Social media managers are the ones who listen to customer complaints and queries, who know what topics are trending among their audience, and who can stay on top of current events. They understand how important it is for brands to be present in the online world.
And as a result, they’re an essential part of any company’s strategy. In this article we’ll explore why social media has become such an important part of our lives.
From providing news updates on breaking stories like terrorist attacks or natural disasters (think Hurricane Sandy) to helping people connect with friends across different countries (think WhatsApp).
We’ll also look at some ways that companies can use social media effectively without having too much time spent monitoring posts:
Takeaways |
Embrace real-time newsroom tactics for social media management. |
Stay updated with current events to engage audiences effectively. |
Swiftly respond to trending topics to enhance brand relevance. |
Utilize monitoring tools for real-time tracking and analysis. |
Adopt agile strategies to align with the dynamic digital landscape. |
Foster immediate communication with audiences for better engagement. |
Harness the power of real-time information sharing for brand growth. |
1. Be A True Brand Ambassador
Now that we’ve established that social media managers need to be real-time newsrooms, let’s take a look at what this means for your role as a brand ambassador.
As you’re creating content and posting it on your company’s social media channels, make sure you keep in mind that you are representing the brand and are therefore acting as its voice.
It might sound like common sense, but it’s important to remember that each piece of content represents not only your own opinions but also those of the brand itself.
That being said, try not to get too caught up in putting yourself first: Remember that everything you post online should always support the goals and values of your business or organization.
Why invest in social media? Well, it’s not just about likes and shares. Discover the long-term benefits of a solid social media strategy by exploring our guide on Why You Should Invest in Social Media. Get ahead in the digital age.
2. Be In Control Of Your Social Media Presence
You’re in charge of your social media presence. You know what that means?
You need to be in control of the conversation.
When you’re managing a brand and engaging with customers, you have to know your audience, your brand, and its goals. You also have to know who your competitors are so that you can keep up with them on your newsfeeds.
But above all else, when creating content for social media managers, they must understand their budget and time constraints as well as their resources (people/talent) and strengths/weaknesses (tools).
They should also be aware of any limitations within any projects or campaigns they are working on for brands or clients.
3. Be The First To Know About Any Complaints Or Queries
Being the first to know about any complaints or queries means you’re able to respond appropriately. You’ll also need to be prepared for negative comments, positive comments, and even irrelevant comments that have nothing to do with your company.
You will want to create a system that allows you to track all feedback that comes through social media channels, whether it’s from customers or from those who are just interested in what you have to offer.
This way, if a customer has a question about their purchase but hasn’t heard back from anyone yet after 24 hours then they may lose faith in your brand which isn’t good for business (especially when it comes time for them to make another purchase).
Are you a small business owner? Hiring a social media manager could be your game-changer. Find out why in our detailed article: Why Every Small Business Should Hire a Social Media Manager. Make your online presence count.
4. Ensure You’re Able To Respond In An Appropriate Manner
One of the most important things to keep in mind is that you will need to be able to respond quickly.
You might need to respond within minutes or even seconds, so you’ll want to ensure that your social media manager has a good understanding of how each platform functions and what it’s like when they get busy.
To be able to do this, they must be already familiar with the platform they’re using.
For example, if your company uses Facebook as their main source of marketing and advertising, then it would be wise for them not only to have experience managing Facebook pages but also to have used those pages before on their accounts (if possible).
This way they’ll know what kind of response time is typically expected by users on those platforms; otherwise, there could be issues down the road because they weren’t prepared beforehand
5. Understand The Benefits For Being Present On All Channels Requested By Your Customers
You should also be aware of the benefits of being present on all channels requested by your customers. They may ask you to start a Twitter account, or they could request Facebook and Instagram accounts as well.
If you’re not there, you could lose out on sales because people want to contact your business there too! For example: if people are looking for reviews of a product and there isn’t anywhere else they can find them but on Twitter (because the website was down).
You must have an easy way for those people who want to get in touch with your business! If one thing goes wrong during an event/occasion/celebration then it could lead to someone losing their job!
6. Know Your Customer Base – Who Are They And What Are They Talking About?
The key here is to know what your audience likes and dislikes. You want to know if there are any issues that you may have missed, or if certain topics come up a lot in the conversations happening around your brand.
What’s also important is knowing how much time people spend on social media every day, which can be calculated by looking at their comments or likes/shares of posts on different platforms.
By taking this into account, you’ll get an idea of how much attention people pay to each post on Instagram vs Twitter LinkedIn, etc., allowing you to prioritize those platforms accordingly (and plan accordingly).
You should also keep track of what kind of content gets the most engagement with each piece of content so that you can optimize future campaigns based on these insights.
This will help ensure that nothing falls through the cracks while simultaneously creating opportunities for experimentation with new formats like video ads instead of just photos or text-based posts alone!
Creating content that captivates your audience isn’t a mystery. Learn how to craft buzzworthy content with our insights: How to Create Buzzworthy Content on Social Media. Engage and stand out.
7. Become The First Stop For Any News Or Announcements From The Company You Represent
You’ve got to be the first stop for any news or announcements from the company you represent. That means knowing when new products are coming out, how well they’re doing at trade shows, and how many people have signed up for a particular service.
It also means being aware of complaints and queries from customers, plus industry news that might affect your client’s business or even just their customer base.
The more you can stay on top of these things, the better off you’ll be in terms of crafting compelling social media content that resonates with your audience.
8. Know Your Audience And What Topics Are Popular With Them At The Moment
When it comes to social media, knowing your audience is key. You need to know what topics are popular with them at the moment and how they react to things like news stories and breaking news.
Knowing what topics are popular with your audience in different countries is also important because different countries have different cultures, which means that they will react differently when something goes viral on social media.
For example, an article about a celebrity might go viral in America but not in France because there isn’t as much interest in celebrities there as there is over here.
Another example would be if you posted an article about politics or religion and then noticed that the majority of likes came from other countries outside of your own country’s borders (like if you live in America but most likes came from people living overseas).
This could mean that those topics aren’t as relevant for you as others so you shouldn’t post about them; however, if all those likes came from people living within our borders who happen to be interested in political issues then maybe we should still keep posting about them!
Knowing what topics are popular with your audience within different age groups is also important because older generations tend to have different interests than younger ones do.
Just think back on all the TV shows/movies/music etcetera which were popular when we were teens compared with how kids these days consume entertainment media such as video games
Managing a business while avoiding the social media grind is possible. Discover the tactics that worked for us in our post: How I Ran My Business Without Having to Touch Social Media. Maximize your efficiency.
9. Don’t Be Afraid To Share Industry News, Not Just Company-Related News
Even if the company you work for is newsworthy and attracts a lot of attention, you shouldn’t be afraid to share industry-related stories. It’s important to stay topical and relevant to your audience.
But don’t be too topical! If a company releases an amazing product that everyone is talking about, it’s okay to mention that in passing but don’t make it the focus of every single post.
Also, always remember that social media managers should never forget about their skills as writers and journalists.
10. Stay On Top Of Current Trends And If Something Is Picking Up Steam, Jump On It As Soon As Possible!
A social media manager is not only a spokesperson for their brand but also an editor. In the past, newsrooms were made up of journalists who would gather information and then write stories based on what they gathered.
So, to write a good story, it was important to check out all sources and make sure that there wasn’t any bias or misinformation in the article.
Social media managers need this same kind of expertise today: we have to be able to gather information from various sources quickly and efficiently so that we can provide our followers with accurate information as soon as possible.
This means staying on top of current trends and if something is picking up steam, jump on it as soon as possible!
The longer you wait until reporting something new or breaking news about your company/brand/product/service (or even just yourself), the less likely people are going to trust you when they come across one of your posts later down the line…
11. Have A Back-Up Strategy In Place In Case Anything Goes Wrong Online – Even If You Think It Won’t Happen To You!
You may think that you have a good handle on your social media strategy. You’re posting regularly, replying to comments and questions, and engaging with your audience.
However, it is important to remember that anything can happen at any time and when it does, a backup plan is always in order.
You may think that this won’t happen to you but trust me – if something goes wrong online (it could be something as small as an internet outage), then having a backup plan will save the day!
This could be as simple as having a backup plan for your content if something disrupts your ability to post – or even just being able to communicate with people about what’s going on via another channel too
12. Always Be Prepared With Content Ideas So That When Something Big Happens Or Someone Dies Unexpectedly, There’s Content Ready To Go Out Immediately Without Having Any Awkward Silences From Stakeholders Looking At Screens Blankly Thinking What Do We Post Next? This Could Save Anyone’s Job!
Being prepared with content ideas is one of the best things you can do as a social media manager.
It’s not just about having an idea ready to go when something big happens like someone dies unexpectedly, but also having some anticipating what might happen on social media in the future.
For example, if we were managing a brand or company that sells leather jackets, it would be good practice for us to have some content ready in advance that people could share after receiving them.
This could be anything from photos of people wearing their new leather jackets to testimonials about why they love their new leather jacket so much!
If you’re using hashtags on Twitter and Instagram as part of your strategy, it’s always good practice to have some content ideas ready and waiting when users start using certain hashtags more often than others (for example #fallfashion).
Transitioning from freelancing to a structured approach can have its reasons. Read more about it in Why I No Longer Accept Freelance Social Media Work. Embrace new opportunities.
In conclusion, there’s no doubt that social media marketing is an essential part of a company’s current marketing mix. As more and more businesses turn to social media for their business, the social media manager will continue to be a vital role in any organization.
The real-time newsroom has been a critical asset in many organizations’ PR strategies over the past few years, but now it’s time for it to be used more frequently on social channels as well.
The future of the newsroom lies with social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn because they provide real-time engagement opportunities.
Social media managers should take advantage of this by creating robust content calendars that allow them to create engaging content without having to spend
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to delve deeper into the world of social media management:
Top Reasons Why You Need a Social Media Manager Short Description: Uncover the key reasons why enlisting a social media manager can transform your online presence and business strategy.
The Role of a Social Media Manager Short Description: Learn about the crucial responsibilities and impact that a skilled social media manager can have on your brand’s success.
Revolutionizing Real-Time Information with Social Media Short Description: Explore how social media is changing the game in disseminating real-time information through innovative approaches.
Have questions about social media management? Here are some common queries answered:
How does hiring a social media manager benefit businesses?
Hiring a social media manager can significantly enhance your online presence by ensuring consistent branding, engaging content, and effective community management.
What skills are essential for a successful social media manager?
A successful social media manager should possess skills in content creation, data analysis, community engagement, and staying updated with the latest trends in digital marketing.
How does social media contribute to real-time information sharing?
Social media enables real-time information sharing by providing a platform for instant updates, live streaming, and trending topics, fostering immediate communication with audiences.
What strategies can social media managers use to stay on top of real-time trends?
Social media managers can utilize tools for real-time monitoring, engage in active listening, leverage hashtags, and collaborate with content creators to tap into trending topics.
How has real-time information transformed marketing and customer interaction?
Real-time information has revolutionized marketing by allowing businesses to respond promptly to customer inquiries, adapt to changing trends, and personalize interactions, thus enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.