Ways To Improve Your News Article Writing? (Expert Advice)

Writing is a skill that can be developed. It’s not just about having a knack for words or a way with language, although that helps. 

The most successful writers aren’t always the ones who have the best style or even write in the most interesting way they’re often the ones who know how to tell their stories in ways that work best with their readers’ brains.

How to Write a News Story STUDENTS WATCH ALL! – YouTube
1. Emphasize Strong Headlines: Craft attention-grabbing headlines that entice readers to delve into your news articles.
2. Be Concise and Informative: Use clear and concise language to deliver information effectively and keep readers engaged.
3. Incorporate Relevant Images: Include relevant images to enhance the visual appeal of your news articles and support the content.
4. Fact-Check and Verify Sources: Ensure accuracy by fact-checking information and citing credible sources for increased credibility.
5. Tell a Compelling Story: Engage readers with a compelling narrative structure that presents news in an engaging and relatable manner.


The headline is the most important part of your article. If you don’t have a strong headline, people won’t read any further into your article and they’ll forget about it altogether. 

That’s why it’s important to write a question-based news headline that will get people interested in what you have to say.

You should also make sure that your headlines are clear and concise. Don’t use unnecessary words that don’t add anything to your message or confuse readers as to what they’re supposed to be reading about (i.e., “New York City Woman Gets Arrested For Murdering Husband”). 

You can do this by being specific with the details provided in the rest of the article (“Murder Suspect Found With Blood On Clothes”).

Also, make sure that any headlines written include attention-grabbing language like “Man Found Dead In His Home” rather than something bland like “John Doe Dies In Home.”

Writing blog articles requires creativity and strategy. Follow our expert tips on how to write a blog article to captivate your audience and drive engagement.


Subheads are the most common way to break up your article into sections. They should be short, to the point, and number. 

The subhead should be able to stand alone as a sentence if necessary. It should also introduce what is being talked about in that section of your article; it should not simply repeat what you’ve already written in the main body of the text.

Subheads are usually written in sentence case (capitalizing only the first words), but this can vary depending on style guides and personal preference:

  • The first word only (as above)
  • Initials (e.g., “Chapter 1”) or full name (e.g., “Chapter 1: What Is News Writing?”)

First Paragraph

Your first paragraph is the most important one. It’s the hook that will draw readers into your article and keep them there. You should be able to summarize your entire story in this first line or two, but do it in a way that’s interesting and compelling. 

The goal is to write something that makes people want to read more, not just scroll past it because they don’t think it’s relevant or interesting enough for them.

When writing your first paragraph, make sure you get everything down as concisely as possible you don’t want readers getting bored halfway through because they’re too overwhelmed by information overload! 

For example, if I wanted my article on improving writing skills at home using whatever resources I had available (e.g., videos online), then maybe my intro would sound something like this:

“Improving writing skills at home can be tough without professional guidance from someone who knows what they’re doing.”

Want your blog post to go viral? Learn the tricks to create share-worthy content in our guide on writing a blog post that gets shared thousands of times, and watch your readership soar!


Lead-ins are the first few sentences of an article, and they’re important because they give readers a taste of what’s to come.

To write effective lead-ins:

  • Make them interesting and engaging. Lead-ins should grab your reader’s attention immediately—they should have just enough information to keep people reading, but not so much that it’s overwhelming.
  • Keep them short and focused on one idea at a time. Be concise with your words so readers can get an idea of what they’re getting into before they even click “read more.”
  • Write in a conversational tone that reflects your content (more formal or informal). This will help build trust with your audience


The details you choose to include are very important. This is your chance to make things memorable for the reader, so don’t waste it.

To avoid boring content, keep in mind the following details:

Be specific and provide concrete examples. For example, do not simply say “The customer service was excellent.” 

Instead, describe what you specifically liked about the customer service and how it made you feel better about your decision to purchase from that company (e.g., “The representative was friendly and answered all my questions quickly”).

Make sure your details are relevant to both the topic of your article as well as its point or argument. If possible, use facts and statistics rather than opinion-based arguments (“This product has been proven effective because of these studies” vs “I think this product works well”)

Sources And Quotes

There’s nothing more boring than long passages of text. Quotes are a great way to break up the monotony and make your article more interesting, but they’re also important because they help show the source and where the information was gathered.

Quotes can be used in two ways: as a way to include character (a person) or personality (a company) into your article, or as a way of adding credibility to what you’re saying. 

Either way works fine the most important thing is that you use quotes in moderation. If you’re quoting every sentence or paragraph, readers will quickly become jaded by their abundance and lose interest altogether!

Crafting compelling articles is an art form. Check out the unofficial guide on how to write an article to improve your writing skills and deliver impactful content.

The Tone

The tone of your article is the attitude you take towards your subject. It’s the feeling you want to convey and how you want the reader to feel about your subject.

The tone is also about how you want the reader to feel about what they’re reading, as well as how they perceive you as a writer. In short: it’s important!

Here are some tips for getting started with defining your tone in writing news articles for publication online:

The Voice

A good news article has a distinct voice. It’s the way you write, how you describe people and places, and how you tell your story. 

This can make or break your article in terms of persuading the reader to care about what they’re reading and want to continue reading it and that’s what we’re going for here!

Use active voice instead of passive voice: Active verbs are stronger than passive verbs because they make more sense when used in sentences (e.g., “I wrote this article” versus “This article was written by me”). 

Active voices also create clearer sentences that are easier to read quickly, which is important for online readers since they may not have time for long-winded explanations or detailed descriptions before clicking away from your page altogether!

Avoid jargon: Jargon is the fancy language used by experts only within their field – if someone else doesn’t understand what it means then it’s useless information too! A good rule of thumb is never to use jargon unless necessary; 

Otherwise, always explain yourself plainly so everyone can understand clearly what point is being made without needing an advanced degree first!

Elevate your news writing game with these 15 tips for writing high-quality news articles. Get insights from experts and create news stories that resonate with your audience.

The Angle

The angle of a news article is the focus of the story. It’s what sets it apart from other stories and makes it unique, so it’s important to ask yourself what your angle is before you begin writing.

You can write about a trend, but do you have an interesting story about how that trend affects one person? 

Or maybe you want to write about an event happening in a small town, but don’t know how your readers will react to that because they live in New York City and care very little about local news.

It could also mean looking at something from another perspective or seeing things in a different light; for example: “The United States was founded on principles of freedom and democracy,” which might be true by definition.

But if you say “The United States was founded on principles of freedom and democracy or so says its Declaration of Independence” then suddenly there’s some room for debate or discussion around this topic.

The Perspective

The perspective of a news article is often left up for interpretation, but there are a few standard ways in which it can be interpreted. The perspective can either be third-person (“he” or “she”) or first-person (“I”).

Third-person: “The mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, spoke at City Hall today. He was not impressed with the weather and complained that it was too cold outside. A spokesperson for the city said that Bloomberg plans to move all operations indoors until spring arrives.”

First-person: “I stood on my balcony yesterday morning as sleet poured down from the sky like dirty water from a high window cleaning job gone wrong. 

When I looked at my feet, I saw them covered with mud from trying to walk through slushy streets that had been turned into rivers by melting snowflakes falling from heavy clouds overhead. 

Not exactly what I would call pleasant weather! If only the sun would come out so we could bask in its warmth while drinking hot cocoa instead of being bundled up in sweaters while wishing we were somewhere else entirely…

Structure, Grammar, And Formatting

The first, and most important element of writing a good news article is to choose a strong topic sentence. A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph because it states what you are going to talk about in more than one sentence. 

If you can’t find a strong topic sentence, then your paragraph will be confusing and difficult for readers to follow. The best way to come up with a good topic sentence for your news article is by thinking about what is interesting or important about what you want to write about this article.

A second element that makes up an effective news story is using active verbs instead of passive verbs when describing action within the story (e.g., “John did not take his medicine.” vs “The doctor prescribed John’s medicine”). 

Active voice makes sentences easier to read while also making them sound more professional because they sound less clunky than their passive counterparts do; however, passive voice isn’t always bad it just depends on how well it fits into context with other sentences around it! 

This grammar tip applies only when talking about events happening now (not past ones).

Active Vs. Passive Verbs

Verbs are powerful words. They convey action, tell a story and drive your narrative forward. Verbs can also help you to build suspense, create an emotional connection with your reader and make your writing more direct and engaging.

But there’s more to verbs than just their ability to move the plot forward they can also influence how direct or indirect your news article is. The choice of the verb will determine whether you use active or passive language in your writing.

Wordiness, Adverbs, Cliches, Jargon, And Tautologies

Be aware of over-explaining. Be aware of the tendency to use unnecessary words. Be specific. Use short words and simple sentences instead of big words or long sentences with many clauses that are difficult to understand.

Use active verbs instead of passive verbs (“The dog was bitten by the mailman” rather than “The mailman bit the dog”). Keep your writing clear and concise by using concrete nouns (a dog) rather than abstract nouns (an animal). 

Show readers what you mean by using specific examples from your own experience – anecdotes make for great writing!

Want your news stories to reach millions of readers? Unveil the secrets to success in our guide on writing great news stories that get read by millions. Harness the power of storytelling and captivate the masses.

Technical Terms And Abbreviations

While it’s important to use technical terms and abbreviations in your writing, you should do so sparingly. If you’re writing about a scientific subject or a niche topic that requires the use of technical language, then, by all means, include the appropriate terminology. 

However, if you are writing about something more general like business or entertainment there’s no reason why you need to throw around esoteric words like “antimatter” when “matter” will suffice.

When using technical terms and abbreviations, always make sure they are relevant to the context in which they appear. If readers don’t know what an abbreviation stands for (e.g., “UPS”), then there’s no reason why they should be reading about it! 

Similarly, if readers don’t know what a particular word means (e.g., “parameter”), then there’s no reason why someone would care about reading through your article at all! 

Avoiding this type of situation is easy: just make sure before including any kind of technical term or abbreviation that its meaning is clear from the context alone


Here are the tips I’ve learned from my experience working on articles:

  • Know your audience.
  • Write to them like they’re sitting across the table from you, telling their story in real-time.
  • Get to know them before you sit down to write so that your writing reflects their voice and style as much as possible (this is called “characterization”). 

This can be done by reading their blog posts or even just getting a sense of what kinds of things they like discussing via social media interactions with them.

It’s important not only that your audience feels represented but also that others who read the article will agree with what they see being said here because it feels authentic.

Further Reading

Captivating News Articles: Discover techniques to create news articles that captivate readers and leave a lasting impression.

Improving Writing Skills: Enhance your writing skills with actionable tips and strategies to create compelling content.

Practices and Tips for Good Article Writing: Learn best practices and useful tips for crafting high-quality articles that engage your audience.


What are the essential elements of captivating news articles?

Captivating news articles require a strong headline, relevant and factual information, and a compelling storytelling approach to engage readers effectively.

How can I improve my overall writing skills?

Improving writing skills involves consistent practice, seeking feedback, reading extensively, and studying the work of accomplished writers.

How can I make my articles more engaging and informative?

To make your articles more engaging and informative, use visuals, break up text with subheadings, incorporate relevant examples, and maintain a clear and concise writing style.

What are the common mistakes to avoid in article writing?

Some common mistakes in article writing include poor grammar and spelling errors, lack of proper research, excessive use of jargon, and a disorganized structure.

How can I maintain consistency in my writing style?

To maintain consistency in your writing style, establish a tone that aligns with your brand or topic, use a consistent voice throughout, and adhere to a specific formatting style.