Why Freelancing Isn’t Just For Unicorns

Being a freelancer isn’t just for artists, writers, and other people who can work alone. It’s also a great way to build up skills and experience while working on your terms. If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a freelancer, here are some of the best reasons why it’s the right move for you:

freelancing is NOT for everyone. ask yourself these questions
1. Diverse Opportunities: Freelancing offers a wide range of opportunities for professionals with various skill sets, not just limited to rare talents.
2. Sustainable Career Choice: Freelancing can be a viable and sustainable career option for individuals seeking independence and flexibility in their work.
3. Building a Supportive Community: Embracing freelancing allows individuals to connect with like-minded professionals and build a strong support system.
4. Adapting to Market Changes: Freelancers must continuously adapt to the ever-changing market demands to remain competitive and relevant.
5. Balancing Passion and Profitability: Finding a balance between pursuing passion projects and financially rewarding opportunities is essential for freelance success.

You Don’t Have To Pay For Your Commute

Imagine this: you wake up, get ready for work and head out the door. You drive to the gym where you take a yoga class before heading to work. You arrive at your office, park your car, and stroll in wearing your workout clothes and a smile on your face it’s going to be a great day.

These numbers represent only part of what goes into commuting costs; think about all those days when one gets caught in traffic due to weather or construction issues or even just vehicle malfunctions like overheating engines which may require roadside assistance services costing even more money on top.

And let’s not forget about how detrimental it can potentially be to one’s health as well as their overall enjoyment while doing so…

The freelancing landscape is constantly evolving, and it’s essential to adapt to the changes. Discover how the rise of the new generation of freelancers is reshaping the freelance market and unlocking new opportunities.

Freelancers Work In Different Ways

When you’re working for yourself, you don’t have to be chained to an office from 9-5. You can set your hours and work from anywhere.

For some people, this means working from home or in a coffee shop. For others, it means working on their laptops and phones while commuting.

It’s not just about where you are; it’s also about how much time you want to spend at the computer (or phone). Some freelancers only work for 3 hours each day; others strive for 5 or 6 full days of productive output per week.

You Can Balance Working And Caring For Kids

Freelancing is a great way for stay-at-home moms or dads to balance their responsibilities with their careers. Because freelancing is flexible and can be done wherever you have access to the internet, it’s easy to take time off when your child needs you.

You may be able to work part-time, which could give you more time than full-time employees who need an entire day devoted solely to childcare. If they are in school, many kids are busy during the morning hours and then have plenty of free time after 3 pm. Your schedule might look something like this:

  • 10am – 2pm (work)
  • 2pm – 5pm (kid activities)

Freelancing Is A Great Way To Learn New Skills

Freelancing is a great way to learn new skills. There are many ways that you can learn new skills while freelancing, and I’ve found that the best way for me has been to do it on the job. 

When I’m working with clients, I often find myself having to perform tasks that are outside of my comfort zone. Instead of getting frustrated or anxious about this, I welcome these opportunities because they allow me to stretch myself and grow as a designer.

If you want to take more control over how and when you learn new things, then consider taking some time off from your freelance work every few months or so where you have some dedicated time set aside exclusively for self-directed learning projects.

You could choose any topic as long as it’s related in some way back down into design (e.g., if working on building sites or even just planning out construction schedules).

In a competitive market, standing out as a freelance writer requires leveraging your diverse expertise. Learn valuable tips and strategies for landing the most rewarding gigs in the industry by exploring how freelance writers with diverse expertise can get the best jobs.

Freelancing Gives You The Freedom To Take Vacations

There’s nothing like the feeling of freedom you get when you can take a vacation whenever you want. If you’re not committed to a company, then there’s no need to worry about getting permission from your boss you can just go!

And if you’re working from home or have flexible hours, it can be even easier. When my husband and I were first married we took an epic road trip that took us across Canada and back through Alaska.

We only stopped at hotels long enough to sleep (we made sure each hotel had a kitchenette so we could save money) and ate in our car as much as possible so as not to spend money on meals out (something easy if you’ve got an RV). 

No more paying for expensive airfare or hotel rooms.

Freelancers Can Be Great At Networking

Depending on your line of work, building your clientele can be one of the most difficult parts of starting a business or freelancing.

It’s not always easy to find new clients, especially if you don’t have any connections in your industry. But it’s worth taking the time to network with other people who may have clients that would be interested in hiring you. 

Here are some ways you can network:

  • Attend events related to what you do and make connections there
  • Join organizations related to your field and meet people there
  • Track down anyone who has referred clients or projects to others

You Can Work As Much Or As Little As You Like

When you’re working for yourself, you can set your schedule. You don’t have to worry about making sure your boss is happy or that there are enough hours in the day to get everything done.

If you need time off and a break from work, then take it. And if something comes up at work and you need to put in extra hours on short notice, no problem you don’t even have to ask permission.

Of course, freelance work doesn’t mean having any structure or deadlines. It’s just that when these things come up they’re yours to decide rather than being handed down by someone else

Freelancers Have More Flexibility Over What They Do At Work

In a traditional job, you’re given a set of tasks to complete and the time frame in which to do it. If you don’t like those tasks, or if the timeframe doesn’t suit your schedule, then tough luck.

You won’t be able to change them because there’s a boss who says so. Freelancers, on the other hand, can choose what they want to work on (or at least have some say in it).

Although this means that freelancers need to constantly keep up their skillsets and expertise in order not only to attract clients but also to stay relevant within their industry, this flexibility can come with some pretty sweet perks. Such as freelancers get more opportunities than office workers

They have more control over what they are going after meaning they don’t have as many restrictions when searching for new jobs as someone who works for someone else. This could lead them down paths where they find something really interesting that wasn’t originally intended but ends up being something they love doing anyway.

The freelance economy is thriving, and it’s time to embrace the changing work landscape. Uncover the secrets to freelancing success and how to navigate this dynamic industry in our guide on why freelancing isn’t going away anytime soon.

It’s Easy To Find Freelance Jobs Online

The good news is that it’s easier than ever to find freelance jobs online. There are countless websites dedicated to connecting freelancers with employers, and they’re usually pretty user-friendly. You can even use your social media accounts like LinkedIn or Twitter to market yourself and your abilities as a freelancer.

You may even be surprised at how much money you could be earning as a freelancer especially if you have experience in more specialized fields like content writing or graphic design.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary for writers who work full time is $50,870; for graphic designers, it’s $55,160; and for editors and reporters, it’s $53,620 (though these numbers vary depending on where you live).

Work At Home, Save Money

Freelancing is a great way to save money on expenses, including:

Commuting costs. You’ll save a lot of gas money, and time spent trying to find parking (or paying for it), and you won’t need to pay for an expensive gym membership that you’re not using.

Office supplies, furniture, and other office costs. When you work from home, there are no office supplies or furniture expenses and if your employer does provide those things for their employees, freelancers tend to get more value out of them by being able to use them 100% of the time instead of only 50%. Plus there are no cleaning fees!

Childcare expenses. If you have kids at home while working full-time as a software engineer in Silicon Valley then there’s no doubt that they’re costing quite a bit each month (even after accounting for any government subsidies).

But when freelancing remotely… [you] can put those savings towards paying off debt or buying yourself some extra time in bed after long days of hard work doing what matters most: raising happy healthy children who will grow up into productive members of society someday soon enough!

Freelancers are breaking traditional molds and transforming the future of work. Discover how their impact is reshaping industries and creating new possibilities by delving into the concept of how freelancers are disrupting the world as we know it.

You Can Build Your Brand As A Freelancer

As a freelancer, you are in control of your destiny. You can work with a variety of clients who value your skills and expertise. And because freelancers don’t have to worry about pesky things like punching time clocks or having their work hours dictated by others, they can choose to work when it’s most convenient for them:

  • On the couch with Netflix
  • At home, while the kids play their games in another room
  • While they’re sipping on their morning coffee

And if taking off all summer sounds good to you?. Well, then there’s nothing stopping you!

Some Of The Best Careers Are Freelance-Friendly

There’s no denying that freelancing has its challenges, but there are also a lot of perks. Here are five reasons why you should consider going freelance:

  • It’s a great way to learn new skills. If you’re trying to build your resume or gain experience in your field, freelancing can be an ideal way to do that.

While working at a traditional job may limit your learning opportunities, as a freelancer, you’re free from the constraints of others’ expectations and structure and the results could be life-changing!

  • Freelancing is flexible enough for parents (or those with other caretaker responsibilities). For parents who need flexibility in their schedules for school drop-offs and pick-ups, doctor appointments, or babysitting after school hours, freelanced work can fit into their lives much better than traditional office jobs do. 

This doesn’t mean that all freelance positions are kid-friendly but many are! Just make sure that any potential employer understands what kind of schedule might work best before accepting an offer so they can find someone else if they need someone who works nights/weekends etcetera instead.”

Entering the world of freelancing can be both exciting and overwhelming. Get a clear understanding of the essentials and the step-by-step process of how freelancing actually works by exploring what you need to get started.

Final Thoughts

Freelancing is a great way to get started in your career. There are many benefits to being a freelancer, and it’s not just for unicorns. You can work as much or as little as you like, and the freedom to control your schedule is one of the best parts of being a freelancer. 

Freelancing can be more flexible than working for someone else, so if you’re not sure about committing to an employer yet, this could be the perfect option for you.

Further Reading

5 Lessons I Learned as a Freelancer: Gain insights from a freelancer’s personal experiences and the valuable lessons they’ve learned throughout their journey in the freelance world.

Chasing Unicorns: The Reality of Freelancing: Explore the challenges and rewards of freelancing as the article delves into the realities and myths surrounding this dynamic career path.

8 Reasons Freelance Developers Are Bad for Your Business: Understand the potential downsides of hiring freelance developers for your business and learn about alternative solutions for your project needs.

People  Also Ask

What Is Freelancing?

Freelancing is a way of making money without being tied down to a company or organization. You can work from anywhere, and you have the freedom to choose what projects you take on. 

This can be appealing if you’re looking for more control over your career path, but it also means that it might take longer to earn enough money to support yourself.

What Do You Need To Become A Freelancer?

The truth is, becoming a freelancer isn’t just for unicorns. It’s something anyone can do if they’re willing to put in the work and make it happen. But if you’re struggling with some of the steps along the way, we’ve got some answers for you here!

How Do I Get Clients?

There are tons of ways to find clients it all depends on what kind of work you want to do and how much time you’re willing to spend hustling. Here are some places you can start looking:

  • Your network (friends, family members, coworkers)
  • Social media (Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups)
  • Craigslist
  • Freelancing sites like Upwork

How Do I Become A Freelancer?

It’s not easy, but it can be done! Here are a few tips:

  • Start small. Make sure you’re ready for a career as a freelancer before you jump in. Don’t try to take on too much work at first; just do what you can handle comfortably and build from there.
  • Find a niche that suits your skills and interests. Are you good at math? Then maybe you should start looking into financial or accounting consulting gigs. Do you like working with people? Maybe try something in marketing or sales.
  • Network. The best way to get clients is by building relationships with other freelancers who have clients and asking them if they know of any openings for new talent.

What Are The Benefits Of Working Freelance?

Working as a freelancer has many benefits, but here are just a few:

  • You can set your hours. If you want to work in the morning or at night, or even mid-afternoon, you can do that!
  • You can choose how much work you want. Are you only able to take on one project at a time? That’s okay. Do as much or as little work as you want. It’s up to you.
  • You have more freedom over what projects you take on and when. When it comes time for a new project, can I take it? Absolutely. The choice is yours alone.

What Is The Difference Between Freelancing And Working At A Traditional Job?

When you work for a traditional company, you have a boss who tells you what to do. When you freelance, you’re your boss and make all of the decisions from what you’ll work on to how much money to charge for it.

Isn’t Freelancing Just For People With Lots Of Free Time?

Not at all! You can do freelance work while still working full-time at a traditional job. And if your primary job has anything to do with writing, design, or web development (or any other field where the hours are flexible), then those skills can help you get started as a freelancer quickly and easily.

What If I’m Afraid Of Being Alone All Day? 

Freelancers often work from home so they can set their hours and spend more time with friends and family members who live nearby. Plus, most freelancers are introverts who find it easier to focus on their work when they’re not surrounded by other people who might distract them from getting things done.

What Kinds Of Projects Can I Do As A Freelancer?

You can do almost anything! There are so many different types of freelance work out there, and it’s really up to you to decide what kind of work you want to do.

You could write articles, create marketing materials, code websites or apps, consult on new products… the list goes on and on. The best way to find out what you like doing is by trying different things.

Will I Need Any Skills Before I Start Freelancing?

Not necessarily! If your goal is to make money from home, then all you need is a laptop (or desktop computer) and an internet connection.

Some people have more specialized skills that they bring into their freelance careers, for example, if you’re looking for graphic design work, it would be helpful for you to know how to use Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator but those aren’t required for most freelance jobs.

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