What Freelance Life Is Like Now That I Have A Career Instead Of Just A Job

Freelancing is a big step for many people, but it’s also one that can be incredibly rewarding. My name is Constantine, and I’ve been freelancing full-time for over two years now. Here’s what freelance life looks like from where I’m sitting:

When You SHOULD Work For Free – YouTube
Freelancing can be a fulfilling and viable career choice, not just a temporary job.
Embrace the opportunities for growth and self-improvement that freelancing offers.
Building a diverse skill set can lead to more exciting and rewarding job opportunities.
Freelancers should adapt to the changing landscape of the freelance industry.
Balancing work and personal life is essential for long-term success as a freelancer.

Work On Something You Feel Passionate About

It’s important to work on something that you’re passionate about. The reason is simple: if you’re not passionate about it, your work won’t be good enough, and clients will notice the difference.

If you don’t know what your passion is yet, or if it keeps shifting around, that’s OK! It’s normal to go through phases where our interests change over time and we discover new things that excite us. Don’t worry as long as you keep an open mind and try new things from time to time, eventually, the right thing for your career will come along (and then some).

Freelancing isn’t just a whimsical endeavor for unicorns; it can be a legitimate and rewarding career path. Discover how freelancing is more than a hustle in our article on why freelancing isn’t just for unicorns, and explore the opportunities it holds for your professional growth.

Switch To Projects That Align With Your Values Over Time

As you begin to play a bigger role in the future of your work, it’s important to develop a long-term vision for what success looks like. This can be challenging, but it’s not impossible!

If you’re feeling stuck, take some time to think about how you want your career to evolve. What does success look like for you? How does that differ from what it looked like when you first started working as a freelancer?

Once you’ve got an idea of where things are headed, start taking steps towards achieving those goals. It doesn’t matter if they seem big or small think about any step forward as progress toward the larger picture. You might decide that it’s time to switch projects or clients or even skillsets if doing so will help get closer to this vision!

Start With A Long-Term Vision And Take Steps To Get Closer To It

Once you know what your career goals are, it’s time to get started on the path toward them.

  • Start with a long-term vision and take steps to get closer to it
  • Work on something you feel passionate about
  • Switch to projects that align with your values over time

If there’s no overlap between what you like doing and what pays well, balance out these two things by working on side projects or freelancing part-time to increase how much money comes in at the end of each month until they’re equalized (or vice versa).

Alternatively, if one thing is more important than another then work towards finding a way where these two things can complement each other like maybe doing freelance work after hours so that doing whatever else gets done during regular office hours doesn’t take up too much energy?

This approach will allow both sides of life work/career vs personal life to progress at their rates without needing help from anyone else!

Set Aside Time For Your Career Growth

It’s important to keep learning, even if you’ve been at the same job for a long time. You’ll want to make sure that your skills are up-to-date, especially if there’s a skill that all of the companies in your industry are looking for.

If any new trends or technologies could help with what you do, make sure that you learn about them and check out tutorials/blogs about them on YouTube as well as read articles on Medium so that way when people ask questions about those things during meetings or interviews, then they will know how knowledgeable you are about them!

Also, try networking with other people in your field! I have been able to network with other freelancers who have taught me valuable lessons such as: “Always take feedback seriously.” If someone has something negative to say about one of my projects.

Then I always try not to be defensive around him because he might see something within my work that needs improvement which could lead him to tell another client who hires me but doesn’t care too much about detail as this person did.

As a freelance writer, having diverse expertise can open doors to exciting job opportunities. Learn how to leverage your skills effectively in our guide on how freelance writers with diverse expertise can get the best jobs and take your freelancing career to new heights.

Find A Mentor Who Can Give You The Feedback And Advice You Need

If you’re in your 20s or 30s, finding a mentor might seem like a daunting task. But if you can find someone who is more experienced than you and trustworthy enough to give you honest feedback, they will be a huge asset in your career. Don’t be afraid to ask people for help most people have an interest in helping others succeed because it makes them feel good about themselves and the work they do.

In addition to having someone willing to guide me through the process of freelancing and building my brand, my main goal was to find someone who would take me under their wing. I wanted someone who could give me advice on how to properly handle clients, manage finances and even negotiate contracts with other freelancers!

Get The Help You Need From Other Talented People Around You

As a freelancer, you’re not always going to have the same support system that you would have if you worked for an employer. However, there are still ways to get help from others in your field.

Whether it’s a partner or an intern or a friend who is also working on their projects, don’t be afraid of asking for help when you need it. If someone has asked me for advice before and I know I can give them something useful because I’ve done what they’re doing before or had similar experiences with the same problems, then I’m happy to share my knowledge with them!

Keep Learning New Skills In Your Industry That Will Keep You On Top Of Your Game

In a world where the “gig economy” is becoming more and more prevalent, it’s important to stay current with the latest skill sets in your industry.

You can do this by learning a new skill every month, every week, or even every day. There are so many tools out there to help you learn fast like Lynda and Codecademy – that it’s extremely easy for you to stay on top of your game and not get left behind.

Stay On Top Of Industry Trends And Developments

The best way to stay on top of industry trends and developments is to keep an eye on what’s happening in your industry. This can be as simple as reading industry publications, listening to podcasts, attending industry events, and talking to people in your field.

It’s important not only for understanding how things work but also for finding new ideas and innovations that could help you do even better work. Additionally, it will help you identify opportunities like new challenges or clients who need your services.

Freelancing has undergone significant transformations in the past decade, shaping the way we work today. Curious about the changes? Delve into our article on how freelancing has changed in the past 10 years to understand the evolution of the freelance landscape.

Make Sure Your Work Is As Good As Possible By Getting Feedback And Making Improvements When Needed

The quality of your work is extremely important. You want to be sure that the client is happy with what they’re getting, and that they understand what they’re paying for. If there are any issues with the project, this is a good time to address them before moving on.

If you don’t have a relationship with your clients yet, this can be pretty tricky. You can ask for feedback if it has been 2 weeks since you last talked about their project and ask if there are any things they aren’t happy with or missing from their project (such as an action plan).

Freelancing is not just a solitary pursuit; it’s transforming the very nature of work and how we collaborate. Dive into the insights on how freelancing is changing the way we work to understand the future of work and the role freelancers play in it.

Communicate With Your Clients In A Professional Way That Respects Their Time

More often than not, freelancers are hired because the client is not available at the same time as us or has so much work on their plate that they need to hire someone else for help. Because of this, we need to be clear about what we can do and how quickly we can deliver it.

The best way to do this is through email it’s the most efficient means of communication between parties who aren’t physically together at the same time (and it’s easy to search). When communicating with clients via email, several things will help set your emails apart from those sent by other freelancers:

  • Be respectful of your client’s time and energy by making sure all questions are answered before sending an email; don’t assume they know anything about what you’re working on unless explicitly stated otherwise (and don’t ask them!).

  • Be clear about everything related to how you work with them this includes timelines for projects and any specific requests or concerns for each project/assignment/etc., including whether or not there will be additional costs associated with said requests or concerns (if so, let them know upfront).

If there won’t be any additional costs involved but something still needs attention from them during a long-term project (e.g., proofreading), include this information in an introductory letter before starting work on anything substantive

Embrace the spirit of the new generation of freelancers, known as Freelance Gen. Want to know who they are and how they are reshaping the industry? Our post on Freelance Gen: The New Generation of Freelancers sheds light on their impact and the trends they are driving.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I’m very happy with my new life as a freelance writer. It has allowed me the time to focus on my professional development and other personal interests while also giving me lots of flexibility in terms of where I work and when.

Of course, there are some downsides as well: working from home means that I’m always tempted by distractions like TV shows or video games instead of getting down to business (and sometimes these temptations win out). Still, overall it is a great way for me to stay connected with my creative side without having an office job.

Set goals for yourself at different stages in your freelance career, so you have something concrete to aim towards

Takeaway: There are many upsides and downsides to being a freelancer. You can make more money if you’re good at what you do, but this job also requires self-motivation which may not be easy for everyone

Further Reading

The Benefits of Freelancing: Explore the advantages of freelancing, including flexibility, diverse projects, and the potential for higher earnings.

Why Freelancing is a Smarter Option Than Traditional Employment Today: Discover why many professionals are choosing freelancing over traditional employment, and the benefits it offers in the current job market.

Freelance vs. Full-Time: How to Decide Which is Best for You: Learn about the factors to consider when choosing between freelancing and full-time employment, and find the best fit for your career goals.

People Also Ask

How Do I Get Paid?

You’ll get paid through Paypal, which will be set up for you when you start working. You can also request a check if you want to receive payment by mail, but we recommend using Paypal because it’s easier to transfer money back and forth between accounts and it’s less expensive for us.

How Do I Find Clients?

A lot of people start by looking for jobs on job boards, but if you don’t have previous experience, it can be hard to get work this way. Instead, look at local meetups or events where you can meet potential clients face-to-face. People are more likely to hire someone who knows them personally than an anonymous job applicant.

How Do I Know When I’m Ready To Quit My Day Job?

That depends on how much time and effort you want to put into freelancing before deciding whether it’s worth it for you or not. If you’re willing to invest some money in learning about freelancing and marketing yourself online (like through courses or podcasts), then that’s a good sign that you’re serious about making this work out for yourself.

How Do You Know When It’s Time To Stop Freelancing?

The key is to make sure you’re ready to transition into your new career, and that the timing is right for both your business and yourself. If you’re tired of working for yourself, or if you find yourself feeling bored or undervalued by clients, then it might be time to look for something more permanent.

But if you feel like there’s still a lot of life left in your business, then keep at it! In any case, I think it’s important to give yourself time for a smooth transition before making any big decisions about leaving freelancing behind.

How Do I Know If My Clients Are Good People?

This is a tough one because there are so many factors involved in determining whether or not a client will be good for your business. For example, some clients may have less money but more time than others; some might be better at paying on time than others; some might have great feedback but terrible payment history. 

What Will My Schedule Look Like?

It depends on what kind of work you’re doing. If you do content writing, it’ll probably be more flexible than copywriting because there isn’t as much pressure on deadlines.

If you’re working freelance as a consultant or an agency owner, then your schedule will be fairly set in stone but it’ll also be more consistent and stable than working for an employer because you’ll have more control over when you get paid and how much money you make per hour/week/month.

What Is The Difference Between A Career And A Job?

A job is a temporary position that you perform for one or more employers. A career is an ongoing series of positions related to a specific field. If you have a career, you will have many jobs throughout your life.

Is It Better To Have A Career Or Just A Job?

It depends on what kind of person you are. Some people like being able to take on different projects and learn new things all the time, so they’d probably prefer having a career instead of just having one job. Other people like having stability and consistency in their lives, so they might be happier with just having one job that’s stable and consistent.

What Should I Do If I Want To Have Both?

If you want to try having both at once, then here are some tips:

  • Make sure your boss knows that you have other interests outside of work so that he or she won’t think negatively of you when they see your LinkedIn profile.
  • Ask your boss if he or she thinks it would be okay if you took on some freelance gigs while still working at the company (or vice versa).
  • Make sure your freelancing gigs don’t interfere with your work hours or responsibilities at the company!

What Do You Mean By “Free-Lance”?

I mean that I work for myself. I don’t have a boss, and I don’t answer to anyone but myself. I can pick my hours and decide what tasks are important for me to take on, and which ones aren’t worth my time. It’s a great way to balance the need for flexibility with the desire for an organized schedule.

What Are The Pros Of Being A Freelance Worker?

The biggest pro is the freedom it gives you: no bosses or managers hovering over your shoulder monitoring everything you do. You set your own goals and make your schedule, which means if you want to take a day off or go on vacation, there’s no one stopping you (as long as you get your work done!).

What Are The Cons Of Being A Freelance Worker?

The biggest con is also one of its biggest pros: freedom comes at a cost you’re responsible for making sure nothing falls through the cracks when it comes to communication between clients and yourself. This means that if something isn’t working out with an assignment or client relationship, it’s entirely up to you.

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