valuable insights, use multimedia elements, and encourage interaction through comments and discussions.

What are some effective steps for creating compelling content?

To create compelling content, begin by understanding your audience, conducting thorough research, developing a unique angle, crafting an engaging narrative, and incorporating visuals to support your message.

How do I ensure my content leaves a lasting impact?

To ensure your content is memorable, focus on delivering value, addressing pain points, using relatable examples, and inviting readers to take action. Utilize storytelling and emotions to create a lasting impression.

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