Do you ever feel like you’ve just run out of things to write about? Are you stuck in a creative rut, with no clue how to get out of it? If the answer is “yes,” then welcome! You’re in the right place. I know a thing or two about writer’s block because I’ve been there before.
It’s miserable, and once it hits, it can stop your writing dead in its tracks. But as someone who’s successfully overcome my bouts of writer’s block multiple times.
I’m happy to announce that there are some reliable strategies you can use to finally beat your creatively debilitating condition once and for all.
Takeaways |
Embrace the mindset that writer’s block is temporary. |
Experiment with different writing prompts and exercises. |
Seek inspiration from various sources, such as books or nature. |
Establish a consistent writing routine with breaks. |
Don’t aim for perfection; focus on getting ideas on paper. |
Share your struggles with fellow writers for support. |
Step away from your work and engage in other activities. |
Use mind mapping or outlining to organize your ideas. |
Find a writing environment that enhances your creativity. |
Remember that overcoming writer’s block is achievable. |
Read A Book
Reading, like writing, is an act of imagination and resourcefulness. Reading can help you feel less alone in the world because there are so many of us reading and writing out there.
Reading has been shown to improve your vocabulary, which will make it easier for you to express yourself in writing.
Reading helps you understand other people’s views on things and how they write about them and sometimes this understanding may come from another writer’s perspective on how something should be done!
Discovering new techniques and practices is essential for any writer’s growth. If you’re looking to improve your writing skills, explore these 10 Things That Will Make You a Better Writer and incorporate them into your creative process.
Work With An Editor
An editor is someone who can see your writing in its entirety, can help you realize what’s good, and can give you constructive criticism on ways to make it better.
The right editor will be a great asset for you when it comes time to publish your work or send it out into the world they’ll be able to point out errors or inconsistencies that might not jump out at you as they read through your manuscript.
In addition, an editor will give feedback on things like pacing and structure that is outside of your writer’s mindset (and therefore difficult if not impossible for them).
I’ve worked with many editors over the years – both freelance and in-house – but I must admit that this was only after having spent many years trying my hand at self-editing my manuscripts before realizing that it was just easier (and less frustrating) working with someone else.
When I began working with some of these professionals back in 2013, one thing became clear: writers are often too close to their own words for them to accurately assess them without some distance from those words first being obtained by a third-party reader/editor such as themselves!
For example: “I know this doesn’t make sense…” said while reading over one’s handiwork during revision sessions should become something along these lines:
“This doesn’t make sense!” said while reading over another person’s work during revision sessions…
Write About Anything
The best way to get the juices flowing is by writing about anything that interests you. It could be a favorite subject, an area of study or interest that you don’t know much about, something that bores you, or an exciting topic that has piqued your curiosity. The possibilities are endless!
The important thing is to start writing and see where it takes you. You may find yourself learning more about yourself as a writer during this process and maybe even discover some new things about who you are as a person along the way!
Turning your writing passion into a successful career is a remarkable achievement. Learn from the journey of someone who paved the way with their words in How I Wrote My Way Into a Six-Figure Copywriting Business and let it inspire your own path.
Ask Questions
To get your creative juices flowing again, it’s important to ask yourself questions.
In a journal or notebook, write down anything that comes to mind in the form of a question. Ask yourself questions about your characters, their lives, and the world around them. Ask yourself questions about what you want to write about and why. Questions are good!
They help us break through barriers and come up with new ways of thinking about things we didn’t consider before.
Asking questions is an excellent way of getting out of writer’s block because they will help you think more creatively when sitting down at your desk or laptop screen later on in the day or week (or month).
Spend Time Alone
You should spend time alone. It’s something that many writers have had to learn the hard way, but it’s important to practice spending time alone with yourself to get out of your head and foster creativity.
If you don’t already have some sort of regular schedule where you can do this, start by setting aside one day a week where you’ll be able to dedicate at least 4-5 hours alone without distraction or interruption.
This can be either on the weekend or during your lunch break at work (if possible).
If it helps, try making plans for what activities will fill up this period each week whether that’s going for walks around your neighborhood or taking care of errands like grocery shopping or laundry.
But then make sure not to deviate from them! Make sure nothing comes up in those four hours that could potentially distract you from the task at hand: being productive and creative!
If working out is not an option for getting through writer’s block due to health reasons etc., I’d recommend just making sure there are no distractions around when it comes time for writing.
Turn off any radios/tv sets nearby & even disconnect internet access if necessary so there isn’t anything else pulling attention away from writing down ideas as soon as they come into mind (which could happen often if left unchecked).
Spend Time With People
Spend time with people. Yes, you heard me. Spend time with people.
Spend time with people who make you feel good. Spend time with people who inspire you and help to boost your self-confidence level when it’s low (and it will be).
Spend time with people who are supportive of your goals and passions, but don’t let their support go to waste by not doing what they tell you to do (even if the advice might seem like bad advice at first).
And spend some serious quality time alone as well this is a vital part of any writer’s process and should never be overlooked or forgotten about! Take a walk, go for a run, meditate…whatever gets those creative juices flowing again!
Just remember: don’t let writer’s block hold you back from achieving all that YOU want in life!
Drawing inspiration from fiction can unlock new levels of creativity in your writing. Delve into the connection between reading and writing in How Reading Fiction Will Make You a Better Writer and embrace the power of storytelling.
Change The Way You Think About Writing
The first thing to do is change the way you think about writing.
I mean this it’s not just semantics. If you rely on external validation for your motivation, then it’s hard to feel fulfilled or satisfied when that external validation disappears.
You’re like a child who has been trained to expect praise from their parents; as soon as that praise stops coming in, suddenly all kinds of bad behavior start showing up.
Chances are good that when writing was easy for you and everything clicked into place when it was “clicking” that wasn’t because someone told you how great your stuff was or because someone paid attention to what you were doing at just the right moment (or even if they did both).
It was probably just because it felt good: Because creativity can be addictive, and being creative brings its rewards even if those rewards aren’t tangible or physical!
Walk A Mile In Your Characters’ Shoes
To write well, you must understand your characters. You need to know where they come from, what they want, and what motivates them. This will help you understand how they would react to different situations that arise during your book.
Do Research On The Setting Of The Story Before Writing It
You can’t write a novel set in ancient China if all you know is what you learned from Kung Fu Panda!
Researching each aspect of the setting can help immerse readers into your world even more and make them feel like they’re there experiencing everything along with the characters themselves!
Visit A Place You Love
This is the most common way to get over writer’s block, and it’s my favorite too. I’ve been writing for a long time, but whenever I need to get out of a slump or just feel like getting back into the groove, nothing does the trick like visiting somewhere I love.
For me, this means spending one or two days at home in New York City with my boyfriend and our dog (if we can afford it).
For others, this might mean taking off on an adventure. Whatever your preference whether it’s lounging on a beach in Hawaii or staying at home on your couch the point is to do something that makes you happy!
Developing productive writing habits can help you overcome obstacles like writer’s block. Explore these 12 Writing Habits That Will Make You a Better Writer to cultivate a mindset that encourages consistent and effective writing.
Visit Someplace New
You know what they say: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” The best way to get inspired is to explore new things and meet new people.
Doing so can help you find new topics for your writing, too and if nothing else, you’ll at least be focused on something other than yourself.
If you don’t want to venture out into the world, try visiting someplace familiar but not frequented by yourself or anyone close to you (e.g., that restaurant down the street).
You’ll see things from a different perspective and maybe even discover something about where YOU are from!
Stop Thinking About Just One Thing To Write About
We have all been there. You have an idea, but you just can’t get started on it. It’s like your mind is a blank slate, and no matter how many times you try to think of something else anything that could be interesting or funny or informative nothing comes to mind.
When this happens to me, I tend to get frustrated and give up. Instead of writing anything at all (which feels like a failure), I’ll do something else instead:
Watch YouTube videos or read the news or do laundry… anything other than writing for 15 minutes straight related solely to my current project.
After enough time goes by that I’ve forgotten what was supposed to be written about in the first place, I’ll go back over my notes from when I first brainstormed my article idea(s).
This usually works well enough; however, if it doesn’t work for you either because nothing is catching your eye.
Or because there are too many possibilities floating around in your head (and none of them seem worth pursuing), then here’s a suggestion: Stop thinking about just one thing!
Take A Vacation From Social Media
Social media is a paradox. On one hand, it’s an incredible tool for communication and networking.
On the other hand, social media can be addicting and not just in the way you normally think of addiction. It’s also a source of anxiety and depression. And while we’re talking about negative feelings, let’s add distraction to that list too!
Social media is full of envy-inducing photos and posts that make us feel bad about our own lives (in case you didn’t know what your problem was).
It also makes us compare ourselves to other people, which isn’t healthy for anyone at all times especially when those people are perfect models from faraway countries who have no idea who you even are in real life (but still seem like they’re better than you).
Record Your Dreams And Nightmares
Keep a dream journal.
Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, on the first thing that comes to mind. If you’re not sure what details to include, here are some tips:
Record your thoughts and feelings during the dream. Ask yourself questions like “what was I thinking? How did I feel? Why was this happening?”
Just jotting down notes about how you were feeling will help later when it comes time to interpret what exactly happened in the dream (and if there is any symbolism or meaning behind it).
Write down everything that you remember about the details of the dream this includes locations, characters (if any), actions taken by others/by yourself, etc… It doesn’t matter if some things don’t make sense at first glance; they may become clearer after further analysis later on!
Meditate Every Day And/Or Explore Yoga Or Other Mind-Body Practices Regularly
One of the best ways to stop writer’s block is to relax your mind and body. If you are sitting at your desk with a blank screen, trying to think of something to write, your brain is likely going crazy with thoughts. This can be overwhelming and frustrating.
A great way to calm down is by meditating each day or exploring yoga or other mind-body practices regularly. The goal here is not necessarily to let go of all thoughts but rather just observe them without judging them as good or bad, helpful or unhelpful.
When you let go of judgment about what you’re thinking, you’ll find yourself more able to focus on the task of handwriting!
Unveiling the simple secrets behind effective writing can transform your creative process. Dive into the insights shared in The Simple Secret of Good Writing and gain valuable wisdom to enhance your writing journey.
Now that we’ve run through some of the best ways to deal with writer’s block, let’s think about the big picture. Writer’s block isn’t something you should try to avoid you don’t need to search for a magic trick that will make it disappear forever.
Instead, you should be proactive about dealing with it and not allow yourself to get shaken when it happens. Writer’s block is your brain telling you that something isn’t working and needs attention listen to it!
Then make sure you know what works best for you (take notes when things are working well) and how you can use those techniques when the going gets tough.
It might not always be fun or easy, but if we approach writer’s block as an opportunity rather than a problem, we can start using these moments of frustration in our favor rather than spending all our time fighting against them.
How To Let Go Of Writer’s Block Once And For All
Further Reading
7 Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block: Explore practical strategies to break free from writer’s block and regain your creative momentum.
Unlocking Creativity: Overcoming Writer’s Block: Discover insights and techniques to overcome writer’s block and nurture your creative process.
Tips to Overcome Writer’s Block: Dive into helpful tips and advice for conquering writer’s block and boosting your writing productivity.
How can I overcome writer’s block effectively?
Overcoming writer’s block requires a combination of strategies. Experiment with freewriting, changing your environment, setting small goals, and exploring new inspiration sources.
Are there specific exercises to spark creativity during writer’s block?
Yes, engaging in exercises like mind mapping, word association, or writing prompts can stimulate creativity and help you overcome writer’s block.
What role does mindset play in overcoming writer’s block?
A positive mindset is crucial. Believe in your ability to overcome obstacles, embrace imperfection, and view writer’s block as a temporary challenge rather than an insurmountable barrier.
Can reading other authors’ work help with writer’s block?
Absolutely. Reading a variety of authors’ works can expose you to different styles, ideas, and techniques, often sparking your own creativity and breaking through writer’s block.
How can I maintain a consistent writing routine to prevent writer’s block?
Establish a writing routine that incorporates regular breaks, exercises, and varied writing projects. Maintaining consistency can help prevent writer’s block by keeping your creative muscles engaged.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.