The Simple Secret Of Good Writing

Good writing, as you probably know, is defined by a variety of factors. Sentences should be well-structured and clear, and grammar and spelling should be perfect. 

Above all else, though, good writing is original and this is the most important consideration for any piece of content. But how do you appeal to readers’ desire for something fresh and new?

3 Great Writing Tips No One Ever Talks About – YouTube
Key Takeaways
1. Effective writing involves clear communication and emotional resonance with the audience.
2. Understand your readers’ needs and tailor your message accordingly.
3. Simplicity and clarity are essential for conveying your message effectively.
4. Engage readers through relatable anecdotes and stories.
5. Crafting a strong hook and addressing pain points can capture and maintain readers’ attention.

Make A Point

The most common problem in writing is that your reader doesn’t know what you’re talking about. If they don’t know what you want them to do or think, then how can they possibly be expected to do it? This can happen because of the way we talk. 

We often use words without thinking about their meaning, so sometimes what we write may not say what we mean at all.

When people write emails (or any kind of business document), they often focus on being clear rather than making a point: “This is my email,” “I’m sending this email,” “Here’s an email for you,” etc., instead of saying something like, “Here’s an update on our progress.” 

Writing something like that might seem obvious or unnecessary even boring but it makes it easier for readers to understand what’s going on when they look back at the message later and need some context before continuing reading.

Mastering the art of storytelling is just one of the 10 Things That Will Make You a Better Writer. From crafting compelling characters to honing your editing skills, this guide covers essential techniques to elevate your writing game.

Use Action Words

Your writing will be far more interesting if you use action words.

Action words are powerful and concrete, while passive words are weak and vague. If a sentence uses a lot of active verbs, it will be concise and powerful; if a sentence is mostly passive verbs, it will be long-winded and dull.

Active: “`Passive:

The man hit the ball with his bat. The ball was hit by the man with his bat.

The woman touched my shoulder gently as I stood there frozen in fear right next to her on the dance floor at our high school prom when she realized that I needed help getting away from a creepy guy who wouldn’t leave me alone all night long even though.

I kept telling him no thank you very much but he just wouldn’t listen so finally she came over from across the room where she had been talking with some friends after having seen how uncomfortable this guy made me feel when he asked her if anyone else wanted

Say It In Plain English

The ultimate goal of writing is to be understood by other people, right? So it makes sense that the best way to write well is to say what you mean in plain English.

If you’re reading this blog post, chances are you already know that using simple words and avoiding jargon, slang, abbreviations and technical terms helps make your writing more readable. But there are also other ways you can make sure your writing is clear:

  • Avoid words that are hard to spell or pronounce (e.g., “irregardless”).
  • Avoid words that have multiple meanings (e.g., “it’s”) when there’s another option with only one meaning (e.g., “its”).
  • Avoid overused words like “and” and “the.”

Becoming a better writer takes dedication and practice. Explore these time-tested ways to improve your writing skills, from embracing feedback to cultivating a consistent writing routine.

Take Your Time

When you write, what’s the number one thing you need? Time.

That’s the right time. Time to think and time to write. Nothing is going to happen if you rush through your writing, not even if you spend an hour doing it! 

If it takes one minute or five minutes or twenty minutes, that’s fine as long as it gets done by the end of the day or week or month. 

Some can only spend two minutes a day on their writing, but they still manage to get work done across a full year! 

You can do this too; just take your time and give yourself enough space away from distractions so that when you come back later on in life there will always be fresh ideas waiting for you with new perspectives that could change everything about what has been done before now…

Be Flexible

Being flexible is important. You need to be prepared to change your approach or even make big changes if it means getting the best result. 

You can’t just write what you want to write and then publish it without worrying about how people will react because there are going to be things in there that don’t work. 

If you write something and then realize that it doesn’t work, or that you simply don’t like it as much as another part of the book, then feel free to change it!

You should also be prepared for readers who aren’t always going to agree with everything you say yourself – especially when you’re writing about controversial topics like politics or religion (or both). 

People have different views on these things so some might react negatively towards certain points made in whatever piece of writing they read from one particular author; 

However, if someone has an opinion which differs from yours then this shouldn’t necessarily stop them from enjoying your piece either!

Leave Out The Details

There’s a lot of talk about things like active voice, perfect tenses, and so on. But the best way to write well is to just leave out all the details.

This means not saying how the man had a beard if you don’t want him to have one, or what color his eyes were if you want him to have one brown and one blue. Don’t describe his shirt or his shoes unless they are relevant to your story (see below). 

If you do this, then everything else will fall into place – but only if you write in the present tense (unless it is first person), the imperative mood (second person), or third person subjective or objective mode (third person).

Unlock the power of reading to enhance your writing prowess. Discover how diving into the world of fiction can significantly impact your writing journey. Explore more in How Reading Fiction Will Make You a Better Writer.

Choose Short Words Over Long Ones

It’s not always easy to know if you’re using the right words in your writing. But there is one simple rule that can help you: use short words instead of long ones.

Why? Because they are easier to read, understand, remember and pronounce. That makes them better for all types of communication – whether it’s writing a novel or an email to your boss.

Short words also make your sentences more concise. They leave less room for confusion and misunderstanding compared with longer alternatives (e.g., I could’ve done something vs I could have done something).

Avoid Clichés

Avoid clichés.

This is a writing tip that should be obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t heed it. Clichés are words and phrases that have been overused in writing or even spoken language. For example: “The sun rose over the horizon.” 

This is a good sentence as far as it goes, but “sunrise” has become such a common word that it’s almost meaningless to your reader or listener now it no longer carries any image of what happens when the sun rises on its own accord! 

It’s time to take a cue from poets like Shakespeare who didn’t feel the need to continually use overused phrases like this one; they knew what they meant without having to describe them every time they appeared in his works…and so should we all when speaking or writing today!

Consistency is key on the path to becoming a better writer. Discover a range of writing habits that can enhance your skills and elevate your work to the next level.

Know What You’re Trying To Say And Say It Clearly

It sounds simple, but it’s not. Good writing consists of so many components that it can feel overwhelming at times. But one of the most important things to remember is: to know your audience, know the purpose of your piece, and know what you want to say (and why). 

Then think about how best to say it in plain English! This will help you avoid jargon and make your writing more accessible to readers who aren’t familiar with all the terms used in academia or industry.

The Easiest Way Out Is Always The Best Way In

The easiest way out is always the best way in.

This is a simple phrase that can help you avoid many pitfalls in life and writing. It’s also something I used to hear a lot from my parents growing up.

But it didn’t sink in until I started writing professionally and was faced with countless challenges daily challenges that seemed impossible to overcome at first glance.

The best way to get out of a hole is to stop digging.

The best way to solve a problem is not by making it worse before finding solutions (but sometimes even after). The same goes for writing: if there’s something wrong with your piece (a plot hole or character weakness), fix it first before moving forward.

Dream of turning your passion for writing into a thriving career? Learn from the experience of someone who successfully paved their way. Read about How I Wrote My Way into a Six-Figure Copywriting Business for invaluable insights.


So there you have it. You now know the simple secret of good writing: write like a human being! Sure, it might take some practice but all worth doing. After all, what’s the point of writing if no one can understand you? 

And remember this: the same qualities that make for great writing are also qualities that will make you a better communicator and more effective leader. So if your goal is to improve yourself, remember these tips and start putting them into practice today!

Further Reading

The Simple Secret of Good Writing: Explore an insightful article that dives into the fundamental secret of effective writing.

5 Secrets of Good Writing: Uncover five valuable secrets that can elevate your writing skills and help you communicate more effectively.

20 Secrets of Good Writing: Delve into a comprehensive list of twenty writing secrets to enhance your writing abilities and engage your readers.


What is the simple secret behind good writing?

The essence of good writing lies in clear communication and resonating with your audience’s emotions. Understand your readers’ needs and deliver your message effectively.

How can I improve my writing skills?

Improving your writing skills involves consistent practice, seeking feedback, and studying the work of accomplished writers to learn from their techniques.

What are some key elements of effective writing?

Effective writing includes a strong structure, engaging content, proper grammar and punctuation, and a clear flow of ideas to convey your message succinctly.

How do I capture readers’ attention in my writing?

Creating a compelling hook, telling engaging stories, and addressing readers’ pain points are effective ways to capture and maintain your audience’s attention.

How can I make my writing more relatable?

Make your writing relatable by using personal anecdotes, addressing common experiences, and incorporating emotions that resonate with your readers’ own experiences.