You’ve been there: you’re with a group of friends and someone says something that makes everyone laugh, but you don’t get it. You might think he or she is just being silly, but what if the joke is actually about something serious?
Or even worse, what if someone is trying to subtly insult you and your group of friends? Wouldn’t that suck?
I mean…I guess not as bad as getting slapped across the face with a hot iron. But still pretty bad! If there were only some way to know for sure what people were thinking and thus avoid all those situations when others try to pull one over on us we’d be so much happier!
Takeaways |
1. Understanding human thoughts can improve communication. |
2. Authenticity can lead to deeper and more meaningful connections. |
3. Books exploring human behavior offer valuable insights. |
4. Discerning truth from lies enhances decision-making. |
5. Accepting not being universally liked fosters self-acceptance. |
Set The Tone For Your Audience
When you’re speaking in front of a group, it’s easy to focus on what you are saying or doing. And while this is important, it can be even more important to set the tone for your audience.
When we say “tone”, we mean how your audience feels about what you are saying and how they react to your presentation. For them to be receptive to what you have to say, they need something good going on in their minds when they start listening.
When setting the tone for an event or presentation many things need consideration:
The environment – Is it going to be hot? Cold? Crowded? A large space like a concert hall may sound great but if people want more personal space then perhaps a smaller venue would be better suited (or not).
Who will attend – Are there certain people who should not be invited because of a conflict of interest? Is everyone expected or do some guests need special treatment because they are VIPs or big donors?
What time is best – It’s important that each speaker knows when their session will begin so that they can prepare accordingly; however, some speakers may want extra time between sessions so they don’t compete with other speakers’ topics.*
Understanding how your brain responds to product prices is crucial for effective marketing. Dive deeper into the topic with our article on What Your Brain Does When You See a Product’s Price, and discover the psychology behind pricing strategies.
Be Enthusiastic
If you want people to like what you are saying, be enthusiastic. If a person is not enthusiastic, he or she will not like other enthusiastic people. People can tell when someone is enthusiastic and they respond positively to it.
This is why enthusiasm is so important in the world of public speaking and presentations; if you don’t have it, no one else will either!
The key factor in engaging an audience is enthusiasm if your energy level doesn’t match that of the audience members, then there won’t be any connection between them and what’s being said on stage.
The Slide Is A Tool, Not The Point
Slides should not be the focus of your presentation. They are a tool for reinforcing your ideas, not replacing them. Slides can be used to help tell a story, but they should never become the focal point.
Your slides should support your points and make them easier to remember, but they shouldn’t take away from what you want to say and teach in the first place.
Stand To The Side Of The Screen
Stand to the side of the screen. The screen is your visual aid, and you should use it as such. If you stand in front of your slides while they’re being shown on the screen, your audience will be looking at you instead of at them.
Use the screen as a visual aid for your slides.
When showing presentations online or in person, make sure that you’re not blocking any important information from view by putting too much text on each slide you must still leave plenty of room for people watching remotely to see what’s going on at all times!
Discovering what people truly desire is key to successful marketing campaigns. Learn more about this by exploring our insights on How to Understand What People Really Want in Your Marketing and unlocking the secrets of consumer motivations.
Tell Stories
The more you can tell stories, the better. Stories are more memorable than statistics and bullet points, and they are even better at persuading people to change their minds or behaviors. They have also been proven to increase both empathy and creativity in listeners.
Studies show that stories help us retain information better than just data or facts alone. In one study, researchers asked participants to memorize a list of words that all had similar meanings (like “boy” and “girl”).
They found those who were told a story about an imaginary boy named Jimmy who could transform into a girl named Jenny remembered the words better than those who didn’t hear the story at all!
Involve The Audience.
When delivering a presentation, it’s good to get the audience involved. One way to do this is by asking them questions.
For example, in my presentations about how people’s brain waves change when they’re excited or stressed, I ask the audience if they’ve ever felt these emotions before.
You can also have your audience participate in activities related to your topic. If you’re giving a presentation on climate change and want your audience members to understand how much carbon dioxide is produced by different activities (such as driving an SUV or riding a bike).
Then have them compare their carbon footprints with other people in the room using paper footprints that you provide (or download here).
Use Visuals
You might be thinking, “How can I do this?” It’s as simple as taking a picture of your product and posting it on social media. You have to be careful though because if you post the same image twice within 24 hours then Facebook will flag that as spam.
If you don’t want to use visuals like pictures and images, then another option would be to create an animated video explaining your product or service.
The best way to use visuals is through storytelling. As humans we learn by hearing stories about other people and their experiences, so why not tell your customers’ stories through visual content?
Charismatic individuals have a unique power to influence and captivate others. Find out what makes them stand out in our article on The Psychology of Charismatic People, and learn how these qualities can be harnessed in marketing strategies.
To learn how to read people, you have to practice. That’s it. If you want to be good at it, then you need to start by practicing in front of a mirror. This is not only an effective way for beginners to get started, but it’s also fun and easy!
Next, try practicing with a friend or colleague who isn’t intimidated by the thought of listening and critiquing your attempts as you “read” them out loud.
(This is commonly known as “cold reading”). Whether their facial expressions are blank or they laugh at some of your guesses on their personality traits and preferences in life this is a perfect practice for when…
Thirdly, if there’s one thing that all successful readers do with consistency: They get up on stage! Find volunteer opportunities where others are willing to listen while being observed by an audience (and sometimes even recorded).
Get used to being under scrutiny so that when the stakes are higher later down the road (like at work), it won’t phase you as much when someone is watching every move from behind one-way glass windows…or worse yet through hidden microphones!
You should also smile. This doesn’t mean you have to be happy it’s okay if you’re nervous!
It just means that a smile will help you feel more approachable, and make people want to listen to what you’re saying. And who knows? Maybe it’ll even make them think better of your presentation.
Smiling can also help relax the muscles in your face and neck, which will make it easier for you to remember the points of your presentation (and avoid those dreaded “uh”s).
In addition, smiling increases the amount of oxygen flowing through your blood vessels by up to 20 percent!
This means that smiling will put more oxygen into your brain cells which is good because they need all the help they can get when trying not to forget what comes next in their presentations (“try not using uhs” doesn’t count).
Ask Questions Throughout The Presentation And Pause For Responses
A great way to get people talking is to ask questions throughout the presentation, and then pause for responses. If you want to be even more specific, check out this list of questions from The Presentation Coach.
Ask the audience if they have a question about something that was just mentioned or that you haven’t covered yet. You can ask them if they agree with something (or disagree). Or you might ask them what else they would like to know about what’s being discussed.
Persuasion is an art backed by neuroscience. For insights into the science of persuasion, delve into How Neuroscience Reveals the Real Secrets to Persuasion to understand how the brain’s mechanisms play a pivotal role in influencing decisions.
Know Your Limits
The most important thing to remember when trying to convey your message is that you have to know the limits of yourself, your audience, and the subject matter.
Know Your Audience: If you’re sharing a message with people who are very different than you, whether they be older or younger, shorter or taller, or even just a tiny bit different in any way at all your message may not resonate as well as it could. So take time to get familiar with them!
Know Your Subject Matter: If this is your first time getting into a particular conversation (and if it isn’t, good for you!), make sure that you do some research before diving in headfirst.
You should know about each side of the argument so that later on down the line if someone asks why they should agree with something specific then there won’t be any hesitation when answering their question.
Because their arguments will already be fresh in mind instead of just knowing some general information that may not apply directly but might still help out somewhat nonetheless depending on how much thought has been put into making it truly relevant enough.
So no mistakes occur later on down the road when discussing topics related closely together such as these two being discussed here now:
What People Think About Each Other vs What They Do With One Another In Real Life Giving Information Out To Someone Who Doesn’t Need It Yet Could Ruin Everything For Them
Mastering the powerful brain tricks that drive human behavior is essential for effective marketing. Our exploration of The Most Powerful Brain Tricks That You Should Know About delves into the psychology behind these tricks and how they can be harnessed for success.
We hope this article has helped you to become a better speaker and presenter. There is no substitute for experience and practice, but the advice in this article should help you gain confidence.
If you can remember that everyone is nervous on stage, then it will be easier to relax! Remember that your audience wants to be there and they want to hear what you have to say so just give them a good time.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to explore related to understanding human thoughts and behavior:
Truth and Lies: What People Are Really Thinking: Delve into the complexities of truth and deception in human interactions.
The Gorgeous Reality of Not Being Well-Liked by Everyone: Embrace the idea that it’s okay not to be universally liked and discover the beauty in authenticity.
I Know What You’re Thinking: Explore insights into understanding others’ thoughts and intentions in this intriguing book.
What is the significance of understanding people’s real thoughts?
Understanding people’s real thoughts allows us to navigate relationships, communication, and decision-making more effectively.
How can embracing the reality of not being well-liked benefit us?
Embracing the reality of not being universally well-liked can lead to greater self-acceptance and authenticity in our interactions.
What insights can be gained from the book “I Know What You’re Thinking”?
“I Know What You’re Thinking” provides insights into deciphering others’ intentions and thought processes, enhancing our interpersonal skills.
How can knowledge of truth and lies impact our interactions?
Understanding the dynamics of truth and lies can help us navigate situations with increased awareness, leading to more informed choices.
Why is it important to acknowledge that not everyone will like us?
Acknowledging that not everyone will like us allows us to prioritize genuine connections and focus on relationships that truly matter.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.