The best writers are the ones who keep on writing. They’re the ones who write every day, start earlier before deadlines, and read the thoughts of other great writers.
If you want to be a writer, you have to write regularly (or at least try to). And if you want to be a good writer, here are some habits you should consider:
Takeaways |
1. Establish a consistent writing routine. |
2. Set clear and achievable writing goals. |
3. Prioritize self-care to enhance creativity. |
4. Embrace failure as a stepping stone to growth. |
5. Read widely to expand your writing perspectives. |
6. Seek feedback and learn from constructive criticism. |
7. Practice writing exercises to hone your skills. |
8. Experiment with different writing styles and genres. |
9. Keep a writing journal to track your progress. |
10. Engage with writing communities for support. |
11. Edit and revise your work diligently. |
12. Stay open to continuous learning and improvement. |
1. Write Every Day
You know what happens if you stop writing for a few weeks or months? You start to lose your touch. The muscles in your fingers get soft and weak, and it becomes difficult to write with confidence or precision.
If you want to become a better writer, you need to practice writing every day. Write continuously for at least 15 minutes each day. This small amount of time is enough to keep your skills sharp while also providing the motivation necessary to keep going when inspiration isn’t flowing freely.
Start off by writing something short a sentence or two and work up from there as you feel more comfortable with the process again!
Developing effective writing habits is crucial for any aspiring writer. Discover how to cultivate these habits and enhance your writing skills with our guide on 10 Things That Will Make You a Better Writer.
2. Set Aside A Protected Time And Space
Find a time and place that works for you. For some, this might mean setting aside a few hours each morning before they start their day. Others may want to take advantage of the early evening that comes after work, when they can focus without distraction on their writing.
Still others will find that sitting outside at lunch is best for them and if so, great! Just make sure it’s not too windy or hot out there!
Whatever your preferred schedule is, make sure it’s realistic and sustainable. If writing in the middle of the night makes sense for your lifestyle but leaves little time for sleep, then don’t expect yourself to stick with this habit for more than a couple days at most.
Instead set aside dedicated time during daylight hours when you’re likely already awake anyway (for example: 6am).
3. Use A Notebook
There are a lot of reasons why you should start using a notebook. Here are just a few:
Use it to jot down ideas. If you’re not sure what your next project is going to be, and you’re feeling stuck, use a notebook to write down all of the cool things that might be interesting for you to write about in future.
You can even make lists of topics or themes that interest you and then sort them into different categories (e.g., “Love,” “Family,” “Death”). Then pick one category at random and start writing something!
Write down your thoughts on paper when they come into your mind rather than typing them onto a screen somewhere it’ll prevent them from getting lost in an inbox or chat window which could easily get ignored anyway!
Plus there are less distractions when writing physically so that means more focus on actually putting words together instead of constantly checking Twitter updates every minute (which shouldn’t be done anyway).
Keep all kinds of important documents with yourself at all times by storing them inside this book so nothing gets lost or forgotten about;
This includes stuff like receipts for purchases made online during holiday shopping season last year which could still have relevance today because some stores offer discounts during sales promotions this time around too!
Becoming a better writer requires time-tested strategies that have proven to be effective. Explore our article on Time-Tested Ways to Become a Better Writer to learn valuable insights for honing your craft.
4. Read A Lot
Reading is one of the best ways to learn how to write. In fact, it’s the only way you can truly improve your writing skills. When you read, you get inspired by other writers and their styles. You also expand your vocabulary and become a better writer in general.
Reading teaches us about different styles of writing, which allows us to develop our own style as well. Reading allows us to understand what works for others and why and then apply it ourselves!
But reading isn’t just beneficial for other writers it’s also beneficial for YOU! It helps you stay up-to-date on trends (so that they’re not ahead of you) but also keeps them from being behind or obsolete when it comes time for publication or submission purposes…
So make sure that no matter how busy life gets (or how much school assignments pile up), make sure there’s still some room left over each day where someone reads something new.”
5. Read Your Work Aloud To Yourself
It’s not just for actors! When you read aloud, it forces your brain to slow down and consider every word. It also helps you hear how the words sound as opposed to seeing them on the page.
You can even have someone else read your work aloud so they can hear what’s working and what needs improvement.
Or, record yourself reading (or interview someone) and listen back over the recording while making notes in real time about where things fall flat or sound awkward or unclear.
6. Finish What You Start
Before you start writing, take a few minutes to think about what your story is actually about. What are its themes? What kind of characters are in it? How does it end?
If you don’t have a clear idea of what the plot should be or don’t know where the story will go, then there’s no point in even trying to write anything. It’s like starting an expedition without knowing where you’re going!
You might wander around for hours and not find anything good to write about at all and then what happens?
Just because something isn’t perfect doesn’t mean that it’s not worth doing or finishing! If people were only willing to make perfect things then we wouldn’t have any books at all because nobody would ever finish writing them.
Perfectionism can hinder your writing progress. Embrace the philosophy of writing more and worrying less about perfection. Find out how this approach can lead to improved writing skills.
7. Kill Your Darlings
This is advice that every writer hears, but few heed. It sounds like an impossible task: how can you kill something you love? The answer is that it’s not easy, but it’s essential to the process of writing a good story.
You need to be able to look at your work with a critical eye and know when something doesn’t belong—whether it’s a word, sentence, paragraph or scene and have the courage to cut it out if necessary.
In order for this advice to be effective though, there are two things you need: perspective and time. Writing a novel takes time; there are no short cuts around this fact (otherwise we wouldn’t still be reading Pride & Prejudice).
So while killing our darlings might seem like a painful process now, having them torn out of us early on will likely save us from having even more painful surgery later in our career as an author!
8. Show, Don’t Tell
That’s right. Your writing doesn’t need to be boring! Show, don’t tell is a technique you can use in your writing to make it more engaging and dynamic. It’s also more direct, concise and active. Let’s break down each of these qualities separately:
Showing will help you keep your reader engaged because they’ll be able to visualize what’s happening in the story as they read it. This means no more telling them the characters are sad and instead showing how they’re sad through their actions or expressions.
The directness of showing will prevent you from wasting time on unnecessary details (such as describing every single thing that happens) when all readers really want is for something interesting/important/interesting-in-a-different-way happens next.
For example: “John ate breakfast with his family” vs “John shoveled spoonfuls of cereal into his mouth while his mom told him about her day at work.”
Concisely using showing allows us to write less yet still give readers enough information so they know what’s going on throughout our piece without having too much detail get in the way of understanding what we want them to know!
For example: “There were two people talking loudly over one another” vs “There were two men arguing over who was right about something very important.”
Writing effectively often involves adhering to certain rules and guidelines. Discover the 12 rules for better copy that not only enhance your writing but also contribute to your growth as a writer.
9. Avoid The Passive Voice
The passive voice is a way of writing that hides the actor. When it’s used, the subject of a sentence does not perform an action directly; instead, it is acted upon by another agent (that is, someone or something else).
For example, if you were to say “The book was read by me,” I would know that you were reading the book but not who did so. You could also say “I read the book,” and this time we’d see who was reading: You!
It’s important to note that many different types of sentences can use either active or passive voice it all depends on how important you want your reader to be aware of who did what in them.
If your goal is only to communicate information as effectively and efficiently as possible while avoiding overwhelming.
Or confusing your audience with unnecessary details (which might distract from what really matters), then using passive voice might help achieve this goal better than using active voice would.
But if conveying important details about an action is more important than just getting across its general idea for readers (or listeners), then using active voice will probably serve them better than using passive voice would.
10. Avoid Clichés
The first step in becoming a better writer? Avoiding clichés.
Clichés are words or phrases that have become trite or overused. They’re not only boring, but also inaccurate.
Because they’ve been used so often that they no longer accurately reflect the thing they describe kind of like how saying “That’s what I’m talking about!” doesn’t mean anything anymore.
Learning to avoid clichés in your writing is one of the easiest ways to improve your writing. Simply by being aware of them, you’ll be able to weed them out before they can find their way into your work!
If you feel like a cliché has slipped into your writing accidentally, take another look at it and try switching up some words for something more original (and less clichéd).
11. Beware Of Adverbs And Adjectives
There are many adverbs and adjectives that you can often do without. Adverbs often have a way of making your writing feel clunky.
So if you’re not sure whether or not you need an adverb, try removing it and seeing how your sentence reads. If it feels better without it, then leave the adverb out!
Adverbs are often used to add emphasis or to describe a reaction: “That movie was amazing!” or “I am happily eating my sandwich.”
These types of modified phrases can usually be rephrased in more natural ways like by using active verbs: “That movie was so good!” or “I’m enjoying my sandwich.”
Adverbs can also be used to modify verbs: “He ran slowly” or “She spoke quietly.” Instead of using an adjective there, why not use action words instead? For example: “He strolled slowly down the street” instead of just running slowly.
At the heart of good writing lies a simple secret that can transform your work. Explore our insights into the simple secret of good writing and uncover the key to creating compelling and impactful content.
12. Know Your Characters’ Voices
A major part of being a good writer is knowing your characters. You need to know how they speak, how they think, how they feel, and what they react to.
You need to know what their opinions are on other characters in the story and even on the world around them. If you want your writing to be believable, then it’s important that you know all these things about each of your characters.
If you’re struggling with this task or if you’re just looking for some inspiration then check out some example stories from other writers!
We often forget that writing is a skill, something that gets easier and more effective with training. But, as with any other form of learning, it requires practice.
You need to write just as much or even more than you read, because the act of writing will help you master the craft and develop your own style.
So I encourage you to start doing these things now and not just one or two of them but all 17! After all, practice makes perfect :).
Further Reading
Writing Habits: A Guide to Becoming a Better Writer Short Description: Explore essential writing habits and practices that can help you enhance your writing skills and productivity.
25 Habits That Will Make You a Writer Short Description: Discover a comprehensive list of habits that can inspire and empower you to become a more proficient writer.
7 Habits Every Writer Should Practice Short Description: Learn about key habits that writers should adopt to improve their craft, from organization to consistent practice.
What are some effective writing habits for improving my skills?
Developing a consistent writing routine, setting achievable goals, and seeking regular feedback from peers are some effective habits to enhance your writing skills.
How can I build productive writing habits over time?
Start with small, manageable goals, create a dedicated writing space, and maintain a journal to track your progress and maintain consistency.
What habits can help me overcome writer’s block?
Practicing freewriting, taking short breaks to refresh your mind, and exploring new environments can help combat writer’s block and stimulate creativity.
Are there habits that successful writers commonly follow?
Successful writers often prioritize reading, engage in regular writing exercises, and maintain a curious and open mindset to continuously improve their craft.
How can I integrate writing habits into a busy lifestyle?
Utilize time management techniques, break your writing tasks into smaller chunks, and find pockets of time throughout your day to incorporate writing habits effectively.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.