Authorship, if you’re not familiar, is a way to connect your content (on your website or on other sites that syndicate your blog posts) with the Google+ profile you use for business.
Authorship helps Google understand who you are and what you know about – and it highlights author names in search results.
This improves click-through rates by giving every result some personality, sure – but it also helps Google understand which results are relevant for certain searches.
Think about how your behavior has changed with the rise of social media: we trust what people we know say more than what brands say – and that’s where authorship comes in.
Key Takeaways |
1. Google Authorship was once an influential concept in the SEO landscape. |
2. Google Authorship aimed to link content with authors, improving content credibility. |
3. The impact of Google Authorship on search results has evolved over time. |
4. Author information displayed in search results enhanced click-through rates. |
5. While Google Authorship is no longer directly supported, author authority remains important. |
What’s Authorship?
What is Google Authorship?
Google Authorship is a unique way to show your work on the Web. It lets people know that you’re the author of a particular article, blog post, or website.
When you sign in to your Google+ account and add a photo of yourself to your profile picture, it becomes associated with any content that’s published online under your name (or pseudonym).
For example: If I write an article about basketball for my website and associate it with my Google+ account, then add my photo as the “author,” then anyone who shares that page could see that I’m the one who wrote it because these things will be linked together.
As long as they have access to both platforms that is if they use either Facebook or Twitter they’ll be able to find this information quickly when looking up whatever topic interests them most!
What are some benefits of Authorship?
Google Authorship was once a powerful tool for content creators. However, times have changed, and it’s important to adapt. Learn more about the changes in Google Authorship and discover how you can stay relevant in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
Why Should You Care?
Authorship is a way to brand yourself. When Google sees that your content was written by you, they will link your name to the article and display it in the search results.
This can help establish you as an authority on a topic, which will lead people who are looking for someone like you to find you and follow what you have to say.
Google Authorship also helps build trust with readers because it shows them that a writer is authentic just like it does when someone follows someone else on Twitter or Facebook (or maybe Pinterest).
As search engines continue evolving their algorithms, many believe that trust signals from social media sites like Twitter and Facebook will play an increasingly important role in how Google ranks its pages.
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How Does It Work?
Google Authorship is a way to establish your expertise in search engine results. If you are an author and have a Google+ profile, then it’s easy for those who view your content to see that you’re a real person and not just another anonymous blogger.
This can help establish trust between readers and authors, as well as improve their perception of the quality of your content.
Google will display the author’s picture and name in the search results when someone searches for them specifically, as well as displaying their name alongside any links they’ve created on Google+ or other sites (such as social media accounts).
In this way, authorship helps establish authority over topics by showing users exactly who wrote which articles on specific topics and it makes finding relevant blog posts easier than ever before!
What Should You Do?
If you’re looking to get in on the Google Authorship game, there are some best practices to follow. The first is using the Google+ Name Format and a professional profile photo.
This will ensure that any time someone shares your content on their Google+ page, they’ll be able to tag it with your name and photo.
You should also make sure that Googlebot (and other crawlers) can see all of your content by making sure that any links on our website lead directly back to an HTML version of our article in question so as not to hinder crawling or indexing speed.
If possible, try not writing for other brands or companies (other than linking out). You want to be unique when writing for yourself and not just regurgitate something else someone else has already said better than you could ever do yourself anyway!
Also don’t write anything private – like emails or text messages – because those aren’t meant for public consumption unless explicitly stated otherwise (I’m looking at YOU AIM).
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Authorship, Linked In & SEO
Authorship is one way to brand yourself and establish your expertise in search engine results. It can help you build your brand by connecting it with social media accounts and other websites that are related to your industry.
For example, if you are an interior designer and want to become a subject matter expert (SME) on Google Authorship.
Then you need to create content on other sites like Facebook or Twitter where people follow you so that they will see what type of content you share online through their search engine query results when they look up keywords related to interior design.
Getting Started
The first thing you need to do is create a Google+ profile. If you already have a Google+ profile, great! You can skip this step. Next, create a website or blog and add the Google+ badge to it (just click on the “Add Social Profile” button in your dashboard).
Then add it to your email signature, business cards, and anywhere else that would be relevant for someone interested in learning more about you as an author.
Name Matters – Use The Google+ Name Format
If you are going to use Google Authorship, ensure that your name is presented in the same format as it appears on your Google+ profile. This means that if you are using your first and last name on Google+, then this is what should appear in the name field of every post.
It is important to remember that some users might not be aware of this requirement and could have their content removed from search results if they do not follow it.
In addition to following this standard, some additional formatting tips can help make sure your authorship information appears properly when embedded into other websites or syndicated content:
- Use all lowercase letters for names (i.e., author-name instead of Author Name).
- Include full middle names if present but omit titles such as ‘Dr.’ or ‘Rev.’
- Include nicknames (if used by people close to you)
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Don’t Change Your Name – Ever
The most important thing to remember when using Google Authorship is to keep your name consistent. You should never change your name to something that is not professional, unique, or consistent with your brand.
If you have a common name like John Smith and work at a company such as John’s Computers, then adding “John from John’s Computers” might be appropriate if it helps users find the correct article faster than search results would.
However, if you are Jane Doe who works for Jane Doe Yoga Studio, then don’t add “Jane from Jane Yoga.”
Use Your Real Name – As long as it’s professional and unique!
Avoid Images In Names, Pseudonyms, And Nicknames
When creating a Google+ profile, avoid using images in the following places:
Your name. This is likely to confuse users and will result in your profile being deleted by Google employees, who have been known to do that on occasion.
Your pseudonym (e.g., pen name). It’s also confusing! And again, it might lead to the removal of your account by Google employees.
Your nickname (e.g., online handle). The same applies here as well; if this is confusing at all for anyone who sees it in search results, you risk having your author page removed from Google+.
Use A Professional Profile Photo In G+
Use a professional profile photo. This will ensure that your image appears in Google Search results, but it will also make you look more credible to potential clients.
Choose a photo that’s clear and well-lit. Don’t use blurry pictures or ones where you are hiding behind something or crouching down since this can be distracting in the search results.
Don’t use small images. For example, if your head is cut off at the top of an image, then viewers may not see what kind of hairstyle/style you have or how tall you might be which could potentially deter them from considering hiring you as their photographer (or whatever service).
Make sure that all visible parts of your face are included when picking out photos for this reason!
Don’t use large images either; they’ll take up too much space on mobile devices which might cause some users pain when scrolling down through different search engine results pages (SERPs).
Make Sure Googlebot Can See The Content On Your Site
First, make sure that Googlebot can see your content. If the content is not accessible, it will be difficult for Googlebot to index and crawl your website.
Second, make sure that your site is indexed. If a page isn’t indexed, then it won’t show up in search results. This is why we recommend using an organic SEO audit tool as part of our “SEO Audit & Analysis” service (see below).
Third and finally, make sure that any pages relevant to your product or service are cached at https://www2sig-vancouver-bc-ca/.
While this isn’t always possible (especially if you don’t control DNS), it’s still important because it helps improve load times across the board since there’s no need for each browser request to go back out onto the web just so they can download something faster than usual!
Crafting compelling content that’s also optimized for search engines is an art. Enhance your writing skills while boosting your website’s visibility with our Top 15 Tips for SEO Copywriting. Discover how to strike the perfect balance between engaging your audience and satisfying search engine algorithms.
Be Unique – Don’t Syndicate Your Content Elsewhere On The Web
Since Google Authorship is still a relatively new concept in search, it’s important to build your credibility as an author and publisher of quality content. This can be done by linking back to your website in the author bio section of each post and keeping those links active.
Marty Weintraub, the founder of Marketing Pilgrim, has written extensively on how authorship works and what you should do about it: “One thing we’ve learned from being part of the early adopters for this new feature is that there are some unexpected benefits.
You’ll see more traffic from Google searches because they’re now showing authors’ bios when people search for their names.
By staying consistent with your brand voice through all social media channels (not just Twitter), using the same images across platforms, and putting out great content regularly over time – especially when you have Google Authorship active – you’ll see results!
Don’t Write On Private Sites Or For Other Brands Or Companies
Google Authorship is designed to help you gain authority and trust, but it can also be used against you. It’s not a good idea to write for other brands or companies, because that could hurt your site’s brand.
You don’t want Google to think that your content isn’t your own. Here are some examples of what we mean:
Don’t write for another brand or company even if they’re paying you! Even though this sounds obvious, many companies encourage their employees to create content on behalf of their employer’s brand.
But these types of efforts often backfire in the end because they can damage the reputation of both parties involved (the writer and the company).
Also, avoid working with other people who have their brands/companies – this includes family members, friends who run small businesses, etc., unless they give permission first (and even then it might not be wise).
If someone else wants control over what gets published on their account then let them set one up themselves instead!
Google Authorship Is One Way To Brand Yourself And Establish Your Expertise In The Search Engine Results
Google Authorship is one way to brand yourself and establish your expertise in search engine results. It’s a way to build your online reputation. It’s a way to build your brand.
And it can be used as a strategy for building your brand presence across social networks, blogs, and websites that you own or contribute to on an ongoing basis.
The end goal of Authorship is really to help you establish your online presence and make your content stand out in search. By using Google’s tool, you can ensure that people will be able to find and connect with you when searching for content related to what you’re an expert on.
Additionally, because it allows Google to better understand who users are interacting with online – and who they trust – the system helps the company improve its algorithm for ranking websites
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources for further understanding and exploring the topic of Google Authorship:
Understanding Google Authorship: Delve into the concept of Google Authorship and how it has evolved over time.
Exploring Google Authorship and Its Impact: Learn more about the significance of Google Authorship and its implications for content creators and SEO.
Demystifying Google Authorship: A Comprehensive Guide: Gain insights into the workings of Google Authorship and its relevance in the digital landscape.
What is the purpose of Google Authorship?
Google Authorship aims to connect content with its respective authors, establishing credibility and improving search results’ quality.
Is Google Authorship still relevant in SEO?
Google Authorship’s direct influence on search results may have diminished, but the principles of author credibility and quality content remain important.
How does Google Authorship work?
Google Authorship uses author markup to link content with its author’s Google+ profile, showcasing author information in search results.
Can Google Authorship help improve click-through rates?
Yes, Google Authorship can enhance click-through rates by adding an author’s profile picture and name to search results, making them more appealing to users.
Are there any SEO benefits to using Google Authorship?
While the direct SEO impact has decreased, Google Authorship can still contribute indirectly by building author authority and driving higher-quality traffic.
What happened to Google Authorship?
Google officially ended support for Google Authorship in 2014 due to low adoption rates and changes in search result displays.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.