Freelance Gen: The New Generation Of Freelancers

Freelance work is on the rise. As the economy continues to change, more and more people are choosing freelance for their careers. They’re doing it for multiple reasons they enjoy the diversity of projects, they value flexibility, or they love being their bosses. 

According to a study conducted by Upwork and Freelancers Union, there’s been a 3% increase in full-time freelancers between 2014 and 2019, and one out of three Americans has done some kind of freelance work in the past year. 

The numbers are only growing in fact, experts say that half of our workforce will be freelance within a decade. So who are these freelancers? And how will this change how business is done? Let’s take a look at what we’ve learned about this freelance generation:

Best Lead Generation Strategies To Get Clients As A Freelancer
1. The emergence of a new generation of freelancers is reshaping the workforce and the way we work.
2. Generation Z is playing a crucial role in driving the growth of freelancing with their unique perspectives and tech-savvy mindset.
3. Freelancing offers a viable and attractive career option, providing flexibility, autonomy, and diverse opportunities for Gen Z.
4. The digital revolution has significantly impacted the freelance workforce, creating opportunities for remote and project-based work.
5. Freelancing is not just a trend but a transformative force that is changing the future of work and the global economy.

The Freelance Industry Is Booming, And It’s Only Getting Bigger

As the freelance industry grows, more and more people are becoming interested in working as a freelancer. The possibility of making extra income on your own time, at your own pace and from wherever you want has become more appealing than ever before. 

Many people are starting to see freelance work as a viable career option and we’re not just talking about the older generations here: younger folks are also interested in this kind of lifestyle too!

The reason for this is simple: Freelance work offers something unique that other types of jobs don’t necessarily have: freedom. 

It’s not only possible but probable that you’ll be able to work when it suits you best (including nights and weekends), which means being able to set your schedule and enjoy life outside of work without feeling like you need to sacrifice anything to make it happen. 

And while this type of flexibility may not be available everywhere or every day, there’s no denying that being able to take advantage when it comes along can help make freelancing feel even better than it already does!

Embracing the digital revolution, the new generation of freelancers is reshaping the workforce landscape. Discover how freelancing is influencing the future of work and what opportunities it brings for both businesses and individuals. Dive into the impact of this transformative trend by exploring our insightful article on How Freelancing Is Changing the Digital Workforce.

Who Are These Freelancers?

The freelance economy is more than just a new trend. It’s an evolution of the workforce. Freelancers are actively shaping how we work, and they are changing the way companies hire and manage employees.

Freelancers are part of a growing generation that has different priorities than previous generations. 

Millennials value meaningful work over money, job security, or working for a large organization. 

They also want flexible hours and the freedom to choose where they live which can make them less likely to commit to traditional employment agreements like long-term contracts or relocation requirements.

This isn’t just happening in America: millennials worldwide are driving this shift in global culture towards working independently and reshaping it as well!

The impact of freelancing reaches far beyond individual careers; it is reshaping the global economy and the future of work itself. From revolutionizing the job market to empowering diverse talents, freelancing is a force of transformation. Gain insights into this monumental shift by delving into our thought-provoking piece on How Freelancing Is Changing the World.

Millennials Want Work-Life Balance

Another great way to attract millennial employees is to offer work-life balance. This doesn’t mean that you should let employees come and go as they please.

But it does mean that they should be able to maintain a normal working schedule while still taking care of themselves and their families.

Flexible hours: Millennials want the freedom to pick up their kids from school, meet friends for lunch, or even take an extra hour off during the day if they miss a meeting because of traffic. 

They want flexibility in their work schedule so that they can focus on other responsibilities outside of work as well.

Workplace culture: Today’s companies are more diverse than ever before, and millennials want to belong somewhere where everyone has mutual respect’s cultures and backgrounds. 

A workplace that offers diversity training will encourage younger employees (such as millennials) who may feel like outsiders at other companies because of their race or religion or simply because different generations don’t communicate well with each other

Generation Z is redefining the rules of the game when it comes to work and career choices. With their unique perspectives and tech-savvy mindset, they are setting new trends in freelancing and entrepreneurship. Get a glimpse of how this innovative generation is shaping the future of freelancing by reading our intriguing piece on Generation Z Is Playing by Their Own Rules.

It’s Hard To Land A Job In Today’s Economy

With the number of freelancers in today’s economy, it’s hard to find a job. This is an issue for many people who are looking for work. The main reason why it’s so difficult to land a job is that there are simply too many freelancers competing for the same positions as you.

The reasons why it’s hard to get a job go beyond just finding one and securing employment; they include:

Remote work is on the rise. The number of remote workers in the United States has doubled since 2005, according to a Gallup report from 2018, and some estimates put that number even higher.

Remote work is a lifestyle choice for many people. Some people decide to go into remote work because of the benefits it can provide them with (like flexible hours or working from home). 

Others choose it because they find traditional offices unpleasant, boring or even depressing. Also, some people are simply more productive when they’re not in a crowded office setting with other people around them all day long!

Technology Is Changing The Way We Work

It’s no longer the case that you have to work in an office, or even in the same city as your employer. 

Nowadays, many of us can work remotely: it’s not just remote workers who benefit from this, but also companies and clients. Technology is now making it easier than ever before for freelancers to find work they love doing and can do from home.

The freelance revolution is altering the traditional concepts of work and employment. Freelancers are embracing flexible schedules, remote opportunities, and project-based collaborations, leading to a paradigm shift in how we approach work. Uncover the transformative journey of freelancing in our in-depth exploration on How Freelancing Is Changing the Way We Work.

Freelance Workers Are On The Rise, And They’re Changing How We Do Business Today

Freelancers are on the rise. The Freelancers Union, an advocacy group for independent workers, estimates that more than 53 million Americans work as freelancers. That’s more than one in three working-age adults! And it’s a trend that shows no signs of slowing down.

Over half of millennials say they expect to be freelancing by 2020. 

And nearly half of all millennial women who graduated from college in 2016 were doing freelance work compared with just 30% of their male peers who had done so at the same point in their careers (and even less for other generations).

Admittedly, these are not huge differences but they show how this new generation is already beginning to change how we do business today and tomorrow.

For businesses seeking a competitive edge in the digital age, partnering with a freelance marketing agency can be a game-changer. From cutting-edge strategies to personalized campaigns, these agencies offer dynamic solutions to elevate your brand. Learn more about the benefits of collaborating with freelance marketing experts in our comprehensive guide, Freelance Marketing Agency: Boost Your Business, Here Is How!.


The freelance industry is changing the way we work, and it’s only getting bigger. As more people seek flexible work arrangements, the more freelancers there will be to fill those gaps. 

So if you’re thinking about making a change in your career, consider making that change into a freelancer! It may be just what you need to find new opportunities and take control of your life again.

Further Reading

Here are some additional articles and studies related to the impact of freelancing on Generation Z:

New Study Finds Gen Z Is Empowering Freelancers More Than Any Other Generation: Explore the findings of a recent study that highlights how Generation Z is shaping and empowering the freelance workforce.

Majority of Gen Z Considers Freelancing to be a Viable Career Option: Discover why a significant number of Generation Z individuals view freelancing as a viable and attractive career path.

Gen Zers and Millennials Are Turning to Freelancing in Greater Numbers Than Ever: Learn how both Generation Z and Millennials are increasingly embracing freelancing as a way to work and thrive in the modern economy.


How does Generation Z contribute to the freelance workforce?

Generation Z actively participates in the freelance workforce by leveraging their tech-savviness and adapting to the changing nature of work.

What makes freelancing appealing to Generation Z?

For Generation Z, freelancing offers flexibility, autonomy, and the opportunity to explore diverse projects that align with their passions.

How does freelancing impact the traditional job market?

The rise of freelancing has led to a shift in the job market, blurring the lines between traditional employment and freelance opportunities.

Is freelancing a sustainable career option for Generation Z?

Yes, freelancing can be a sustainable career option for Generation Z, as it allows them to build a versatile skillset and create multiple income streams.

How is freelancing reshaping the future of work?

Freelancing is redefining the future of work by promoting remote work, project-based collaborations, and a focus on results-driven outcomes rather than fixed working hours.